Selene’s Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Walktrough to finish the Selene’s Unbearable Night game, solving all the puzzles, items and tips to get past the bosses.

After a long and exhausting day of traveling to visit a friend, Selene stops at a modest restaurant to have a cappuccino, enjoy some music and rest a little. What she didn’t expect was to be kidnapped.
Now she has the mission to try to get out of this nightmare alive and rescue her friends. However, in the midst of this nightmare, she discovers that she has many dark secrets in the midst of it all.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide


– Some items are standard in the game. Example: in chapter 1, white furniture (desks, wardrobes…) will always open if interacted with by the player. This same understanding applies to other common items in other chapters.
– Check the entire scene wherever you are, looking for ammunition, medicine or other items.
– Always carry your weapons and energy recharged, as this can be crucial at times, especially before facing bosses.
– The bosses won’t give you much space, so be quick, give yourself space to shoot.
– Save ammunition, if possible, kill enemies by stealth or with the knife.


Below you will find a step-by-step guide with all the information needed to complete the game Selene Unbearable Night


Upon entering the restaurant, Selene talks to Olivia, the restaurant’s waitress, after the scene, go to the bathroom to wash your hands, but before that, look at the poster on the wall about a missing girl. Return to Olivia and then go to the music box. After playing the music, return to the attendant and watch the scene.
After taking control of Selene again, try to free yourself from the rope. After being free of them, look for a stone, which is next to Olivia, use it to open the door at the top of the stairs.
When you exit through the door, enter the room ahead, take the lantern, and if you want, save your game, at the clock next to the table where you got the lantern. On top of the piano, there is a book.
When leaving this room, the phone in the next room starts ringing, answer it. On the same table as the telephone, open the drawer. Then go to the book shelf. Notice, there are five books missing from the shelf.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

The books will be on this floor and/or on the top, so it is important to check all the white furniture you find. To this end, I emphasize that this does not mean that all books will be in these. The first book he found was on a piano, in the previous room, on this same floor.
On the upper floor, you will find a white clock, however, this is not the point to save the game, but you will need to find a clock hand to get a screwdriver. Moving on to the other rooms, after the scene, in the bathroom, take the lid off a bathtub full of blood and watch the scene, acquire a key and leave this room and go to the lower floor, after the disturbing scene, go down the stairs.
In the dining room on this floor, open a locked door, read a document and go to the room where you need to place the five books on the shelf. A secret passage will open, go through it and watch the video from the projector. After the animation, exit this room and head to the right; go to the room with a red light, this same room was previously locked. Check the body, to get a key, after the scene, in the closet next to you you will see some symbols drawn, memorize them.
Go up the stairs and go to a door that was locked, in front of a room, now it will be open. You’ll come across a riddle on the wall (did you memorize the symbols that were on the floor below?! Associate them with the riddle in evidence) and find the clock hand in the sink (a disturbing scene will occur). Take it and insert it into the white clock and put the following time on it: 02:45. Once this is done, you will get the screwdriver. Go down to the bottom floor, save your game, and go down to the floor where Olivia is. On the door that is locked, use the screwdriver and enter the enigma code: 1184.

With the door open, Olivia will follow you. Be careful, because after the scene, a maniac will chase them, but don’t worry, follow the tip, so you don’t get lost throughout the maze. At the first fork, turn right, then turn left, continuing, turn left and at the next, right (crouch in front of the railing, to continue), and turn left, twice. A scene will happen, a monster will jump on the maniac and save him. However, the problem is not over, you will have to kill another one who will appear after the scene, take the handgun, a tip is to shoot him in the head, this will save you ammunition.

Having killed the maniac, turn left and see a scene of a ritual, follow the woman after the scene, down the corridor, turn left, she will come out from behind the box, continue following her, being careful, as she will soon appear another enemy, having shot him down, continue along the corridor, after the cutscene, Selene and Olivia will be separated.


Continue with Selene, grab the knife over the boxes and destroy them so you can continue down the hallway. Be careful, because straight ahead, there is an enemy with his back to you, I recommend that you go crouched down so as not to make too much noise, and as soon as the button to eliminate him stealthily appears on the screen, do it, because this had helped him save ammunition; Once this is done, there will be a closed door in front of you, go down the ramp on your left, on the shelf get a healing item, then go between two shelves and get a weapon, the Blow, and read a document. Now go back down the ramp, and the door that was closed will be open, again, be careful, there will be an enemy in this room, kill him, get arrows from the shelf and climb up the boxes, go forward, through a duct in the ceiling, more Ahead, you will fall into a control room, an enemy will spot you, Selene, will run to the room ahead, eliminate the maniac, take the Handgun on a small barrel next to the room’s entrance and ammunition for this weapon, on the shelf .

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Returning to the control room, exit through the left entrance, further ahead, collect arrows from the bookshelf and go through the small passage in the grate, at this moment, a maniac will grab you by the feet in order to kill you, however, Selene will be able to If you dodge the enemy’s attacks, when you regain control, kill the executioner. Continue forward, get ammo for the revolver on the table; In the next room, take medicine from the shelf and move the panel, at this moment the alarm stops ringing and an entrance opens.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Go back towards the control room, and now go in the opposite direction you came from. As soon as you enter the room, you are trapped. Notice right at the entrance that on the right side, we have four energy boxes that can be connected; while, on the left side there are four numbered boxes with numbers from one to four. The puzzle here is the following: observe which box (right side), the wires from box number 1 (left side), are connected, then I do this, for boxes number: 2; 3 and 4 – in order. If you don’t want to rack your brains, the order of the boxes is as follows: 2-1-4-3.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Once this is done, an entrance in the ceiling will open; climb the stairs to access this entrance.
So, when you enter this room, hide behind the boxes, wait for the enemy to enter and eliminate them stealthily. Continue down the hallway; You will see a monster ahead, walking from left to right. He entered through a door that you won’t be able to open at the moment. Go back and enter through the left entrance, break the boxes ahead and get ammunition for the revolver. On the straight path, it is dark, you will need to turn on the light to go through this path. Going left, enter the first room.

Here, you will see the box where you will need to place two fuses, on the shelves you will find arrows and there is a clock, to save your game, if you want. Return to the hallway, moving forward. The path to the right will be blocked because of the fire, go left, touch the red valve, go forward, but walk with your dodge ready, as a maniac will come out and appear, hit him in the head, so as not to have bigger problems (Speaking of problems, a possible enemy could appear behind you, stay tuned).

Continue forward, towards the room, but don’t be hasty, go with caution, as an enemy will run out of it. After eliminating it, touch another red valve and take the first fuse. Now leave the room, heading towards the first entrance on the left, go to the end of the corridor to get the second fuse on the table (there is no need to go forward, because the fire will block the passage), when you try to go back, a terrifying scene will occur.
To be able to return to the fuse room, you will have to touch the two valves again. Once this is done, insert the fuses into the power box and the passage that was dark will now be lit, follow it.
After passing through the narrow passage, you will enter a kind of horror room, take the medicine from the shelf and move the rope, to see a disturbing scene. Leave the room as soon as possible and save your game in the room where you placed the fuses.

Go back to the hallway where you saw the monster, enter the room that was locked. Enter the room and you will see a woman tied to a chair, then a monster will appear behind you, Selene will dodge. Once you take control of the character, you will have to destroy this boss. Don’t panic, follow these tips: Firstly, don’t waste ammunition for nothing, just shoot at the red protrusion, on the monster’s back, around four to six shots, will knock it down. Secondly, the light can make you slow and confused, use this to your advantage. Third, if you have space, crouch down to hide (between the boxes) and consequently, the boss will be lost, looking for you. Fourth, there are some items throughout the room that you can pick up. Finally, be careful because if he’s on your tail, he’ll be quick.

Having finished off the boss, Olivia will appear, opening a door. If you didn’t get all the items in the room, get them and then follow Olivia. The monster that you just knocked down will come after you, run, following Olivia and a very strange scene will happen, could Olivia be a traitor?!


After regaining control of the game, you will control nothing more, nothing less than Olivia herself. If you want to save your game, there is a clock in this room. Leaving the room, go to the left, in this corridor, there is a telephone, if something interacts with it, it will only give a signal, but no response. The door in front of the telephone will be closed; while the next door will be open and the last one will be closed. Following the corridor, in front of this last door, enter the kitchen, take the Handgun on the table, a healing item next to it, leaving through the door on the opposite side to the one you came in.
When you leave, the phone starts ringing, answer it; then go back and go up the stairs, because if you go down there will be a closed door. Go left, when passing through the narrow space between a bookcase and the wall, break the box to get ammunition, get medicine near the scary picture and a key next to the notebook, a brief scene, on this device, will happen, But be careful, as an undead will appear behind you, look for a place with more space to kill him.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Now go to the opposite side, enter the room, look at the pictures on the wall, above the bed, they will reveal a code that you will have to use soon. Also get revolver ammo and a healing item. Now leave the room and go down the stairs.
When you arrive on the lower floor, there will be an undead man near the stairs, waiting for you, kill him and go to the door in front of the phone, now you will be able to open it. Enter, you will come across a scene from a real horror film, several bathtubs full of blood; In one of them, which is empty, you will find handgun ammunition. Crouch and go through the passage to access the stairs and go down.

If you didn’t write down the number, on the boards, here it is, enter 1431 on the panel, to open the passage and get shotgun ammo and a key. Go back up the stairs and when you reach the bathtub room, some undead will come at you, exterminate them.
Now, go down the stairs and open the door that was locked, following the corridor, if you want to kill an undead in a stealthy way, you will do it. Continue, you will reach a corridor of cells, and in the first one, you can already see a Shotgun on the wall, to get it, enter the cell next door and go through the passage, to enter and get the shotgun.

Further ahead in another cell, there is a sequence of colors written on the wall, be sure to write it down, you will need it further on. Continuing down the corridor, watch out for an enemy that will come running towards you. Go down the ramp to your left and be careful in the next corridor, an enemy will come from the right, and another will be on the left. First go through the left corridor, get ammo from the revolver and move the panel to see Selene, and again, be careful, when you leave this room, another undead will already be on your tail.
Now take the path on the right; you will arrive in a small room that has shotgun ammo, a healing item and four boxes that have writings above them (Green-Yellow-Blue-Red), did you write down the sequence in the cell?! If not, here it goes: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. Once this is done, a ticket will be released.

Go back up the ramp you came from and continue forward, when you try to enter an area, you will see a scene of an explosion with Olivia, but don’t worry, to prevent this from happening, just walk following the bloody footprints on the floor.
Continue forward, until the scene where Olivia manages to find her sister Sam, and a monster kills some maniacs, but it will come after them both, run. Continue forward, do not turn left at the first entrance, when there is a fork (a living dead man will appear, coming from this direction), continue, climb a step, pass through the narrow gap between the wall and a bookshelf, continuing, now turn left, because, the monster will come from the other direction, after running from it, Olivia and Sam will fall into the water.

After regaining control of the character, they are in a corridor, go forward, when you reach the fork, take the path to the right, and follow it to the end to find ammo for the shotgun, in the next room, save your game and move the blue valve, when you try to leave the room, a monster will appear. Like the master you killed with Selene, at the end of the previous chapter, just shoot the protrusion on his body, however, this time, it will be on the head and it will be much calmer. About 3 shots will do the trick.
Having finished off the opponent, go back down the corridor, following the opposite path, on this side, get handgun ammo and touch another blue valve.

Go back to the center of the fork and go through the path opened by the blue valves. Follow the corridor until you go down a ramp, turn left on the path, kill two undead and further ahead, turn right to enter a room and get shotgun ammo and further ahead, handgun and a key.
Now go back the way you came and along the way three undead will appear, eliminate them and head in the direction of the red light, on the opposite side. Turn left, open the door and first take the shotgun, handgun and medicine ammunition; Now equip yourself with the shotgun and grab the valve. A scene will take place, Sam is kidnapped again by a maniac and unfortunately, a monster appears and there is no way to leave the room without killing him.

The tip here is the following, take a shot if the enemy is close (and if this is the case, dodge a possible attack, using the space key); If the enemy is far away, fire two shots. Reload your weapon, when you are running and not stopped, to save time. About 10 to 12 shots will knock the opponent down and the door will open.

Go back through the ramp you came from last time, and fit the valve on the plumbing, a passage will be open, go through the door and follow the corridor, until you find a yellow door. You will meet Selene – at which point she killed the first boss. A scene will play, until you talk to Selene – now yes – in real time.


After a heated discussion between Selene and Olivia, they make up and you regain control of the blonde. Follow the open passage and go up the ramp, go straight and don’t turn right. You will arrive in a room with three energy boxes on the wall and above each one, the number 1, this is another puzzle that you will have to decipher. In this room there are still arrows on the shelf.
Follow the small corridor, you will hear two maniacs talking, eliminate them while waiting; After eliminating them, take the medicine and continue forward, going down a ramp. You will arrive at an abandoned temple, but soon you will be greeted by three undead, defeat them. Entering the temple on the opposite side to the one you entered, you will find the symbol of a star being equal to 1. Now go to the left side in relation to the temple entrance and you will find more writings on the wall, in fact there are three mathematical operations. Knowing the value of the star, the calculation was easy.
Return to the room that has the three energy boxes and handle them, assigning the values, according to the symbol that is inscribed on each one of them; however, to make it easier, here is the code: 4-2-3.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Once this is done, a door will open, go back through the corridor you came in, now take the path that was previously ignored, however, be careful, there will be a maniac with a revolver in the middle of the way. Kill him and continue on your way, until a cutscene happens and Selene and Olivia will be separated.

With Selene’s control, get shotgun ammo and medicine and save your game, go through the open door down a long corridor, you will hear screams and a baby crying, until a creature with a baby’s head and a spider’s body appears, kill it. O. Go left to get revolver ammo and move the panel, then return following the room you came in, because the other passage has been opened. On the way, you will hear screams and crying again, monsters will come again, two in front of you and one behind you, eliminate them.
Following the opened passage, enter the sewers and entering to the left, a giant baby monster will be on your tail, run until you find a barrel and destroy the creature. Following the corridor in front of you, be careful, as as soon as you try to turn left, there will be an undead running towards you. After getting rid of the problem, get medicine, ammunition for the shotgun and blow.
You will come out in a corridor, on the right, there will be a closed door, so go in the opposite direction, kill two undead and a baby monster; In the room, take the key from the shelf and go back to the door that is locked, but first, kill one more opponent.

Having opened the door, a cutscene will take place, here you will have to be precise, as you are surrounded by three armed maniacs, observe their position, be quick and shoot them in the head. Having killed the three, another one will appear, finish off the intruder too. In this room, you will find revolver ammunition and medicines. Follow the corridor to the end to exit the basement.


You are in a macabre place, a place that has some catacombs and temples in ruins. On your left side, there is a clock to save the game, if you want; while in front of you, there are two maniacs who, when killed, you can get a statuette, the Uzi machine gun and a little further from where you got the weapon, shotgun ammunition.

Following the bridge, you will be able to find handgun ammunition on a pillar, continue forward, you will see a temple with a locked door and further ahead, some catacombs with crosses, in these you will have ammunition for the uzi, while on the opposite side, there will be a staircase which gives access to a ruined temple, which will have another statuette; When you pick it up, a monster with a protrusion on its head will appear, however, you will need to spend a little more ammunition to take it down than the same one you killed with Olivia.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Leaving the temple where you got this last item, go forward and you will find another temple, with another statuette; When trying to enter, you will be greeted by three undead, kill them to access the item.
Now go back to the save game clock and go to the left of it, to find a staircase that gives access to the basement of the temple in question. You will hear a conversation. Don’t go down the stairs on the opposite side without first getting ammunition for all your weapons and medicine.
Go down the stairs carefully, because there will be two maniacs on the lower floor, eliminate them; So Selene will find Rodrigo imprisoned, she will try to find a solution to free him. Before returning to the upper floor, collect shotgun and revolver ammunition and go up.

Returning to the upper floor, go to your right and check the stone writing, as it will give you clues to the riddle, which is in the next room.
In the room in question, insert the three figurines in the indicated location; If you didn’t understand what the text on the stone said, don’t worry, here’s the solution: The statuette on the left will face the right side; the one in the center, facing the wall; and the third, in the same sense as the first.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Once this is done, a door will open next to the stone writing.
Go up the stairs, kill the baby monster, go down the stairs and don’t go up the stairs next to it yet, get ammunition for the revolver and machine gun, medicine; Make sure your weapons are loaded, as well as your energy. If you want, go back and save the game, I recommend it.

Now, go up the stairs and you will face a boss, a maniac with a chainsaw, remember Resident Evil?! Be very careful with him, as he won’t give you much space, which requires you to reload your weapon when running and always pass very close to him, dodge (space key). After about five shotgun shots he will fall, but he gets up very quickly, you will need about seven more shots to finish him.
In this scenario, you will find ammunition for the uzi, handgun, shotgun and medicine. In the passage to the right at the entrance to this scenario, you will find another revolver ammunition and a key.

Go back to Rodrigo, you won’t find him in the cell, just shotgun ammunition inside the cell.
Remember the temple with the door closed, next to the crosses?! Go there and open the door with the key you acquired. Entering the stage, kill two undead and get ammunition for your weapons.

Go forward, you will see a scene and have another confrontation with another boss, the tip here is the same one you used with the chainsaw maniac, to defeat him. In the scenario, you find items to pick up too. At the end of the confrontation, Claudia (from Unbearable) will appear and talk to Selene.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide


You take control of Olivia again, go forward down the corridor and get the Handgun from the crucifix, and yes, you will face another boss. It has a protrusion on its back, the procedure to follow is already known, however, I recommend that after shooting, run, changing direction and crouching to hide, with the monster having lost sight of you, just repeat the tactic, until it fall. Finishing the opponent, the gate will open.
Following the corridor, take the torch, kill the undead and continue; The front has a locked door, to open it you will have to light three torches, which are in the next scene, however, before heading to the torches, pick up handgun ammunition on the floor, near the door.

Kill the undead and climb a ladder to the left, follow between the boards until you reach the lamp, light it. When you return, the enemy will knock you off the boards. Go to the opposite side, and climb up a plank, the front passage is blocked, turn right to position yourself in front of another entrance and press the space key to enter through the passage, get handgun ammo and go to the side opposite, to enter another passage, be careful with the undead and light another lamp. Go back across the board and position yourself in front of another exit and press space again. In this area there are two stairs, the first one close to where you ended up leaving, which will give access to the roof of the room you were in; and the second staircase, which is further forward, which will give access to the third and final lamp. Go up this one to complete the puzzle.

After lighting the three lamps, head towards the door that was locked, however, you will be accompanied by a warrior, who will chase you. Run to the end of the corridor, enter a narrow passage on your left, to get rid of the executioner.
Search the entire scene to find handgun ammunition, two medicines and a statuette, which is in a room to the right. After getting this item, dodge, as an undead will appear, kill him.
Now go to the room on the opposite side, place the item in a small column at the bottom. Once this is done, a passage will open in this same room.
Go ahead and kill the undead and be careful with the cheat on the bridge, because if it catches you, it’s game over. Passing through all the obstacles, crouch in front of the grate and enter.

Selene's Unbearable Night Walktrough Guide

Continue forward and you will have another boss to defeat, this time it’s Magnus. This confrontation will be with swords and you will have to dodge to attack him. The tip is: dodge (keeping the right mouse button pressed the entire time) and wait for him to come close to you, then attack him (right mouse button) several times. Once this is done, gain space and repeat the procedure a few times. Be precise, as his attacks take a lot of energy.
Defeating the tormentor, control returns to Selene, you will be in the room where you faced a boss with Olivia, move forward, get ammo from the handgun, where before, there was the fire torch; continue forward, as before, the door is closed and you will have to light the three lamps, however, start with the two that are on your right, remember the path?! Having accessed them, you will now have to go to the third one, however, the undead destroyed the passage; The solution is simple, equip the blow and get close to a barrel with fire, now you will have an arrow with the tip on fire, aim in the direction of the lamp and light it.

The door will open, but like before, the warrior will appear, but unfortunately, it won’t be just one. Escape, avoiding their attacks, until you reach the end of the corridor, however, now you will turn right, following until you reach a door.
You will be safe from the warriors, climb the ladder, there is a clock to save your game; to the right of this, there is a locked door; Therefore, enter the open door next door and open the door to kill an undead and get ammunition for the revolver and shotgun. Return very carefully, as there will be an undead lurking in the corridor.

Go up the stairs (as the door on the opposite side is also locked), in the door on the right, look for an inscription on the ceiling of this room, referring to a time, write it down and get shotgun ammunition.
Go back and further ahead, there will be a medicine on a shelf, the door on this side is locked and the door on the front is open; go in and get the handgun ammo and the healing item first; only then, investigate the drawing on the wall to get a key and see a scene.
You will have to face another boss in a place with little space. Fire two shotgun shots, dodge the opponent, reload the weapon and position yourself behind the monster to attack it again. After about 7 shots it will be finished.

Go down to the first floor and go to the locked door on the right. You will be in a small library, take the handgun ammo and go up the stairs. On the white clock, enter the time noted: 11:50; a passage behind you will be revealed.
Enter through it and at the entrance, take a key and watch a video of Olivia and Magnus on the projector.
Go to the second floor and enter through the locked door; First, collect the handgun and shotgun ammunition, then head towards the crucifix on the wall.
You’ll have to take down a maniac with a chainsaw again. The tactic is the same as what he used against the same opponent previously. Remember, you are in a place with less space. Therefore, be more agile to prevent him from landing attacks on your character.

Defeating him, Sam appears to help you, if you didn’t get the healing item during the confrontation, take it and follow the girl, who is looking for her sister, Olivia; until a scene happens. Follow Olivia’s direction until another scene happens.
Follow Olivia and Sam’s search along the available path, while you will be talking to an entity. Grab handgun and shotgun ammo, save your game and continue forward. Selene will find the entity, prepare to face it.
The tactic is the same that you have already used with other bosses, but this boss is lighter and will run towards you throughout the battle. Be agile and precise. Take the items available in the scene and hide behind walls and trees when he throws darts at you.
Keep up your tactics until you take him down and finally enjoy the end of the game.


Ever since I discovered the game, in a search for horror games on Steam, the videos and images of it caught my attention and wanted to play.
So, I purchased the game and soon began to enjoy it. Expectations were exceeded and as I stated in my review, it was worth every penny invested.
After the game’s recent major update, many improvements were added, including gameplay, graphics and, of course, the addition of another chapter, which enriched the plot.

Have fun!

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