This is a reworking of the developer’s original guide for individual characters. They have since replaced their walkthrough with an early version of this guide. It is ordered to minimize running around and includes directional instructions that were needed before the addition of the in Slaves of Rome game map. Completing the main story will unlock many of your Dungeon options. Please note: many of your decisions will alter your course. If you did not follow the same choices I made, some items & NPCs simply won’t be in the same place as they were for me. Latest test play through: March-2024.
Part 1 – Raising Your Reputation
Suggested Walkthrough
The in game tutorial will guide you through the first quest with Maximus. This guide will cover what’s needed either way, but if you choose to accept the tutorial follow and complete the entire tutorial. It will limit some abilities, so you must complete all of it before moving on. The tutorial ends inside your dungeon. Upstairs is your home where you will find your wife Amelia. The loading spot is with your back to your dungeon door. Immediately in front of you (south) is the main Slave Market. West (right) you’ll find some nefarious back alleys, and East (left) leads you to the Main Temple and the rest of the city.
We’ll start inside your home. Use left Alt to highlight named characters and locations (like your “Home”).
A Forgotten Promise
- Speak to your wife Amelia inside your home.
- Go to Claudius Protractor (the architect north side of the square, outside the Main Temple), and ask him to make a sculpture of your wife.
- The correct proportions are: Hair: Bun, Head: Diamond, Boobs: Busty, Body: Petite.
- Return to Amelia and give it to her.
- Keep talking to her until she gives you the follow-up quest The Shiny Stick.
- Exit your home and buy a slave at the market. I recommend Julia, she is the cheapest and will be needed later.
Find Maximus
Big shirtless guy on the north side of the square in front of the Main Temple,
The Golden Dildo (If you skipped the tutorial)
- Talk to Maximus
- Go into the main temple. Behind Romilious there is a small tub with the golden dildo. Take it.
- Return and talk to Maximus.
- Reward: +1 slave skill point & 10 Reputation
The shiny stick
- Talk to Maximus and ask him about the shiny stick.
- He will tell you to go to the Supplies Vendor on his behalf.
- Talk to the vendor and he will sell you a wooden painted gold stick.
- While you are here, also buy one jug of slave wine from the trade window.
- Return to your wife Amelia and give her the gold stick. (4 Lewd Slides)
Find the Nymph
- Talk to Maximus.
- The nymph is located in a Temple to Juno outside the city. Follow the road on the right side of the Main Temple. You will pass Ameer (the guy with the camels) and the Erectus brothers (the guys with the horses) Talk to both of them along the way, picking up their quests. After talking to Vin Erectus, follow the road to a flight of stairs. At the top the Nymph will appear.
- Talk to her, then chase and catch her.
- After you Enjoy her, return to Maximus to complete the quest and receive your reward: 500 Denari & 10 Reputation.
The Golden Apple
- Talk to Maximus
- Go to the slave market, behind the slave trader there is a small tent. On top of the tent is the golden apple.
- Take it and return to Maximus to complete the quest and receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 denari & 10 Reputation.
Finding Maximus’ Sweetheart
- Talk to Maximus
- The girl (God Seeker) is located in the corner alley of the inner city west of your home. Walk past the slave market to get there.
- Talk to Romius and pick up his quest Sassy Slaves.
- To get the slave to talk you need to keep the punish meter between the pink ends of the bar. Too much or too little will fail this objective, but it doesn’t matter if you get the slave to talk or not.
- Talk to Pathicus around the corner for the quest: Blabbermouth & Buying a new place
- Talk to Pathicus until he offers you the house.
Sounds like an opportunity - Pay (600) to buy the house, OR Enjoy Pathicus to get it for free.
- Be sure to talk to Pathicus again and ask him to stay on as housekeeper of the Pleasure House.
- Continue on down the alley. The girl (God Seeker) is in the far end tied up.
Girl problems
- Talk to the girl.
- Her decision – Enjoy the God Seeker and accept her quest: What the hell is wrong with this girl?!
- Return to Maximus to complete his quest and receive your reward: 500 denari & 10 Reputation.
- Find Baba Larga, she is located on the left side of the main Temple, her house is in front of a large statue.
- Baba Larga will give you the quest Old lady Baba’s request.
- The pot is located in the alley next to Pathicus at the Pleasure House.
- Take it and return it to Baba Larga.
- Report back to the God Seeker.
Maximus’ Six Pack – Part I
- Talk to Maximus and start the mini game.
- Chase Maximus around and hit him with the whip until he gets back to his original location.
- Talk to Maximus again to complete the quest.
- Reward: 10 Reputation
Still wondering what the hell is wrong with this girl?!
- Talk to Baba Larga about what happened with the God Seeker. It’s like cooking… Kinda…
- Enjoy Baba Larga to extract the fluids needed.
- Talk to Baba Larga to find out more about it.
Find the Mythical Dagger
- Go and ask Maximus about the knife.
- Give Maximus the slave wine you bought from the Supplies Trader.
- After Maximus gets wasted try to talk to him.
- He is unavailable, head for the Temple of Juno where we found the Nymph.
- Find the Nymph inside the Temple of Juno, Enjoy her to get the information you need.
- Go find the dagger in the catacombs (continue the path towards the farm house and to the right, through the woods you will find the entrance.
- The Dagger is in the bone pit of the second chamber of the catacombs. There is also an exit at the back end of the Catacombs.
- The back exit from the catacombs drops you out by the Erectus Brothers Stables.
- On the way back to the city, stop at the Archery Vendor and choose the dialogue “Ameer sent me” for the quest Target Practice.
- This is not strictly required yet, but you’ll need to understand how archery works.
- This is NOT the “Cupid Quest”. – That one is optional.
- You need to hit all 8 targets with 10 arrows within the time limit. The arrows will “drop” a little, but the target area is generous. Even hitting the flames will knock the fruit down. Hold the Right mouse button to bring up targeting. Press and hold the Left mouse button to zoom in. Release the Left button to fire.
- Return to Baba Larga.
Into the Other Side
- Talk to Baba Larga to enter Mars’ realm.
- Follow her alongside the path of horny nymphs and satyrs
- Hide with Baba Larga on the side from the pigs.
- Continue inside until you cross the bridge.
- Mars returns to his dungeon and orders his minions to attack.
- Protect Baba Larga from the Satyrs by shooting them down before they can reach her. Stay off the bridge. Head shots work best, but don’t stress. If this fails you simply get to try again. Target the lead Satyrs and the others will be slowed down by the bodies.
- After the sequence proceed into the chamber and on the right you will find the GodSeeker.
- Free her. (The developers plan to send her to the Pleasure House in a future update)
- Baba Larga’s Dagger will fall on the ground.
- Pick it up to save Baba Larga.
- After the sequence talk to Baba Larga, she will come back to her senses.
- Flee before the dungeon collapses. +35 Reputation
- Baba Larga will return to her house, and you may Enjoy her whenever you like.
Congratulations! You now have enough Reputation in the city to begin the main quest line.
Part 2 – Primary Chain Begins
Let’s do one more quick lucrative quest with Maximus before moving on.
The Golden Compass
- Talk to Maximus.
- Go to the alley back in the inner city. There is a cart with the golden shaft. (Next to the stock pillory.)
- Take it and return to Maximus.
- After Maximus tells you this is only half of the compass, go back to the alley and the second part will be at the edge of the roof close to where the shaft was found.
- Before we turn this in, let’s run back inside our home to pick up Amelia’s next quest: Exotic Delicacies.
- Return to Maximus for 1000 denari
The Damsel in Distress
- Talk to Aeliana inside the Main Temple. She will ask you to find a letter.
- Go talk to the Supplies Vendor and ask him about pottery.
Cicero Buying Pottery?!
- You will sacrifice a slave for this next part. Choose one you don’t mind losing.
- If you send Julia, you can buy back a replacement Julia slave for cheap.
- Talk to Atticus. The guy nearest the Mission Board.
- Send him one of your slaves.
- Inside Atticus’ mansion, you will find a couple small rooms opposite from his bathing pool. In the little room furthest from where you enter you’ll find a vase behind a plant. Click on the vase to find the letter.
- Have sex with Atticus to leave his house.
- You should immediately get a pop-up saying your Slave has not returned.
Fearing for the Worst!
- Your slave is dead. The body will be located in the forest behind the big temple. The quickest route to find the corpse is to follow the road in front of the secondary slave market straight up the hill behind Ameer.
- When you find the slave’s body interact with it.
- After the sequence, return to Aeliana inside the Main Temple.
A Friends Deed
- Talk to Atticus.
- Talk to Atticus again after dark to go to his house.
- Go to the little room behind the curtains.
- Take the tablet from the table.
- Return to Aeliana and talk to her.
The Plot Thickens
- You will need a slave for the next part.
- Go to the Mission Board. (Across from Atticus)
- Choose the mission Please The General. Have sex with him and reach orgasm.
- Afterwards you need to charm the General in order for him to leave the tent. Be careful. Incorrect answers can get your slave killed.
- The correct dialogue choices would be:
- “Thank you General! I wish to return back to my master/mistress.”
- “Yes my whole body was burning!”
- “Exactly! You must be very educated!… My General”
- After the General leaves, you will find a scroll providing details for the “delicate service” on some pillows, take it.
Let’s finish up a couple of necessary side quests.
Nigrum Cattus I
- We need to inspect the Nigrum Cattus residence. It is located behind the aqueduct. Go back behind Baba Larga’s house and look up. The aqueduct is the long monorail type structure running above the city streets. The guarded compound on the other side of the aqueduct is the building we’re looking for. Find a low part of the wall to climb over.
- Once you’re over the guards will (magically) transport you to the front gate. That part of the quest is done.
- Before we turn this in with Vin Erectus, follow the aqueduct East towards the mountains.
- You’ll find a cave with Romius’ runaway slave, Dimiara.
The Runaway
- Talk to Dimiara. She will ask for food and clothes. They are located back in the city near Romius’ workshop. You can actually follow the aqueduct West all the way back to the alleyway behind your house. A path between two buildings leads to some barrels and a short wall to climb over.
- The bread is located on the cart just before reaching Romius’ shop.
- The dress is located on the counter in front of Romius
- Take them back to Dimiara. Beyond Baba Larga – follow the aqueduct.
If you choose to return Dimiara back to Romius, this quest will fail.
This walkthrough assumes you do not return Dimiara, but I believe the changes if you don’t help her are minor.
- Enjoy Dimiara while you can. She won’t always be here.
- From here you can head South and follow the East edge of the city between buildings and trees towards Ameer.
- Talk to Ameer and be sure to ask for sex stories to get the quest: Special Delivery.
- Continue down the road to find Vin Erectus and turn in Nigrum Cattus I.
Secrecy is Over
- Time to find Aeiliana. She’s in the Temple of Juno.
- Talk to Aeliana and find out what happened with Cicero. (4 Lewd Slides)
- You will suggest that Aeliana hide in the Pleasure House.
Special Delivery
- Deliver Ameer’s letter to Romilious. He’s inside the Main Temple.
- Go back to Ameer to ask for clarification.
- Ameer will give a password and a bottle for Romilious.
- Give them both to Romilious.
Special Visitor
- Find Aeliana at the Pleasure House and talk to her.
Part 3 – The Oasis
We will travel to he Oasis to buy a specific female slave. If you have disabled female slaves, you will need to turn them back on just long enough to finish the Oasis part of the chain.
A Small Fortune to be Made.
- Talk to Romius on your way out. He’s got a tip on some denari.
- Go to the Main Temple and talk to Romilious.
- Try to get information about the treasure from Romilious. The choices below lead to the correct dialogue path.
- “What was that?” (First dialogue choice)
- “I see you are drunk again.” (Fourth dialogue choice)
- “Yes, we… eerrmm YOU! Are the chosen disciple of the gods!!” (Second dialog choice)
- Return to Romius
You have the option to either tell him the truth or hide the truth and keep the treasure for yourself.
If you give Romius the information the Reward is: Reputation
If you hide the information the Reward is: 1000 Denari!!
We’ll grab that later.
Sweet Freedom
- Return to Dimiara at the East end of the aqueduct.
- Talk to Dimiara and ask what she is up to.
- She will move to Valeria’s house, you can find her there for now.
- Return to Vin Erectus.
- Tell him you are looking for someone.
- Return to Ameer
- Talk to Ameer to turn in Special Delivery and get the rest of the story about the Oasis Nymph.
- Buy a ticket from Ameer.
- At the Oasis two slaves are for sale. You need to buy the female slave named Enu.
Eternal Virgin I
- From the Oasis Slave Vendor follow the waterway to a waterfall.
- When you get close to the waterfall the quest will update.
- Find a path (with some climbing) up the left side of the waterfall. Continue forward and you will find the mysterious figure on the hill. Thanks to developer Pedro for this
Video of the Path []. - Talk to him to complete the quest.
Eternal Virgin II
- Go into the waterfall to collect some water.
- Bring it back to the thirsty traveler.
- Talk to him until he tells you about the Nymph.
Eternal Virgin III
- Enter the waters and go to the middle of them.
- After the nymph is summoned, Enjoy her.
- Return to Ameer and buy a ticket back to the city.
Exotic Delicacies
- The slave you just bought meets two quest objectives.
- Return to your wife, Amelia, to fulfill her request.
- Reward: Enjoy Amelia. Change Dominant Partner option unlocked.
If you are playing as a female this will add a strapon to your inventory. - Talk to Amelia after and she will start the quest More Than Meets the Eye.
Amelia’s quest needs us to go to the catacombs at night. We also need to swing by the Temple to Juno and then speak with Dimiara at Valeria’s Farmhouse which are both near the catacombs. Try to arrange the order of these three quests accordingly to save some time.
A small fortune to be made! Backstab!
- This quest will be available if you choose to hide the truth from Romius and keep the treasure for yourself.
- The treasure is on the ground behind the Temple of Juno.
Rescuing Cleopatra
- Last chance to Enjoy Dimiara.
- Talk to Dimiara at Valeria’s house. Convince her to come stay at the Pleasure House.
More Than Meets the Eye
- Go to the catacombs during the night. (20 Lewd Slides)
- Return to the Pleasure House and speak to Aeiliana.
- You should also speak to Dimiara and Pathicus for some extra story detail.
The End Justifies the Means.
- If you haven’t missed any quests or dialogues, an extra “Interrogate” button will now appear on each slave’s list of options.
- You can interrogate every slave but the one that holds the answer is Enu. It is the third question you ask that matters.
The Sneaky Queen
- Confront Dimiara at the Pleasure House.
The Great Plan
- Talk to Aeliana and devise a plan with Cleopatra.
Part 4 – Caesar
Caesar’s Kidnapping
- You will need at least one slave to help you with the quest. Having more than one slave available is highly recommended.
- Talk to Ameer, he will take you to Verona.
- Scout around the area following the wispy flames to gather clues:
- Go close to Ameer.
- Go close to the guards blocking the road.
- Take the path on the left up the hill (not the crevasse).
- Go close to the fire, but don’t interact with it yet.
- The wispy flames here show the vantage points where you will shoot at guards. Take the path along the mountain both up and down to find these spots now.
- When you return to this spot after lighting the fire, your slave will appear before you reach the rocks at the end and talk to you.
There is an achievement for killing all guards before any of them see your slave. Using a speed potion is the only way to accomplish this, but it is still very challenging. - Light the fire to give the signal for a slave to begin their run. It is only now that you will select the specific slave to use. The stats don’t matter and you cannot permanently lose anyone here.
- Your slave will begin running along the adjacent ridge with a large shield icon above their head. Start eliminating the guards in the slave’s path, so that they won’t imprison your slave. If they do, do not worry the slave will be released after 30 minutes with a -1 to stats. Also, if your first slave is caught, you can proceed with shooting all (seven) of the guards before signaling the next slave to try.
- When your slave reaches the end, approach the rock wall and ask them to throw the ladder.
- Climb the ladder and go talk to Caesar in the tent.
- Clean up the evidence of the dead guards with your slave by retracing their path and picking up the equipment around the dead bodies.
- Talk to Ameer to return to the city.
- Return to the Pleasure house and talk to Aeliana.
The Royal Descendant
- Talk to Caesar and explain the plan to him.
All Roads Lead to Rome
- Talk to Aeliana. She will tell you that you have to wait until the time has come (12 Lewd Slides).
- Speak to Aeliana again.
- After the cutscene of Cleopatra and Cicero’s speech. You need to find where Cicero is located. Go to Romilious in the Main Temple, he will give you the answer.
- Come back to the Pleasure House and talk to Caesar, he will initiate the plan.
- Go talk to Ameer. You and Caesar will be teleported outside the Villa.
- Talk to Caesar and begin the mission.
- You will follow Caesar from the hillside and kill guards just like you did with your slave at his encampment. He will lure the guards out for you to easily eliminate them. If Caesar dies, you get to start over.
- The trick is to get to the sniper vantage points before Caesar arrives.
(Hope to Insert a map here when one exists.)
- There are three vantage points from which you will defend Caesar.
- First is a white rooftop. Two guards will approach Caesar followed by a third hiding on the left side of your vantage point.
- The second point is just a rock wall along the trail. One guard will approach him.
- The third vantage point is another rooftop (covered in grass). Two guards will approach him. Once they are dead, Caesar will move closer to the main gate. A third guard will approach him from behind. Then a General will emerge from the gate. The General requires three hits to kill.
- After you have dealt with all of the guards, follow the stairs down into the courtyard and you will see Caesar awaiting you in front of the entrance of Cicero’s Villa where he and his peers are conspiring.
- Talk to Caesar and then open the entrance.
- After Caesar finishes his speech, go and talk to him.
- Talk to Aeliana. Enjoy your reward.
- Interact with the entrance when you are ready to leave.
Congratulations fellow Roman! You have completed the main story. Time to attend to your slaves.
Valeria the Alchemist
This quest chain starts with Romilious after the quest A Small Fortune to be Made from Romius is complete.
The Drink of the Gods!
- Speak with Romilious and ask how he is doing.
- Go and talk to Valeria at the farm house near the Catacombs.
Alchemy 101
- Talk to Valeria.
Alchemy 101: The Unexpected
- Talk to Valeria in the evening when her dad is not around, between 17.00 and 19.00.
Alchemy 101: Innocence is Overrated!
- Enjoy Valeria in exchange for money, to support her alchemy studies.
Alchemy 101: Something is Brewing #1
- Gather the following: Carrot, Onion, Pepper, Mushroom, Tomato and Cucumber.
- You can find them next to Valeria’s house.There are also a few vegetable plants around the city. It seems you can only have one of each vegetable at a time.
- Take them back to Valeria to complete the quest. Enjoy.
- Talk to Valeria again to start the next quest.
The Special Beverage (requires Target Practice, Special Delivery completed)
- Go talk to Ameer and ask him for some camel’s c u m.
- Return to Valeria and give her the camel’s c u m so that she can make the drink.
Fixing the Dirty Mess
- Talk to Claudius Protractor.
- Ask him to restore the document.
- If you tell the truth you will fall into the Architect’s trap & pay double
- If you tell a lie you will pay the normal price.
- After the document is fixed, get back to Valeria to complete the quest.
The Special Beverage
- Return to Romilious with his Nectar. Reward: +12 Reputation, 18 D.
- Talk to Valeria and persuade her to come with you to live in your dungeon.
- Go talk to her in your dungeon to finish the quest and begin the next.
The needs of an Alchemist
- Go to Valeria’s farmhouse to get her stuff.
- Interact with the door to trigger the next step of the quest.
- Report back to Valeria. Speak to her again to start the next quest.
The Intangible
- Talk to Baba Larga (requires It’s like cooking… kinda to be completed) and ask her for some of her hair.
The correct dialogue choices are: - “Not really.” (2nd choice)
- “Alright.” (1st choice)
- “I’m just helping someone out.” (1st choice)
- Bring them back to Valeria.
- Go to Valeria’s farmhouse, interact with the door to activate the potion (you’ll see a pop-up).
- Pass through the door and search the house. (papers on the table, and a stick & a pot upstairs).
- Return to Valeria with her things.
- Completing this quest will unlock the Alchemy Lab from the architect Claudius Protractor for 1000 D.
Addendum – What’s Left? (Money Tips)
With everything from the storyline unlocked, you can now focus on training slaves and earning the Denari to to upgrade your properties. There is still plenty of work to do.
The Slave Market
Selling upgraded slaves is the biggest money maker.
Things to remember:
- Each assigned slave skill point raises that slave’s resale value by 100 Denari. Skill points can currently be earned by punishing the slave or by sending them to the General (see Mission Board below).
- Skill points raise the value only after they are assigned, so buying a slave with unspent skill points makes them automatically upgradable for a higher resale value.
- Always assign all skill point before selling the slave.
- Both Slave Markets refreshes each morning.
Mission Board Activities
The mission board offers active quests to improve your slaves and earn Dinari. The first three missions require one of your slaves to be available and can only be completed by that slave once a day. You can check each slave’s Resting Cooldown in the Slave Panel of the menu (Tab).
Temple Service – Send a slave to clean the Temple.
- Reward: 75D, +1 Love
Private Party – Send a slave to please three guests.
- Reward: 45D; Added Slave value: 45D; +1 Love and +1 Skill Point.
Pleasing the General – Send a slave for the General to Enjoy.
- Reward: +1 Love, +2 Skill Points.
Education of Females/Males/Herms
- You will quiz a random slave about their master’s desires. Your reward depends on you correctly punishing the slave when they are wrong. The desires are random, so you need to remember the dialogue. Each desire seems to revolve around three elements: action, person, location (e.g. Lick spouse’s ear or spit on slave’s foot).
- For three correct answers you earn 75D and 3 Reputation.
- Incorrect answers can reduce your Reputation.
Slave Work Details
From the dungeon slaves may be sent on passive missions to earn denari and Love using the Send button. A slave’s skills have no impact. Currently the payouts are modest at best with mining for a full day bringing in 24 Denari as the biggest payout. The best utility of this is actually as a means of knowing when a slave is eligible to complete another Mission Board Quest.
Other Repeatable Quests
Amelia will continue to offer you a repeatable quest.
One Slave at a Time
- Amelia will request a slave of a specific gender who knows a specific pose, train one of your slaves in that maneuver then return to Amelia to Enjoy the threesome.
Gambling to your heart’s content!
- Speak to Romius at his shop.
- With this quest you can gamble your hard earned denari by punishing slaves with increasing difficulty after each round.
If you need a new form of self abuse, we also skipped the Archery Vendor’s side quest:
Old Traditions Die Hard
- The archery vendor wants to relive his hometown tradition. Shoot 10 slaves successfully with the Cupid arrows.
- You get five arrows, but need ten successful shots. You’ll need to pick some of them back up and shoot again. Save the planet.
- One strategy is to only shoot the closest target, making it quicker to reclaim arrows.
- It’s possible the speed potion may help with picking up the arrows faster.
- Talk to the vendor after to complete the quest.
- Reward: Cupid archery unlocked.
Addendum – Known Brands and Tattoos
- Cordis Asinus
- Felix Hora
- Flos Vaginalis
- Fures Vita
- Gladii Vomeres
- Memento Mori
- Paradise Lost
- Tempus Sicco
- Venenum Vaccinum
- Vita Nova
- Biggus Diccus 1
- Biggus Diccus 2
- Breeding B*tch
- Cordus Vulgaris
- Little Slut
- Master’s Property
- Penisus Headus
- Slave of Rome 1
- Slave of Rome 2
Tattoo/brands locations
I’ve been searching for ages for all of the tattoo and brand locations, this guide is mainly for my use to remember where I’ve found them for future reference 😉
1 – Inside your house – in a room at the back
2 – At the back of the main temple – follow the path around the back

3 – In the compound where the Erectus brothers send you for their quest, it’s located next to the horses. It means jumping over a wall and not getting spotted by guards
4 – At the back of the Erectus brothers house in a wooden bucket

5 – At the side of Valeria’s house
6 – At the entrance to the catacombs
7 – Inside the temple of Juno (the little temple) – unlocked with the second Maximus quest
Now for the tricky one…
8 – Dungeon
Now this one, I saw appear, but it seems to randomly trigger. In one playthrough it appeared at the start, in another it appeared after I’d freed Dimiara… but at some point it will appear at the rear of the dungeon