The best way to walkthrough “The Impregnation of the Elves: Conquest of the Arrogant Fairies by Impregnation” game and how to 100%’d it!
Pre Early Game
When you first start you will meet the Goddess,the Goddess will ask if you are a virgin tell her yes,she asks for what kind of women you are attracted to? tell her muscular amazon,after that just answer the questions with a virgin mindset(if ykyk:D) then when she asks if you have anything to ask her click the can i have a look at the Goddess’s beautiful face? 11 times or more until it changes to reach forward,there will be 3 reach forwards,you have to choose the middle one to get the achievement after that choose anything then youre good to go,she will sent you to The Dungeon
-Bonuses of title-
if you did the first step right you should get the hero of rule 34 title,this title gives the following:
-15 starter stat points on all stats
-20 starter stat points upgrade
-2 skill points
-Ultimate skill:King’s strike deals 2 times damage and heals HP for a bit and stuns the enemy for 2 turns
Now we move to early game.
Early game

-The Dungeon Preparation-
i reccommend getting the Armor Break and Tendon Break skill,these skills are very important throughout the game,the effects of the skill contains the following:
-Armor break Deals 1.8 damage if attack landed on armor
-Tendon Break Destroys opponents Aria’s (cancels their move)
Note:Aria is the charge up that elves do before using their magic(buff/debuff/attack)
and i reccommend leveling up mainly attack,defense and physique as the 3 others dont really matter at the start of the game
Note:Please everytime you fight always destroy their armours completely,start from their weakness and move to other spots until they are completely naked,this gives you an achievement.
Dont forget to save after a fight everytime.
And please lose the fight everytime you first battle an opponent,this gives you a H scene,stat points and an achievement.
-The Dungeon-
When you enter the dungeon you will meet Dryad and you can battle her
when you fight her focus your attack on her head armor first because thats her weakness,after you destroyed her head armor you can move to the body armor,after the body armor is destroyed you can move to the leg armor,and after all of them are destroyed you can focus on attacking her head
use tendon break skill if you see glowing blue magic ring behind her,and use 2 tendon break when she is about to ult(she will ult when she acquired 5 Ult Gems located beside her icon)this needs 40 SP,after doing these you should defeat her pretty easily,you would get 2 achievements and a H scene,after you defeated her you move on to the forest where you meet Nineve
Note:before defeating her,you can lose the first time you fight her to get an achievements,stat points,and a H scene,this applies to all the fights
-The Forest Preparation-
before fighting Nineve you can level up your stats with the stat points you got after winning over Dryad,focus on leveling up attack,defense,and physique,if you feel that the reaction time is too fast you can put some point into reflex,you can also get the skill “Observe” This skill will give you 20 SP in exchange for 1 turn,this will give you big advantages when fighting Nineve or when fighting other elves.
-The Forest-
When you enter the forest you will meet Nineve and you can battle her
when fighting here focus your attack on her leg armor first because thats her weakness,after that move to the body and after that move to the head,when you see glowing green magic circles behind her use tendon break to prevent her from poisoning you,use observe when you have the opportunity to get 20 SP,you should be able to beat her pretty easily,you would get 2 achievements and a H scene,after you defeated her you move on to the Training Grounds where you meet Vivian
this concludes the early game,we will move to the mid game now.
Mid game

This is the mid game.
-Training Grounds Preparations-
After beating Nineve you can get the “Bandage” skill or the “Iron wall” or the “Brave strike” skill depends on your playstyle
Bandage:heals you for 10% of max hp,if below 30% hp heals for 15%
Iron wall:reduces damage received on the next hit substantially(this reduces like 90% of the damage so its really good for tanking ults).
Brave Strike:decreases opponents ultimate level by 2 if attack landed on body(not armor but body)
You can level up a bit of dexterity and attacks or reflex on this one,Vivian doesnt do much damage after you got many stat points and you can heal or tank it with your selected skill
Note:Please everytime you fight always destroy their armours completely,start from their weakness and move to other spots until they are completely naked,this gives you an achievement.
Dont forget to save after a fight everytime.
And please lose the fight everytime you first battle an opponent,this gives you a H scene,stat points and an achievement.
-The Training Grounds-
when you enter the Training Grounds you will meet Vivian and can battle her
when fighting her you have to focus your attacks on her body armor because that’s her weakness,you can also do a brave strike when she does her buff skill(adds 3 ultimate level to Vivian)
or if you dont have brave strike you can do iron wall if she ults you,or you can bandage after she ults you,depends on your playstyle,for me iron wall is the best,just keep repeating the same thing you did after the first 2 battles,after you beat Vivian you get an achievement and a H scene,after that you go to the Garden Maze where you found a candy house and you meet Nimue.
-Candy House Preparations-
After beating Vivian you can get the “Beastmen’s Soul” skill because this skill gives you 1.4 times damage on the next attack,and since Nimue’s HP is really high you have to damage her,she also uses a spell that heals 1.1K HP instantly so if the battlle is prolonged it will result on you losing,you also need to remove the previous skill if you dont have iron wall because you need it on this battle.
For stats its gonna be attack,reflex and physique since you need high damage,and the trigger defense is really fast so you will need reflex,and you need health to survive the prolonged battle.
Important Note:when fighting nimue lose to her many many times to level up because the late game will be hard,i suggest to atleast max out 3 of your stats before winning against Nimue
-The Candy House-
when you enter The Candy House you will meet Nimue and can battle her
when fighting her you have to focus your attacks on her leg armor because that’s her weakness,when she does a healing spell she will say “the taste of this will make us flutter and feel good”use tendon break,and when she says “get ready ,i’m going to return it all to you” use tendon break,she will say “there’s always something weird by the witch’s side,fufu” that means she will ult,if she has lower bar(the blue bar beside her icon) than 70% then use iron wall,if the bar is higher then use tendon break 2 times,just repeat and you should win,after you beat Nimue you get an achievement and a H scene,after that you go to the Queen’s palace where you go to the Queen’s bedroom and you meet Frigga.
that’s the end of Mid game.
Late game

This is the Late game.
-Queen’s Bedroom Preparations-
after you beat Nimue you can get the “Bulk up” skill because this skill allows you to remove all debuff effects and also prevents debuff effect for 3 turns,since frigga is all about spell and debuffs then this is the perfect skill
for stats you can level up physique,reflex and dexterity,you dont need to upgrade attacks since she is really low on health but high on armor,but since you got armor break skill it doesnt matter,her trigger defense events are super fast so you need reflex for that,and her speed is high so you need more dexterity to trigger defense.
Note:Please everytime you fight always destroy their armours completely,start from their weakness and move to other spots until they are completely naked,this gives you an achievement.
Dont forget to save after a fight everytime.
And please lose the fight everytime you first battle an opponent,this gives you a H scene,stat points and an achievement.
-The Queen’s Bedroom-
when you enter the Queen’s bedroom you will meet Frigga and can battle her
when you fight her you have to focus your attacks on her head armor because that’s her weakness,when she uses lightning then use tendon break(only use when your health is low and you cant tank it),when she uses fire do bulk up(if you have the SP) but if you dont the just observe cuz the fire cant hurt you if you arent moving,if she uses earthquake use tendon break,if she uses special(“i didnt want to do this”)then use tendon break to prevent her from buffing herself,just repeat over and over and you should be good,after defeating Frigga you will get an achievement and a H scene,after that you go to Idun Sacred Tree where you meet Idun The Goddess of elves.
-Sacred Tree Preparations-
get bandage skill(no description cuz im too lazy:D)
for stats max out all your stats except for speed,speed isnt necessary.
-The Sacred Tree Idun-
when you enter the sacred tree you will meet Idun The Goddess of elves and can battle her ONLY 1 TIME(if you chose the give up option on the H scene,this will give you an achievement but instantly ending the game so i suggest you save before fighting her)
when fighting her you have to focus you attacks on her body armor because that’s her weakness,when she uses ult(the curse of sacred tree) use tendon break 2 times or prepare enough SP to use bulk up after the ult because her ult gives a debuff effect which reduce your SP by 10 at the end of every turn,if you dont have any SP it will remove 10% of your health,this debuff lasts THE ENTIRE MATCH so prepare a bulk up so you can remove the debuff,other than that you just need to focus on repeating the same thing over again,you should be able to beat her,if you beat her you will get an achievement,a H scene and the good ending where you be—- spoilers:)
that’s the late game,there is more to this game so prepare for the “CHALLENGE MODE” where the elves are 1.5 to 2 x stronger then before,if you complete all of the challenge mode you will get the hardest achievement,only 3.7% of players have this,i am one of them B)
That’s it.
Challenge Mode-End game
This is the Challenge Mode.
In this mode you can challenge any elves as many times as you want,you start with 240 stat points and 6 skill points,you can choose whatever you like,but i suggest sticking with your Late game build,
in this mode the elves are 1.5 to 2x stronger then before,but i think this mode is not really that hard
just repeat the same thing you did on all the stage and you should be good.
When you completed the challenge mode and beaten all the elves(at one go,dont close the game after beating some,you need to do it on one go)you will get the rarest achievement and the hardest
That’s it lol,thanks for reading the guide until this point!
How to 100%
since i also typed how to 100% the game on the description imma give you the complete how to get the achievements list
lets get the common achievements first this includes:
Goddess’ Enlightenment
Passed a question once
Broken Dark Elf
Victory over Dryad
Freshly Squeezed
Defeated by Dryad
Master of the Forest
Victory over Nineve
Forest’s Nutrients
Defeated by Nineve
Bikini Warrior
Victory over Vivian
Palm of Fragrance
Defeated by Vivian
Milk Cow Elf
Victory over Nimue
Witch’s Breasts
Defeated by Nimue
Queen of Elves
Victory over Frigga
King of Riding
Defeated by Frigga
Revival of Sacred Tree
Victory over Idun
Beginning of the Abyss
Defeated by Idun
Hero of Elves
Achieved Ending 1(good ending)
Elf ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Achieved Ending 2(bad ending)
Goddess’ True Colours
See the Goddess’ True Form
Destroyer of Armour 1
Destroy Dryad’s armour completely
Destroyer of Armour 2
Destroy Nineve’s armour completely
Destroyer of Armour 3
Destroy Vivian’s armour completely
Destroyer of Armour 4
Destroy Nimue’s armour completely
Destroyer of Armour 5
Destroy Frigga’s armour completely
Destroyer of Armour 6
Destroy Idun’s armour completely
and now the hard one:
Kane‧Blood Axe‧Pain Eater
Unlock all achievements(you dont need the hidden achievemement to get this)
and the last,the hidden/hardest one:
Conqueror of Elves
since this is hidden imma just tell you a clue,challenge mode,good luck:D
Have fun 😊