The Symbiant All Endings Guide

Here is the quick guide for The Symbiant game. It’ll help you to unlock all CG-s end all 4 endings in the game.

There are 4 endings in the game – 3 of which are various levels of bad (that I’ve dubbed the “bad cluster” in this guide). I personally recommend playing the game once through yourself and trying to get the “Good” ending before you come to this guide, and still checking out the rest of the bad cluster when you’ve got the ending you want. Please don’t mistake them as “Failure” endings, because they are still complete ends that are well worth your attention.

You can save on choices with right click, or mouse-wheel back to repeat choices. Standard otome controls, but worth knowing this one also gives you that freedom so you don’t have to save like a paranoid maniac.

Some of the choices in the Walkthroughs below do not actually matter for that route, but I will be clicking them for variation, and are really just for you to unlock missable achievements (and unseen dialogue) in a non-boring way as you follow this guide. I tried to keep them canonical; for example I chose the “best” received personal preference achievement options (that didn’t actually matter to the route if you wanted to click something else) during the “good” ending.

“Happy Ever After” Ending

This can be considered the “good” ending – Happy Ever After. This gives you all the CGs on pages 1 and 2, the first two on page 3, the bottom three on page 4, and all but the last one on page 5 (the very last cg is unlocked when you unlock the rest).

This route specifically will unlock: “An Honorable Gentleman”, “Make Him Blush”, “Plunge into the Unknown”, “Where no Terran has gone before”, “No one wants your sheep”, “Shades of Purple”, “Pillow Talk”, “Always up for a Cuppa”, “A far off place”, “They come in pairs”, “You’re the one for me”, “Just Kidding”, “Close Encounter”, “You’re a Nosy one, aren’t you?”, “What About Love”, “A Place in Tulrorth” and “Happy Ever After”.

  • Ask how he’s doing
  • Exhaust the Dialogue options
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Close the vent – (This is preference. I answered in character, but there are no ramifications to either answer, other than an achievement unlock variation.)
  • Yes
  • Compliment Him
  • Exhaust the Dialogue options
  • Step away from Oatith
  • Exhaust Juniper’s dialogue options

“Not the Worst Way to Go” Ending

This gets you missing CG #3 (18+) on page 3, and CGs #1 and #2 on page 4.

This route specifically will unlock “Bad Timing”, “No Can Do” and “Not the Worst Way to Go”.

  • Offer him a tour
  • For this entire route, I asked as few questions as I could, but I doubt it matters if you’d like to ask them.
  • Camomille
  • Leave the vent open
  • Yes
  • Kiss Him
  • Stay around Oatith some more
  • Decline the offer

You may like to load your save from “Boys Do Cry” here, or save now and use this load point in that route. This is the only load point in the guide.

  • Let Brahve put an end to his symbiant on his own

“Boys Do Cry” Ending

This route is the exact same as the “Not the Worst Way to Go”, only you face the Derata together instead of letting Brahve handle it alone. It unlocks CG #3 on page 4.

This route specifically will unlock “Bad Timing”, “No Can Do”, “Trust your intuition”, “Do What Must be Done” and “Boys Do Cry”.

  • Offer him a tour
  • For this entire route, I asked as few questions as I could, but I doubt it matters if you’d like to ask them.
  • Camomille
  • Leave the vent open
  • Yes
  • Kiss Him
  • Stay around Oatith some more
  • Decline the offer

You may like to load your save from “Not the Worst Way to Go” here, or save now and use this load point in that route. This is the only load point in the guide.

  • Get rid of the derata together

“Blast from the Past” Ending

This is similar to the two routes above, only you deviate a little earlier than the very last choice, and instead tell Brahve that you’ll think about helping him with his plan to trick Oatith. I am adding a trigger warning for this route in particular, but I feel the devs approach the subject in a respectable way – just be careful with your limits for this one. (I’ve also changed some options in this route in particular, so that you unlock missable achievements, but you can use the same save as the other routes in this cluster if you have a save, and aren’t bothered about achievements.)

This route specifically will unlock “Smells just like soap!”, “Show Off”, “Goodbye, Comfort Zone”, “Pardon my French”, “Cold as Stone”, “L Bomb” and “Blast from the Past”.

  • Ask how he’s doing
  • For this entire route, I asked as few questions as I could, but I doubt it matters if you’d like to ask them.
  • Lavender
  • Leave the vent open
  • Yes
  • Wink at Him
  • Stay around Oatith some more
  • Tell him that you’ll think about it

Have fun ❤

The Symbiant All Endings Guide

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