3 Minutes to Midnight Multiple Paths Guide

3 Minutes to Midnight offers various paths and solutions for each chapter. This guide aims to detail all possible routes. 3 Minutes to Midnight is a point-and-click adventure where alternate choices can change the story.
If there is any route not listed, please post a comment and I will attempt to add it in and credit you.

You also may like: 3 Minutes to Midnight Mainline Walkthrough Guide

Chapter 1

Mayor of a Forgotten Town

Begin by taking the FAMILY PHOTO, reading the BIRTHDAY CARD, and getting the GLUE from the desk. Go downstairs and attempt to exit through the door. When the DOORKNOB falls off, use the glue to reattach it.

Visit Linda’s Junkyard. This is the first option of the game. You have 2 choices on freeing Linda:
Option A: Help Her- When you fail to open the door, say “That was just a warm up”, then open it again when she says “Go”
Option B: Leave Her- Leave and inform the sheriff of Linda’s predicament

No matter which option you choose, the crowd in front of town hall will have left. Follow them to the building. After the mayor’s speech, climb through the open window into town hall. Once inside, hand the mayor the family photo.

The Barber and the Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

Head to Linda’s junkyard. Head inside and promise Linda you’ll get the tools back.

Get Rid of Luca

To get past Luca, you need Whiskey from Mike’s Diner. You options are:

Option A: Dialogue- Ask Mike what he remembers. Talk about Luca, then ask about Mike’s Special. Make a guess about the whiskey being water, then treaten to ell Luca. Mike will give you the Whiskey.
Option B: The Contest- You’ll need to win the Beer Slide contest. First, get Sim’s hair ready. Head to the Firehouse district and grab the TREE SAP off the tree. Go back to Mike’s and activate the jukebox. While Mike’s distracted, put the tree sap onto Mike’s COMB.
After Mike loses his hair, you’ll need to create a wig for him. Go to the barber and say you need one for Slim. For the materials, head to the fire department district and find Don’t Touch. Collect a piece of Don’t Touch’s TAIL FUR and give it to the barber. You’ll receive the finished WIG and BARBER KIT. Give the wig to Slim, and he’ll be ready for the challenge.

To win the contest, retrieve the GREASY COMB from the trash. When it’s Slim’s turn, combine the comb with the beer bottle, and Slim will lose. Then, claim your prize.

Regardless of your previous choice (A or B), go to the Sheriff’s office. Enter the basement, open the first-aid kit, and take the LAXATIVES. Mix them with the whiskey and give the concoction to Luca in front of the mansion.

Option C: Get Banned- Choose Option B, but use the grease to coat your own throw instead of Slim’s. This will get you banned from the diner, but you’ll overhear Slim bad-mouthing Luca. Go tell Luca about it, and he will leave his post to give Slim a lesson.

Get the Hedge Trimmers

Go to the church and pick up the DELIVERY NOTICE from the altar steps. Then, take it to the sheriff to receive the BLANK BIBLE. Return to the church and tell the priest you have a confession, then exit the confessional. Adjust the right-hand knot that holds up the cross, and then pull the lever on the left. When the priest is thrown through the glass, replace his bible with the blank one. When he returns, ask to use the shears, and he won’t have any objections.

Finally, go back to the mansion and use the clippers on the bush to gain entry.

Scale the Mansion

Option A: Scale the Cactus- If you got rid of Slim’s hair by following Get Rid of Luca Option B or C, use the barber kit you got on the cactus.
Option B: Secret Entrance- If you got the Whiskey without making Slim go bald, check out the SUSPICIOUS FOUNTAIN. Head to the barber and ask him about it. Then head back and check out the fountain again to unlock the back gate.

Get the Toolkit

Now that’s you’re inside the manor, there are several ways to proceed.
Option A: The Sheriff- Inform the sheriff about the robbery and emphasize that you need his assistance. He’ll respond by telling you to gather evidence. Once back inside the manor, pick up the WRENCH at the foot of the bed and make sure to use the NEWSPAPER on the mannequin (you need to interact with it, not just examine it). Then, take the wrench to the sheriff and mention the newspaper. He will proceed to arrest the gangsters.
Option B: The Mannequin- Once again, take the WRENCH and use the NEWSPAPER. Retrieve the HAT from the bust on the upper level. Go outside the manor to collect the BELT. Then, return to the barbershop and pick up the CUSHION from the barber chair (you’ll need the Whiskey Option B for this). Next, head to the firehouse and use the wrench on the fire hydrant to obtain the HORSE HEAD while the kids are playing.

Back inside the manor, combine the horse head, belt, cushion, and hat on the mannequin. Interact with the mannequin and tell the barber you’re the gangster from Chicago to complete the job. When he runs out of the room, take the BOOK and place it in the INCONSPICUOUS HOLE in the bookshelf. Enjoy the resulting cutscene.
Option C: Get Wrecked- Interact with the Moonshine on the Mansion’s lower level enough times and Betty will eventually have a sip. Watch the ensuing cutscene.

The Last Spark of the Vermillion Racer

You will need something to fix the generator.

Back to School

Go to the school located on the other side of the park and speak with the professor. She will require you to take an exam before you can enter the school. The questions vary each time, and there isn’t a complete guide available for them yet.

Alternatively, you can bypass the exam by:

-Selecting the “Skip Puzzle” option.

-Introducing yourself as Admiral Betty or Professor Betty

-Speaking with Lola at Mike’s bar and asking for her assistance in getting inside

Get the Hamster

Once you gain entry to the classroom, wait for Garrick the hamster to eat a large sunflower seed, and then pick up the ETHANOL while Dixon’s goggles are out of alignment. Move into the hall, open the flowery locker, and take the SANDWICH (along with the BACTERIA). Next, stop by the science classroom to collect the EMPTY BAKING SODA.

Head out into town and visit the taco truck in the park to get the EMPTY VINEGAR, then stop by Mike’s diner. Give Mike the empty baking soda, and he will refill it for you.

Back in the classroom, mix the empty vinegar with the ethanol and then add the bacteria to create a full pitcher of VINEGAR. Combine the baking soda and vinegar in the volcano. After the explosion, go back inside to retrieve Garrick.

Get the Hamster: Banned Route

If you decided to give the empty baking soda to the janitor and inform him about your plan, you will be banned from the science room. You will need to find another way to free Garrick. Speak with Garrick, and he will suggest you look for something in Linda’s junkyard, even offering you a bite to transfer some reaction energy to yourself.
Head over to the junkyard and open the hood of the car. When the WRENCH comes flying towards you, catch it mid-air. Open the hood and use the wrench on the engine to obtain the TIMING BELT. Bring it back to Garrick, then watch as he soars into the fountain. Pick him up to move forward.

Energize Garrick

Bring Garrick back to the park. He will be low on energy.

Stop by Lorraine’s fruit shop in the town square.
Option A: The Sandwich- Feed the pigeon the sandwich. Won’t work if you already tried feeding it to Garrick the hamster.
Option B: Dialogue- Chase it away with the right dialogue choice.

Lorraine will reward you with a Twonky. Head back to the generator and feed it to Garrick to power up the machine.

Chapter 2

A Dam’s Worth Of Trouble

Inspect the dam control room; it’s locked. Next, go to the campsite. The girl there will inform you that you need to complete 3 favors to become an employee and obtain the keys.

Unclog the Outhouse

You will receive the SPRAY BOTTLE. Collect the CITRONELLA GRASS from the left side of the camp. Then, open the locker to retrieve the KEROSENE.

Head down to the lake.
Option A: Repel the Mosquitoes- Use the citronella on the clothes press. Fill the spray bottle with the repellent and spray the mosquitoes with it.
Option B: Burn the Mosquitoes- Take the CANDLE from the stand. Go back to camp and light the candle in the campfire. Down by the lake, place the lit candle near the mosquitoes. Fill the spray bottle with kerosene and spray the bugs with the flammable mixture.

Talk to the man inside the outhouse. He will tell you that the HANDLE is lost in the waste. Choose the pipe draining muck from the outside to uncover it. Fill the spray bottle with water from the lake to clean it off, then pick it up and use it on the panel outside the outhouse.

Retrieve the Canoe

Take the PLUNGER from the outhouse and the PIPE lying in front of it. Swing on the tire swing until it breaks, allowing you to collect the ROPE. Combine these three items to create the HARPOON GUN.

Back at the campsite, pour kerosene on the fire and let the counselor put it out. Kick the TRASH CAN so that the raccoon and the counselor run into the basement, then close the basement door. Grab the FIRE EXTINGUISHER and combine it with the harpoon gun to finish it. Finally, head to the dock, bring in the canoe, and pick up the PADDLE.

Get the Diving Gear

After you unclog the outhouse, the diver will need help retrieving his harpoon. You will have a whopping 4 options here.
Option A: Get His Harpoon- After retrieving the canoe, use the paddle to knock his harpoon off the sign. Give it to him and let the scene unfold. His gear will be back at the campsite, near the citronella grass.
Option B: Poseidon’s Trident- To do this option, you must have read The Book of Sherman during Chapter 1 Part 2 (It is one of the books in the mafia’s mansion). Look at the lake twice, then interact with it. You will get POSEIDON’S TRIDENT. Give it to the diver and let the scene unfold.
Option C: The Cardboard Harpoon- Head back to the dam and grab the FAKE HARPOON off the billboard. Give it to the diver.
Option D: Dialogue- With the right dialogue option, you can convince the diver to give up and stop pursuing Sherman.

NOTE: in the game 3 Minutes to Midnight choosing options C or D will forfeit the diver as a friend at the end of the game. Choosing option B will cause you to lose the plunger for the rest of the game.

Restore the Dam: Main Route

Use the keys to unlock the dam. You’ll need to adjust the control panel levers to the correct positions. The note in the lunchbox provides hints for their placements: the first brother corresponds to the upper left lever, the second brother to the upper right, and the third brother to the bottom lever. Once you’ve set them correctly, open the hatch and use the hand pump to drain the water.
Go inside the dam and exit through the other side. Follow the path up to the military base. After the conversation with the general, take the POLE from the barrel located to the right of the gate.
Back inside the dam, use the pole several times to clear out the ‘blockage,’ then pull the lever to restart the power.

Restore the Dam: Trident Route

If you selected Option B to obtain the diving gear, your route will vary slightly. Click on the hole in the dam, and Betty will hesitantly dive in. This time, you should go to the right and retrieve the pole from the base first. Return underwater and use the pole to remove the pipe blocking the ladder to the control room. From there, continue along the main path, solve the room in the same manner, clear the body, and restart the power.

The Re-Examination Situation

Once Betty is back in town, she’ll need to find her mom.

Get the Cursed Necronomicon and Ingredients

Use the Lincoln Bust in the Mayor’s office and press the button inside. Take the book that appears; it contains a list of some ingredients but is not complete.

Next, head to the park and talk to the vagrant sleeping outside the school. When you finish the conversation, Betty will bring up the spell book, and you’ll be instructed to obtain a cursed cup.

Go to the church and request the GRAIL. Fill it with water from the baptismal font on the left side. Ask the priest to curse it, and it will turn into the CURSED GRAIL.

You will now need the 5 ingredients from the book:

  • Sharp Sword: Head to Mike’s diner and insult his food. After he stabs the counter, tell him to step away from the counter and grab the KNIFE
  • Crushed Soul: Head across the railroad tracks. Grab the ROADKILL in the middle of the road
  • Wings of a Fallen Angel: Head to Ben’s fuel which is on the other side of the road you got the roadkill. Grab the FEATHERS off his dreamcatcher
  • Tears of a God: You already have this, it is the cursed grail
  • Human Skill: Head inside the school and talk with the professor. Agree to do the play and you will receive the SKULL

Head back to the Mayor’s office. Combine the cursed grail with the Necronomicon. Cast the last spell in the book, which will summon the janitor. He will unlock the door for you. Go in and pick up the package from the trash.

Get the Car Keys

Go to the garage and take a look at the car. You’ll need the car keys. Next, head down to the jail beneath the sheriff’s office and speak with the prisoner. He will give you a COUPON and request that you bring him a cake with a ‘surprise’ from Mike.

Visit Mike’s to get the cake. You can choose whether to get it with the ‘surprise’ or not, as this decision will impact whether the prisoner is released. Afterward, return and exchange the cake for the CAR KEYS.

Get the Gas

To get the gas from Ben, you’ll need to create a distraction. A little makeover for his car should do the trick.

Head to the park and ask the musician to play a soothing tune, which will help the janitor fall asleep. While he’s dozing, take the RED PAINT. Then, speak with Max the vagrant about the FUSE he has, and he will hand it over to you. Finally, rummage through Max’s cart to find the COMMIE NEWSPAPER.

Next, you’ll need a communist star. Go to the town square and talk to the sheriff. You can distract him by mentioning Max (though this isn’t recommended) or by saying that the Twonkies are claiming to be better than donuts. In either case, pull the STAR STICKER off his car while he’s distracted.

At Ben’s gas station, give him the newspaper, then tamper with the fuse box on the right to turn off the light. Paint his car red and decorate it with the star. Insert the fuse you got from Max to turn the lights back on. As Ben starts to cry, grab the GAS CANISTER by the pumps and fill it up while he’s occupied.

The Vanishing of Lincoln Porter

Arrive at the crossroads. The bridge is out. You’ll have to find another way to track Lincoln

Farm Chores

Take the upper-left road and speak with Roscoe. He’ll lend you his tracker, but only after you complete a few chores. He will give you DUCT TAPE and a SLEEPING PILL.

First, repair the sign. You can find it at the crossroads on the right; just apply the duct tape to fix it.

Next, locate Bessy at the airfield along the lower left path. Go down, talk to the spy inside the hangar, and climb the stairs to find her.

To give Bessy her medication, you’ll need some hay. The farm has some, but the cows won’t let you get close. To scare them away, return to the airfield. Check the control box to the left of the hangar and use the duct tape to secure the spotlight. While you’re there, grab the AIR LIFT PACK hanging from the plane on the left. Then, head back to the farm to collect some hay.

Once you have the hay, you can either mix it with the sleeping pill and feed it to Bessy, or you can give her the hay and administer the pill manually while she’s distracted. Once she’s asleep, attach the balloon pack to her and let her take flight.

Get to the Plane

Go into the air control room and press the button to print the air report and unlock the crashed plane at the crossroads. You’ll need a few items to make the crossing.

First, return to the farm and inform Roscoe that you’ve completed the chores. Then, go into the barn and take the DRIED BEEF and the BLANKET. Give Pikki the underwear, and she will guide you to the mine from the crossroads.

At the crossroads, pick up the TARP by the barrel, then convince the cougar to come down. Your options are:
Option A: Feed Her- Giver her the dried beef you got from the barn
Option B: Dialogue- If you allowed the Sheriff to arrest the mobsters in Chapter 1 Part 2 and then talked to them in jail about the missing pet, you can send the mountain lion back home. Choosing this option enables you to keep the dried beef if you collected it.

Once the cougar leaves and the ladder is lowered, go up and take the ROPE from the mine cart.

At the crossroads, inspect the PITCHFORK. Keep using it repeatedly until Betty eventually rips the handle off. You will then have everything you need to reach the plane.

(If anyone has tips on retrieving the pitchfork without breaking it, please share.)

When you reach the plane, use the rope to jam the first propeller, then use the pitchfork handle to loosen the cable. Combine the blanket and tarp to create a hang glider. Wait for the wind to pick up, then use the glider on the door to cross the gap.

Get into the Mine

To enter the mine, you’ll need to use the mine cart, which requires three items: a helmet, goggles, and a gas mask.

At the plane, move the cargo net aside and pull the lever behind it. A skull will pop out; interact with it and talk to the ghost that appears. He will give you ECTOPLASM and a GHOST TRAP, asking you to capture some ghost chickens. While you’re here, pick up the WEIRD TYPEWRITER located near the plane’s hatch.

In the mine, collect the TRIPLE MEDIUM ROCK and a piece of HALITE from the barrel.

At the air base, go up the stairs and throw the triple rock off the balcony. While you’re there, grab the GAS MASK from the air control room. Down below, pick up the rock halves and use them on the halite to create SALT. While you’re at it, unlock the door using the typewriter/encrypter and take a HELMET from the crates.

Next, head to the farm and ask Roscoe for some CHICKEN FEED, which he will provide.

At the crossroads, check the mailbox to obtain GLOOPY, combine it with the salt, and then use the mixture on the chickens to create the ghost pen. Combine the chicken feed with the ectoplasm to make bait, and then use it in the trap. Finally, capture the ghosts with the trap. Return to the ghost pilot, give him the chickens, and then take the GOGGLES from his skull.

You now have the equipment needed for the mine cart, but you’ll need additional weight. Collect the MEDIUM ROCK from the crossroads and the SMALL ROCK found inside Roscoe’s barn. You can now use the mine cart.

Inside the Mine

After the cutscene ends, take the METAL BAR from the mine cart, then proceed to the upper lair to collect the DETONATOR and the DIAMOND.

Pick up the CABLE near the colored jewels by the river. Next, you’ll need to solve the jewel riddle. The poem hints at their order by color (e.g., blood refers to red ruby, sunlight signifies yellow citrine, etc.). When you solve it, a SHARPENING STONE will appear.

By the campfire, there are two mystery items cloaked in darkness. You can’t use the one on the right without light, but the left one is accessible. Use the sharpening stone to sharpen the CLAW, then use it to tear open the red curtain by the sign. Behind it, you’ll find DYNAMITE.

Head all the way to the left and combine the three explosive items to blow a hole open. Watch the subsequent dialogue unfold.

Then, go down to the newly accessible island and try to pick up a flare. A piranha will stop you. The pigeon from Chapter 1 Part 3 will show up. If you were kind and fed him the sandwich, he will chase away the piranha. (If not, you might need to test this; perhaps he’ll want the diamond or the dried beef instead?)

Once the piranha is gone, grab the FLARE and use it on the campfire. Use the metal bar to break open the fossil, and then enjoy the following cutscenes.

At the Base

The only thing you can do now is kick away the sand and find the journal beneath it. Thus, we put a pin in Betty’s story…

Chapter 3

The Road to Re-Election

Time to flash back to the Mayor’s story.

Daytime Electors

Go to the church and speak with the priest. Remind him of your contributions, and he will endorse you.
Next, head to the park and talk to the mobsters. They will give you the CONTRACT for Linda to sign. You can find Linda at Mike’s diner. She won’t agree to sign it, but if you give it to Slim and then use reverse psychology, you can trick her into signing. Once you have the signed contract, return it to the mobsters, and you’ll be all set.

Nighttime Electors

Go to the town square and speak with the musician. He’ll ask for your help recording his album before he will agree to vote for you. To proceed, you will need both a guitar and a recorder.

Enter the sheriff’s office and talk to Amos. As you leave, Barret will mention how much he loves the statue in the town square. Next, head to the tiki bar in the park, where the generator will be located in the future. Take the FIRECRACKER from the box along the fence. Then, cross the tracks to the motel to grab some MATCHES.

Return to the town square, use the firecracker and matches on the statue, and it will explode. Oops! After that, retrieve the GUITAR from the mail slot in the evidence locker.

Now, you need a recorder. The spy outside Max’s bar has one, but she’ll want something in return. Go back to the mayor’s office and take the BLUEPRINTS from the desk. On your way back, stop by the radio station and pick up the TAPE REEL from the box. Return to the spy and trade the blueprints for the RECORDING DEVICE. Insert the reel, and then head back to the musician to secure his vote.

Secret Plans of Soldier and Sinners

Military Checkpoint

Outside the military base, repeatedly interact with the gate until the soldier is compelled to talk to you. The conversation will drag on aimlessly until nightfall.

Afterward, return to the church to meet Father Jenkins, only to find that a bank robber has taken his place. Agree to assist with the robber’s plan.

Recruit the Accomplice

You’ll locate the accomplice outside Mike’s diner. He will request a garand from someone called “The Viper.” You’ll need to discover who that is. Ask Luca in front of the mobster’s house, and he will provide a hint.
Next, go to Lorraine’s and keep using the shutters until she opens the door. Make demands until she hands over the garand. Once you have it, give it to the biker, and he’ll be all set.

Clear the Park: The Taco Vendor

Next, you’ll have to clear the park. The Taco Vendor is the easiest, as he is working for you. Just tell him the truth and he’ll leave.

Clear the Park: The Musician

To remove the musician, you can arrange a gig for him at Max’s bar. Talk to Max, and he’ll provide you with a contract, but an eagle will snatch it away.
Head to the cul-de-sac outside the park, where Betty will suggest using the church organ to clear things up. Enlist the janitor at Max’s bar to help set it up.
The eagle will fly over to the motel. Speak with the motel owner who is waiting for the bus, and use the DANCE STEPS he gives you. The eagle won’t come down, but it will end up getting roasted. Retrieve the contract and take it back to the musician to clear him out.

Clear the Park: The Deputy

The Deputy will be at the park investigating Chipmunks for Amos. To get him to leave you have multiple options:
Option A: The Chipmunks- Grab another tape reel from the radio station, then record the chipmunks in the park tree. Then do… something with the record (needs further investigation)
Option B: Dialogue- Amos can be convinced to go home with the right dialogue option. Ask him what he’ll need to take the night off and he should comply.
Option C: Inside Job- If you already know Lorraine is The Viper and report it to Amos, he’ll reveal his plan to use the bank heist to get Jack involved. He’ll leave and move the deputy out of the way.

Disable the Alarm

Go to Max’s bar and speak with the drunken salesman about the bank’s alarm system. When he asks for a drink, hand the flyer to Max to get a DRINK and give it to the salesman. In return, he will give you his BUSINESS CARD and disclose the alarm’s vulnerability.
Next, head to the park and use the card on the alarm. It will be silent as a lamb!

Get the Costumes

Head to the sheriff’s office to collect the STATUE HAND and KEYS. Next, go to the costume shop and break the window open with the statue hand to retrieve two costumes.
You can find the third costume at Max’s bar. Take the hula dancer skirt, and you’ll have everything you need for the heist! Return to the church and let the lengthy cutscene play out.

Who Framed Lazlo Hardy?

Head over to the sheriff’s office. You’ll need some way to get into the car and frame the salesman

Recover the Tow Cable

Make your way to Max’s bar where his car is parked. Linda will ask for your assistance in retrieving the tow cable from Ben. While you’re there, have a chat with the mailman. If you can persuade him to leave without getting upset (try saying, “What do you think will happen?” followed by “Max will be upset when he sees his delivery”), you’ll be able to take a BOTTLE from the crates. Also, don’t forget to grab a RUBBER CHICKEN from the party box, as you’ll need one of these items later.

Next, head up to Ben’s trailer, which you can reach via the path on the right side of the screen by Ben’s gas station. Talk to Ben about the tow cable, but he will refuse to give it up, and his rooster, Ducky, will stop you from stealing it. You have two options for how to continue:

Option A: Replace Ducky – Go down to the gas station and set off the alarm on the door. Hide behind the car. When Ben comes out, quietly sneak off to the right. While he’s distracted, use the rubber chicken to switch out Ducky. After that, you can take the cable at your convenience.

Option B: Explosion Day- This option will only be viable if you’ve obtained the bottle and didn’t ask Ben to stop golfing (which includes selecting the “Turn Him to Your Advantage” dialogue option). First, activate the generator on the right, then place the bottle on it to shake it up. Once it’s shaken, turn off the generator and pick up the WELL SHOOK BOTTLE. Next, set it on the golf tee and enjoy the spectacle! After that, you can take the cable.

Romantic Advice

Back at the garage, agree to give romantic advise to Linda. Anyway you pick to resolve the situation will result in an cleared junkyard. (My favorites are telling Slim he’s too young to settle down, or telling Linda that Carrie is planning to propose). Whichever option you pick, stash the evidence in the trunk.

A Feud Forged in Flames

The situation turns ugly. General Hartman demands that Max’s bar be burned down, and there’s not much you can do about it. First thing’s first- clear out the patrons!

Clear out Lincoln

Lincoln is easy to clear out. Talk to him, then threaten the spy into leaving, then talk to him again. You’ll take him home.

Clear out Ben

Ben will not leave until you invalidate his eviction notice. Speak with Sheriff Amos, and he’ll instruct you to stamp the notice. Make your way to his trailer to retrieve it (while witnessing the ‘Taco Stand Owner’ meet his demise along the way).
Next, you’ll need to stamp the notice. Take the STAMP from your mayoral desk. It requires repairs and ink. Head down to Max’s bar and ask Linda to fix it for you. Once she has done that, grab the HOT SAUCE from the shelf near the mannequin and use it as ink. Stamp the document, then return it to the sheriff’s office.

Clear out Betty and Linda

Talk to Betty. Be sure to ask if she’s pulling a prank for inspiration on how to burn down the bar. Tell Betty you want her to leave. Pick to have a conversation with her, then answer her questions. She, Linda, and Pikki will all leave together

Clear out the Musician

Interact with the musician 3 times, and he’ll short-circuit the shaking tiki. Interact with the plugs on the bottom and he’ll mess up and get kicked out.

Talk to Max

WARNING! If you tell Max you need to burn his bar down, he’ll give you a test to prove your friendship. If you mess up, Max will refuse to help. Save-scumming will NOT allow you to re-take the test, no matter how far back your load goes.

  • What’s my life-long dream? To open a tiki bar
  • (I do not know the rest, will finish this later)

If Max gets mad, keep talking to him and he will calm down, but it will affect your game later.

Pour the NAPALM you got on Max’s curtains, then ask him to do the fire-breathing trick. Pow!

The Many Losses of Mayor Barret

Soldiers are blocking the road. You’ll need a way to get rid of them. Perhaps that boulder could work?

The Four Ropes

Cutting the 4 ropes will get the boulder to come loose.

After speaking with the soldiers, try taking one of the paths on the left. The soldiers will shoot the ground and inadvertently cut a rope in the process.
The spy will then show up. You need to deal with her first, but she’s hungry. Interact with the sand near the pitchfork to reveal the fridge. Open it and take the CAN OF MEATBALLS, then give it to the spy. Talk to Lincoln, and he’ll agree to provide her with the access codes.
Next, you’ll need to distract the guards. Take the HORSESHOE that was holding the first rope and drop it into the canyon. While the guards are distracted, talk to the spy. Amid the chaos, the second rope will be cut.
To get the guards to cut the third rope, they’ll need a target and the right angle. Pick up the EMPTY CAN of meatballs. Placing it on the rock will get the guards to shoot at it, but it won’t hit any ropes. To achieve the right angle, grab the Y-SHAPED STICK from the road and use it to prop up the fridge. Then set the can on top and watch as the third rope gets cut.
Roscoe will emerge. First, pick up the CAN LID, then take the PITCHFORK from the rock. Use the pitchfork on Roscoe to communicate with him telepathically and have him distract the guards. While they’re looking away, use the can lid to cut the last rope.
The boulder will roll out but will crash into the bridge. With no other options left, watch as Lincoln makes the ultimate sacrifice and Eliza gets captured.

Chapter 4 (3 Minutes to Midnight)

The Lost Traveler

Time to pick things back up with Betty!

Escape to the Ship

With nothing left to do, kick the bomb multiple times. Evenentually, an apple will fall out of the bag. Give it to Pikki and she’ll break your ropes.

Search the crates nearby on the truck. One of them will contain a STRANGE DEVICE. Head over to the right and look under the tarp to uncover the spaceship. Put the strange device in the hole and enter the right code (it is the same code that played in the airfield control tower back in Chapter 2). Enter the door that appears.

Inside the Ship

Go through the door on the right and make your way down the hall into the Cryo room. Interact with the panel located to the right of the door and complete the puzzle to activate the device on the right. Once activated, the alien in the pod will wake up. Allow the cutscenes to unfold as he shares important information.
When you’re prompted to press the button on the pig’s helmet, it’s a good idea to save your progress, as this will be your last chance to do so for a while. Once you’re ready, go ahead and turn it on.
After the cutscene concludes, you’ll need to solve another puzzle to get the device operational again. If you find it too challenging, you can exit the puzzle and re-enter it to access the option to skip it.

The Many Friends of Betty Anderson

Well, this is it. Betty gets sent to an alien world and comes back with new gadgets, as Betty’s friends arrive to help her out.

Depending on the routes you picked, different friends can appear:

  • Linda
  • Sheriff Amos
  • Lorraine
  • Smoky the Diver
  • The Mobsters
  • (I believe Max may appear if you pass his quiz in Chapter 3, and did not spook him away in Chapter 2. Needs confirmation)
Take Out Trenzor’s Systems

Before your friends can head into town, you’ll need to disable three systems: the Auxiliary Boosters, Impact Sensors, and Trenzor’s Force Field.

Чтобы снять силовое поле, Трензора нужно ударить чем-то массивным. Поезд справится с задачей, но сначала нужно отключить светофоры на переезде. Используйте устройство ЭМИ на железнодорожном переезде, затем используйте пульт управления поездом, чтобы обманом заставить Трензора столкнуться с поездом.

To disable the collision sensor, go to the church. Spray the altar cross with Midas dust to turn it into gold, prompting the fake priest to lift it with a hoist. Play the nearby organ to attract Trenzor’s attention, and watch as he gets knocked right out the window.

For the Auxiliary Boosters, Don’t Touch the Bear will help, but first, visit Mike’s diner to collect the RUBBER GLOVES from the trash. Then, head to the fire department and open the garage door to create a hiding spot. Use the greatest hits music player on the bear to lure Trenzor in. While he’s distracted, use the rubber gloves to grab his thruster.

Down with Trenzor!

Time to bring your pals in to finish the job! Each one can be found in a different location, and needs a different item:

  • Before going to Linda in the junkyard, swing by the generator and grab the HOLOGRAM CRYSTAL that fell out the ground. Combine it with the holographic projector and give it to her.
  • Sheriff Amos is at the generator. Combine the Lawbringer pistol with the EMP device to fill it up and give it to him.
  • Lorraine is at her fruit stand. She’ll use the Rocket.
  • Smoky the Diver is inside the fountain at the park. He’ll use the Beast Slayer harpoon gun.
  • The Mobsters are at the junction by the radio tower. Give Luca the Brass Knuckles.

With Trenzor down, Betty is free to head back to the ship. Have a chat with the general and head inside.

Chapter 5 (3 Minutes to Midnight)

Time to save the world! First thing’s first- get to the bomb!

The Last Stand of Betty Anderson

Clear the Blast Door

Trenzor has secured the spaceship and activated the blast doors. To get past them, you need to reach the engine room and overload the system.

Begin by using P’Taa-h’s hand in the entrance room to unlock the second part of the ship. Enter the cargo hold and use the panel on the left to select and obtain the MAINTENANCE DROID. Then, head out into the hallway. The maintenance droid can navigate the maintenance tunnels to bypass the force field. Use the alien hand on him, then send him through to unlock the door. Make your way down the hall to the engine room.

To start the engine, you’ll need both fuel and a frozen core. Take the HOT CORE from the engine room, then stop by the garden to pick up the BUCKET. Fill the bucket with fuel from the broken pipe outside the engine room to create the ENGINE FUEL. Return the hot core to the cryo room and use it with P’Taa-h’s pod to freeze it. Finally, go back to the engine room, fill the tank with fuel, and place the core in the reactor.

Charge up the Transporter

Now, you’ll need a fully charged power cell to activate the transporter.

To obtain the power cell, go to the creature prison located behind the blast door you just opened. To access the power cell, you must unlock the cage. The solution to this puzzle can be found in the cryo room—activate the panel with the alien hand, navigate to the alien that “requires containment,” and take note of the directions of the symbols that appear on the map. Match the directions of those symbols in the prison to the map.

Once you’ve unlocked the cage and activated the panel to release the creature, collect the POWER CELL and the ALIEN. Next, head to the garden where a giant plant is blocking the charger. Release the alien on it to clear the path, then charge your cell. Finally, return to the transporter and plug it in!

Swap the Cores

Time for the final puzzle in 3 Minutes to Midnight!

First, charge the Cymbal Monkey using the plutonium core from the bomb, then return to your hiding spot and set him loose on the transporter. When Trenzor steps inside, use the alien hand to secure him, then activate the transporter to send him away.
To unlock the system, you need to change the authorized hand signature back to P’taa-h. Open the access panel located beneath the hand scanner. You’ll need to press the buttons in the correct sequence. I’m not sure where the hint is, but the buttons will play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” when pressed in the right order.
Trenzor will reappear and smash the monkey with a hammer, so you’ll need a new strategy to keep him away. Grab the HAMMER he dropped, then poke the monkey again. It will have just enough power to attract him. Close the door with the alien hand one last time, then hit it with the hammer to ensure it remains shut!
Finally, walk over to the control panel, use the controls to open the bomb, and swap the cores. Congratulations, you win!
There are still many Easter Eggs to discover in this game, so I’ll update this guide as necessary. Let me know if you find any other paths!


  • c_arya.stark– Multiple new routes
  • T_T – Alternate route for Get the Hamster
  • SoulBrook – Starting me on the alternate route for Get Ride of Luca


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