Here is the guide for Village Rhapsody (乡村狂想曲) game.
Feel free to skip, nothing of value in this part.
So I was playing this game, which is one of the better EA titles on my memory, and a question came out. How do I optimize? How do I implement my out of place Factorio habits into this eroge? By using Excel. That’s how.
Now, after I started making this guide I found out that some chinese guy already did one on this topic. But, while I am autistic enough to make spreadsheets for eroge, I’m not so far gone outline every aspect with fancy steam tables. Worry not, no stealing occurred, I just wanted to point that out.
Long story very short: grow Illusion Bloom.
So, a spreadsheet was made. Profits were calculated. Here are fruits of my labor from most to least profitable:
1 – Illusion Bloom. 300 profit per pack, 1500 per month
2. Mustard. 140 per pack, 840/month
3. North American Herb. 110/pack, 660/month
4. Wheat and chrysantems. 100/pack, 600/month
5. Potato, corn & chili. 80/pack, 600/month
6. Orchid Malevolence & Carrot. 60/pack, 600/month.
Pack is a bag of seeds. Why did I name it that? Who knows.
As you can see, long-term makes half the crops essentially the same. So you should make some non-illusory profits when these flowers bloom, my fellow farmers.
General tips
Important note! You can eat things you grow, they restore stamina.
With that in mind: grow potatoes. Best stamina/unit (30), you get 4/pack, so there is no reason to grow other food. Except for quests.
Mines can give you gold! 1000 money each! Much money, such gold! Good luck getting it though, chance to drop is pretty low. With the Blacksmith Girl update, it has another use, so I suggest You save at least 1, better 4 nuggets for some new shiny tools!
I honestly don’t know how many cassetes are implemented at the time I write this, but i fished out 2.
And now you can add your own! Check workshop today, so you can disappoint your loved ones ASAP! They work very poorly for me, though, these workshop ones.
How to Become The Richest Oil (farming) Baron of all time
1. Humble Beginnings
You have either just started out and have grandiose dreams of fortune, or have been struggling to obtain a good chunk of change. But have no fear, everything can be used to earn yourself a ludicrous amount of money.
So to start off, ignore all the women who are trying to talk to you. They are merely distractions from the true path to absolute riches, after all you can just buy them later.
Head straight to the mine with your pickaxe in hand and mine stones until you gain a gold ore as seen below.
After this, the tomfoolery can begin.
2. The Prelude to Madness
After obtaining your precious gold ore, you want to quickly run down to the general store and immediately purchase as much illusion bloom as you can (6-7)
After your purchase you should head back to your farm and plant your illusion bloom, making sure to water it. Enter a cycle of sleeping, waking up, watering, and sleeping again for about 6 days. (Until its ready to be harvested)
Sadly, we can’t live up to our dream of being like Nestle (yet) and have to use our bare hands to harvest the illusion bloom instead of child labor.
Finish harvesting your illusion bloom and sell it back to the shopkeeper for a healthy profit of around 3,150 Coins.
3. The Butterfly Effect
Now having made a healthy profit you might be satisfied.
Return to the shopkeeper with your newfound wealth, and buy EVEN MORE illusion bloom.
Use your greedy appendages to grab every illusion bloom seed you can and leave.
Now plant it and repeat the process for growing in step 2, netting you a healthy profit of almost 10k coins!
You know what comes next though, buy more illusion bloom and keep repeating the process!
4. A Sudden Wall.
Now as you may have noticed, you are already quite wealthy. But this obviously isn’t enough to quench our insatiable greed.
You have probably ran into the problem of not having enough stamina to water all of your crops, and may have tried to mitigate that using other crops to refuel your stamina.
But you aren’t thinking like a TRUE tycoon, instead of taking several minutes to water all the crops by hand we must begin automating using the beautiful power of child labor (this is why I said yet).
5. The Beautiful Power of Automation
Finishing harvesting all of your illusion bloom until your plot is completely flat, just like when you first arrived. We are gonna take a short break from our current endeavor and dip our hands into other markets, mainly the Sprinkler market.
Sadly we cant just buy everything with money (unlike real life) and must use some manual labor to obtain wood, copper, and iron. We are going to be being as many medium Sprinklers as we can from the carpenter, (Each medium sprinkler can cover 24 slots of fertile ground around it, while a larger sprinkler can only cover 47 which isn’t much compared to its sharply increased price)
These are no ordinary sprinklers powered by electricity (that comes with a taxable monthly fee)
these sprinklers contain children, and use their tears to water your crops twice a day.
The tears have quite a positive effect on the crops, providing superior hydration and nutrients compared to normal liquid water.
Arrange your sprinklers in such a way that the edge of the squares it waters are just up against each other. Now all you should have to do is plant your illusion bloom and wait for it to grow, no longer will you have to manually water everyday.
6. Unlimted Riches (end?)
With the wealth you have amassed, purchase a better scythe from the shopkeeper so that you can cut-down significantly more crops at a time, adding to your efficiency.
Now you may have also noticed that you can basically plant your crops anywhere, this is good news for you since it is simply free real estate for you to continue exploiting the land for all its worth.
Keep expanding.
Plant and Harvest more.
Earn more Money.
Don’t stop until every last plot of land is covered in the sweet money printing plant that is illusion bloom, no longer do you have to lift a finger, sit back and reap your bounty when it is ready.
You have by far become the richest man to have ever lived.
(or you could have used cheat engine like a NERD)
The end.