My Neighbor’s Lonely Wife 2 Quick Guide -Walkthrough

How to catch a Housewife in “My Neighbor’s Lonely Wife 2” game =)

Having trouble getting the girl of your dreams? Frustrated with the fact that your one true love is with another man? In need of help stalking a married woman? If you said yes to any of those questions, then I have the solution for you. With my vast experience ruining the love lives of lesser men, I’ll show you how to steal away any woman with just a few simple tricks. Every second you delay, is a chance lost at getting laid.

The Basics

Now, you might be familiar with the last game since you are playing this one, but I am here to warn you that they are completely different…sort of.

No longer are you bound to 6 segments of time, now it’s 18, which might be a bit daunting at first glance. Not to mention the new “Report” system, new stats to manage, and the change in the AP system. However, it is not as bad as it seems. Firstly, you have a vast amount of free time in comparison to the first game, and you don’t lose AP on “most” of your actions.

The game in broken into “episodes”, and the game will give you a clear indication on when you can progress. Though most of this information is given to you just by playing the game.

HIGHLY recommend that you try to submit excellent reports as it makes your life way easier in terms of money making.

Do your best to increase your stamina stat to 100 because your max AP will increase by 100, so it makes buying items to replenish your AP redundant and also makes it easier to 200% your reports. I’d recommend using the “delivery driver” job in conjunction with “Homemade cookies”. DON’T do many hours at once because you’ll be making less stamina gains as opposed to you doing it hour by hour.

Increasing your knowledge stat to increase amount of study points gained. the easiest way to increase knowledge is to read philosophical books at the library. You need to be around 400 knowledge to be able understand it, so just focus on Non-fiction until you can successfully read philosophy. At 999 you will get 114 every time you go to the University classroom. You will cap out at +2000 bonus salary.

Increasing your taste stat doesn’t really seem to be of much use outside of early game dating. It makes Vibe increase further, and might have an effect on the practice mode. Though outside of that it isn’t that important.

Increasing conversation also doesn’t seem to be very useful either, but obviously you should increase it just like all your other stats.

Honestly this game can be a bit confusing at times, but hopefully this will help alleviate some of that confusion.

EP. 1: “Here’s (Player name)!”

The start of the game is fairly straightforward. To progress you need to get her love to 10 by interacting with her in specific locations at specific times. Besides that, you will have a lot of free time so use it to acquire stats, money, and “Topic points”. Which will be important going forward.

This is her schedule for the first week.

My Neighbor's Lonely Wife 2 Quick Guide -Walkthrough

EP. 2: The “souls-like” experience

In this episode we have decided that it is our duty to make her ours. To do this we will need to talk to her about “topics”. Her schedule stays pretty much the same, but when we interact with her (except for taking out the trash) we will be prompted with the ability to “Practice romance”, “Ask about specific topic”, and “Invite on a Date”.

My Neighbor's Lonely Wife 2 Quick Guide -Walkthrough

To pull back for a second, when you talk to her on the elevator do not “collect Intel”. You will just lose love points. Other than that, the only options that are usable are “Practice romance” and “Ask about specific topic”, the latter being the more important. “Practice romance” really just increases love, so just focus on “Ask about specific topic”.

Now, once you have gained enough points in a topic and speak with her you will open up a story line that will help improve love, and decrease chastity. Once you reach a certain point in a story line you will have the ability to go to her home.

This her schedule when you get all her topics story lines to a certain point. Though, you do not need to finish all her topic story lines to progress to the next episode.


EP. 3: Like the good old days after 7- Eleven

Once you have had your thrilling date, you will now be receive messages from your dream girl. You will not use up any time when you chat with her, so it’s a good way to get some free love points. You can also use it to ask her on dates. However, you can only send 3 a day so use them when you know you will get a response.

You will now be able to talk to “Ayumu” in the University cafeteria. He will let you purchase topic points from him, but you also get a free 20 topic points in all topics on your first meeting.

Your goal is to get to 300 love, 60 chastity, and figure out some private things. Then you are to go on a date with her and get your “vibe” to over 700 then an event is going to occur. There is no Schedule change in this part, so refer to the previous one for information.

Now honestly this was very confusing part, but I believe all you need to do is just choose different date sites each time (you can’t go to Karaoke or Hotel until after this episode). I’d recommend asking her out over the phone and choosing the next day. Save your game before you ask her out, so you can change the location if there is not anything new happening in the lunch portion of your date. Rinse and repeat.

If all goes well then you should get a scene where you are in your apartment hallway and you ask her to have drinks in your room. This is when the essentially unlock the “Massage” option in the first game, but this time you are making her pretend to be your girlfriend under the lie that you need to learn how to deal with women. Though… honestly it probably isn’t much of a lie.

EP. 4: Motivated

Now that you can touch the woman of your dreams you’re going to need to break her down so you can touch a little deeper. Now during “TRASH” days you can hold her hand in the elevator, but don’t proceed to hold her or you will lose love points until you reach at least 400 Love and “probably” 40 chastity.

Nothing really changes, in terms of how you play. Just keep doing what you have been doing, which is going on dates, messaging her, meeting her whenever you can, and increasing your stats. Now the end goal is to see more private moments and getting her to the point where she’ll suck you ♥♥♥♥.

You should have saved up some a good amount of money because dinner can get expensive, but once you hit a certain vibe amount she will pay for half on her own. Just mix and match date and lunch locations and you’ll eventually get the idea to impregnate her. That should be the last private date event for this chapter, so if you haven’t gotten her to the point where you have unlocked blowjobs in the “practice” mode then go do that to progress to the next episode.

Here are some tips just some tips to make your “GF practice” go even smoother.

  • You should really do this only when she is drunk at this stage because it’s the only viable way to get her chastity down fast enough.
  • Don’t try to “peck her lips” or “French Kiss” in this episode because she will always reject it and you will just be wasting an attempt.
  • Hold her as your first action and then just whisper sweet nothings in her ear until she is at the next state.
  • Once she is relaxed, proceed to kiss her neck and cheek, while also continuing to whisper sweet nothings until she is at the next state.
  • Once she’s starts to get all hot and bothered, then you move on to touching her ♥♥♥♥♥ to greatly increase her pleasure, and her breasts to reduce discomfort.
  • Whenever she ♥♥♥♥ you’ll get an extra 5 attempts, so just go until you are unable to make her ♥♥♥ with you’re attempts left, then just get her to pleasure you.
  • Rinse and repeat until you have unlocked the blowjob.

EP 5: Seeding the Seedless

This episode starts off with a bang, or rather, you banging Haruka. You can make her take off her ring, or decide to just start ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ her. Now Haruka can visit your room everyday at 8am except for Tuesday, and Saturday. (This is the part where you ♥♥♥♥ her to your hearts content.)

Her schedule has now only includes her trash days, and her Saturday grocery shopping.

My Neighbor's Lonely Wife 2 Quick Guide -Walkthrough

Interacting with her

Cooking: Restores AP and increases love

Gift: Increase Love

  • Red Flowers: Next time you have sex, her pleasure will increase more easily
  • Blue Flowers: Next time you have sex, her pleasure will be more affected by your relationship level
  • Yellow Flowers: Next time you have sex, the number of times you can speak increases
  • Pink Flowers: Next time you have sex, increases pregnancy chance
  • Green Flowers: Next time you have sex, Speaking will increase your stamina

Shower: Increases love, increase/reset lust, and reduce chastity

  • Wash our bodies first / Politely decline ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / My head / I love it ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / My head / Wash somewhere else / Don’t worry about it ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / My head / Wash somewhere else / ♥♥♥♥ / Hold it back ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / My head / Wash somewhere else / ♥♥♥♥ / ♥♥♥ ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / ♥♥♥♥ / ♥♥♥ ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Wash our bodies first/ Accept / ♥♥♥♥ / Hold it back ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Just wait (+3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Help wash her / ♥♥♥♥♥ / Rub ♥♥♥♥ on back (+5 Love , – 1 Chastity, Reset Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Help wash her / ♥♥♥♥♥ / Finish washing her ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Help wash her / Tits / Finish washing her ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Help wash her / Tits / Rub ♥♥♥♥ on back (+5 Love , – 1 Chastity, Reset Lust)
  • Enter the tub / Help wash her / Back ( +5 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)
  • Quickly wash our bodies and get in ( +3 Love, – 1 Chastity, +5% Lust)

Watch Porn: Increases Lust (Idk if it does anything else because I was maxed on everything else)

Date: Increases love, increase/reset lust, and reduce chastity

Touch: Increases love, Reset lust, and reduce chastity

Sex: Increases love, Reset lust, and reduce chastity

Your goal is to have 700 love, 0 chastity, and ♥♥♥♥ her call every day (Masturbate video call on Tue/Sat). You need to go on a hot spring trip, and then do your everyday ♥♥♥♥ afterwards until the next Wednesday without planning a trip to get the next part of the story.

You can unlock more interactions like “watch porn” or “Masturbating video call” by going on dates and during the lunch segment “talk about love”. All this will culminate into unlocking “Plan a vacation” to proceed with the story.

You will know when you can go on a trip because you will be given a cutscene one morning. I don’t know if it will appear if you go do something else (work, uni,etc), so try to do things at home like cooking or reading to pass an hour in the morning to see it appears.

Once it does appear then make sure you have at least 30000$ because you need for the trip, or it will automatically get canceled. Even if you don’t go on a trip you can have sex at her place now, so that’s a plus until you acquire the amount you need to go on a trip.

On the trip you can go to a shrine and pray to increase pregnancy chance, money earned from work, study points earned from uni, or just a regular prayer. You must pay money for more effective results.

As stated before, just have sex with her everyday until the next Wednesday with her love at 700 and chastity at 0, and no planned trip. I recommend making at least 500000$ before moving on just to make everything slightly easier.

EP.6: Welcome to the endgame

This is where everything gets decided, you need to keep this woman in your grasp, but due to her husbands words, she has begun to want to stop seeing you to preserve her marriage. Obviously this is cringe so you must make sure she stays as your waifu4laifu.

To do this you need to keep her chastity from reaching, and staying at 30. It will increase 3 points every day, so you need to interact with her as humanly possible. Whatever happens you will end up with one of five endings. (YOU CAN ASK HER ON DATES)

ENDINGS: (Not actual ending names)

Requirements: Love 999 – Chastity under 10 – Buy wedding ring at the mall

Requirements: Chastity exceeds 30 and remains above for several days

Requirements: Impregnate Haruka and have the wedding ring

Requirements: Impregnate Haruka but no wedding ring

Requirements: Chastity exceeds 30 and remains above for several days



My Neighbor's Lonely Wife 2 Quick Guide -Walkthrough

Now just play the epilogue of whatever ending you achieved or just get a different ending.


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