Here’s all of the questions the girls ask and the answers to them for each one in Huniepop 2: Double Date. They don’t help with 100%ing the game, however you do get moves for talking to them. You also get to know a little bit more about each of their personalities through ’em. Check out other guides for other information (their info sheets, outfits, to 100%, etc.).
Note: Everyone has 12 questions except for Zoey. It seems that she only has 11, since she asks a question about each of the girls on the island and doesn’t include herself.
Abia Nawazi

Question | Answer |
What’s your favorite… shall we say… adult, role play scenario? | Sex slavery, where she’s the slave and I’m the master. |
When you’re… uhh, m-making love…are you more dominate or submissive? | I prefer to take on the more dominate role. |
Do you sleep naked, or with clothes on? | Totally nude! Nothing but my birthday suit! |
Have you ever watched very strange porn, but, ended up sort of… liking it? | I may have recently developed a water sports feitsh… |
Is there anything that you WOULDN’T do… with a girl? | Nah, I’m pretty much game for anything. |
How would you describe the taste of… a lady? | It tastes like a sweaty armpit smells. |
Do you like to put on music when you’re… with a girl? | I turn the volume all the way up so my neighbors can’t hear. |
What are you thinking about right now? | Boobs, always boobs. Big ones, small ones, medium sized ones… |
How long can you go without needing to… you know… uhh, pleasure yourself? | My all time record is about six hours. |
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while, uhh… having relations? | I hate to admit it, but… finishing too quickly. |
I can’t believe I’m asking you this, but umm… what do you do if you get horny at work? | I just go into the bathroom and take care of business. |
Have you ever been caught… p-playing with yourself before? | I’ll never forget the day my mom walked in on me… |
Ashley Rosemary

Question | Answer |
What do you think my bandmates and I should call our band? | How about… “Worthless Holes”? It fits you perfectly! |
Do you have any nicknames that people call you? | This really annoying chick keeps calling me “Sweet Cheeks.” |
Would you… f*ck your dad if it meant you got a perfect sex bot in return? | Why bother? I already have a sex bot named Ashley. |
When did you first lose the ol’ v-card? | Please, I lost that sh*t while I was still in the womb. |
Which social cliche were you part of back in high school? | Believe it or not, in high school I was kind of a jock. |
Can you guess the name I gave to my vibrator? | F*ck, I don’t know…”humpie” or something like that? |
Have you ever tried to suck your own d*ck? | Of course… and successfully I might add! |
Do you think there’s anything so serious we shouldn’t joke about it? | Nah, I think everything should be on the table. |
Would you eat a chick out if she was on her period? | I’m not happy about it, but I’d take one for the team. |
Is there anything in your past that you’re ashamed of? Come on, give me something juicy… | Nope, sorry, I HAVE no shame. |
Are you more of a tit man or an ass man? | Neither… I’m more of a personality man. |
Would you rather someone pee in your mouth or sh*t on your chest? | Do I have to pick just one? Why not both? |
Brooke Belrose

Question | Answer |
Why do you think the divorce rate is so high these days? | Most husbands don’t know how to make their wives happy. |
What’s your opinion on alimony payments? | If you get used to a certain lifestyle, you shouldn’t have to give it up. |
How do you feel about women who have kids? | That’s fine, as long as I don’t have to see them. |
What kind of care do you drive, hmm? | Not to brag, but I DO have a high end European sports car… |
Do you think it’s wrong to be materialistic? | Not at all. It’s just human nature. |
What made you want to get into the sugar baby business? | I guess I just have a thing for older women… |
What kind of gifts do you usually get your girlfriends on their birthday? | I just ask her what she wants so I don’t have to think about it. |
Do you think there’s anything I can do to feel more attracted to my husband? | Why should you? It’s up to him to attract you, isn’t it? |
How do you feel about veiny boobs? | Not a fan. They kinda creep me out a little. |
Do you give money to homeless people? | Absolutely not. They’d just blow it on drugs or something. |
Can you guess which part of my body I HAVEN’T had plastic surgery on? | I’m gonna take a wild guess and say… your ass. |
Have you ever had to use an aid to help you get ready for sex? | Not even once. I’m ready to go at the drop of a hat. |
Candace Crush

Question | Answer |
What’s your favoritest thing about me? | Definitely the freckles. I’m really into the freckles. |
Can you guess what I’m thinking about right now? | A small furry animal? |
Do you think payin’ for sex makes you a bad person? | I hope not! Otherwise, I am a VERY bad person. |
Can you tell me somethin’ interestin’ about yourself? | I’m friends with a magical fairy who kinda has a thing for you. |
What grade did you get up to in school? | I finished high school, but never went to college. |
How much ya think I should charge for a hand job? | I feel like a hundred dollars would be a fair price. |
Can you guess how many times I been pregnant? | It can’t possibly be more than like, three, right? Right!? |
You got any cocaine on ya? | Not at the moment. I can probably get some later, though. |
Can I have some money? Pretty please? | All I have are seeds… will you take seeds? |
You ever have any of those… what do they call ‘em? STDs? | I caught one once, but thankfully it wasn’t permanent. |
You ever go online and watch webcam girls? | All the time! I’ve lost a lot of money that way… |
Do you got any ideas of how I can make more money? | Sell pictures of your feet on the internet. |
Jessie Maye

Question | Answer |
Do you think I should quit smoking? | Secretly, I hope you don’t. It’s kinda sexy when you smoke. |
If you could have me at any age, how old would you want me to be? | Forty. If you ask me, women age like a fine wine. |
Should I get a face lift? I think it would really help my career if I was prettier. | If it’ll make you happy, then sure, why not? It can’t hurt. |
How much did you miss me over the past couple of years? | A lot, actually. I think about your tits pretty much every night before bed. |
Be honest… have you looked up any of my porn videos since we met? | I’d be lying if I said curiosity hasn’t gotten the best of me… |
Would you ever consider marrying someone who’s ten years older than you? | For the right woman, I’d be willing to overlook the age gap. |
If she ever stops ignoring me, I’d love to introduce you to my daughter some day. Would you be okay with that? | Maybe some day… I don’t like to rush into anything too serious, you know? |
Have you ever thought about anything more than just sex between us? | I tried once but my mind went right back to sex. |
I know you’ve had sex with a porn star, but have you ever had sex with a prostitute? | I’m not proud of it, but, I did pay for sex once in a moment of weakness. |
What do you miss most about being a kid? | Not having to think about sex every waking moment of my f*cking life. |
What do you want to do with me that we haven’t already done? | I don’t know, how about just like… slow, intimate love making? |
Sometimes I wonder… would I have been better off if I chose not to have my daughter? | That’s pretty f*cked up. How could you say that about your own daughter? |
Lailani Kealoha

Question | Answer |
How do you feel about those online dating sites? | I’d much rather find a way to meet someone in real life. |
Do you think it is a good idea for people to remain friends with their exes? | Sure… if you still care about the person, why not? |
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? | Yeah, but it was a bad idea. Never doing that again! |
Have you ever had a lucid dream, where you’re aware that you’re dreaming? | I’ve never had a lucid dream, but I’ve always wanted to! |
Do you have an embarrassing secret that you’ve never told anyone? | I was a virgin up until about two years ago… |
How important do you think umm… s-sex is, in a romantic relationship? | To me? Extremely important. I’d go crazy without it! |
Would you rather live in a big city, the suburbs, or in the middle of nowhere? | You can’t beat the suburbs. It’s the best of both worlds. |
Do you think girls look better with or without makeup? | I like a little bit of makeup, but not the whole encounter. |
When you get really anxious or nervous, how do you calm yourself down? | I start doing a different activity that will distract my mind. |
If you could change anything about your physical appearance, would you? | I might make a few little tweaks… but nothing too crazy. |
Can you tell what kind of person somebody is just by looking at them? | I have a pretty good intuition about people most of the time. |
What are your thoughts on forgiveness? | You should strive to forgive everyone, no matter what they did. |
Lillian Aurawell

Question | Answer |
Would you rather be a vampire, a ghost, oooorr… a werewolf? | Vampire, duh! Who doesn’t want to be a vampire? |
How many followers do you have on QuickiePic? | I’m not sure, maybe a few thousand? |
What do you do when there’s like, f*cking nothing to do? | I always say… if you can’t find someTHING to do, find someONE to do. |
If you could choose, how would you want to die? | Being suffocated by a girl sitting on my face. |
What’s like, the time you were like, most afraid? | A horrific dream I had where death was chasing me. |
You know the seven deadly sins? Which one are you like, most guilty of? | Wrath, because I don’t take sh*t from anyone. |
If somebody was under twenty-one and wanted you to buy them beer, would you do it? | Sure, why not? What do I care? |
Where do you like, spend most of your time? | Laying in my room staring up the ceiling. |
If you contacted a dead person, what would you like, wanna ask them? | Are you allowed to haunt people you don’t like? |
What do you think I should do for my next tattoo? | A big butterfly on your lower back. |
What’s liiiike the most f*cked up place you’ve ever had sex? | Recently? An airplane bathroom. |
Do you have any piercings? | Just one… but I’m not telling you where. |
Lola Rembrite

Question | Answer |
What advice would you give someone that just graduated high school? | Life isn’t fair and complaining about it doesn’t help. |
How do you deal with failure? | I just try the date again later. There’s no real penalty for losing. |
What’s the most recent thing you’ve done for the very first time? | A few months ago I moved into a brand new penthouse apartment. |
What’s something you’d like to learn but haven’t found the time yet? | There’s so many sports that I need to learn how to play properly. |
What would you do if you found out you only had one month to live? | I’d travel around the world and experience as much as I could. |
What’s more important to you… being happy, or being successful? | Success at any cost… even if it means being unhappy for a while. |
What kind of people do you look up to, or aspire to be like? | I want to be one of those billionaire assh*les that owns their own jet. |
Do you think there should be more women in positions of power? | Sure, as long as she’s the most qualified person for the job. |
If you started a business, what kind of business would it be? | I’d start a fashion company just to compete with yours |
What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of? | I’m pretty proud that I got to nail a stewardess in an airplane bathroom. |
In your opinion, what’s the best day of the week? | Monday, because you can start the week with a clean slate. |
What’s the top item on your bucket list? | Something exhilarating, like skydiving or bungie jumping! |
Nora Delrio

Question | Answer |
What’s the harshest life lesson you’ve ever had to learn? | You can’t trust nobody… not even your closest friends. |
Do you ever wanna have kids? | Yeah, definitely. I plan to have at least a couple of them. |
Do you got any regrets about sh*t you did in the past? | Where do I start? |
So, when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? | Anything that paid really well, like a doctor or a lawyer. |
If we were out and some d*ckhead started talkin’ sh*t to me, what would you do? | Nothing. You’re a big girl, you can handle it. |
What do you think about the prison system? | Some of the sentences they give out are way too harsh. |
Would you ever date an ex-convict? | It depends on what she did. |
Do you think of yourself as like, a pessimist, or an optimist? | Neither really… I think of myself as more of a realist. |
How close are you with your family? | We’re very, very close. Family is extremely important to me. |
Is there anything that like, keeps you up at night? | Thinking about the messed up state of our world… |
You ever break the law? | Oh yeah, I was quite rebellious in my teenage years. |
When was the last time you cried? | It’s been a long time. I was probably a kid. |
Polly Bendleson

Question | Answer |
When do you think a person should be ready to settle down? | I don’t see anything wrong with getting hitched in your twenties. |
Would you rather your partner be good in the kitchen, or good in the bedroom? | Sex is great, but nothing beats a delicious home cooked meal. |
If you could be born in the past or the future, which one would you choose? | I’d be much happier in the past. Those were simpler times. |
What kind of girl are you into, hmm? What’s your type? | I like girly girls. Lipstick, perfume, cute dresses and heels! |
How do you feel about the idea of an open relationship? | I think it’s a good way to ruin a relationship forever. |
What do you like to do after… well, you know, after you do it? | I like to cuddle for a little while. |
Is there anything you do in the shower to keep yourself entertained? | Sometimes I sing an entire album in there! |
What’s your dream wedding like? | I’m going all out with a huge venue, flowers, doves… the works! |
Do you have any good video ideas for my channel? | Why don’t you try doing an ASMR video? |
Do you believe in traditional gender roles? | Personally? I feel good about fulfilling my obligations as a man. |
How long should a couple be datin’ before they consider marriage? | If you don’t know in six months, it’s not going to work out. |
Which of these would you choose if you could only choose one: money, power, or fame? | Power is everything. How could you NOT choose power? |
Sarah Stevens

Question | Answer |
What do you think is usually better? The manga, the anime, or the live action movie? | I’d have to go with the anime. Most of the time, anyway. |
Do you have a favorite character class that you choose in RPG games? | I’m usually a wizard of some kind. I just like magic. |
What’s your favorite kinda video game? Huh? Huh? HUH? | I like the cute games where you get to decorate your house. |
What do you think I should do first when I visit Japan? | Go into the city and spend all your money on stupid stuff. |
What kinda girl do you go for first in dating sim games? | I like the virgin girl with the shy personality. |
If you could have a superpower, what would you want it to be? | I want the ability to shoot lasers out of my eyes. |
What kinda anime do you like to watch? | Action anime where they battle for the fate of the world. |
What kinda stuff do you and your friends do together? | Sometimes we get together to play board games and stuff. |
Do you have any cavities? | Oh yeah, are you kidding? My mouth is a train wreck. |
How do you prefer to watch a television series? | I wait until the series is done and then binge watch the whole thing. |
Do you like chubby girls? | A little chub can be cute… but there’s a limit. |
I’m thinking of changing my nail polish color. What color should I go with? | I kinda like the yellow. I say leave them as they are. |
Zoey Green

Question | Answer |
No wait… I lost it. How peculiar… I was sensing thoughts for a moment, and now, nothing… | Candace |
There’s feelings of dislike… not towards others, no… towards herself. She views herself as below others. | Lailani |
A lost soul… confused about her place in the world,lashes out at the people who care for her most… | Lillian |
I’m getting… images…images of… wait, is she going to that whole thing in there? It’s not possible! | Abia |
There’s a deep sadness, and much regret. She wishes she could start over, but fears it’s far too late… | Jessie |
Growing ever more tired of life’s routine and monotony, she seeks…new challenges, and exciting risks… | Ashley |
A lack of meaning leaves a gap in this one’s life… a gap she tries to cover up with shallow distractions… | Suki |
It’s a fear of being unremarkable that drives her forward… a desire to leave her mark on the world. | Lola |
It’s a past filled with hardship, and betrayal. This one’s walled herself off, to avoid being hurt again. | Nora |
There’s a fear… a fear of mortality… of growing old. She’ll stop at nothing to feel young once again. | Brooke |
Despite an overwhelming amount of love in her life, she continues to seek acceptance from those closest. | Polly |