Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

A guide for Stranded in Space to all collectible pictures, and how to get them. (Chats, Vault codes & final escape room puzzle.) Stranded in space hidden picture guide.

The Pics Hobbyist-achievement should be easy to get, there are plenty of guaranteed pictures.
The Pics Collector-achievement is harder to get, but is possible by only doing chats, depending on your mayor choices. Otherwise, the vault pictures are needed.

There are 2 achievements linked to Paige’s (vault) Codes.
The Code Breaker-achievement is granted after solving one code, the Code Dependent-achievement is granted after solving eight codes. There are 10 codes in total, so this is achievable without finding the pieces in the escape room.

Solving the final Escape Room puzzle grants the Color Me Surprised-achievement.

Keep in mind that you can pick your answer to the global chat, by first clicking on the empty reply field, then scrolling up/down to choose the answer.
Participating in 6 laptop group chats gives you the LFG-achievement, participating in a total of 12 group chats unlocks the Group Therapy-achievement.

You also may like: Stranded in Space Escape Room Guide

Day 3 – 6

Day 3

  • Gigi:
    • She’ll give you two pictures, regardless of how you answer her questions.
  • Haylee:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Marissa:
    • Answer “A trade”, and she will exchange a picture with you.

Day 4

  • Umiko:
    • Talk to Umiko first to receive a picture.
    • Win her game for another one:
      • Pick the left-hand answer for Alina, Gigi, Haylee, Lira, or Marissa.
      • Pick the right-hand answer for Ariel, Camila, Elsie, Ishani, or Raegan.
  • Elsie:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Ishani:
    • Will always send you a picture.

Day 5

  • Alina:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Ariel:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Camilla:
    • Answer “…Yes, I would” to receive two pictures.
  • Sasha:
    • Answer “Alright, fine” to receive two pictures on Day 6.

Day 6:

  • Gigi:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Haylee:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Raegan:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Sasha:
    • Will send you two pictures, if you sent her one on Day 5.

Day 7 – 10

Day 7:

  • Opening the laptop will net you two pictures through the global chat.
  • Replying to the group chat:
    • Gigi sends a picture if you pick “After much deliberation, I’m giving the win to Gigi. Sorry, Raegan.”
    • Raegan sends a picture if you pick “This is a tough choice for me… but I have to give the edge to Raegan. Sorry, Gigi.”
    • Ishani sends a picture if you pick “I can’t decide! Both of you look too good! Here’s a pic of me to distract everyone from realizing I didn’t pick a winner!”
    • These are mutually exclusive, replying with “Okay, yes: I’m a coward. I don’t care—I pick both of you as co-winners! FINAL ANSWER!” doesn’t lead to receiving a picture.
  • Gigi:
    • Win her game to get (another) picture.
      • Her tier list is:
        Sasha > Haylee > Tiffany > Umiko > Zara > Alina > Marissa > Skylar > Ariel > Lira
  • Umiko:
    • Photo Hunt: Answer Yes, I’ll play, then pick between Camila and Lira.
      For the Photo Hunt, examine the pictures that are in your album, Umiko will place a small thumbnail on an existing picture. The picture is chosen randomly, the thumbnail won’t be placed at the far edges of the screen.
Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

Day 8:

  • Ariel:
    • One picture, mutually exclusive depending on choice.
  • Skylar:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Tiffani:
    • Answer her with “…Fine, here it is”, and receive a picture.
  • Umiko:
    • Photo Hunt: If you chatted with her on day 7, Answer I’ll play!, then pick between Alina or Elsie.

Day 9:

  • Ariel:
    • Talk with Ariel before talking with Haylee.
    • Will always send you a picture.
    • Answer “I like you more” to receive a picture on day 10.
  • Gigi:
    • Pick the Galaxy Girl to receive a picture.
      • Galaxy Girls are: Junko, Tomoe, and Mika
  • Haylee:
    • Answer “Yes she did” to receive a picture.
  • Sasha:
    • Answer “They’re okay…” to receive a picture.

Day 10:

  • Umiko:
    • Photo hunt: If you answer It was hot or completed the day 9 chat with her.
      Pick between Haylee or Zara (mutually exclusive)
  • Ariel:
    • Will always send you a picture.
    • Will send you another picture if you answered “I like you more” on day 9.

Day 11 – 14

Day 11:

  • You’ll get 3 pictures from global chat, regardless of your choice of who to wake up.
  • Alina:
    • Answer “I’ll stop thinking like this then”.
  • Camilla:
    • Will send you a picture if:
      • You replied to the global chat with “Camila’s right about me, I’m just a huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pervert. Sorry everyone.”
      • And you gave her a room.
  • Daphne:
    • Will send a picture on Day 12 if you reply with “Alright, deal”.
  • Gigi:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Haylee:
    • Answer “No, not really” (about regretting the BJ), or “Directly” (about telling Ariel), nets you a picture if you finally reply with “Send me it”.
  • Marissa:
    • Answer “Yes, I would”.
  • Tiffani:
    • Answer “Ask For More” for 2 pictures.
    • Answering “Deal.” only gets you one.

Day 12 – Character Profiles:While not related to pictures, I figure it’s worth to mention the Swipe Right and Pro Profiler-achievements here.

From day 12 onward, the laptop has a new function, character profiles.

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

Visit your profile daily and pick an answer to the questions:

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

On day 18 you’ll have had 7 opportunities to do this, you’ll only need 6 for the Pro Profiler-achievement.

Day 12:

  • Alina:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Daphne:
    • Will send a picture if you replied with “Alright, deal” on Day 11.
  • Elsie:
    • Answer “They’re a bit invasive”.
  • Umiko:
    • Win her game.
      • “Which girl is the shortest?” : Umiko
      • “Which girl’s nickname is ‘The Best Girl?'” : Lira
      • “Which of these girls has C sized boobs?” : Tiffany
      • “Which of these girls is from Phoenix, AZ, USA?” : Gigi
      • “Which of these girls is 28 years old?” : Sasha
      • “Which girl other than Skylar is 6 feet tall?” : Nemy
      • “Which girl is 6 feet tall?” : Skylar
      • “Which girl’s fun fact says they’re a good swimmer?” : Haylee
      • “Which of these two girls’ hip circumferences is bigger than the length of their legs?” : Alina
      • “Which of these girls is older?” : Raegan
      • “Which girl has bigger hips?” : Skylar
      • “Which girl has bigger hips?” : Daphne (If Daphne is awake)
      • “Which girl weighs the most?” : Ishani
      • “Which girl has longer legs?” : Camila
      • “Which girl is the same age as you?” : Zara
      • “Which girl has bigger boobs?” : Ariel
      • “Which of these girls is not from America?” : Elsie
  • Nemy:
    • While it won’t earn you a picture, here’s how to win her ITR adventure:
      • “Our destiny awaits us!”
      • “I’ll take the fire mage!”
      • “I’ll distract him!”
      • “Tie him up/spare him” (Not sure if this choice is consequential)
      • “Use the barrels”
      • “That won’t work”

Day 13:

  • Haylee:
    • Answer “Threesome”.
  • Raegan:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Tiffani:
    • Will always send you a picture.

Day 14:

  • Gigi:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Haylee:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Reagan:
    • Will send a picture if you chose to get her pregnant.
  • Zara:
    • Will always send you a picture.

Day 15 – 18

Day 15:

  • Ariel:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Gigi:
    • Will ask you one of two questions, depending if you talked to her on Day 14.
      Answer “Red” or “Gold” to receive a picture.
  • Kasumi:
    • Will ask you three questions. Reply with “Carrots”“Politician”, and “Clowns”.
  • Tiffani:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Zara:
    • Will send you a picture if you decided against the cure-path with her.

Day 16:

  • Ishani:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Lira:
    • Answer “Direct” to get a picture (only if Camilla isn’t your neighbor).
  • Zara:
    • Will send you a picture if you decided on the cure-path with her.
  • Umiko:
    • Photo Hunt: After talking to Umiko, go hunt for a new picture of Ishani.

Day 17:

  • Alina:
    • Answer “Most, it wouldn’t lessen”.
  • Elsie:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Kasumi:
    • Answer “A father lost his daughter”.
  • Lira:
    • Will always send you a picture.

Day 18:

  • Ariel:
    • Will send you a picture if you picked her over Haylee.
  • Daphne:
    • Will always send you a picture (if she’s awake).
  • Haylee:
    • Will send you a picture if you picked her over Ariel.
  • Ishani:
    • Will always send you a picture.
  • Sasha:
    • Will always send you a picture.
    • Answer “Forgive” to receive another one.
  • Skylar:
    • Will always send you a picture.

Vault Codes

The vault is available from day 9 onward. The codes are generally hidden within dialog.

  • 1337
  • 1108
  • 6969
  • 0411
  • 8625
  • 2157
  • 7382
  • 5981
  • 4873

The final code is 3098, which can only be used after finding all numbers inside the escape room.

Escape Room – Vault Code Pieces


Click the symbol looking like “3 _ _ _” on the left-side container.

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide


After entering the Escape Room, immediately turn right. Keep clicking the red container until you get the number 0.

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide


Interact/examine 15 different objects, the number 9 will come to mind.


Near the exit. Click the symbol looking like “8 _ _ _“. This one is very hard to spot.

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

Escape Room – Final Puzzle

After solving the Escape Room, proceed through the door but choose not to exit.
Turn to your left, and you’ll find a scroll sitting inside a crate. Upon examining the scroll, you’ll get the notification that notes have been added to the notebook.
You can now go back to the color puzzle next to the lockers and interact with it. Solving this puzzle will unlock another picture in the album.

The solution:

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide

Paige Puzzles

On day 18, a total of 10 pictures can be unlocked by doing 3 Paige Puzzles daily. These puzzles are one sliding puzzle, a matching-pair game and a questionnaire.
Tips for the matching-pair game and answers to the questionnaire can be found in my other guide:

Stranded in Space Paige’s Daily Questions Guide

For the Puzzle Pupil-achievement, 12 puzzles have to be solved. To get the Puzzle Pedagogue-achievement, you’ll need to solve 24. With 30 available puzzles, you can skip a few. If you want the achievements, but aren’t interested in a complete collection of pictures, I suggest skipping the last 6 questionnaire games. These are -by far- the hardest, since the other puzzles have methods to solve them.

Have fun ❤

Stranded in Space All collectible pictures guide


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