Story of Eve – A Hero’s Study Full Guide

This guide gives a detailed description on everything you need to know about the Story of Eve – A Hero’s Study game.

This game is already uncensored so it doesn’t need a patch, yay!

Story of Eve – A Hero’s Study is a card rock paper scissors-like kind of game where it features a good handful of CG’s and features a unique RPG style of exploration and combat altogether

Take note to save frequently because of the game freezing at some points making you unable to click anywhere and forcing you to quit so remember to save frequently!

With that being said let’s get into a more detailed version for each part of the game!


The gameplay mostly consists of exploring new areas and defeating bosses as you progress.

The game consists of 5 different areas to explore, 7 different bosses to fight, 5 different armor you can use, and 11 CG’s you can watch multiple times!

Well now with that being said let’s get into more detail into each of these concepts

Exploring an Area

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

Whenever you would go to explore a new area or visit an old one the gameplay you would experience would be the same. The image above shows you the screen of what it would look like when you would go and explore an area.

Clicking on a card reveals what is beneath that card and what would happen next. Beneath the cards, you can get one out of four types of cards. The four types of cards that you can get are Monster, Path, Event, and Item cards. So what does each card mean?

Description of each card
Monster: getting this card will make you enter combat.
Path: getting this loses one card from the deck or in the case of getting a shortcut card you lose one or two cards.
Event: getting this card means you will be getting an event which usually is “less monster encounters” or in other words lose one or two cards from the deck.
Item: getting this card will grant you 1 item that you would usually get from monsters for that level.

The more you explore an area (each time you select a card) your health/HP would decrease slightly while your durability/EP would increase slightly.

There are 5 areas that you can explore in the game: Plains, Hillside, Green Forest, Black Forest, and Devil’s Palace.

Each place has a different set of enemies and each enemy’s strength increasing the more you progress into the game.

It is recommended that whenever exploring new area’s you should always upgrade your armor before exploring.

Now let’s get into detail for each area you can explore.

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

This is the first area you can explore after crafting your first armor from the shop.
The list below details the stuff you can see/get in the area.

MaterialStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

After you’re finished exploring the area you can fight the slime king.

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

This is one of the two areas you can access after defeating the slime king

EnemyStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide
MaterialStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

After you’re finished exploring the area you can fight the Goblin King

Green Forest
Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

This is the second area you can explore after defeating the slime king

MaterialStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

After exploring this area you can fight the Orc King

Black Forest
Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

You can unlock this area by either defeating the Orc king or Goblin King.

Take note that this is the hardest area in the game because the best armor you can get at this point isn’t all that powerful and the decreasing amount of HP per round combined with the number of enemies you can get just makes this area all the more difficult but here you can get the materials for the end-game armor so just keep repeating this until you have the end-game armor as it makes the rest of the game way easier.

EnemiesStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full GuideStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide
MaterialStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

After exploring this area you can fight Kassandra

Devil’s Palace
Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

You can unlock this place by defeating Kassandra

The enemies you can encounter here are all the previous enemies from all the previous levels

EnemiesStory of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide
MaterialThe tentacle monster doesn’t drop any materials but all the monsters from their levels drop their respeective loot


When the card you selected has the Monster face on it then combat would start.

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

The image above shows the UI of the combat:
1). This is where the game shows the enemy sprite, enemy health, and which card they might use.
2). This is where your cards show up, these will be the cards you will be using when battling your enemy.
3). This is the game shows your character sprite, health/HP and durability/EP, your chances of getting the said card, and buttons for the save, load, option, and exit menu buttons

Engaging in combat

Before engaging in combat you need to know what card beats what since its kind of like a rock paper scissors kind of gameplay.

There are three cards you can use during combat: Defense, Attack, and Technique

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

The Defense card is represented by its shield
The Attack card is represented by its cross swords
The Technique card is represented by its double hearts

I will show a table on which when two cards battle and who the victor will be. I will also be showing whether the losing side will lose HP or EP

Card 1Card 2=The Winner
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Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

Once you have selected your desired card you click the “action” button on top in order to select that card

You can stack cards multiple times in order to have more damage

If the two cards are the same then both parties take the corresponding damage: EP for Defense and Technique while HP for Attack

How to get all CG’s 

There are 11 CG’s you can get in the game. 9 of which are hentai scenes while 2 of them are non-hentai art

The steps below will guide you on how to get all of these scenes. The list below will show you how to get the scenes as you progress the game. I recommend equipping the Sacred Suit (first upgraded armor) in order to take more damage

1. You can get the first CG after getting the Sacred Suit. Click the heart at the top of the screen to get your first scene. The CG’s you have at this point should be 1.

2. After you’re finished exploring Plains you can fight the Slime King. Click the Slime King icon in order to fight him. Get defeated by the slime king by losing all your durability(EP) in order to get the CG. The CG’s you have at this point should be 2.

3. After exploring Hillside and Green Forest you can gain access to both the Goblin King and the Orc King. Click the Goblin King/Orc King icons in the menu in order to fight them. Get defeated by losing all your durability(EP) in order to get the CG. The CG’s you have at this point should be 4 since I combined the Orc King and the Goblin King here.

4. After getting enough materials to craft the Final Sacred Suit (end-game armor) you can get another CG. Click the dark purple heart at the top of the menu in order to get the CG. The CG’s you have at this point should be 5.

5. After exploring the Black Forest you can fight Kassandra the succubus. Click her icon in order to fight her. Get defeated by her by losing all your durability(EP) in order to get her CG. After you see the CG you will notice that there will be a new heart at the menu, click that to get another CG. The CG’s you have at this point should be 7.

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

6. After defeating Kassandra you get to unlock the final level and another boss fight that you can get another CG from. The boss that you get to fight is the Royal Guard Lancer. The boss fight is located is above Kassandra. Get defeated by him in order to unlock another CG. The CG’s you have at this point should be 8.

Story of Eve - A Hero's Study Full Guide

7. After exploring the Devil’s Palace you get to unlock the boss fight for the tentacle monster. Get defeated by it in order to get the CG for that character. The tentacle monster can be found below Kassandra. The CG’s you have at this point should be 9. Nice job!

8. The last two non-hentai CG’s can be obtained by finishing the game and by watching the credits until the Small Squirrel logo shows up

How to get all Achievements

The table below shows description of steam achievements, and how to obtain it.

Achievement name and descriptionHow to obtain it
First Upgrade: Found materials for the Sacred Suit, Completed TutorialYou get this when you finish the first part of the game and get to level select part of the game.
Walk in the Park: Searched the Slime King on the PlainsFinish the Plains level.
Sexy Theif: Completed the Advanced OutfitCraft the armor using the materials collected in the Plains level.
Bikini Hero: Completed the Heroine’s BikiniCraft the armor using the materials collected from the Green Forest level
Magical Girl: Completed the Magical Girl OutfitCraft the armor using the materials collected from the Hillside level.
Final Form: Completed the Final Sacred SuitCraft the armor using the materials collected from the Black Forest level.
Soft: Defeated by the Slime King. Ran out of EPGet defeated by the Slime King by losing your EP, not HP.
Multiplayer: Defeated by the Goblin King. Ran out of EPGet defeated by the Goblin King by losing your EP, not HP.
Big and Strong: Defeated by the Orc King. Ran out of EPGet defeated by the Orc king by losing your EP, not HP.
Public Punishment: defeated by the Imperial Guards. Ran out of EPGet defeated by the Royal Guard Lancer by losing your EP, not HP.
Charm Spell: Defeated by the Succubus. Ran out of EPGet defeated by Kassandra by losing your EP, not HP.
Oh! Tentacles!: Defeated by the Tentacles. Ran out of EPGet defeated by the Tentacle Monster by losing your EP, not HP.
Exhausted: Play the first Blush EventClick the red heart after getting the Sacred Suit in the level select menu.
Exhausted: Play the first Second EventAfter getting defeated by Kassandra another heart will appear on the level select. Click the orange heart at the main menu.
Foreshadowing: Play the third Blush EventAfter crafting the Final Sacred Suit click the purple heart at the top of the menu.
First Save: First SaveSave the game
Hidden Button: Find the hidden button in the final boss fightClick the heart button at the top of the table beside the throne in the final boss fight
Patience: Watch the whole staff list patientlyWatch the credits til’ the very end

Have fun ❤


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