Guardians of Eden – Tips on each Valkyrie

Here is the quick guide for Guardians of Eden H-game.

I’ve decided to make a guide regarding some stuff I would have noted down for further use (just like the priests did)
Also it looks like there are no other guides as of now, I just hope I could help someone with this, other than me.

EDIT: I’ve managed to finish the game in a little less than 10 hours, the last stages were probably the hardest, my go to start was to use Imala+Oriana for the stun+aoe dmg to get points faster.

Intercourse preferabilities

You’ll get to farm points for only 6/8/? subsequent clicks, you’ll then have to click somewhere else twice/thrice and then you’ll be able to gain the max amount of points from their fav spots, I would suggest to prioritize this scale as a way to farm points: Sex Toy>Penis>Tongue>Hand

One way to correctly farm points during intercouse is to mind the crystal ball in the bottom part of the screen, once it turns black you will have to swap tool/spot until the ball goes back to full light.


  • Hand -> Head +5 points / other +1 point
  • Tongue -> Clit +10 points / other +3 points
  • Penis -> Slow-Vagina +22 points / other +10 points
  • Toy -> Vagina +40 points


  • Hand -> Thighs +5 points
  • Tongue -> Mouth +9 points / other +3 points
  • Penis -> Medium-Vagina +20 points / other +10 points
  • Toy -> Nipples +40 points


  • Hand -> Breast +5 points / other +1 point
  • Tongue -> Feet +8 points / other +4 points
  • Penis -> Fast-Anus +19 points / other +10 points
  • Toy -> Clit +40 points


Hand -> Breast +5 points / other +1 point
Tongue -> Feet +8 points / other +3 points
Penis -> Slow-Mouth +19 points / other +12 points
Toy -> Vagina +40 points


  • Hand -> Vagina +5 points / other +1 point
  • Tongue -> Breast +9 points / other +2 points
  • Penis -> Fast-Vagina +21 points / other +9 points
  • Toy -> Clit +40 points


  • Hand -> Vagina +7 points / other +1 point
  • Tongue -> Armpit +11 points / other +4 points
  • Penis -> Medium-Nipple +23 points / other +9 points
  • Toy -> Nipples +40 points / other +22 points *


  • Hand -> Tail +4 points / other +1 point
  • Tongue -> Anus +8 points / other +2 points
  • Penis -> Fast-Vagina +20 points / other +9 points
  • Toy -> Vagina/Anus +44 points / other +20 points *

Offerings preferabilities

To gain a lot of these resources, you just have to use the “Sweep” function in the battles you have already finished (I got finished them all at 3 stars so I don’t know if you need specifically 3 stars or ifyou just have to finish it)
(Likes stands for the hollow heart in the top right corner of the offering, Love stands for the full red heart in the top right corner of the offering)
Everytime you give them something they love you’ll be able to give them service.


  • Likes Raw beast meat, Bread, Grilled steak, Life Tree Fruit, Kale Salad
  • Loves Provisions, Raw fish, Roast fish
  • Hates Poultry, Roast Bird Skewer, Premium Wine


  • Likes Raw beast meat, Bread, Poultry, Raw fish
  • Loves Roast Bird Skewer, Grilled steak, Roast fish, Life Tree Fruit, Premium Wine
  • Hates Provisions, Kale Salad


  • Likes Provisions, Bread, Raw beast meat, Raw fish, Roast fish, Kale salad
  • Loves Grilled steak, Premium Wine
  • Hates Poultry, Roast Bird Skewer, Life Tree Fruit


  • Likes Bread, Poultry, Roast Bird Skewer, Kale salad
  • Loves Raw fish, Roast fish, Premium Wine
  • Hates Provisions, Raw beast meat, Grilled steak, Life Tree Fruit


  • Likes Bread, Poultry, Roast Bird Skewer, Raw beast meat, Grilled Steak, Life Tree Fruit, Premium Wine
  • Loves Kale Salad
  • Hates Provisions, Raw fish, Roast fish


  • Likes Bread, Roast Bird Skewer, Grilled Steak, Roast fish, Premium Wine
  • Loves Life Tree Fruit
  • Hates Provisions, Poultry, Raw beast meat, Raw fish, Kale Salad


  • Likes Provisions, Bread, Raw beast meat, Grilled Steak, Raw fish, Roast fish, Premium Wine, Kale Salad
  • Loves Poultry, Roast Bird Skewer
  • Hates Life Tree Fruit

That’s all. Have fun ❤

Guardians of Eden - Tips on each Valkyrie

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