Ravager Unofficial Walkthrough+Guide

A complete walkthrough for Ravager, covering the main plot, waifu storylines, lewd scenes, stat building, and more! Everything you need to navigate the numerous choices and challenges the game provides.

1) Overview

In Ravager you play as a royal dragon, cast from power by an usurper. Your goal is to reconquer the kingdom and claiming the throne that is rightfully yours. The story plays out over five acts, each of which adds new mechanics. Alongside the main plot, you’ll be gathering and banging a harem of waifu, and these bangings can be either gentle and emotional, or nasty and violent. You have a lot of options on how to play this, and indeed part of the fun of the game is in embodying the main character and developing his personal code of honor.

Note that while the game does not judge you for your particular sexual proclivities, there will be consequences to your actions. This walkthrough will mention only decisions that will cause major branches in a scene or have significant effects later on, like locking off later plotlines. If a decision point isn’t mentioned, it’s probably irrelevant, so just do what you find most dragon-ish. (Or most fun.) All sexy scenes are unlocked for view in the gallery after seeing them the first time.

You cannot see everything on a single run, so I advise against trying. Just do what you want. After all, you’re a dragon- that’s what they do.

If this walkthrough doesn’t help, there’s also an official walkthrough, maintained by Miah. You can find it here, or by clicking the link in the game’s pause menu.

Needless to say, there are spoilers throughout this walkthrough. I’ll block out some of the juicier bits, but read at your own risk. 🙂

Last update: 29.05.2023

1.1) Frequently Asked Questions (CHECK HERE FIRST)

Q: How long is this game?
 Five acts, though Act V is not complete at the time of this writing. Future updates will include Act V, and also flesh out Acts III-IV further. There are no plans for a sixth act.

Q: Is this walkthrough up to date?
 Well, at time of writing, the current game version is 5.0.3a. Updates to the walkthrough will be posted shortly after the release of new content. I can’t say when, exactly; I don’t have any special relationship with the developers, so I get the new content the same time as you.

Q: How do I avoid dying at the end of Act III?
 See Section 2.3.9

Q: How do I find treasure?
 See Section 4.6

Q: Can I capture Maelys alive?
 You can! See Section 3.10

Q: Can I get a waifu back after giving her to a horde or lair faction?
 Nope. They’re gone from your harem for good. That’s the price you pay for the morale boost.

Q: But I want Darja back from the Infernals!
BOMP BOMP ba-BOMMMM, Weeeeeehhhhhhh.

Q: How do I get Breaker?
 You need to build the torture chamber.

Q: Why can’t I build the torture chamber?
 It requires the “Mutilation” tag active in the Preferences menu. Also, like all lair upgrades, it costs 1 treasure to build and takes time.

Q: When will the lair upgrade I ordered be built?
 It takes a day or two. Try sleeping to advance time.

Q: Why can’t I find Mina the Merchant in Act III?
A: See Section 3.13 for the full story, but the short version is that she’ll be either at Gutter’s Cove (the Fishing Village in the lowlands) or the Roads. If she’s not at either location, you may have to restore an old save and play her inital event differently to make her appear.

Q: Is the bathhouse useless?
 Not as much as it used to be. Having a soak will reduce your wounds, but by Act III that’s not especially useful. The real purpose of bathing is to trigger bathing scenes with your waifu. Currently, Darja the Fangirl and Mina the Merchant have “clean” bathing scenes, and Marie-Anne the Farmgirl has a sexy one; more will be added in the future.

Q: Is it possible to have the Mercenaries in the lair at the same time as Mina the Merchant without making Mina a prisoner?
 Yes. When Mina meets the Mercs, you have to imprison her, or else she’ll leave. However, once she’s imprisoned, you can make amends to her by giving her the dress Petruk finds midway through Act III. This gets Mina back to being your trustworthy business partner, without affecting the Mercenaries’ loyalty.

Q: Are the traps in the lair useless?
 They’ll help you capture the catgirls (See Section 3.15 for details). Other than that, they have no use.

Q: Why won’t the catgirls show up in my lair?
 You need to have told them where you live (See section 3.8 for details) and have at least 1 Treasure. You’ll also want to build traps for your lair before they visit, otherwise…

Q: Is there pregnancy content in this game?
 Yes. All female waifu can be impregnated, with two exceptions: Maelys the Huntress and Sabetha, one-half of the Sabentha/Inej duo.. However, only three waifu have pregnancy storylines that play out over Acts i-IV: Enid the Commoner, Heloise the Inquisitrix, and Valzira the Witch. Note that those last two are mutually exclusive. See their respective sections for details. Other waifu can get pregnant, but won’t be showing until Act V.

Q: The conversation with the Inquisitrix is bugged!
 No, it isn’t. Keep playing and things will become clear.

Q: Yes, it is! I select “WHAT JUST HAPPENED.” and the game says I chose “NO.”
(sigh) Look, if you must know: the Inquisitrix has mind control powers and has ensorcelled the dragon. The reason the dragon doesn’t do what you choose is that he’s not in control of his actions right now. Continue playing, and you’ll have a chance to break the spell.

Q: A choice that you/someone else mentioned isn’t there.
 Check the preferences menu; some scenes and branches are blocked off if an applicable fetish tag is disabled. You can enable or disable tags on the fly, but you may have to scrollback the text and replay the last few lines for the new settings to kick in.

Q: I found a lewd scene, but it wasn’t added to the Gallery.
 The devs don’t add scenes to the Gallery until they’re both written and illustrated. Try again next version.

Q: I want the game, but the country where I live doesn’t permit the sale of pornographic games.
 Definitely talk with your elected representatives about that. But in the meantime, supporting Ravager’s crowdfunding campaigns at a certain level will get you a Steam Key. This key can be redeemed to get the game regardless of where you live. You have to pledge at a pretty high level to get the key, but the devs are perfectly okay with you pledging for a month to get the key and then dropping your support afterwards.

Q: Do you have a 100% save file?
 There’s no such thing as a 100% playthrough of Ravager- multiple playthroughs are required to see everything. But if you just want to unlock all scenes for the gallery, click “Unlock All” in the Gallery.

Q: There’s an error in the walkthrough.
 This is very possible! My knowledge of the game is not perfect. Leave a note in the comments and I’ll have it fixed in the next version.

1.2) About Character Names

When you first meet a character, you usually won’t know their name. Until you learn it, they’ll be identified by a descriptive moniker. If there comes a point where you don’t know who I’m talking about, consult the following list:

Chanwe the Abbess
Chia the Handmaid
Cooch the Drunk (sometimes known by her proper name, “Cuchilla”)
Darja the Fangirl
Eburon the Wolfboy
Enid the Commoner
Heloise the Inquisitrix
Issa the Kobold (sometimes called “the Chamberlain”)
Maelys the Huntress
Malice the Naga
Marie-Anne the Farmgirl
Mina the Merchant (sometimes called “the Trader”)
Naho the Wolfgirl
Rain the Nun (not named in game)
Sabetha and Inej the Rogues (sometimes called “the Thief Sisters”, or “the Catgirls”)
Valzira the Witch

Umaults and other diacriticals will be ignored in this walkthrough; Apologies, but I am a sylvan gamer, I do not speak high ASCII.

Incidentally, the dragon has no canon name; his name is whatever you name him. Declining to choose a name gives him the name “Ravager”, but this is just a placeholder; the developers and fandom refer to him as “the dragon”.

1.3) The Basics

1.3.1) Main Menu

On first bootup, Sabetha and Inej the Rogues will walk you through setting up your fetish tags, to fully customize your dragon-porn experience. You can change these tags on the Preferences menu, off the main menu. Anything lit is on; anything not will be dummied out of the story. As mentioned above, you can change Preferences mid-game if a branch you want is not presented, though you have to scrollback a few lines to engage the new settings. I suggest playing with all tags on, so all content is available. You can usually nope out or rollback if you run into something you don’t like. But, if you’re particularly squicked or triggered by something, or you just find it more convenient, go ahead and turn stuff off. Ravager does not judge, and neither will I. 🙂

Click “Game Settings” in the upper-right corner of the Preferences menu to access more traditional game options, such as volume, static or animated sprites, etc.

While we’re here on the main menu, notice the Gallery option. This is a catalog of lewd scenes, indexed by waifu. Scenes which you’ve seen before can be viewed from here. On the first page, up top, note commands to Unlock or Relock All Scenes.

The Main Menu also has options to view credits, a walkthrough, and the game’s Discord. The Discord is where fans hang out and can communicate with the developers, including submitting bug reports. I recommend checking it out. It’s a fun hangout, and you get a free Achievement for clicking the link. 🙂

All the options on the Main Menu- except for the gallery- are also available on the in-game status screen, accessible by pressing ESC at any time in-game. The status screen also lists your statistics, which we should probably talk about…

1.3.2) Statistics

Your dragon has a bunch of statistics, which are checked at various points in the story. There’s no element of chance in a stat check- if your stat is X or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you’ll fail, though failure isn’t always a bad thing- sometimes you get a boost to the relevant stat by making a good try.

Note that you’ll get a bonus point of both Strength and Charm for completing Act II, and another of each for completing Act III.

The statistics are:

– Wounds: Your HP. Certain bad decisions or failed stat checks will give you a wound. If you take three wounds, it’s Game Over. Your wounds score is reduced by 1 whenever you complete an Act, and can be reduced to zero by using the bathhouse in your lair. Don’t worry too much about your Wound level; it shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re reckless, and you can always use rollback to choose a different option.

– Strength: How good you are at violence. You can increase it by failing strength challenges, or eating meat. It has to be either live meat, or freshly killed; cooking it or letting it sit too long gives no bonus. Note that human meat- including your waifu- IS an option, but it’s not necessary- if you know what you’re doing, you can make every skill check in the game without resorting to man/woman-eating.

– Charm: How good you are at getting your way using words. You get extra Charm points from conversation, or occassionally from failing Charm checks.

– Potency: How horny your dragon is. No, really. Potency goes up by one point whenever you bang someone new. Where the game draws the line between sex acts that increase Potency and those that don’t is a little unclear, but generally the Potency increase is only triggered when your partner takes your semen inside her vagina, mouth, or anus. You only get the bonus after your first time with a new partner (or victim- consent is optional), so you can’t just pick one waifu and grind her to increase your potency. (You can always grind her for fun, though. 🙂 ) Higher potency has the practical effect of making you more supernaturally powerful, allowing you to resist magics and- on rare occasions- intimidate puny humans with your draconic aura.

– Cruelty/Mercy: Two different stats, representing your reputation in the eyes of the general public. Note that this is NOT a karma meter or measure of how noble or evil you are- rather, it denotes what people have heard about you. Hence, this stat will only increase in response to actions that are witnessed, either at the time or after the fact. You can- for example- earn a high Mercy stat by acting noble and honorable in public, while still being an amoral monster in private. Cruelty and Mercy are tracked independently of each other, so it’s quite possible to live the Machiavellian ideal of being loved and feared at the same time, if you’re good enough.

Other statistics for your armies- and eventually your kingdom- will be added as the game progresses.

Opportunities to raise stats are common at first, but become rarer as the game goes on. From Act IV onward, acts that would have normally granted Charm, Strength, or Potency won’t, since the dragon is fully grown by then. If you’re having trouble raising a stat to the level you need, a complete list of opportunities can be found in section 4 of this walkthrough.

1.3.3) Power Fantasy Mode

At the beginning of the game, you can choose to play “Dark Fantasy” or “Power Fantasy”. “Power Fantasy” is easy mode; all skill checks are made automatically, and wounds, treasure requirements, and horde morale are ignored. In other words, the game becomes more of a straightforward visual novel. Note that this does NOT make you invincible; “Dead End” branches still mean Game Over, and your actions may still have consequences you don’t want to face.

2) Main Plot Walkthrough

2.1) Act I

Act I is a prologue- a mostly-linear sequence of scenes that introduces some of the major characters and the central conflict of the game. In addition to setting up the plot, it also serves as character creation; not just in determining your starting stats, but in giving an opportunity to get into character and decide what kind of personality your draconic avatar has. Stats aside, most of your choices in Act I will not have a substantial effect on the game going forward. The only exception is your interactions with Enid the Commoner. Depending on your actions, she may be capturable later on, show up later for a quick cameo, or not appear again. None of the other choices you make will have an effect other than your stats and an occasional changed line of dialog.

So, then: hit start, choose Dark Fantasy or Power Fantasy mode, get yourself hatched, and away we go!

2.1.1) The Palace

First thing that happens upon hatching is that you meet Adeline. You then have some opportunities to interact with her.

  • Biting her grants +1 STRENGTH, and the opportunity to spit fire in her face. Spitting fire doesn’t go as planned, but gives +1 CRUELTY.
  • Nestling closer grants +1 CHARM, and the opportunity to Mount her.
    • Attempting to mount her fails, but gives you a second chance to bite and spit fire, for the STRENGTH/CRUELTY bonus above.
    • Alternatively, following up Mounting with Pouting or Growling gets you nothing, but gives you an additional option in the next scene.
  • All other options proceed to the next bit with no changes to your stats.

You then get some exposition, and the chance to name yourself. After a bit more dialogue, which doesn’t affect anything, Adeline will leave, and shortly thereafter her handmaiden (Chia is her name, though it won’t be mentioned until much later) will enter with a plate of meat.

  • Looking at the food gives you the option to either accept it, or pounce the handmaid.
    • Taking the food gives you +1 STRENGTH for the meal and +1 MERCY for having good manners.
    • Pouncing her has the same result as Lunging for her, below.
  • Lunging for her gives you +1 CRUELTY, and the option to continue molesting her:
    • You have two or three options to nope out of this interaction and eat instead, gaining +1 STRENGTH.
    • If you choose to go all the way, you get some services from Chia and +1 POTENCY.
  • If you went Nestle -> Mount -> Pout OR Growl earlier, you’ll have the additional option to “Look at her body”, which allows you to:
    • Take the food after all, getting +1 STRENGTH and +1 MERCY.
    • Or “Approach her” and take her in a gentler fashion, getting +1 POTENCY, but no extra Cruelty.

However you deal with the handmaid, Adeline returns and we proceed to the great hall. Here we meet Regent Balthorne, who quickly establishes himself as the villain of the story.

  • Roaring at him requires 1 Cruelty to succeed
  • Pretending to join him requires 1 Charm to succeed, but gives you +1 CHARM on failure.
  • Staying put automatically fails.

Then you get the choice to either:

  • Run for it.
  • Bite Balthorne’s arm off.
  • If you succeeded in the previous Charm/Cruelty check, you have a third option: “Bite his d*ck off!” This requires 1 Strength. If you fail, you gain +1 STRENGTH for trying.

If you bite either bit of his anatomy off, you then have the choice to:

  • Run for it
  • Or keep fighting, which doesn’t work out. You get +1 WOUNDS and then have to run anyway.

However you play it, you wind up running for it and getting shot, getting +1 WOUNDS (which, if you tried to fight your way through the guards, will give you a total of 2 WOUNDS. Remember, 3 WOUNDS means Game Over!)

2.1.2) The Escape

Landing on the street, you have the option to either run or hide. Running winds up with you trying to hide anyway, (sometimes getting you +1 WOUNDS for your trouble), so cut to the chase and hide. You’ll pick out a likely-looking house and get three options:

  • Bashing down the door fails and prompts you to pick again.
  • Going for the second-floor window takes you to Enid the Commoner’s room.
  • Diving over the gate presents additional options:
    • Climbing into the window takes you to Enid’s room.
    • Hiding under the cart results in two guards coming around searching for you.
      • Picking off one of the guards gets you +1 CRUELTY and the choice to:
        • Toy with them, which gets you +1 WOUNDS before you escape to the sewers.
        • Or make good your escape, heading to the sewers without getting additional wounds.
      • Subduing them gets you +1 MERCY, and you escape to the sewers.
      • Staying hidden takes you straight to the sewers, with no stats gained.

If you wind up in Enid the Commoner’s room, then you get the following options:

  • Jumping back out the window gets you +1 WOUNDS and takes you to the sewers.
  • Staying hidden gets you +1 CHARM and unlocks a cameo later in the game. Then, after a tense scene, you escape to the sewers.
  • Pouncing on Enid gives you further options:
    • Killing her gives you +1 STRENGTH (from snacking on the corpse afterwards), then takes you to the sewers.
    • Holding her still (Enid’s Gallery scene “Rude Awakening”) offers a rather interesting decision point:
      • Taking her roughly gets you +1 POTENCY, but also alerts the guards, who dole out +1 WOUNDS before you escape to the sewers.
      • Taking her gently gets you +1 POTENCY, and gives you further options:
        • C*m on her does exactly that, and offers the additional choice to:
          • Make good your escape, gaining +1 MERCY and going to the sewers.
          • Or kill her, gaining +1 STRENGTH and going to the sewers.
        • C*m in her offers the same two options:
          • Killing her gains +1 STRENGTH and takes you to the sewers.
          • Making good your escape gains you +1 MERCY AND unlocks
          the chance to capture Enid later in the game.
      • Making good your escape gives you +1 MERCY and unlocks the cameo, after which you escape to the sewers.
      • Killing her gives you +1 STRENGTH and takes you to the sewers, as above.

Note that Pounce on her -> Hold her still -> Take her gently -> C*m in her -> Make good your escape is the ONLY path that allows you to capture Enid later on.

However the escape works out, you wind up fleeing to the sewers (if you don’t die from Wounds), where you rest up until the heat dies down. Meanwhile, a brief cutaway scene introduces Maelys the Huntress, whom Balthorne charges to track you down and kill you. And that’s it for Act I.

2.1.3) Suggested Paths

Note that the following are by no means the only paths through Act I. In fact, I recommend you ignore this section; Ravager is meant to be played as you want to play it, and nothing you can do in Act I will cripple your game beyond repair. You should use the opportunity to get into character and do what you think a dragon would do. But, sometimes you gotta min/max- especially in pursuit of those sweet, sweet achievements- so here’s some options for you:

High Cruelty:
– Nestle, Mount, Bite, and Spit Fire on Adeline
– Molest the Handmaid
– Hide under the cart and pick off a guard
Result: 1 STR, 1 CHM, 1 POT, 3 CRU, 0 MER

High Mercy:

– Nestle, Mount, Bite, and Spit Fire on Adeline
– Take the food.
– Take Enid gently, then make your escape. (c*mming in her allows another Mercy point later on, if you’re willing to not capture her.)
Result: 2 STR, 1 CHM, 1 POT, 1 CRU, 2 MER

High Strength:
– Nestle, Mount, Bite, and Spit Fire on Adeline
– Take the food.
– Take Enid gently, then kill her and eat her.
Result: 3 STR, 1 CHM, 1 POT, 1 CRU, 1 MER

High Charm:

– Nestle, Mount, Bite, and Spit Fire on Adeline
– Take the food.
– Enter Enid’s room and stay hidden.
Result: 2 STR, 2 CHM, 0 POT, 1 CRU, 1 MER

High Potency (“Bad Dragon” way):

– Nestle, Mount, Bite, and Spit Fire on Adeline
– Molest the chambermaid.
– Take Enid gently, then kill and eat her.
Result: 2 STR, 1 CHM, 2 POT, 2 CRU, 0 MER

High Potency (“Good Dragon” way):

– Nestle and Mount Adeline, but do not Bite her.
– Eye up the chambermaid, then Approach her.
– Charm Balthorne and then attempt to castrate him.
– Take Enid gently, then make your escape.
Result: 1 STR, 1 CHM, 2 POT, 0 CRU, 1 MER

Zero Cruelty and Mercy (For the “Dragon, What Dragon?” achievement):

– Nestle and Mount Adeline, but do not Bite her.
– Eye up the chambermaid, then Approach her.
– Charm Balthorne and then attempt to castrate him.
– Take Enid gently, then kill her.
Result: 2 STR, 1 CHM, 2 POT, 0 CRU, 0 MER

Lowest Possible Stats (for a challenge):

– Do not Nestle or Bite Adeline
– Take the food
– Freeze up against Balthorne (you can still bite his arm off, if you want.)
– Hide under the cart and wait for the guards to pass.
Result: 1 STR, 0 CHM, 0 POT, 0 CRU, 1 MER
(Alternatively, Lunge at the handmaiden for 1 CRU, then either eat for 1 STR or molest her for 1 POT.)

2.2) Act II

Having escaped the capital via the sewer tunnels, you are now free, but you can’t rest easy. Balthorne has placed a price on your head and sent his own agents after you, including a particularly dogged one by the name of Maelys the Huntress. No matter how fast you run, she’ll find you. Meaning you need a lair to hide out in. So, time for dragon to go house hunting. And along the way, maybe you can meet some interesting people. And f*ck them. Because dragon.

2.2.1) New Mechanic: Exploration and the timer

The first thing you’ll notice on starting Act II is a number in the upper-right corner of the screen. This is the number of days you have before Maelys catches up with you. If you don’t find a lair before it hits zero, it’s Game Over. Best get moving, then. The initial screen of Act II offers you a choice of four destinations- The Highlands, The Lowlands, the Mountains, and The City. The City is inaccessible- after all, you just came from there, and as well-guarded as it is, you’ll need an army to get back inside. The other three are regions containing several locations each. Exploring a location takes one day. While you have plenty of time to explore most of the game world before settling in to your new digs, there’s also a case to be made for finding a lair as soon as possible. Most of the Act II exploration events will remain accessible in Act III, sometimes with small modifications. There are two exceptions to be aware of: the Fishing Village and the Forest. See below for details.

2.2.2) Exploration Events

So, where you can go and what will you find there? Well, here are your options:


Fishing Village (Gutter’s Cove): You have a choice here. Choose “Pick off one of the townspeople” to meet Cooch, the Drunk. Or, choose “Infiltrate a ship” to try and stow away on one. This requires 2 Strength. Failure gets you +1 STRENGTH and +1 WOUNDS. Success allows you to kill a sailor for +1 CRUELTY, or stay hidden to unlock the Sunken Temple lair. Either way, the alarm will be raised in the Cove, meaning you won’t be able to return to meet Cooch until Act III (unless you meet her first). Note that the option to stow away only appears in Act II, and only if you have NOT already heard about the Sunken Temple from the Wisps.

Swamp: Again, you have a choice: Follow the smoke, or follow the lights. (You can come here twice and do both.) Following the smoke unlocks the Shack, and lets you meet Valzira the Witch, who has no time for your crap; no matter what you do, you wind up outside the shack, pwned but unhurt. Following the lights is more productive- you encounter a Wisp, who you can converse with about a variety of subjects. Asking about “SURROUNDINGS” unlocks the Sunken Temple as a potential lair. The other subjects just provide lore. Talking to the wisp also grants you +1 CHARM, and may give you an additional option to capture Valzira later.

Wildlands: You meet up with the Wolf Tribe, and Naho the Wolfgirl picks a fight with you. See Section 3.14 for the details, but the short version is that you need 4 Strength to win. Failing the first time gets you +1 STRENGTH as a consolation prize, in exchange for +1 WOUNDS. Failing a second time is Game Over.


Town (Bastion): You’ll run into Sabetha and Inej, the Rogues. Attacking is a bad idea- not only do you get +1 WOUNDS, but you’ll be locked out of capturing both them and Heloise the Inquisitrix. On the other hand, listening and agreeing to their offer gets you +1 CHARM, and unlocks the Bastion Heist (Heloise the Inquisitrix’s capture event) in Act III.

Roads: Meet Mina the Merchant. If the event goes down a certain way, you can unlock the Abandoned Mine lair.

Farmsteads: You have a choice: Visiting the barn will introduce Marie-Anne the Farmgirl. Among other possible outcomes, Marie-Anne can give you the location of the Abandoned Mine lair. Eating the cattle grants +1 STRENGTH, but locks out the Farmlands for the remainder of Act II.

Forest: Encounter Maelys the Huntrees, facing down some centaurs. This event is ONLY available in Act II, and is important for capturing Maelys later on.


Fortified Village (Coldreach): There’s nothing to do here. Coldreach is a fortress, too well-guarded for even a dragon to assault alone. Going here only wastes a day.

Campire: Meet Darja, the Fangirl. She can guide you to the Spire lair. Note that this is the only way to unlock the Spire as a lair.

Monastery (Convent): Meet Chanwe, the Abbess.

The Peaks: Going here does nothing. Something might be implemented here in a future version.

Details on events where you meet waifu are available in Section 3 of the walkthrough, in their respective articles.

2.2.3) Act II Finale: Picking a lair

So, as you might have noticed reading through the above, there are three lairs available, and you can only pick one per playthrough. The main difference between them is that each provides access to a different Lair Faction- an ally who provides information and magical assistance. There’s a price, though. Each lair faction requires you sacrifice a particular waifu to get them up and running, and then further waifu to keep their morale up. We’ll get more into this in Act III, but for now here are your options:

– The Spire provides access to Malagar, the Warlock, who will assist you with advice and alchemy until you sacrifice Valzira the Witch to him, after which he’ll be able to use magic to warp the laws of nature. To unlock the Spire, go to the Campsite and let Darja the Fangirl escort you there.

– The Abandoned Mine puts you in touch with Zizeryx, the Infernal Demon. Zizeryx (“Ziz”, to the fandom) will be able to craft monsters from the Inferno for your army. Ziz is also a futanari- a hermaphrodite with prominent characteristics from both physical sexes- and the two of you can share some lewd times. Before any of that, though, she’ll ask you to bring her Heloise the Inquisitrix. As noted above, you can unlock the Abandoned Mine by getting a tip from either Mina the Merchant or Marie-Anne the Farmgirl.

– The Sunken Temple allows you to ally with Mother, a primordial Chaos God. Mother is beyond mortal comprehension- your puny mind will interpret her speech as riddles and metaphors, and the world turns into an acid trip in her presence. But she can mold reality itself like potter’s clay, and put hideous creatures at your command. To forge an alliance, you’ll need to give Mother Chanwe the Abbess, to serve as her divine vessel. The Sunken Temple is unlocked by conversing with the Wisp in the Swamp about “SURROUNDINGS”. Alternatively, you can stow away on a boat in Gutter’s Cove, but this requires 2 Strength and you may wish to fail instead for the sake of the Strength bonus.

Once you’ve chosen your lair and moved in, you’ll bed down for the night, only to be awoken by a tribe of scrawny little lizardmen. Their leader, Petruk, explains that they’re kobolds, descended from the previous dragon-king, and here to serve a new master- you. You don’t actually have a choice in this. (You can squish Petruk, but he’ll just be replaced by his twin brother Grokkan who, like a D&D character who’s player was too lazy to roll up a replacement for his old one, will proceed to act exactly as Petruk would for the entire game.) But oh well, kobolds are clever- if not exactly smart-, loyal, strong, and occasionally hilarious. And they’ll help protect your new lair. So, why not?

Meanwhile, a cutaway shows Maelys the Huntress reporting back to Balthorne. He’s not pleased that she hasn’t caught you yet, but Maelys isn’t giving up.

2.3) Act III

So now you’ve got a lair, but your troubles are nowhere near over. The Huntress is still coming for you, now backed up by some of the regent’s best troops. And Balthorne still holds the throne that is rightfully yours. To take it back, you’ll need more than just a dragon’s power; you’ll need an army. So you’ll need to scour the lands to collect funds, troops, and allies. And waifu. Because really, what good is it to be king if you don’t have a harem to go with it?

2.3.1) New Mechanics: The Lair

From now until the end of Act IV, the lair will be the hub of your activities. The lair is more than just a convenient hole to hide in; it’s your home base. A place to gather your forces, put your plans in motion, and house your waifu- whether they’re willing guests or not. Most storylines are advanced primarily through events that take place in your lair. Some events are triggered by visiting a certain location in the lair, or by making conversation with a waifu. Others are triggered by returning to the lair from the exploration screen, or by sleeping. There’s no element of randomness; events have a priority list, with the highest priority available event always being triggered. So save-scumming will not help you get different events, but on the other hand, you’re guaranteed to see all available events with enough time and checking in on your guests frequently. (And since the turn timer will be disabled in Act IV, you have no excuse. 🙂 )

From the lair menu, you can take the following actions:

Summon your attendant: Calls Petruk (unless he’s busy with something, like a lair upgrade). You can ask him the following:

  • “HOW IS MY HOARD?”: Check on the state of your Treasure.
  • “WHAT CAN YOU MAKE?”: List available Lair Upgrades.
  • “MAKE SOMETHING FOR ME”: Build a Lair Upgrade.
  • “USE MY PROPER TITLE”: Change how the kobolds will address you. “Master” is the default.
  • “I HAVE A NEW NAME FOR YOU”: Change Petruk’s name.
  • “THAT WILL BE ALL”: Return to the main lair menu.

Visit someone: Offers the following options:

  • The first option on the list is for visiting your Lair Faction. Note that in the Spire, this option won’t be available immediately.
  • Visit your captives: Visit one of your waifu in their quarters. Various actions are available when visiting a waifu; see their respective sections for details.
  • Survey your horde: Visit one of your armies.
  • Nevermind: Return to the main lair menu

Rest for the night: Resting advances time by one day and triggers a lair event in the morning. Some lair events won’t happen if you don’t rest, so don’t run yourself ragged. Resting also gives the opportunity to Dream, see below.

Depart: Leave the lair to explore. Act III opens up some new exploration events.

A few other options can be added by Lair Upgrades.

2.3.2) New Mechanics: Treasure

Check the status screen, and you’ll find you now have a new stat, Treasure. This represents your material wealth. Treasure can be spent to build Lair Upgrades, or given to Armies to increase their Morale. On occasion, you’ll also need some to advance certain storylines. You start Act III with 1 Treasure, and can earn more from certain events; See Section 4.6 for a complete list. You can also send the kobolds raiding to gain 1 Treasure, at the cost of losing 1 Kobold Morale.

2.3.3) New Mechanics: Lair Upgrades

Lair upgrades are purchased with treasure- they cost 1 Treasure apiece- and built by the kobolds. Building an upgrade takes time, but usually not much. There are 5 available:

  • Traps: Needed to capture Sabetha and Inej, the Rogues. Useless otherwise.
  • Sacrifice: A huge freakin’ meal (some of the meat possibly kobold or human) that grants +3 STRENGTH.
  • Dragon Idol: An idol that grants +3 CHARM
  • Torture Chamber: Introduces Breaker the Torturer, and adds an option on the lair menu to torture disobedient waifu and break their spirits.
  • Bathhouse: Adds an option to the lair menu to “Have a bath”, reducing WOUNDS. Cute (or sexy) scenes may occur while bathing if certain waifu are free to roam.

2.3.4) New Mechanics: Armies and Morale

Your main objective in Act III is to recruit armies. There are three available: the Kobolds, the Mercenaries, and the Wolf Tribe. You start with the Kobolds, but the other two require some legwork to ally with. Once you’ve allied with an army, you can visit them using the “Survey your horde” option in the lair menu. Visiting will sometimes trigger events, so look in on them regularly.

Armies have morale, which decreases when they attack (during Conquest in Act IV), or do jobs for you. To keep morale up, you’ll have to provide them gifts of money or waifu. 1 Treasure or one waifu is worth 1 Morale. Waifu given to an army cannot return to your harem- you’ve lost them for good. You will, however, randomly see them tending to the army’s needs when visiting in the future. Some armies will also give you the option to ask how the waifu are doing upon visiting them. (At present, this option is enabled for Malagar and the Infernals.) Sometimes giving a waifu away will unlock a gallery scene.

Note that while recruiting all armies does have benefits, it can spread your resources thin keeping everybody’s morale up. Additionally, the army leaders have their own agendas, which they will pursue in Act V using the power you give them. Therefore you might find it more favorable to work with a smaller force.

Armies will mainly be used in Act IV, for Conquest, but you can also give them special tasks when visiting. Currently, there are only two available.

  • The Kobolds can be ordered to raid, bringing you +1 TREASURE, at the cost of 1 Kobold Morale. This can be repeated as many times as you need, however they must have 2 Morale at the start of a raid.
  • The Wolf Tribe can attack the swamp to capture Valzira. They need at least 1 Morale to win, and they lose 1 Morale doing it. If you send them out with 0 Morale, you’ll still capture Valzira, but lose the Eburon and the Wolf Tribe doing so.

For details on recruiting armies, see below.

2.3.5) New Mechanics: Lair Faction

Your lair faction is an ally with supernatural powers. There are three available, but you can only ally with the one that matches your lair. Each lair faction will require a specific waifu as a sacrifice to empower them before they’ll commit fully to your cause. Once they have the given waifu, they’ll be able to provide lore and other favors, as well as functioning as an army during Conquest in Act IV. Like an Army, your Lair Faction has Morale, which you must keep up by giving them waifu. (Unlike armies, you cannot offer your lair faction Treasure.)

2.3.6) New Mechanics: Dreams

Whenever you sleep, you have an opportunity to dream. Some dreams offer sexytimes, others just provide lore. The following dreams are available if you meet the conditions to have them:

  • The place you were born: No conditions. Dream of Adeline.
  • A strange direction: Requires having met Naho the Wolfgirl and Darja the Fangirl, “Goofiness” tag active. An out-of-genre experience.
  • The rolling countryside: Requires having met Marie-Anne the Farmgirl. A dream of the farmgirl. Maybe her past? (Marie-Anne’s Gallery Scene “Trojan”)
  • Your encounter with Heloise: Requires having f*cked Heloise the Inquisitrix. You can’t get that elf out of your head. (Heloise’s Gallery Scene “Memories”)
  • The texture of your scales: Requires having impregnated either Heloise or Valzira. Meet Malice the Naga, your future daughter. (Malice’s Gallery Scene “Premonition”)
  • Your upcoming reunion with Adeline: Requires having unlocked the Protean lair faction. Be visited in your dreams by Adeline. Is it really Adeline? (Mother’s Gallery Scene “Nightmare”)
  • A void beyond the world: Requires trying to impregnate Heloise or Valzira after impregnating the other. Get chided for your irresponsibility.

2.3.7) Exploration Events

The start of Act III adds ten days to the timer and opens up some new exploration events; Note you have to clear the Act II event at a given location before the Act III event at that location become available.


Gutter’s Cove: You can return to capture Cuchilla, the Drunk or (if your initial meeting on the roads went a certain way) Mina the Merchant. Additionally, you can recruit the Mercenaries here.

Swamp: No new events available.

Shack: No new events available.

Wildlands: Meet Eburon the Wolfboy and ally with the Wolf Tribe, if you’ve defeated Naho. Recruiting the tribe will also gain you Naho the Wolfgirl as a captive.


Bastion: Reunite with Sabetha and Inej, the Rogues, to rob the Heloise the Inquisitrix’s keep. If things go well, you will be able to capture Heloise as well. See Section 3.8 for details.

Roads: Meet Mina the Merchant a second time and capture her, if your first meeting went badly for her.

Farmsteads: Capture Marie-Anne the Farmgirl. As before, eating the cattle for +1 STRENGTH is possible, but will lock the Farmlands and lock out the opportunity to capture Marie-Anne.

Forest: No new events available. The Act II event at this location is also inaccessible.


Coldreach: No new events available.

Campfire: Capture Darja the Fangirl, if you left her behind before claiming the Spire lair or claimed another lair.

Convent: Capture Chanwe, the Abbess.

The Peaks: No new events available.

2.3.8) Building Your Army

The Kobolds

The product of dragons breeding with human woman, kobolds are unceasingly loyal to their draconic fathers, so you never have to worry about them screwing you over. They have morale the same as your other armies, though, and you have to keep it up. On the other hand, kobold morale is a bit more useful than other kinds, since you can spend it to send them raiding and gain treasures.

Nothing needs to be done to recruit the kobolds; they will introduce themselves at the start of Act III, and stick with you to the end.

The Wolf Tribe

A tribe of wolfmen (and wolfwomen) from the Wildlands. As worshipers of the Moon, they have no love for dragons, but they respect strength. When the dragon defeats their leader Naho, he earns the tribe’s respect and the loyalty of their new leader, Eburon. Wild and rowdy, they’ll serve you willingly in exchange for the opportunity for carnage and the right to live free.

The wolf tribe is tied to Naho’s capture event. Build your Strength stat to 4 or greater, visit the Wildlands, and defeat Naho in battle. Afterwards- or on returning in Act III, if you did it earlier- take control of the pack. Eburon the Wolfboy will step forward to negotiate for the pack’s loyalty. You can make a number of offers:

  • “PROTECTION.” is always rejected.
  • “NAHO.” is rejected outright if you’ve already given them Naho. (Or killed her. Because, duh.) If you haven’t, you can get them to accept with 4 Charm. If you do this, you won’t get Naho as a captive, but the Wolf Tribe will start with 2 Morale.
  • “MORE B*TCHES.” works unless you follow up with “BEAR WITH ME.” (This option only appears if you have no captives in your lair.) Note that if you take this option, you have to make good. If you don’t give the Wolf Tribe at least 1 waifu before the start of Act IV, they’ll start with -1 Morale no matter how much gold you’ve given them.
  • “THE LOWLANDS AS YOUR ROAM.” has no immediate consequences, but you will be expected to make do in Act V. If you also recruit the Mercenaries, this will cause trouble, since their home base of Gutter’s Cover is located in the lowlands.

Successfully allying with the Wolf Tribe allows you to pursue Eburon romantically, if he’s your type.

The Mercenaries

The Hundred Companies are headquartered out of Gutter’s Cove, and led by Rhyll, a former pirate captain. They call themselves a mercenary band, but let’s be honest: they’re a bunch of thugs dealing in banditry, extortion, and the occasional bit of sex slavery. They’re loyal to two things: Rhyll, and coin. Fortunately for you, you’ve got plenty of coin, and Rhyll has ambitions you could help him fulfill.

Recruiting the Mercenaries is a bit complex. Visit Gutter’s Cove, and choose “Crash the Bar”. You can scare the guards off for +1 MERCY, Kill them for +1 CRUELTY, or walk away and return to find they’ve wandered off and left the bar unguarded. Inside, you’ll meet Rhyll. You have the option of attacking him, but it’s a bad one; you’ll get +1 WOUNDS, and then killed. (Probably. More on that in a minute.) Sit down. Rhyll will order drink, and ask you to order food. Ordering “MAN” will get you +1 CRUELTY later on, unless negotiations break down. (Curiously, it doesn’t get you any extra Strength). The other two options get you no bonus, but are otherwise fine. Talk with Rhyll for a while, then get down to business. He offers to delay the regent’s men for you, if you have something to offer in return:

  • “POWER” requires 4 CRUELTY. If it succeeds, you ally with the Mercenaries, and adds 7 days to the timer.
  • “GLORY” requires 4 MERCY. If it succeeds, you get the Mercenaries and the extra 7 days.
  • “RICHES” will simply pay them 1 Treasure for the extra 7 days, but you DON’T get the Mercenaries. (You can also do this after failing one of the checks.)
  • “NOTHING” leaves without getting either. You won’t be able to come back and try again.

If you successfully recruit the Mercenaries, it’ll lock off Gutter’s Cove for the remainder of Act III. If you haven’t captured Cooch the Drunk yet, she’ll tag along with the Mercenaries and wind up with your captives. Note that locking off Gutter’s Cove may still lock you out of recruiting Mina the Merchant, depending on how your first meeting with her shakes out.

Speaking of which, Mina has bad blood with the Mercenaries; if you wind up with both in your lair, you’ll have to either lose one or figure out a way to smooth things over. See section 3.13 for details.

One more thing: If you have 6 Strength or more, you can attack Rhyll and then get away alive (you still get a Wound). Rhyll’s death will cause the mercenaries to fall apart. You won’t be able to recruit them, but you’ll have a much easier time conquering Gutter’s Cove in Act IV.

One MORE one more thing: Despite Rhyll’s ambitions, the rank-and-file of the Mercenaries are in it for the money. If you don’t give them at least 1 gold before the start of Act IV, they’ll start off with a penalty of 1 Morale no matter how many waifu they’ve gotten.

(Your Army, con’t)

The Proteans (Lair Faction)

The Proteans are recruitable only if you choose the Sunken Temple as your lair. From the “visit someone” menu, choose to investigate the deep chambers. You’ll find a bizarre statue, which gives you a brief psychic connection with an entity of some kind, that needs “a priest”. Said priest is Chanwe, the Abbess, whom you can find in the Monastery in the Mountains. See Section 3.2 for details on how to capture her. After capturing Chanwe, go to her quarters and tell her “THERE IS A GOD HERE.” She’ll follow you back to the statue, and get molested by the thing inside. The sacrifice will awaken Mother, the god in the statue who will now aid you with her divine powers and the assistance of vile Protean beasts.

The Infernals (Lair Faction)

The Infernals will join you only if you choose the Abandoned Mine as your lair. From the “visit someone” menu, choose to investigate the depths of the Mine. You’ll find an ancient, profane temple, inhabited by the hermaphrodite demon Zizeryx. The demon offers to aid you in retaking the Draconic Throne, if you can do something in exchange: capture Heloise the Inquisitrix. After accomplishing this, (See Section 3.8 if you have trouble) return to Zizeryx and turn over the Inquisitrix. You can f*ck Heloise first, but only once; otherwise Heloise’s storyline will take over and sacrificing her becomes impossible. Watch Zizeryx corrupt Heloise. (Zizeryx and Heloise’s Gallery scene “Sacrifice”.) Then Zizeryx will be able to help you out, offering knowledge and the assistance of her infernal minions.

After giving her Heloise, asking Zizeryx to “ENTERTAIN ME.” gives Zizeryx’s Gallery scene, “Infernal Entertainment”, and a one time bonus of 3 POTENCY. Ziz has another sex scene, “Ignition”, that’s attainable at the end of Act IV.

By the way, Zizeryx identifies as an “it”. Do not refer to it as “she”. (Yes, I’ve probably misgendered it myself somewhere in this document. Sorry, futanari fan habits die hard. 🙂 )

Malagar, the Warlock (Lair Faction)

Malagar is only available if you lair at the Spire. Recruiting him is a little more complex than the other Lair Factions. Instead of going looking for him, you’ll have to wait until he comes to you. Early in Act III, a lair event will introduce him, having a bit of a tussle with your kobolds. He wants to join forces. You can either send him on his way (locking you out of recruiting him), or accept. If Darja the Fangirl is a captive, she’ll show up and you’ll learn that Malagar is her uncle.

Note that Malagar is VERY protective of Darja. If you imprison her or give her to one of your armies, the next time you visit Malagar you’ll find that he’s absconded with Darja, leaving behind a “present” that gives you +1 WOUNDS and knocks 3 days off the timer. Needless to say, this also locks you out of meeting Malagar or Darja again. If Darja is already imprisoned or with an army when Malagar arrives, you’ll get one chance to set things right with no hard feelings.

After recruiting Malagar, visit his lab and have a chat. Ask him about what he could do for you. He’ll mention he needs Valzira the Witch, an old friend turned bitter enemy, to gain magic powers of his own. Unlike other Lair Factions, though, he’ll still be able to provide some help until then, including answering questions about various subjects. (He tends to ramble, but it’s interesting rambling. 🙂 )

On the subject of capturing Valzira, see section 3.16.

2.3.9) Act III Finale: Showdown

When the count of days remaining ticks down to zero, ready yourself and then go to sleep in your lair. You’ll awaken in the middle of the night to find the lair under attack by the Regent’s men. Petruk has barely enough time to warn you before Maelys the Huntress takes him out. (If Maelys got r*ped by the Centaurs during Act II, Petruk will die. Otherwise, he’ll just be knocked out.) Then she turns her ire towards you.

Maelys is a formidable opponent; you can’t beat her without an advantage. Fortunately, you have several possibile advantages:

  • Playing the Forest event in Act II, regardless of how it turns out.
  • Recruiting the Wolf Tribe.
  • Recruiting the Mercenaries.
  • Kobold Morale at 2 or greater.

If you can satisfy at least one of these conditions, you’ll win the fight. If not, it’s Game Over. (If this happens and you don’t have a recent save, try rolling back to the lair menu and giving treasure or waifu to the Kobolds until their morale is high enough.) Handling the fight a certain way allows you the option to capture Maelys alive; see section 3.10 for how to do that. You can also just kill her. Either way, you wind up collapsing from your wounds thereafter.

After a brief cutaway to Balthorne freaking the hell out that you’re still alive, you wake up. With one of your army leaders by your side (which one is randomly chosen), you survey the damage, then head to the newly-constructed War Room for a briefing on the state of your armies.

With that, we move on to Act IV!

2.4) Act IV

The attack on your lair was a disaster for the regent’s forces. Maelys the Huntress, the regent’s best chance at killing you, is either dead or captured. Many of Balthorne’s best soldiers also died in the attack, and he had the survivors imprisoned and sentenced to death in a fit of pique. Meanwhile, your armies have gathered, your wounds healed, and the regent has pulled his remaining forces back to the capital city of Pale Rock, abandoning the realm in the name of saving his own neck. The time is now to start taking back your kingdom, piece by piece.

2.4.1) New Mechanic: Conquest

For Act IV, the focus of the game switches from exploration to conquest. Your initial visit to the War Room will get you a briefing on the state of your armies. You’ll have to choose a war leader for the Kobolds:

  • Petruk, despite his misgivings, is a competant leader who will defer to you as to whether to spare or pillage territories.
  • Issa, available only if you haven’t killed him, will give you a bonus of 1 Kobold Morale, but you’ll lose the option to pillage when attacking with the kobolds.
  • Breaker, available only if you’ve built the torture chamber, will also give you a bonus of 1 Kobold Morale, but you’ll lose the option to spare territories when attacking with the kobolds.
  • Kralak, available only if Maelys killed Petruk, will let you decide whether to spare or pillage, but you lose 1 Kobold Morale if you choose him.

I recommend you stick with Petruk, but any leader will get the job done (and the Kobold’s battle text is slightly different depending on who you pick). Just remember that you’ll have to plan around your choice’s foibles.

Also at this point, stats for Morale will be visible on the pause menu. Note that the Mercenaries will receive a one-time penalty of 1 to Morale if you didn’t give them gold in Act III, and the Wolf Tribe will also receive a penalty of 1 Morale if you promised them “B*TCHES” and didn’t deliver. If this penalty drops them below 0 Morale, they will no-show the meeting entirely and bail, leaving you without that army.

On the main lair menu, the “Depart” option is replaced with “Consult with your War Council.” This will let you start a round of conquest. First your army leaders will appear and update you on their readiness for battle. (It’s better to check the status screen if you want to know this, however; there, you get actual numbers.) Then a map of the realm appears. Conquered areas appear in red, unconquered will be illuminated as you mouse over them. After choosing an area, you’ll choose an army to attack alongside you.

Act IV ends when you choose to conquer Pale Rock, the capital city. You don’t technically need to conquer anything else; you can just go straight for Pale Rock and end Act IV quickly. However, this is a bad idea for two reasons: first, it means less time to spend with your harem (and your consort, see below). The second reason is Prosperity- a currently-invisible value that measures your kingdom’s strength and your subjects’ loyalty. Prosperity will become important in Act V.

The conquest scenes are elaborately written, but the actual mechanics are very simple. Each territory has a Defense value, concealed from the player. When you attack, your chosen army’s morale is checked against that value. If your army’s Morale is less than the territory’s Defense, you lose and slink back home, losing 1 Morale. You’re free to take another shot after resting up. If Morale is greater than or equal to Defense, you win. The territory becomes yours, and you gain 1 Prosperity. Your general then asks you whether to spare or pillage the territory. (If you’re attacking with the Kobolds, this choice may be made for you, depending on who’s leading them; see above.) Sparing (“LEAVE THEM BE.”) gains you 1 Prosperity, and 1 MERCY but your army loses 1 Morale. Pillaging (“TAKE WHAT YOU WANT.”) gets you no extra Prosperity, but you gain 1 CRUELTY and your army will not lose Morale for the fight.

Some territories have additional attributes. Depending on decisions in Act III, some areas may be conquered before you even start Act IV. These are worth 1 Prosperity. Some territories will also allow you to capture waifu along with them, whether you pilage or not, assuming you didn’t capture them already in Act III. And a few throw you other interesting curveballs. Here’s the breakdown:

TerritoryDefenseLootable WaifuNotes
Bastion2Sparing Bastion grants +2 Prosperity, instead of the usual +1.
Old ForestNot yet implemented
Swamplands2Valzira the WitchPre-conquered if Valzira was captured in Act III. Conquest with a Kobold army always fails. Can be attacked with Malagar if he’s not empowered. Always costs 1 Morale and grants 1 Prosperity; no option to spare or pillage.
Gutter’s Cove2Cooch the DrunkPre-conquered if the Mercenaries are allied. If you killed Rhyll, Defense is reduced by 1.
Wildlands2Naho the WolfgirlPre-conquered if the Wolf Tribe is allied. If you killed Naho, Defense is reduced by 1.
Convent1Conquering army gets +1 Morale if pillaged.
Cold Reach3
Not yet implemented

In terms of Prosperity/Morale, pillaging a territory is equivalent to not attacking it at all, unless it provides fringe benefits such as lootable waifu, or if you want the bonus to CRUELTY- which is of dubious use at this point. This means that while planning your conquest, your main strategic consideration is how much Morale you want to sacrifice for the sake of Prosperity, bearing in mind that both Prosperity and army Morale will be relevant in Act V. Treasure, however, will NOT be relevant in Act V, so use what you have freely to boost Morale.

Win or lose, you have to rest between conquest rounds. You should take the opportunity to unwind a little with your harem and your consort, or to make gifts to your armies to bring their morale back up. When you’re ready, rest up for the night, and get back to conquering the next day.

2.4.2) New Mechanic: Consort

By now you should have gotten to know your waifu pretty well, and you probably have a favorite. So, you have the option to pick one to be your consort. Your chosen waifu will relocate to your chambers and decorate it to her taste. Thereafter, every night when you go to bed, you’ll be treated to a short scene with your consort- sometimes funny, sometimes sexy, sometimes sweet. The scenes are chosen randomly from a waifu-specific pool, and you usually have the option for sexytimes in place of or in addition to the vignette. Some waifu have new or altered sex scenes available only when they’re consort.

Each consort has two special scenes viewable under certain circumstances: A “soothe scene” which occurs the night after you fail in a conquest attempt, and a “thirsty scene” that occurs if you deny them sex for several nights in a row.

You’ll be able to choose a consort on the first night of Act IV. If you decline, you’ll have the same chance the next night, and the next after that, until you choose one. If you get tired of your consort, you can give her away to an army and pick a new one the next night. (Assuming you could live with yourself thereafter. 🙂 )

Some waifu require that you meet certain conditions before you can make them consort. See their respective sections for details, but in brief:

Enid the Commoner: Refuses to become consort.
Cooch the Drunk: Always available
Naho the Wolfgirl: If broken. (You can try if she’s not broken, but it won’t go well.)
Mina the Merchant: If free to roam.
Chanwe the Abbess: Not currently possible.
Marie-Anne the Farmgirl: If free to roam or broken.
Issa the Kobold: Not currently possible.
Heloise the Inquisitrix: If she’s pregnant, and has revealed her pregnancy to you.
Valzira the Witch: Not currently possible.
Maelys the Huntress: Not possible.
Eburon the Wolfboy: If Wolf Tribe Morale is 1 or greater.
Darja the Fangirl: If free to roam.
Sabetha and Inej the Rogues: If you’ve advanced their plot to the point of f*cking Inej.

You must also know your would-be consort’s name, which you can usually ask them about by visiting them. (And really should know by now anyway, if you’re planning to make them consort…)

Keep in mind that making a waifu consort does NOT affect any storylines, including their own. It’s a way to give your best girl more of a spotlight in Act IV (and get some bonus sex scenes for your trouble. 😉 ). The sole exception is Heloise: making her consort is a requirement for Maelys’ “Redemption” route.

2.4.3) Act IV Finale: Battle of Pale Rock

When you’ve done all you care to in Act IV, convene the war council and choose to attack Pale Rock. It’ll be a tough fight, requiring all your forces, and you yourself leading the charge. Your generals will each have different ideas on how to prepare you personally for battle. Whichever one you choose will become your vanguard, and get +1 Morale.

While your generals plan and your armies prepare, you’ll wander off to tie up some loose ends. Back in your chambers, you’ll have one last night with your consort. (If you have no consort, you’ll instead reflect on your adventures to this point.) Savor this moment; once you’re king, everything will change. (If Malice interrupts, see Section 3.11 for how to deal with it.) Once you’ve said your goodbyes, your vanguard will kit you out and make you extra badass. Then the war drums start playing, and the army moves out.

The Battle of Pale Rock itself is a sequence of five challenges, each of which must be met with either a particular army or a particular stat check. Using a stat requires you make the check. If you can’t make the check, using the army will always succeed. However, if the army goes into the fight with 0 Morale, the price of victory will be the general’s life. (Your Vanguard will have a special option that also always succeeds, but in mechanical terms this is moot since they get a Morale bonus for being Vanguard anyway.) You also have the option to use dragonfire. This always works, BUT you’ll lose 1 Prosperity.

The upshot of all this is that you can’t actually lose the Battle of Pale Rock; the objective is to get to the end while minimizing your losses.

The five challenges, in order:

  • The Bridge: Requires 6 Cruelty (presumably the Centaur Army will also work here, once implemented).
  • The Gate: Requires Kobolds, or 6 Strength.
  • The Plaza: Requires Mercenaries, or 6 Charm.
  • The Slums: Requires Wolf Tribe, or 6 Mercy. (5 if you met Enid the Commoner in Act I and neither f*cked nor killed her.)
  • The Keep: Requires your lair faction, or 6 Potency. (Lair Faction can only be used if you’ve made them your vanguard.)

In between these challenges, you’ll be reading a lot of text. But it’s awesome text. 🙂 After passing all five challenges, you’ll gain access to the palace. It’s your choice whether to head straight for the goal, or take your time and drink in the ambiance. (And examine everything in search of lore snippets.) Either way, the path eventually takes you to the top of the tower, where Balthorne and Adeline are waiting. At your discretion, Balthorne can either be killed or captured alive, while Adeline can be freed, imprisoned, or killed.

And with that, the war is won, and the throne is yours! Bask in the glow of victory. (If Malice is in your lair, bask in the disturbing omen instead.) If Adeline is freed, you’ll retire to the royal bedchamber with her. You get the option to question her about herself, the kingdom, and some interesting bits of lore you may have acquired on your journies. When your curiosity is sufficiently sated, she’ll ask if you want to move on to the very serious business of boning the hell out of her. You can do so, or beg off if you’re tired after a long day’s conquering.

On the other hand, if you opted to take Adeline prisoner, you’ll have more-or-less the same conversation in the dungeons, with her hinting the whole way through that she’d really like it if you let her out of these chains, please and thank you. Afterwards, you can either leave her chained in the dungeon, r*pe her, or eat her.

In either of the above cases, you have the chance to change your mind and move Adeline in to/out of the dungeon after hearing what she has to say. (But you must choose before you bone.)

And that’s all for Act IV!

2.5) Act V

With the regent vanquished, the kingdom is yours. Your dingy, grimy lair has been traded in for a beautiful palace, your treasure pile for a proper treasury. But your problems are not over, merely changed. Your generals are now courtiers in your court, with their own ambitions, and you’ll need to keep them in line. There are also crises to be addressed- some the results of your own actions during the succession crisis, some from outside forces. And there are personal matters to attend to, including the fate of your harem of waifu, and the need for a queen to rule beside you. The war has been won. Now you must win the peace.

2.5.1) New Mechanic: Prosperity

Prosperity is not technically new- the game’s been tracking it since Act III- but only now is it revealed to you openly. It represents the economic strength of your kingdom, which also affects the loyalty of your people and the kingdom’s ability to weather crises. Your prosperity value at the start of Act V is calculated as such:

  • +1 each for “pre-conquering” Gutter’s Cove or the Wildlands in Act III.
  • +1 for capturing the swamps, either in Act IV or by capturing Valzira in Act III.
  • +1 for each territory conquered and spared in Act IV.
  • An additional +1 for sparing Bastion.
  • -1 for every time you used Dragonfire during the Battle of Pale Rock.

Prosperity will go up or down in response to your actions during Court Events, and will affect… ummm… well, right now it affects nothing, but this will no doubt change as Act V is developed.

2.5.2) New Mechanic: The Court

The Court is the main way that the plot of Act V will progress. You’ll sit upon your throne, and petitioners will come to you with issues needing an executive decision. From the court menu, choose “WHO PETITIONS THE THRONE?” or “WHO ELSE IS WAITING?” to get a list of court events awaiting hearing, “LET US BEGIN.” or “SEND THE NEXT ONE IN.” to address the next item on the list, or “ENOUGH.” to bring the court session to a close. Court Events are in a linear queue, and must be addressed in a particular order. During a court event, courtiers will occasionally interject with their own opinions. In particular, Adeline- if she’s free to roam- can be consulted for her opinion on most issues that come before the court. After the various parties have had their say, you will make your decision, which will have consequences both immediate and far-reaching.

For a complete list of court events, see below.

2.5.3) New Mechanic: The Harem

The harem is where you’ll visit your waifu. It’s the same deal as visiting them in your lair, with a few little wrinkles. Imprisoned waifu will be found in the dungeon. Those who are free to roam will mostly be around the palace, some of them having taken on new duties. Either way, when you visit you can get either sex or conversation. Conversation with your waifu is an excellent source of world-building lore, in addition to learning more about your waifu themselves. The appeal of sex should be obvious, but note that most waifu have new scenes available. Waifu who are pregnant will have new sprites and additional dialogue related to their state.

If a waifu’s storyline was not completed in Act IV or earlier, it can be finished now, and may have to be to access Act V content.

2.5.4) Pregnancies

Pregnancy becomes a major factor in Act V. It works much the same as in real life: any waifu who you f*cked vaginally and came inside during Acts I-IV will be sporting a nice, round belly in Act V. (Unless they’ve already given birth.) There are a few exceptions: Maelys the Huntress cannot get pregnant, likely due to her body being too damaged. Heloise the Inquisitrix and Valzira the Witch cannot get pregnant after Malice the Naga is born, because Malice uses her powers to prevent it. Adeline will not be showing at the start even if you f*cked her at the end of Act IV, because it hasn’t been long enough. And a few other waifu either don’t have a p*ssy or you won’t have the opportunity to f*ck it in Act IV or prior. Other than that, dragon semen is apparently super-potent, so neither luck nor ovulation cycles will be a factor. You nut her, she mutha. 🙂

Right now, the only consequence of pregnancy is slight variation on their harem scenes. When they give birth- and to what- remains to be seen.

2.5.5) Court Events

As mentioned above, Court Events are the backbone of Act V, and are always handled in a set order. Some events will be skipped or will vary depending on your previous actions. Current Court Events, in order, are:


Always plays.
At your first visit to court, you’ll be introduced to the Court Herald, who will introduce the petitioners and keep record of your decisions going forward. If you want, you can give him a hard time about the civil service siding with the Regent during the succession crisis. But as he poses no threat and serves a useful purpose, you’ll permit him to keep his job. (Besides, being able to switch him out means more work for the devs. 😉 ) Next, your generals will introduce themselves to the court and update you on the status of the kingdom and their particular interests. No real decisions to make here, just scene-setting.

The Wolves’ Roam

Plays if you promised the lowlands to the Wolf Tribe
Eburon comes before the court to request that the dragon honor his promise, making them lords of the lowlands.

If you recruited the Mercenaries: Rhyll objects, as Gutter’s Cove is in the lowlands, and demands the lowlands for himself.

  • Side with the Wolf Tribe: Lose the Mercenaries, -1 Prosperity.
  • Side with the Mercenaries: Lose the Wolf Tribe, -1 Prosperity.

If you did not recruit the Mercenaries:

  • Keep your promise to the Wolf Tribe: +2 Wolf Tribe Morale.
  • Keep the lowlands for yourself: Lose the Wolf Tribe, -1 Prosperity.

Countess of Bastion

Plays if you promised Bastion to Mina.
Mina the Merchant appears before you to request her title.

  • Make Mina a Countess: +1 Prosperity.
  • Renege on your deal: +1 CRUELTY, choose to either lose Mina or switch her route to Unhappy.

Fate of the Drakesguard

Always plays.
Hector, the Drakesguard commander, comes before the court to plead for the life of his soldiers.

If the Mercenaries were promised glory:Rhyll reminds you of your promise to make the Mercenaries your knights, and denounces the Drakesguard for siding with the Regent during the succession crisis.

  • Fulfill your Promise to Rhyll: +1 CRUELTY, +2 Mercenary Morale.
  • Restore the Drakesguard: Lose the Mercenaries, -1 Prosperity, gain Drakesguard.
  • Restore the Drakesguard under Rhyll’s command: +1 MERCY, +2 Mercenary Morale.

If the Mercenaries were not promised glory:

  • Restore the Drakesguard: +1 MERCY, gain Drakesguard.
  • Condemn the Drakesguard: +2 CRUELTY, +1 Kobold Morale.

Reassure the Populace:

Plays if Malice the Naga is in your harem.
Not yet implemented

Name of the Realm:

Always plays
Not yet implemented

Flag of the Realm:

Always plays
Not yet implemented

One Nation Under…?:

Always plays
Not yet implemented

Queen in Waiting:

Always plays
Not yet implemented

3.) Waifu

Waifu are the heart and soul of Ravager. Sure, sure, rampaging and conquering is fun, but the harem is where the real action is. You’re intended to spend Act II meeting waifu while searching for a lair, then go back to capture them in Act III. However, if you want to save time, you can claim a lair immediately and then go around gathering waifu. Most of the initial meetings are still available in Act III, with one exception: the encounter with Maelys the Huntress, in the Forests, is ONLY available in Act II. Fortunately, it’s not required to capture her, though it does help a lot.

A waifu’s storyline progresses along routes, which determine what you’re able to do with her, how she feels about being your guest, and ultimately her fate once the story is over. One route can and usually will branch off to one or more others, meaning your relationship will evolve over time. Waifu will usually be able to interact with other waifu and other characters in your lair. However, some routes- marked “imprisoned” below- have the waifu locked up to serve as sex slaves. In this state a waifu will not be able to leave their room, and thus won’t be in most lair events.

If you grow tired of a waifu, there are premature fates available. Any waifu can be given to an army (including your lair faction, once it’s empowered) to boost the army’s morale. Thereafter, you’ll have a random chance of seeing the waifu when you visit that army. What exactly you’ll see depends on the waifu and the army. Some of these scenes are in the gallery. Others reveal lore or backstory. You have multiple playthroughs, feel free to experiment.

Because of the density of content around waifu, this walkthrough will not endeavor to make an exhaustive list of scenes. It will instead focus on events that can change a waifu’s path, change the path of the main plot, or unlock sex scenes. The rest- and there’s a lot that doesn’t fit into either of these categories- you are free to find by exploring on your own.

3.1) Adeline, the Princess

Adeline is the first waifu you’ll meet in the game- the princess who awakened you to help claim her birthright as queen. Warm and loving, yet with a courageous heart, she is determined to be a strong and noble queen, and restore the Draconic Throne to it’s glory. Alas, after knowing the dragon for but an hour, she is imprisoned by Balthorne’s treachery. By the time they reunite, the dragon has grown much, and collected a harem of his own. Nevertheless, Adeline is a royal born and bred, and while another may have the dragon’s heart, none are more suited to help him rule.

Adeline is sweet and devoted to the dragon, even doting. But make no mistake, she is royalty, with a talent for scheming and a nasty mean streak. Still and all, she needs you much more than you need her, so she can be trusted that far. Probably.

Storyline Requirements:
Notable Interactions: Maelys (“Severed” route), Chia.

Route Summary:
Capture as “Accepted” or “Rejected”. Can switch to the other after first conversation, but not thereafter

Act I
You’ll interact significantly with Adeline in Act I, but none of this will affect your future relationship. Focus instead on defining the dragon’s character. (Or just play for the stat points.)

Act IV
You’ll reunite with Adeline at the very end of Act IV, being held hostage by Balthorne. The latter can either be killed or captured alive. Adeline can be either rescued, knocked out and imprisoned, or killed. If you let her live, you then get to question her about various subjects, either in the royal bedchambers or the dungeon, depending on which you chose. Based on what she says, decide whether you want to change your mind. Either way, you can then f*ck her.

Act V

“Accepted” Route
Adeline will be available in the harem for conversations and sex whenever you wish. She will also greet you when you awake, and be present while you hold court to add her own opinions.

“Rejected” Route (Imprisoned)
Adeline will be kept in the dungeon, where you can visit her to interrogate and r*pe her at your convenience.

Gallery Scenes
Royal Reunion: End Act IV on the “Accepted” Route. Repeatable by visiting Adeline thereafter.
Right of Conquest: End Act IV on the “Rejected” Route. Repeatable by visiting Adeline thereafter.
Ancestor and Decendant: Start Act V on the “Accepted” Route, with Malice existing.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends
Adeline can be killed when you meet her at the end of Act IV.

3.2) Chanwe, the Abbess

Chanwe is Abbess of the Convent of the Frigid Order, a sect of Moon-Worshipers who eschew sex and find creatures of the Sun- including dragons- repulsive and vile. Chanwe herself is zealous, commanding, and absolutely full of sh*t. She raises “protesting too much” to an art form, talking big about how evil the dragon is while willingly cramming his d*ck up her a**. Naturally, she never admits to a crisis of faith, but nevertheless maybe the dragon can help her resolve it; if he doesn’t sacrifice her to an ancient chaos god instead.

With low Mercy, Chanwe isn’t much more than a sex partner with a ego problem. However, 4 Mercy allows you to follow her storyline, learning about the Moon religion while teaching her about the pleasures of dragon c*ck. She has- unfortunately- no interactions with the rest of your harem, though she can appear at Moonday.

Chanwe is also a required sacrifice to unlock to Protean lair faction.

Story Requirements: 4 Mercy to complete Sermon storyline.
Notable interactions: None

Route Summary:
Captured as “Faithful”

Faithful: Complete Sermon storyline to switch to “Converted” (4 Mercy required)
Faithful: Complete Sermon storyline to switch to “Reformed” (4 Mercy required)
Faithful: Sacrifice Chanwe to awaken a primordial god. (Sunken Temple Lair required)



Act II
Head to the Monastery in the Mountains. (Which proves to actually be a convent, but nevermind that.) You’ll meet a Nun (not named in-game, but called “Rain” in the Gallery). You can choose to attack her, or just try and hold a conversation. Persisting with the conversation gains you +1 CHARM. Attacking her gets you +1 POTENCY. Either way, the Abbess will step in to trade her own body for her sister’s. (Even if you’re not, y’know, doing anything with the nun’s body.) Accepting the Abbess’ offer gets you +1 POTENCY. If you refuse, and you’re f*cking the nun, you’ll finish up, then have the opportunity to eat the nun. Delay your first visit until Act III, and you can capture Chanwe immediately after f*cking her, without spending an additional turn later.

If you refuse to f*ck both the nun and the Abbess, you’ll just leave, gaining +1 MERCY. (And an Achievement for your trouble.) You can still capture Chanwe by coming back later.

Go to the Convent. If you visited in Act II, you can capture Chanwe immediately by ordering her to follow you. Otherwise, run the Act II event and you can capture her then. Either way, upon returning home you have the option to either throw her directly to the kobolds for her Kobold Fate, or claim her for your harem.

From Chanwe’ quarters, you can ask her about herself or the goddess, or “test her faith”. The “test” initially involves f*cking her in the ass. Other options are unlocked by advancing her storyline. To progress her storyline, ask her about the Goddess. This will unlock a new option: “TEACH ME.”
If you’re lairing in the Sunken Temple, you can tell Chanwe “THERE IS A GOD HERE” and lead her to the Protean altar to be sacrificed, empowering the Proteans

“Converted” Route:
Choosing “TEACH ME” checks your Mercy stat. If you succeed, you’ll get a sermon from Chanwe, divulging lore about the Moon Goddess’ religion. This will segue into a sex act, which will thereafter be repeatable via a “Test of Faith.” There are three lessons in sequence, and you have to rest between them:

  • Sermon I: Requires 1 Mercy. About the origins of the Moon, the Sun, and the World. Chanwe will suck you off.
  • Sermon II: Requires 2 Mercy. Chanwe will teach about the feud between the Sun and the Moon, and give you a tit-job.
  • Sermon III: Requires 4 Mercy. After preaching about the goddess’ strength of will, Chanwe will ask you to sex her up vaginally. You have the choice to accept, accept but do it in the ass, or decline.

Choosing either anal or vaginal at Sermon III puts Chanwe on the “Converted” route. Vaginal additionally ensures she will be pregnant in Act V. Visit Chanwe’s quarters after converting her to find that she’s been… umm… celebrating her new faith with your kobolds. Like, a lot of them. Crazy.

“Reformed” Route:Follow the Converted Route up to Sermon III, then deny her sex and explain your reasoning. This will send Chanwe into a brief existential crisis, putting her on the “Reformed” Route. Visit her quarters later to find that she’s softened a bit. And is still up to have her faith tested.

“Protean Sacrifice” Route:In the Sunken Temple lair, explore the Temple to find the Protean altar in the basement. Then go to Chanwe’s quarters and tell her “THERE IS A GOD HERE.” You’ll take her into the depths of the Temple, where she’ll commune with and be absorbed by the presence there. This ends Chanwe’s story and empowers the Protean lair faction. Note that you can’t do this after completing Sermon III.

Act V
Chanwe moves into the palace’s chapel for Act V, where she can be visited for sex and information. Both will vary depending on which route she’s one. If still on the “Faithful” route, her storyline can be continued. She’ll also have an opinion on the question of the realm’s State Religion.

Converted Chanwe has pregnant and non-pregnant variations to her route.

Gallery Scenes
Liturgy: F*ck Chanwe during your first visit to the Monastary.
Eucharist: Visit Chanwe in her quarters and test her faith.
Sermon I: Chanwe’s first lesson (1 MERCY required).
Sermon II: Chanwe’s second lesson (2 MERCY required).
Sermon III: Chanwe’s third lesson (4 MERCY required).
Revelation: (END) Gift Chanwe to the Proteans.
Consecration: (“Reformed” route) Visit Chanwe in the palace, Act V.
Desecration: (“Converted” route) Visit Chanwe in the palace, Act V.
Doubly Blessed: (END) Gift Chanwe to the Kobolds.


Premature Ends
Chanwe cannot be captured if you progress to Act IV without her.

Chanwe’s story ends if she is gifted to any army or lair faction. Sacrificed to the Proteans, she empowers them.

Chanwe cannot be killed or eaten.

3.3) Chia, the Handmaid

Chia is Adeline’s handmaid, a timid girl who knows herself to be of no consequence, despite her proximity to power. She’s the first waifu you get a chance to f*ck, albeit not entirely with her agreement. Aside from a brief cameo, she won’t appear again unless you imprison or kill Adeline at the end of Act IV. In this situation, Chia will replace Adeline in the harem, waking you up in the morning and being available for sex.

Storyline Requirements: Requires Adeline to be “Rejected” or dead at the start of Act V.
Notable Interactions: Adeline

Route Summary:

Captured as “Maid”, if Adeline is rejected.

Act I

You’ll briefly interact with Chia in Act I. A sex scene is available, but can be turned down if you wish. (See section 2.1.1 for details.)

Act V

If you imprisoned or killed Adeline at the end of Act IV, You’ll meet Chia at the beginning of Act V. She’ll fill you in on what happened while you were out, and then you’ll have the oppotunity to get to know her a little better. (Not a euphemism, though you can do that too. 🙂 ). Thereafter, you’ll be able to visit her at your leisure.

Gallery Scenes

Service: Get Chia to service you in Act I.
Harassment: Get Chia to service you in Act V.
Harassment (II): Convince Chia to let you f*ck her p*ssy in Act V.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

3.4) Cooch, The Drunk

Cooch (short for Cuchilla) is a mercenary by trade, but she seems to spend most of her time drinking, f*cking, and sleeping it off. Don’t be fooled by her laid-back attitude, though: she has an amazon’s physique and is a formidable barwler. Nihilistic yet gregarious, she takes misfortune in stride, reacting to everything from wasted booze to personal betrayals with little more than a shrug and a so-it-goes. She’s no princess, but she’s one hell of a drinking buddy.

Cooch is mostly played for laughs, but has hidden depths. You’ll get a look at them if you mke her consort in Act IV, and then more in Act V. Her storyline plays best with a large harem; she only has one sex scene in her quarters, but a number of interactions with other waifu.

Story Requirements: None.
Notable Interactions: Darja the Fangirl (Happy), Naho the Wolfgirl, Mercenary army, Valzira the Witch, Malagar.

Route Summary:
Captured as “Cooch”

Act II
Go to Gutter’s Cove. Choose “Waylay one of the townspeople”, then “Confront them” to meet Cooch. After a bit of conversation, she stumbles home. Follow her. When you get there, opt to “Take Advantage”. She’ll think you’re Rhyll. Claiming you are will gain you +1 CHARM, ignoring the question has no effect. Either way, you’ll f*ck her. You can also eat Cooch either before or after getting it on, or just leave. Leaving after following her home but before f*cking her will gain you +1 MERCY. Leaving at any time before f*cking her will lock you out of returning, meaning you can’t capture Cooch the “normal” way, but there are two alternate ways, in Act III and Act IV.

Drop by Gutters Cove. If you f*cked Cooch in Act II, she’ll be passed out still. (Or again. Who knows?) If not, you’ll have to play the scene first. Then you can take her home with you. Alternatively, if you recruit the Mercenary Faction without capturing Cooch first (see section 2.3.8), Cooch will tag along and you’ll find her amongst your captives next time you visit.

From Cooch’s quarters, you can ask her name, ask her about herself, change her name, f*ck her, or, if you’ve grown tired of her, eat her. You’ll also find her out and about in the lair, making visits and getting into the occassional sex scene. See below for a list.

If you’re working with Malagar, you can use Cooch to help capture Valzira the Witch for Malagar’s experiments. Note that you’ll lose Cooch at least temporarily. If you’re not willing to give Valzira to Malagar, Cooch will be lost for good. If you’re prepared to accept the consequences, first be sure you’ve visited the swamp and met the wisps. Then have a talk with Malagar about capturing Valzira. You can recommend various allies at your disposal to help capture Valzira. Most suggestions are discarded upon consideration, but bringing up Cooch gives Malagar an idea. He formulates a plan that relies on getting Cooch drunk into unconsciousness- so much so that she can then be possessed by a Wisp, who will capture Valzira after posing as Cooch to get close. The plan goes off without a hitch, but the wisp decides he likes Cooch’s body enough to keep it; and there’s nothing the dragon can do about it that won’t hurt or kill Cooch. So the dragon has to take Valzira and leave Cooch behind. For now…

Act IV
If you sacrificed Cooch to capture Valzira, you now have the option to get her back. After giving Valzira to Malagar, return to him and have a talk about rescuing Cooch. He has an idea: f*ck the wisp out of her. Let him do his magic on your dragon-nuts, then off you go to the swamps. The wisp likes Cooch’s body, but doesn’t like enjoying it alone. And being magically forbidden from leaving the swamp, he’s fairly desperate for some company. Desperate enough to try out some dragon-c*ck, even. Like Malagar said, the creampie will destroy the magic binding the wisp’s soul. The wisp’s fate is ambiguous; you can warn him, but that doesn’t seem to matter. You’re then free to head back to the lair with your rescued waifu in tow.

Cooch can be made consort. She’s always available, so long as she’s in your lair and hasn’t been eaten or given away. If you use her to capture Valzira, you’ll have to get her back first. Obviously.

Act V
Cooch will move in to the pub down the street from the castle, unsurprisingly. You can get oral, vaginal, or anal from her, though you may have to lie to get anal. And also conversation, if you want.

If Cooch is pregnant, she’ll actually be sober for once, though her dialogue is mostly the same. She’ll also decline vaginal sex if pregnant, though oral and anal will be available normally.

Gallery Scenes
Night Visit: Meet Cooch for the first time in Gutter’s Cove.
Seconds: Visit Cooch in your lair.
Dogfight with Naho: Visit Naho (Unbroken).
Drinks with Darja: Visit Cooch with Darja (Happy) in your lair.
Cuchilla’s Bet: Visit the Mercenaries.
Operation: Sexy Rescue: With Malagar’s help, rescue Cooch from the wisps. (Act IV, see above for details.)
A Big Mouthful: Morning consort event.
Sober Seconds: Evening consort event.
Breaking a Sweat: Morning consort event.
Thirsty Cooch: Thirsty consort event.
A Pint in the Tavern: Visit Cooch in the palace.
Top Her Up: Visit Cooch in the palace.
Put A Cork In It: Visit Cooch in the palace. (Pregnant variant)
Hair of the Dog (END): Visit the Wolf Tribe after gifting them Cooch.

Non-Gallery Scenes
Cooch’s New Brew (requires Malagar):
 Visit Malagar. Cooch will be there, telling him about this great idea for a new drink. Nothing will come of it, but it might amuse you.


Premature Ends:
Cooch cannot be captured after Act IV.

Cooch’s storyline ends if you used her to capture Valzira and then don’t rescue her, or if she is gifted to any army or lair faction.

Cooch can be killed and eaten either in Gutters Cove or in your lair.

3.5) Darja, the Fangirl

Darja is an energetic girl who ran away from home to be a dragon’s bride. Which was a very bad move, since dragons had been extinct for years, but wouldn’t you know it? A fool’s luck guided her the only one alive. Darja can be obnoxious and naive, bordering on delusional sometimes, but she’s not without redeeming value. She’s exceptionally good at making friends, and always manages to bring out the fun in a situation. Maybe you can help live her dreams of a luxurious life pumping out baby dragons? Maybe not?

Darja is a love-or-hate character, and even if you like her, you might think she’s more of a “support waifu”. I don’t consider her “best girl” material personally, but she has endearing interactions with other waifu, and the Moonday event is one of the most fun moments in the game. Her consort content is also extensive, and while much of it is broadly comical, much of it is also sweet and heartfelt.

Be advised that abusing Darja is a BAD IDEA if you’re allied with Malagar the Warlock. He’s Darja’s uncle, and blood is thicker than water.

Storyline Requirements: Must not be Imprisoned to make consort.
Notable Interactions: Spire lair, Cooch the Drunk, Malagar, Issa, Doubting Maelys.

Route Summary:

Captured as “Happy”, optional change to “Unhappy” on arrival at lair.

Happy: Begin “Anal” variant by proposing Anal your first time having sex.
Happy: Impregnate to switch to “Kobold Mom” in Act V.

Unhappy: Forgive her to switch to “Happy.” (No way back.)
Unhappy: Switches to “Happy” at start of Act V (No way back.)

Act II

Head to the Campfire in the mountains to meet Darja. No matter how you play the scene, you wind up in a conversation, and Darja does most of the talking. The only decision you can make is whether to leave or let her show you the Spire; this is the only way to unlock the Spire lair. If you let her take you there, you can claim the spire as your lair. Then you can claim Darja, if you feel like it.

Alternatively, after Darja gives you the Spire’s location, you can ditch her (gaining 1 CRUELTY) and go there yourself, or you can kill and eat her.


If you claim the Spire as your lair, your kobolds will find Darja on the first morning, and she declares herself your consort. You can agree, (Happy route), refuse (Unhappy route), or give her to the Kobolds right away (ending her story, but see below). If you claim a different lair, or ditch Darja after she gives you the location of the Spire, you can pick her up at the Campfire and this scene will play immediately after.

If you claim the Spire lair and recruit the warlock Malagar, you will have to keep Darja on the Happy route. Making Darja unhappy or gifting her to an army results in Malagar taking her and departing the Spire, leaving behind a “gift” for you in his lab. If Darja is Unhappy or given away when Malagar arrives, you get one chance to switch her to the Happy route, with no hard feelings.

From Darja’s quarters, you can ask her about herself, get her name (only on the Happy route, for some reason), change her name, and have sex.

“Happy” Route

The first time you f*ck Darja (gallery scene “First Time”) you choose whether to do in the ass or the p*ssy. Whichever you choose will be Darja’s preference going forward. If you choose the ass, you’ll have to wait 7 in-game days until she’s ready, after which she’ll waylay you on the way to bed. Also if you choose anal, you’ll have trouble getting her pregnant, for reasons that are obvious to everybody except Darja.

You’ll frequently run into Darja around the lair, visiting your other waifu. See the scene list for details.

Darja can be made consort in Act IV, if you’re on the Happy route. As a consort, she has additional scenes, and can upgrade her outfit to one more suited to a princess. (In Darja’s opinion)

“Unhappy” Route (Imprisoned)

If you imprison Darja instead of promising to make her consort, you can visit her quarters at any time and f*ck her. A bit dim, Darja doesn’t realize she’s being r*ped and goes along thinking you’re trying to role-play. Whenever you visit, Darja will ask if she’s forgiven. “YES” switches her to the Happy Route, with no way to get back to the Unhappy path.

Act V

At the beginning of Act V, Darja moves into her own room in the palace. This happens even if she’s still imprisoned when Act V begins, because she out-stupids the kobolds so spectacularly that she exceeds the bitwidth and rolls over to being genius. In any event, you can visit her in her quarters for conversation and sex, as usual.

Gallery Scenes

First Night: F*ck Darja’s p*ssy for the first time, either in the lair or while claiming the Spire.
Damsel in Distress: Visit Darja in the lair. (“Unhappy” route only.)
Special Present: F*ck Darja’s ass for her first time, after waiting 7 days to prepare.
Drinks With Cuchilla: Visit Cuchilla after f*cking Darja.
Making Friends: Visit Issa.
Licky Dicky Action: Morning consort event.
Her Other Hole: Evening consort event.
Midnight Snack: Thirsty consort event.
An Improper Princess: Act V: Visit Darja in the palace.
More Than A Mouthful: (END) Visit the Kobolds after gifting them Darja.
The Dragon Princess: (END) Visit the Infernals after giving them Darja.

Non-Gallery Scenes

Moonday: Early in Act IV, Darja throws you a surprise party as an Evening event.

Bathtime with Darja: Visit your bathhouse and Darja will show up for some chillax time.

Makeover: (Evening consort event) With the dragon’s help, Darja makes herself a dress fit for a princess.

Puppet Show: (Evening consort event) Darja tells you her backstory in the form of theater. She made hand puppets!


Premature Ends

Darja cannot be captured after Act III or later.

Darja’s storyline ends if she is gifted to any army or lair faction, unless you free her during Malagar’s recruitment event.

If Darja is on the Unhappy route while Malagar is allied, Malagar will take her and flee, ending Darja’s storyline and removing Malagar from your service.

Darja can be killed and eaten when first you meet her.

3.6) Eburon, the Wolfboy

After the dragon defeats Naho, Eburon steps up as the new leader of the wolf tribe. He’s big, buff, ruff & tuff… and secretly a bit of a beta. Bisexual with a preference towards men, he takes a liking to the dragon- which he’ll keep secret until and unless the dragon gives a hint that he’s interested.

Eburon is the game’s “gay option”, for players who are into that. He’s not a captive, instead you’ll find him hanging out with the Wolf Tribe whenever you’re in the neighborhood.

Storyline Requirements: 4 Strength required to recruit. Naho (Unbroken) needed to unlock his Act III sex scenes. Wolf Tribe Morale must be at least 1 to make consort.
Notable interactions: Naho (Unbroken)


Head to the Wildlands and defeat Naho the Wolfgirl (requires 4 STRENGTH). After doing so- and optionally having your fun with the defeated wolfgirl- choose to “Take Control of the Pack”. Eburon will step forward to negotiate for their loyalty. Any successful negotiation will get the allegience of the Wolf Tribe, and Eburon as their leader. If your having trouble making a good offer, see Section 2.3.8 for the details.

After getting the Wolf Tribe settled in, visit Naho. You may have to visit her a few times, but eventually, you’ll find Eburon in her cell. Naho is in heat, and Eburon wants a piece of that. This scene branches several ways, but if you want to open up the next scene, you need the “Pincer Movement” varient, which goes “GREETINGS.” -> “CHALLENGE HER.” -> “CONTINUE.” After you two are done with Naho, visit the Wolf Tribe to find Eburon getting a workout. Discuss the threesome; when he asks if he overstepped his bounds tonguing you, say no. Continue with the conversation, and he’ll work around to propositioning you. Take it or not as you like, (Note that Eburon does not grant Potency.)

While it’s not necessary to advance his route, Eburon can save your life during the duel with Maelys the Huntress at the climax of Act III. You can force this outcome by not visiting the Forest in Act II, not recruiting the Mercenaries, and keeping Kobold Morale at 1 or lower.

Act IV

Eburon will agree to be consort as long as the Wolf Tribe has at least 1 Morale. This is still possible if you have the Gay tag off. In this case the sexytimes options are just turned off, leaving you with a platonic wolfboy roommate. Conquering regions with the Wolf Tribe will not affect your relationship with Eburon either positively or negatively. However, note that if you order the Wolf Tribe to fight during the Battle of Pale Rock and they have zero Morale, Eburon will die.

Gallery Scenes

In Heat: Pincer Movement: Visit Naho in your lair, and double-team her with Eburon.
Workout: Visit the Wolf Tribe after your threesome with Naho and Eburon.
Lap It Up: Consort evening scene.
Rough and Tumble: Consort evening scene.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Eburon cannot be recruited after Act III.

If the Wolf Tribe’s Morale drops below zero (realistically possible only if you fail to fulfil the promise of “B*TCHES” after also using them to capture Valzira The Witch), they will leave and Eburon’s story will end.

If the Wolf Tribe goes into the Battle of Pale Rock with zero morale and is ordered to fight in the slums, Eburon will die.

3.7) Enid, The Commoner

Enid is an ornery, stubborn, hard-working woman who takes pride in her lower-class origins. Whether due to fearlessness or a certain school-of-hard-knocks nihilism, she takes no sh*t from nobody. Not even a giant, fire-breathing dragon with a predilection for sexual predation. The dragon first meets Enid while trying to escape Pale Rock. If that scene is played a certain way, she’ll reappear later in Act III.

Enid is in an odd place. She’s not a fully pursuable love interest, and technically not even a captive. She actually turns down promotion to consort, something that no other waifu does. But she’s also more than just a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” girl.

Storyline Requirements: Must pay 1 Treasure for “Firstmother” route. F*cking her a second time requires either 4 Charm or switching to “Broodslave” route.
Notable interactions: None.

Route Summary:

Choose “Firstmother” or “Broodslave” on capture. (“Firstmother” requires losing 1 Treasure.)

Firstmother: R*pe to switch to “Broodslave”. (Act IV)

Act I

During the escape from the capital, escape the guards by climbing a building and slipping into the window. You’ll wind up in Enid’s bedroom, where the noise of your entrance wakes her. There are several resolutions to this storylet (see section 2.1.2), but if capturing her in the future is your goal, you want to pounce on her, hold her down, take her gently, come inside, then leave her alive. If you neither f*ck nor kill her, she won’t be able to join your harem, but will show up to put in a good word for you during the Battle of Pale Rock in Act IV.


If you meet the requirements listed above, Enid will make a surprise appearance at your lair early in Act III, carrying a belly full of kobold eggs and looking for their deadbeat dragon-dad. Well. Banter with her until she’s interrupted by contractions. You can stay to watch the egg-birthing, or give her some privacy. When you’re ready, visit the Kobolds and watch the eggs hatch. The kobolds are overjoyed. Enid, not so much. After the experience, she’s ready to bail. Your choices are:

  • Let her go, gaining +1 MERCY and ending Enid’s story
  • Throw her to the kobolds. Starts the “Broodslave” route.
  • “Take responsibility” by paying 1 Treasure to get her to stay. Starts the “Firstmother” route.

Happy or not, keeping her is worth +1 KOBOLD MORALE. You’ll be able to ask after her when visiting the kobolds thereafter, but nothing of interest will happen until Act IV.

Act IV

“Firstmother” Route

Visit the Kobolds in Act IV to stumble upon one of your kids. Enid will show up chasing him. Follow her back to her makeshift kobold-nursery and watch her do the Mom thing for awhile, then you’ll get a chance to talk. If you’re keen, you can either get a taste of her milky tits or, with 4 Charm, f*ck her again. If she won’t consent, you can get sex from her by force, but this will switch to the “Broodslave” route.

You can ask Enid to be your consort, but as noted above, she turns you down flat.

“Broodslave” Route

As with the nicer route, but Enid is much less happy, and will refuse your advances outright. R*pe is still an option, of course.

Gallery Scenes

Rude Awakening: Find Enid in Act I
Enid’s Gift: Encounter Enid in Act III, if conditions are met. (See above.)
Broodmother: Visit the Kobolds in Act IV, with Enid in your lair.

Non-Gallery Scenes

Hatching: Visit the Kobolds after playing “Enid’s Gift”. (See above)


Premature Ends

Enid will not show up to join your harem if you don’t handle your meeting in Act I correctly. However, if she lives, she makes a small cameo during the Battle of Pale Rock.

Enid’s story ends if you release her after your children are born.

3.8) Heloise, The Inquisitrix

Heloise is an Inquisitrix: an expert in supernatural creatures, including dragons. She is graceful, imperious, and always in command of her peers. Often literally; as a sky-elf, she has mind-control powers, and she doesn’t hesitate to make use of them. Her talent and skills have brought her immense status, but yet she seems bored with her life and its endless stream of responsibilities. A dragon on the loose seems to be just another one; but you may prove more than she can handle. Curiously, she might not be too upset about that…

Heloise has been described as a “dom-turned-sub”. She’s initially presented as an antagonist, and a coldhearted one, but after some dragon-sex/dragon-r*pe induced character development, she comes around to being controlled. (If this triggers, squicks, or confounds you, that’s fine, I won’t judge, but understand it’s a common storyline in BDSM fiction.) The early stages of her story are risky; an unprepared dragon could easily find himself in her thrall, and that’s Game Over. Post-development Heloise is as warm as her initial version was cold; indeed, the dragon is liable to find himself at the head of a loving, slighty screwed-up family.

Assuming he doesn’t nip all that in the bud by sacrificing her to Zizeryz. 🙂

Storyline Requirements: Either 4 Charm or 6 Potency required to capture her. Advancing her storyline requires Pregnancy content enabled, and not impregnating Valzira. Required sacrifice to unlock the Infernals lair faction.
Notable interactions: Doubting Maelys, Malice.

Route Summary:
Captured as “Enslaved”

Enslaved: F*ck her twice to switch to “Pregnant”.

Pregnant: Switch to “Mother” by making her consort.
Pregnant: Switch to “Mother” at start of Act V.

Act II

Visit the city of Bastion, in the Highlands. On your first visit, you’ll meet Sabetha and Inej the Rogues in the sewers, discussing a plan to burgle the Inquisitrix’s keep. Navigate the dialog without attacking them, and agree to join in. (This gains you +1 CHARM). Then leave them be to work on their plans.


Return to Bastion to rendezvous with the Rogues and put the plan in motion. BE SURE to save your game before doing so, because an unwinnable situation is possible if your stats are low. Follow the rogues, and deal with the guards however you wish. It all goes smoothly until you meet the Inquisitrix herself. She quickly demonstrates her mind-control powers, first by convincing the guards to leave, then by overriding your choice of conversation options. Play along until you get the option to resist. Getting the better of her requires either 4 Charm or 6 Potency. Failure means Game Over. Succeed, and you and the Rogues have to figure out how to divide the spoils. You have several options:

  • Take the loot, and leave Heloise. This ends Heloise’s story.
  • Take the loot, and eat Heloise.
  • Take the loot, then change your mind after the rogues leave and take Heloise instead, leaving the loot behind.
  • Take Heloise, and let Sabetha and Inej keep your share of the loot.
  • Take Heloise, and tell the Rogues to drop off your share of the loot at your lair. This gets you Heloise AND the option to capture the Rogues later.

The loot, if you choose it over Heloise, is worth +2 TREASURE.

“Enslaved” route (Imprisoned):

To advance her storyline, visit Heloise in her cell and f*ck her. You have the choice of removing the gag, removing the blindfold, or leaving both on. Gag-less requires 6 Charm and results in a gentler scene, possibly- but ambiguously- consenting. Blindfold-less requires 6 Potency and the scene is more r*pey. Either way, you can remove the other AFTER you’re done for +1 CHARM. Removing both before then- either by choosing to or failing the relevant check to defy Heloise’s commands- means Game Over. Keeping both gag and blindfold on gives you a VERY r*pey scene and no Charm bonus, but always succeeds. Any way you slice it, you also lose 1 day for going at it so long.

“Pregnant” route:

If you want to give Heloise away to someone (like Zizeryx), do not start this route, because it locks out gifting her.

Visit Heloise a second time and bang her some more. Visit her a third time, and she’ll reveal she’s pregnant. (This won’t happen if Valzira is or has been pregnant, or if the Pregnancy tag is off; instead “Repletion” will repeat indefinitely.) After Heloise explains to you what an awful thing this is, you can choose to terminate the pregnancy. But under the circumstances, this requires terminating the mother as well. (Aside from the heist, this is your only chance to kill Heloise. You won’t get another.) If you decline this opportunity, she asks for better quarters. Refusing locks you out of getting sex with Heloise until Act V, but you can reverse your decision by making her consort in Act IV.

Act IV

“Mother” route:

If you impregnated her in Act III, Heloise can be made consort before or after she gives birth. Doing so puts her on the “Mother” route, with no way back.

Act V

“Mother” route:

Heloise moves into a suite in the palace, where she is available for conversation or sexy times. This will happen if she has given birth, regardless of if you moved her into better rooms in Act III or made her consort.

“Enslaved” route (Imprisoned):

Heloise can be r*ped or interrogated in the dungeon, but since she’s a prisoner, you might not get honest answers out of her.

Gallery Scenes

Absorption: Visit Heloise in your lair for the first time. (Possible Game Over; see above)
Repletion: Visit Heloise in your lair a second time.
Memories: Dream of “your encounter with the Inquisitrix”. after f*cking Heloise the first time.
Bonding: After impregnating Heloise, give her a better room, then visit her again.
Sacrifice: (END) Give Heloise to the Infernals.
Inquisitrix’s Weakness: Consort Thirsty scene.
Mother’s Milk: Consort Morning scene.
Daughters of the Goddess: Consort bedtime scene. (Maelys (Doubt) required.)
Malice’s Birth: Triggers first night of Act IV, is Heloise is pregnant.
Turnabout: (END) Give Heloise to Malagar.
Descent: Act V. Visit Heloise in the palace (“Mother” route)
Nadir: Act V. Visit Heloise in the palace (“Enslaved” route)
Be My Pet: (END) Give Heloise to the Wolf Tribe.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Heloise can not be captured if you leave her behind after the Bastion heist. If you attack Sabetha and Inej on your first meeting, or refuse to participate in their scheme, Heloise will never appear at all.

Heloise’s story ends if she is given to any army or lair faction. Given to the Infernals, she empowers them.

Heloise can be killed and eaten either at the end of the Bastion heist, or when learning of her pregnancy.

3.9) Issa, the Kobold

Issa is intersex, though not by choice. Born male like all kobolds, he was given to Valzira the Witch for her experiments. Whatever Valzira was trying to do, she failed, but Issa gained enhanced intelligence and feminine features- including breasts. He also has a predilection for being punished- whether this is another result of Valzira’s tinkering is unclear. Kobold at heart, Issa wishes only to serve the dragon, or so he says. But he has a habit of “borrowing” things, especially books, and takes a little more initiative with disobedient waifu then his master might like.

Despite being listed as a captive, Issa is a support waifu. He has no real route (for now, at least), but he has plentiful interactions with his harem-mates. Whether or not he can be trusted remains to be seen.

For obvious reasons, all Issa’s sex scenes require the Intersex tag active, though he will still be available as a captive with the tag off.

Storyline Requirements: Maximum of three opportunities for “punishment” scenes- Naho and Valzira needed to unlock second and third.
Notable Interactions: Darja (Happy), Naho, Valzira, Malagar


Shortly after claiming your lair, you’ll see a brief bedtime event where you find evidence of a thief picking over some of your tchochkies. On a later night you’ll be woken to see the thief- Issa- captured by your guards. He’ll go into a long-winded intro speech. You have several chances to interrupt by eating him, or you can throw him out (which implicitly kills him), have the kobolds punish him, punish him yourself, or just let it go (which disappoints Issa- little masochist). If Issa survives this event, he’ll move in with your other waifu in the captives area.

Issa has a number of scenes interacting with other waifu- see below for a complete list- but none really affect his route.

Visiting Issa in his quarters allows you to talk to him about his backstory, punish him if he’s done something worth punishment, and also access some sexy scenes.

Repeatedly visiting Issa will eventually result in an event where you can change his outfit to something more… formal, shall we say.

Issa can also be made the Kobold General in Act IV. Note that if you do this, then order the Kobolds to attack with zero morale during the Battle of Pale Rock, Issa won’t survive.

Act V

Issa moves into the library, where he bemoans the state of its’ collection. Alas, there’s not much to be done about that. You can, of course, get sex or information from him.

Gallery Scenes

Demonstration: Test Issa’s loyalty at your first meeting.
Service With a Smile: Visit Issa in your lair.
Hidden Depths: Visit Issa in your lair.
Punishment: Stocks: Punish Issa by throwing him in the stocks, then visit the Kobolds later.
Finish Him Off: Gift Issa to the Mercenaries, then visit later.
Making Friends: Visit Issa’s in the lair with Darja (Happy) around, then talk them into kissing.

Non-Gallery Scenes

Issa and Darja: Visit Issa in the lair with Darja (Happy) around, find Issa braiding her hair. Sets up “Making Friends”, above.

Issa’s Revenge: Visit Issa in the lair with Valzira the Witch imprisoned. View a cutaway scene, then decide whether or not to punish Issa.

Issa and Naho: Visit Naho the Wolfgirl in the lair and view Issa’s handiwork, than visit Issa to confront and punish him.

Issa’s New Clothes: Visit Issa and help him open a chest to change his wardrobe.


Premature Ends

In the unlikely event that you don’t meet him by the end of Act IV, Issa will not show up.

Issa’s story ends if he is given away to any army or lair faction.

Issa can be killed and eaten at any time he could be punished, including your first meeting.

If Issa is made kobold leader in Act IV, and then the kobolds are ordered to attack in Pale Rock with zero morale, Issa will die.

3.10) Maelys, the Huntress

Maelys is a forest elf to whom dragon-slaying is a vocation. Hired by Balthorne to kill the dragon, she pursues him from one end of the kingdom to the next. Ruthlessly determined, formidable in combat, and doggedly persistent, she makes for a dangerous enemy. And yet her anger and bluster conceals a deeply-rooted lack of self-worth. A bad dragon could use this to break her. A good one, on the other hand, might be able to turn her into an ally- if he can help her to deal with the traumas of her past.

Maelys is by far the most difficult waifu to court. She will die or kill you at the end of Act III if you haven’t played the game to that point correctly. If you want to capture her alive, there are two ways: make her doubt her path in life, or make her despair any hope of success. These two methods have wildly different results: Despair gives a bad dragon the chance to savage the Moral Event Horizon with relish. Doubt, on the other hand, gives you the opportunity to help her work through her traumas in the game’s most emotionally charged storyline.

Storyline requirements: Capture requirements are complex, see below; Marie-Anne (Happy) required for wardrobe upgrade. Heloise as consort required to progress Doubt storyline. Adeline (Accepted) required for “Damned” route.
Notable Interactions: Heloise (if Heloise is consort), Darja (Happy), Marie-Anne (Happy).

Route Summary:
Capture as either “Doubt” or “Despair”.

Doubt: “Show her who’s in charge” during wardrobe change to switch to “Despair”, and optionally continue to “Severed.” (Marie-Anne (Happy) required.)
Doubt: F*ck her during “This Fixes Everything” event to switch to “Severed” (Tragic variant)
Doubt: Refuse sex during “This Fixes Everything”, then accept her offer of loyalty in Act V to switch to “Redeemed”.
Doubt: Reject her offer of loyalty in Act V and attack her to switch to switch to “Despair”, and optionally continue to “Severed.”

Despair: R*pe her to switch to “Severed”

Severed: Accept Adeline’s offer to switch to “Damned”.

Act II

Head to the Forest in Act II and follow the screaming. You’ll find the Huntress in a difficult position with a herd of centaurs. You have three options when the Centaurs confront you. Walking away leaves Maelys to get gang-r*ped by the centaurs. Alternatively, you can stick around and watch a bit of the r*pe before making yourself scarce.

If neither of those options is to your liking, you can try to play hero. Intimidating the centaurs requires 2 CHARM; failure gets +1 CHARM for trying, and you can still take the violent approach. Fighting requires 3 STRENGTH, or 4 STRENGTH if you failed the Charm check; failure gets +1 STRENGTH for trying and +1 WOUNDS. Whether you succeed or fail, fighting gets you a cracked skull. At this point you’re allowed to reconsider and watch the r*pe, but if you’re still determined to show the centaurs who’s boss, going for the legs always succeeds. Left alone with the huntress, you may be tempted to finish her off. Don’t. She’s not as helpless as she looks, and attacking is an instant Game Over. Instead, let her go.

Rescuing Maelys is a step towards the “Doubt” path. Getting her r*ped- whether you watch or not- is a step towards the “Despair” path, and required to progress it all the way to “Damned”. See below for details.

Note that if Maelys gets r*ped by the centaurs, she will kill Petruk during the Act III finale, and will also help Balthorne to torture Adeline between now and the next time you see her. These consequences are unavoidable.

If you plan to run the “Doubt” route, make sure to capture Heloise the Inquisitrix and impregnate her during the course of Act III. See Section 3.8 for details on how to do that.

At the end of Act III, Maelys will lead an attack your lair and face you in single combat. Assuming you win, you can convince her to surrender rather than die, if you choose the correct options during the fight:

  • For the “Doubt” route, say “I’M SORRY.” (requires 6 Charm), then “IT CAN CHANGE.” (requires 4 Mercy), and finally “JOIN ME.”.
  • For the “Despair” route, say “I’LL DO WORSE.” (requires 4 Cruelty), then Pounce! (requires 6 Strength), and finally “SUBMIT.”.

In either case, you have to make both checks, UNLESS you encountered Maelys in the forest during Act II. If you did, and she was r*ped by the centaurs, you can miss one check along the despair route and still make the capture. If you saved her from the centaurs, you can miss one check along the doubt route and still capture Maelys alive.

If you lose the fight and die, that’s a different story altogether- see section 2.3.9 for info on that.

Act IV

“Doubt” Route:
The first time you visit Maelys in her cell, you’ll find her looking pretty rough. Have a talk; she’s got a lot of baggage. You get the opportunity to “Take her”. In the ensuing scene, you can either let her have control, or take some for yourself. The end result will be the same.

To advance this route further, you have to make Heloise the Inquisitrix your consort (which is a subplot in itself). If you do, at some point Heloise will ask to visit Maelys’ cell during a bedtime event. Let her do so, and you’ll get into a three-way with the both of them. In the morning, visit Maelys again. (You may need to visit several times, if there’s a backup of events.) Maelys will offer herself to you for sex. Tempting as the offer is, turn it down. This sets you up for the next step in Act V. If you give in to the temptation, you switch to the Tragic variant of the “Severed” route.

Alternatively, you can jump from this route to “Despair” or “Severed” either via the “new clothes” event (see below).

“Despair” Route:
Be advised that this storyline is only for the most evil of dragons, one that truly wishes to live up to his race’s monstrous reputation. It starts with torture and then… continues. Visit Maelys in her cell, and interrogate her. After satisfying your curiosity and sadistic urges, r*pe her to switch to the “Severed” route. Alternatively, you can spare her the final blow and keep her locked up until a better option presents itself. (Or give her away to an army or lair faction.)

“Severed” Route:
As noted above, there are two ways to get here: cruelty and tragedy. The path varies depending on which you took. Upon returning to Maelys’ cell, you’ll be able to subject her to more r*pe or torture, including an opportunity to carve up the last unscarred bit of her body. The tragic varient also provides gentler, more caring options.

(Maelys con’t)

Act V

“Doubt” Route:
Maelys will be in the dungeon the first time you visit from the harem. If you’ve progressed the Doubt storyline to it’s fullest extent (see above), she’ll have a different offer for you: to become your knight. Accept to switch her to “Redeemed” route. Decline, and she’ll take it poorly, giving you another chance to r*pe her and switch to “Severed”.

“Severed” Route:
Maelys will be lying in the dungeon, serving the same purpose as in Act IV. Continuing her storyline past this point requires two things: Maelys must have gotten r*ped by the centaurs in Act II, and Adeline must be on her “Accepted” route. If both conditions are met, Adeline will show up the first time you visit Maelys in Act V. Discuss the elf’s predicament with Adeline, and she’ll have an idea what to do with her. Dialog differs slightly depending on if Maelys was severed by accident or intent. Either way, let Adeline do what she has in mind to progress Maelys’ storyline to “Damned.”

Gallery Scenes
The Centaurs:
 Visit the Forest in Act II and watch Maelys be r*ped.
Compromise: Visit Maelys in your lair for the first time (“Doubt” route only.)
Severance: Visit Maelys and r*pe her. (“Despair” route only.)
Water in the Desert: Visit Maelys in your lair. (“Severed” route only.)
Seed on Barren Ground: Visit Maelys in your lair. (“Severed” route only.)
Daughters of the Goddess: Make Heloise your consort and accompany her to visit Maelys when prompted. (“Doubt” route only.)
This Fixes Everything: Visit Maelys after playing “Daughters of the Goddess”.
Hunted Huntress: (END) Give Maelys to the Wolf Tribe, then visit them later.
Can We Fix Her? Yes We Can!: (END) Ask Zizeryx to fix Maelys’ severence. (“Severed” route only.)
All The Rage: (END) Gift Maelys to the Infernals.

Non-Gallery Scenes
Dragon Expert:
 Visit Maelys in the lair with Darja (Happy) around. (“Doubt” route only.)

Put Some Clothes On: Visit Maelys in the lair with Marie-Anne (Happy) around. Changes Maelys’ wardrobe (“Doubt” route only.)

Marking Your Territory: Visit Maelys in your lair and give her some body art. (“Severed” route only.)


Premature Ends
Maelys story ends if she is given away to any army or lair faction.

Maelys dies at the end of Act III if you fail (or decline) to take her alive.

3.11) Malice, the Naga

You’ll welcome Malice, the naga child, into your lair early in Act IV if you’ve satisfied the conditions for her appearance. (See below.) It’ll be up to you to raise her to adulthood, and how you do so will affect what kind of a woman she grows into. Regardless of your decisions, by the start of Act V Malice will be fully grown and ready and able to cause trouble for her “daddy”.

Malice sees herself as the only suitible mate for the dragon. Her horniness is matched only by his own, and her sturdy body can withstand his passions at their most intense. There are, however, severe dangers to courting her. Her relationship with the dragon is overtly incestuous, she is inherently selfish, and packs a lot of magical power coupled with a youthful lack of restraint. She also puts the main plot on the Cataclysm path no matter how she grows up. Prepare for a wild ride if you plan to let this little lady into your life.

Storyline Requirements: “Capture” requires impregnating either Heloise the Inquisitrix or Valzira the Witch. Alters course of main plot if captured.
Notable Interactions: Heloise (if Heloise is consort), Kobolds, Mercenaries, Malagar (Empowered), Proteans, Adeline, whichever waifu the dragon has as consort at the end of Act IV.

Route Summary:
Captured as “Disobedient”
Can change to either “Obedient” or “Thoughtful” in Act IV. Circumstances of this branching are complex, see below.


Malice does not show up in the flesh in Act III, but if conditions are met for her appearance, she may visit you in dreams.

Act IV

Malice makes her first appearance on the first night of Act IV. Thereafter she’ll be around your lair. She will not have her own room (unless Heloise is your consort, in which case Malice will stay with her), but will show up while you make the rounds of your lair, visiting. Two of these scenes together will determine which path Malice takes from the end of Act IV onward. The first is triggered by visiting the Kobolds, finding that Malice has stolen a pig. Play the scene how you want; the only decision that matters is whether you tell her not to steal from others, or not to steal from you. The second scene occurs after you’ve visited an imprisoned captive. (If you’re playing nice and are having trouble finding one, Naho the Wolfgirl and Valzira the Witch are always imprisoned.) Here Malice will ask you why you’re keeping women locked up. How you answer determines how she turns out:

  • If you say your women belong to you, she then asks if that makes them stolen. If you say no, Malice becomes DISOBEDIENT.
  • If you admit it is a form of stealing, the result depends on what you said during the pig scene:
    • If you told her not to take from others, Malice becomes DISOBEDIENT. (Possibly because she figures daddy’s a hypocrite. 🙂 )
    • If you told her not to take from you, Malice becomes THOUGHTFUL.
  • If you tell her that rules are different for dragons, or depend on the situation, she then wants to know how you know what the rules are.
    • Telling her that the strong make the rules makes Malice DISOBEDIENT.
    • Either of the other responsees make Malice THOUGHTFUL.
  • If you tell her that life is about trade-offs, Malice becomes OBEDIENT. (Your answer to the follow-up question affects nothing.)

If you don’t play this scene, then how Malice turns out depends on your words to her in the pig scene:

  • Telling her not to take from others makes Malice DISOBEDIENT.
  • Telling her not to take from you makes Malice OBEDIENT.

If it’s not POSSIBLE to get the second scene, due to having no unhappy captives:

  • Telling Malice not to take from others makes her THOUGHTFUL.
  • Telling Malice not to take from you makes her OBEDIENT.

If you miss BOTH events, Malice will remain DISOBEDIENT.

There are other scenes with Malice which do not affect her upbringing. One notable one is when she visits the Mercenaries, where you can get +1 CRUELTY by breaking bones, or +1 MERCY for any other resolution.

The results of Malice’s upbringing will first be seen in the Act IV Finale, where she interrupts you on the night before the Battle of Pale Rock to absorb your consort:

“Disobedient” Route

A disobedient Malice will cannot be convinced to return your consort. You can punish her using sex or violence (the “Punishment” scene), but that won’t change anything. (Take note that the violent punishment is not for the faint of heart.)

“Obedient” Route

An obedient Malice will try to make a deal with you. Accepting the deal resolves the situation with no harm done. If you refuse the deal, she’ll likewise refuse to return your consort.

“Thoughtful” Route

A Thoughtful Malice can be talked out of it without trouble.

If Heloise the Inquisitrix is your consort, you’ll get a different scene, regardless of Malice’s upbringing. If you have no consort, Malice won’t appear. In either of these cases, however, Malice will remain on her determined route going into Act V.

Act V

Before waking up to the first day of Act V, Malice will visit you in a dream. After an opportunity for conversation, she’ll want some sex. Oblige her or not as you choose. If Adeline happens to be sleeping next to you, you can get her in on the action, if you wish. If Malice stole your consort and didn’t give her back, you can press her to undo this, but this upsets Malice, causing her to create a time warp which sends you back in time to the point in Act III where you learned of her mother’s pregnancy. (The game does this by reloading a silent autosave, meaning it might load you into a different run).

Unlike most waifu, you can’t freely visit Malice in the harem.

Gallery Scenes

Premonition: Dream of “The texture of your scales” after impregnating an elf.
Discipline: Punish Malice for stealing your consort near the end of Act IV. (“Disobedient” route, requires a consort other than Heloise.)
Flesh and Blood: Wake up in Act V for the first time with Adeline dead or imprisoned.
Ancestor and Descendant: Wake up in Act V for the first time without Adeline on the “Accepted” route.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Malice can be killed by killing Heloise or Valzira after they announce their pregnancy. This can be reversed if you then impregnate the other.

3.12) Marie-Anne, the Farmgirl

Marie-Anne is a sweet and warmhearted country girl. Since her parents’ death, she’s run the family farm by herself, with little company except the animals. Despite the tragedy, Marie-Anne is endlessly optimistic and cares deeply for those around her. But her idyllic life has made her timid in the face of new things, and when the dragon shows up on her doorstep, it throws her life into disarray. And yet, a civilized dragon will find her surprisingly receptive to his advances.

Marie-Anne has a reputation as the most wholesome waifu. And indeed, her storyline can be played as a heartwarming romance. But dragons with darker inclinations also have ripe opportunities to abuse her, including breaking her into a twisted mockery of her wholesome self. Marie-Anne is also a zoophile and having the Bestiality tag on will unlock a significant number of scenes around that theme, with the dragon being able to either accept her or steer her away.

Storyline requirements: “Happy” Route requires 4 Charm at capture, OR spending 1 Kobold Morale after “Unhappy”. Torture Chamber required for Broken status. Must be Happy or Broken to make consort. Some content requires Bestiality tag.
Notable interactions: Wolf Tribe, Valzira, Maelys (Doubt), Mina

Route Summary:
Capture as “Happy” or “Unhappy”, depending on actions in Act II.

Happy: R*pe her after a second visit to the farm in Act III to switch to “Unhappy” route.
Happy: Let her adopt a wolf to switch to “Happy” route, B*tch variant. (Requires Wolf Tribe.)
Happy: Impregnate her to switch to “Happy” route, Mommy variant at the start of Act V.

Unhappy: Spend 1 Kobold Morale to switch to “Happy” route.
Unhappy: Send to Torture Chamber to switch to “Broken” route.

Act II

Go to the Farmlands. Offered the choice of the cattle or the barn, choose the barn to meet Marie-Anne. After she’s done freaking out, she asks you what you want.

“Happy” Route:

Answer “PLEASURE”, then “Wait Patiently.” This get you sex, +1 CHARM, and puts you on the “Happy” Route.

Alternatively, answer “SHELTER” (not available in Act III) to unlock the Abandoned Mine lair, then leave her be to get +1 MERCY and start the “Happy” Route.

If your first visit is in Act III, you can answer “YOUR SERVICE” and capture her immediately. This requires 4 Charm.

“Unhappy” Route (Imprisoned):

Answer “PLEASURE”, then “Force Her.” Choose vaginal rather than anal, then leave her stuck (gains you +1 CRUELTY).

Answer “SHELTER” to unlock the Abandoned Mine lair, then r*pe her. As above, choose vaginal and leave her hanging.

In addition to the above options, answering “DEATH” has the dragon kill and eat her. “NOTHING” gives +1 MERCY, and ends Marie-Anne’s story. R*ping her anally ends her story, and gives you the option to either leave her hanging for +1 CRUELTY, or eat her. Releasing her after vaginal r*pe gains you +1 MERCY, but ends her story.

Note also, killing the cattle locks off the farmlands immediately for the remainder of the current Act. If you do it in Act II, you’ll have to put off meeting Marie-Anne until Act III. Killing the cattle in Act III locks you out of capturing Marie-Anne completely, if you don’t capture her first.


“Happy” Route

Return to the Farmlands. With 4 CHARM, you can convince her to come along with you. Failing the check gains you +1 CHARM, and lets you either r*pe her and then capture her as an unhappy captive, or walk away. If you walk away, you can come back later and try to Charm her again, but you won’t get an additional CHARM bonus if you fail again. As mentioned above, if you put off your first meeting until Act III, you can make the Charm check to capture her in “Happy” state by requesting “YOUR SERVICE”.

In Marie-Anne’s quarters, you can chat with her about various topics (including getting her name), or ask for “relief”. Ask Marie-Anne for relief to get a BJ. Asking for more- and following up with “YOU ARE MINE”- allows you to take things to the next level, getting vaginal sex with the option to give her cunnilingus before hand. After doing this once, you can jump straight to it on later visits by asking to breed.

At some point, you’ll find Marie-Anne singing while you visit. Ask her about the song, you’ll be able to ask her to sing for you on future visits.

If you recruit the Wolf Tribe army, you’ll find Marie-Anne playing with one of their pureblood wolves on your next visit. Letting her adopt the wolf switches to the Happy route, “B*tch” varient, allowing you to double-team her with the wolf, or just watch as they go at it. (You can also name the wolf; the default is “Boof”.)

“Unhappy” Route (imprisoned)

Return to the farmlands to find some mercenary thugs molesting the still-trapped Marie-Anne. “Rescue” her to claim her as a captive. Alternatively, if you put off your first meeting until now, you can abduct her immediately after r*ping her.

After capture, visit Marie-Anne in her cell to get her name (which you can change), r*pe her, or eat her. On the other hand, if you regret treating her bad, you can ask her how she’s doing. With 2 Kobold Morale or greater, you’ll have the option to spend 1 Kobold Morale to bring Marie-Anne some creature comforts, which will switch her to the “Happy” route.

Send Marie-Anne to the torture chamber to switch to the “Broken” route. This functions mostly the same as the “Happy” route, but with the addition of domestic-abuse subtext. Also, you can eat her.

Act IV

Marie-Anne can be made consort in Act IV if she’s on either the “Happy” or “Broken” routes. As consort, she can do for you anything she would do in her quarters, including singing, the “Down on the Farm” flashback, and fun times. If she’s adopted a wolf, the wolf will also come with her and be available for fun times in your stead.

(Marie-Anne con’t)

Act V

“Happy” Route

Marie-Anne takes on responsibility for the animal pens. She can be visited there for conversation or sex, and will also sing to you. Her wolf will also be available to join in the fun on request. There are variations of this scene to account for her being pregnant and/or broken.

“Unhappy” Route

Marie-Anne languishes in the dungeon, and can be approached for interrogation or r*pe. There’s a variation in this scene if she’s pregnant. She can also be killed and eaten, if not pregnant.

Gallery Scenes

Farm Raid: Visit Marie-Anne at her farm for the first time. Consenting and Non-consenting varients.
Farm Raid II: Return to the farm after leaving Marie-Anne hanging.
Tending: Visit Marie-Anne in your lair and get relief. (“Happy” route.)
Serving: Visit Marie-Anne in your lair and get relief. (“Unhappy” route.)
Breeding Season: Visit Marie-Anne in your lair and request “more”. (“Happy” route)
Trojan: Dream of “The rolling countryside” after meeting Marie-Anne.
Down Boy: Visit the bathhouse before playing “Adoption”. (Wolf Tribe required).
Sharing is Caring: Visit Mina when both she and Marie-Anne are “Happy” (Act IV, consort evening scene if Mina is consort.)
Breaking: Send Marie-Anne to the torture chamber.
A Tender’s Need: Consort thirsty scene.
Down on the Farm: Ask Marie-Anne about animals after playing “Trojan” or “Down Boy”.
Adoption: Allow Marie-Anne to adopt a wolf. (Wolf Tribe required.)
Hungry Like the Wolf: Visit Marie-Anne in your lair. (“B*tch” varient required.)
Evening Feed: Consort Evening Event. (“B*tch” varient required.)
Playtime: Consort bedtime event. (“B*tch” varient required.)
Painting Eggs: Act V. Visit Marie-Anne in the dungeon.
Cowgirl: Act V. Visit Marie-Anne in the palace, while she’s pregnant.
Hog Wild: (END) Gift Marie-Anne to the Kobolds, then visit later.
Primordial Husbandry: (END) Gift Marie-Anne to the Proteans, then visit later.
Nightmare Reunion: (END) Gift Marie-Anne to the Infernals.
Shared Passion: (END) Gift Marie-Anne to Malagar.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Marie-Anne can not be captured after Act III.

Marie-Anne’s storyline ends after your first meeting if she is r*ped anally, r*ped vaginally and released, or if you just leave without asking her for sex or shelter.

Marie-Anne’s storyline ends if she is given away to any army or lair faction.

Marie-Anne can be killed and eaten before capture, or in her quarters if she’s on the “Unhappy” or “Broken” routes.

3.13) Mina, the Merchant

Mina is a tsundere with caramel skin, massive tits, and a sharp tongue. As a travelling merchant, she struggles to get by in a land where the roads are plagued by bandits and the caravan guards are just other bandits. Her first meeting with the dragon doesn’t go so well, but she soon recognizes the benefit of a giant, fire-breathing business partner. And she’s not averse to a bit of snappy banter or unprofessional quid pro quo. If the dragon doesn’t decide to just enslave her, at least.

Mina is a lot of fun for a bad dragon to abuse, and a lot of fun for a good dragon to tease. She’s also a good source of Treasure, if you play things right. The only real downside of courting Mina is that she mostly stays in her room- of all the waifu, she has the least interaction with other characters. On the other hand, this makes her a good fit for a dragon who doesn’t keep a big harem. Or habitually feeds them to his minions.

Required for storylines: Capturing may require a check for either 4 Charm or 4 Strength, depending on your method. Mina will leave your lair if the Mercenaries are recruited, unless forced to stay. Hidden sex scene requires 3 Treasure. Must be happy to make consort.
Notable interactions: Marie-Anne (Happy), Cooch

Route Summary:
Capture as either “Happy” or “Unhappy”, depending on your method.

Happy: Declare her a “f*cktoy” when she enters your lair to switch to “Unhappy”
Happy: Side with the mercs against Mina to switch to “Unhappy”
Happy: R*pe her in the lair to switch to “Unhappy”
Happy: Tear up her new dress in front of her to switch to “Unhappy”
Happy: Disregard her wishes during sex, or ♥♥♥♥ her in front of the Mercs during her revenge scheme, to switch to “Happy” route, “Angry” varient.

Unhappy: Save her from the Mercs (after your first encounter ends badly for her), to switch to “Happy”.
Unhappy: Gift her a dress to switch to “Happy”.

Act II

Head to the Roads to indulge in some light banditry. You’ll wind up in a standoff with Mina.

“Happy” Route

Hear her out, and she’ll give you a lead on the Abandoned Mine lair. You get +1 CHARM for this, and +1 MERCY for letting her go afterwards.

Alternatively, you can knock her crossbow away with 2 Strength (if you try with less, she gets away, ending her story.) From there you can tell her to “RUN”, getting +1 MERCY and her oxen.

Or, you can tell her to “STRIP”, THEN let her go, getting the oxen.

OR, you can push it a little further by asking for “YOU” (Or “F*CK”, earlier). Follow up with “BARGAIN” and “ACCEPTABLE” to get a titf*ck, then “YES” to release her.

TL:DR; you have to make sure Mina gets out of this scene alive and with her clothes on (and not having shot you in the face) to get on the “Happy” path. However, not doing this doesn’t lock you in to the “Unhappy” route. Read on.

“Unhappy” Route

After molesting or r*ping her, release Mina without her clothes. This sets up the “Unhappy” route. (If you get +1 CRUELTY, you did it right.) You can also eat the oxen.

Alternatively, you can take one of several opportunities to kill and eat Mina.

Also, on any path that leaves you alone with the oxen, you can eat them to gain +1 STRENGTH


If you delay your first meeting until now, it’ll play out a little differently. Instead of the Abandoned Mine, Mina will offer you a load of silks worth 1 TREASURE. You get +1 MERCY for this path, but not +1 CHARM. You can also take these silks instead of the oxen along any path that you can eat the oxen. Also, after “BARGAIN”, you’ll be able to capture Mina as an unhappy captive outright, before or after having your fun.

“Happy” route

If you claim the Abandoned Mine as your lair, Mina will show up at your doorstep with a business offer shortly thereafter. Accept it to capture her on the “Happy” route.

If not, you’ll run into her on a visit to Gutter’s Cove, and be able to make the same deal after saving her from the mercenaries.

Either way, deciding Mina is a f*cktoy when the kobolds ask switches you to the “Unhappy” route.

From her quarters, you can ask Mina for either resources or “relief”. Asking for resources will get you +1 TREASURE, but she has a big ask: Countess of Bastion, when you’re king. If you’re not keen, you can get the Treasure for free with 6 Charm. Failure on the skill check gives you the option to r*pe her and make her an unhappy captive, but doesn’t get you the treasure.

Asking Mina for relief gets you a t*t♥♥♥♥. Asking for “MORE” during a t*t♥♥♥♥ will request vaginal sex. Getting her agreement requires you to have promised to make her Countess of Bastion- if you haven’t, then you’ll get the chance to do it now, or you can r*pe her, which makes her an unhappy captive. If you do get her to give it up willingly, following her directions is advisable. Deviating switches her to the “Angry” varient, meaning she’ll refuse to do it again; you’re back to titjobs with an option to escalate to r*pe.

Around the point where 7 days are left on the timer, Petruk will find a dress worth 1 Treasure, which you can either keep in your hoard or gift to Mina. Gifting it to Mina will change her sprite and switch her from Unhappy to Happy. Unless you opt to tear the dress up in front of her, which instead changes her from Happy to Unhappy.

Mina and the Mercenaries don’t get along; if you recruit them both, you’ll have to make a choice: send the Mercs away, send Mina away (gaining +1 MERCY), gift Mina to the Mercenaries, or imprison Mina, switching to the Unhappy route. (A clever dragon can have his cake and eat it too by gifting her the dress after imprisoning her.)

If you don’t intend to recruit the Mercs, there’s a complex event you can run to get a lot of Treasure. Visit Mina in her quarters, and she’ll divulge her plan to rob the Mercenaries during a big party. Your role is to distract the Mercenaries- with help from Cooch, if she’s captive- while Mina and your kobolds loot their treasure stores. There are three stages to this:

  • Fighting. Taking ten guys adds 1 to the haul, but gives 1 Wound unless you have a Strength of at least 6. The choice of whether to kill or humiliate them increases CRUELTY or MERCY, respectively.
  • F*cking Cooch (if she’s there). Doing this adds 1 to the haul.
  • F*cking Mina. Doing this adds 1 to the haul BUT switches Mina to the Angry variant.

Finally, you have to choose to either take the haul and run, or (if you have 4 Charm) cut a deal with Rhyll to forfeit the haul in exchange for 1 Treasure. Taking the haul pisses off the Mercenaries and makes them impossible to recruit. Taking the deal pisses off Mina and forces you to choose to let her go or switch to the Unhappy route. Mina will also try to leave if you f*cked her and then try to excuse it with “I WAS ENJOYING MYSELF.”

One last thing: There’s a semi-hidden scene with Mina available if you have 3 Treasure or more. Summon your attendant, ask about your treasure hoard, then ask to see your gold to begin. Note that this won’t work if Mina is Unhappy or Angry.

(Mina con’t)

“Unhappy” Route

If you released Mina without her clothes at your first encounter, return to the Roads in Act III. You’ll find Mina working, under duress, for some mercenaries. Scaring them off requires 4 CHARM. If it doesn’t work- or you’re not feeling merciful- killing them requires 4 STRENGTH. In either case, you get an extra point as consolation prize for failing, but if you fail with Strength, you get chased off and Mina’s story ends. After driving them off, you have four options: R*pe her and then take her captive (“Unhappy” route), R*pe her and then leave her behind (+1 CRUELTY, and Mina’s story ends), release her (+1 MERCY and +1 TREASURE, and Mina’s story ends), or refrain from releasing her until she offers you a deal, then take it. (capture Mina on “Happy” route.)

Visiting an unhappy Mina allows you to get her name, listen to her rant for a while, eat her, or r*pe her, but nothing else.

As noted above, you can switch Mina back to Happy by giving her a dress, when the opportunity presents.

Act IV

Mina can be made consort in Act IV if she’s Happy (Angry variant included). In addition to the other benefits of being a consort, she’ll also let you creampie (and impregnate) her without getting mad. (The only other way to do this is via the “Bed of Riches” scene, see below.) Note that making her consort disables the ability to offer her Bastion in exchange for Treasure, if you haven’t taken that offer already.

Act V

“Happy” route

Mina takes a room in the palace and tries to make some kind of sense out of the woeful state of the kingdom’s ledgers. You can visit her to talk or f*ck, and can additionally offer her the position of chancellor, which she is more than happy to accept. This scene varies somewhat if Mina is pregnant.

“Unhappy” route

Mina seethes in the dungeon, as snippy as ever. Variations in she’s pregnant, and if she’s NOT pregnant, you can kill and eat her.

Gallery Scenes

Stand and Deliver: Meet Mina for the first time.
Looted Goods: Encounter Mina for the second time on the roads.
Paying Rent: Visit Mina in your lair and request relief. (“Happy” route.)
The Sweetened Deal: Visit Mina in your lair and negotiate for “more”. (“Happy” route.)
Extortion: Visit Mina in your lair and molest her. (“Unhappy” route.)
Forcible Renegotitions: Visit Mina in your lair and force the issue after failing to negotiate for “more”.
Sharing is Caring: Visit Mina when both she and Marie-Anne are “Happy” (Act IV, consort evening scene if Mina is consort.)
Bed of Riches: Accumulate at least 3 treasure, then ask your attendant to see your hoard. (“Happy” route, plus NOT “Angry” variant.)
Paying Rent II: Act V. Visit Mina in the palace and partake of her tits. (“Happy” route.)
Cost of Living: Act V. Visit Mina in the palace while she’s pregnant. (“Happy” route.)
Extortion II: Act V. Visit Mina in the dungeon. (“Unhappy” route.)
Shift Change: (END) Gift Mina to the Kobolds, then visit later.
Thrown to the Dogs: (END) Gift Mina to the Wolf Tribe, then visit later.
Thinking With Portals: (END) Gift Mina to Malagar.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Mina’s story ends if you get shot by her in your first encounter, pass up intervening when you meet her again in Gutter’s Cove, or don’t take her with you- for whatever reason- after encountering her on the road the second time.

Mina’s story also ends if she leaves your lair due to drama with the Mercenaries.

Mina’s story ends if she is given to any army or lair faction.

Mina can be killed and eaten either before capturing her, or in your lair on the “Unhappy” route.

3.14) Naho, the Wolfgirl

Naho is a b*tch, and that’s not just clever wordplay. She leads the Wolf Tribe of the wildlands- at least she does before the dragon deposes her- and even after being captured and imprisoned, she has a huge ego and a massive chip on her shoulder. She has a deep and burning hatred of “sun-cursed” creatures, incuding dragons, and she will be against him for every step of the way, which ironically makes her an excellent toy for a bad dragon.

It is impossible to make Naho a willing lover- her hatred of the dragon runs too deep. She can be made consort, but it is definitely not a wholesome relationship.

Storyline Requirements: 4 Strength required to capture. Torture chamber required for Broken status. Broken status required to make Consort.
Notable interactions: Eburon, Cooch the Drunk, Issa, Empowered Malagar

Route Summary:
Capture as Unbroken

Unbroken: send to Torture Chamber to switch to “Broken” route.
Unbroken: give to Malagar to switch to “Remade” route

Broken: give to Malagar to switch to “Remade” route.

Act II

Travel to the Wildlands to meet Naho and her tribe. You need 4 Strength to win the ensuing fight. The first time you lose, Naho will send you on your way (with +1 STRENGTH as a consolation prize for failing the check). If you go back and lose a second time, she’ll kill you outright. If you win, you have several options for what to do with her. You can kill and eat her, or f*ck her. Turning her over to the pack gets you +1 CRUELTY. Letting her be gets you +1 MERCY. If you opt to take the merciful route, you can return to the Wildlands later for some more fun, After which you can turn her over to the pack (+1 CRUELTY the first time) or kill her.


Go to the Wildlands. Depending on whether you’ve visited previously and what happened, it could go several ways, including fighting Naho again (Strength check of 4 required, as usual.) Eventually you’ll get the option to “Take Control of the Pack.” Do so, and Eburon the Wolfboy will step forward to negotiate for the pack’s loyalties. See section 2.3.8 for how to do that; the important thing to remember is that if you offer them Naho, and they accept, you won’t get Naho as a captive. (On the plus side, the Wolf Tribe will start with 2 Morale if you do this.)

“Unbroken” Route

From her Naho’s cell in your lair, you can talk to her to get some backstory on the wolf tribe, or f*ck her. You can also eat her, if you’re tired of her.

Repeated visits to Naho will eventually lead to you barging in on Eburon paying a visit. Joining Eburon to double-team Naho will unlock some gay content with Eburon.

“Broken” Route

After building a torture chamber, you’ll be able to send Naho there to switch to the “Broken” route. Once broken, Naho will be more willing in sex, but not useful for much else. “Oblige her” to have her ride you, or wait for her to beg to get your choice of three other flavors.

“Remade” Route

Giving Naho to Malagar. You get to either chose petrification, bimbofication, or transformation into a half-dragon for her fate. Petrification ends her story. The other two options let you f*ck her. Naho will be removed from your harem, but that’s not necessarily the last you’ve seen of her.

Act IV

“Unbroken” Route

Naho can be made consort if Unbroken, but it won’t go well. After the first night, you’ll have to choose to kill her, return her to her cell, or send her to Breaker.

“Broken” Route

Naho can be made consort if Broken, and it goes much better. For you, at least. Early in her consort-dom, Naho will beg for you to appoint one of your hoards to appease her aching c*nt while you’re out. You can let the kobolds, wolfmen, or mercenaries “dog-sit” her, or refuse and leave her alone. It doesn’t matter in the long run; upon returning home you’ll see that, entertaining as it might be for you, only dragon-d*ck will satisfy Naho.

“Remade” Route

Visit Malagar to check in on Naho. If you r*ped Naho afting her remaking, you’ll find out that she’s pregnant with… something. Finding out what will have to wait until she delivers.

Act V

“Broken” Route

On your first visit to Naho in the dungeon, you’ll have to f*ck her because she’s starved for it. On subsequent visits, it’s your choice to either either keep f*cking her in the dungeon, or move her to the palace to live as your pet.

Gallery Scenes

Defeat: R*pe Naho after defeating her in the Wildlands.
Reprimand: Defeat Naho, let her go, then return to the Wildlands to r*pe her again.
Leashed: Visit Naho in your lair and r*pe her. (“Unbroken” route).
Walk The Dog: Give Naho to the Wolf Tribe in exchange for their allegience.
Dogfight with Cuchilla: Visit Naho in your lair with Cooch around.
In Heat: One On One: Visit Naho with the Wolf Tribe allied and deal with her heat alone.
In Heat: Pincer Movement: Visit Naho with the Wolf Tribe allied and deal with her heat with Eburon’s help. (Unlocks gay content with Eburon).
In Heat: Animal Instincts: Visit Naho with the Wolf Tribe allied and have a pureblood wolf deal with her.
Puppy Tamer: Send Naho to the torture chamber.
Scratch the Itch: Visit broken Naho in her cell and take the lead.
Tame the ♥♥♥♥♥: Visit broken Naho in her cell and make her beg.
Now Beg: Consort evening event.
Substitute: Kobolds: After making Naho your consort, assign the Kobolds to take care of her while you’re out.
Substitute: Wolfmen: After making Naho your consort, assign the Wolfmen to take care of her while you’re out.
Substitute: Nobody: After making Naho your consort, assign nobody to take care of her while you’re out.
Bitter Solace: Consort soothe event.
Evening Feed: Consort evening event.
Morning Feed: Consort Thirsty event.
Dogpile: (END) Gift Naho to the Kobolds, then visit later.
Omega: (END) Gift Naho to the Wolf Tribe, then visit later.
Encapsulation: (END) Gift Naho to the Proteans, then visit later.
Stranger Dongs: (END) Gift Naho to the Infernals.
Remade to Order: Gift Naho to Malagar.
Dracogenesis: Revisit Malagar after gifting him Naho. (Act IV)

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Naho cannot be captured normally after Act III, though she can be looted from the Wildlands in Act IV.

Naho’s story ends if she is given to the Wolf Tribe as the price of their loyalty, or if she is gifted to any army or lair faction, EXCEPT Malagar.

Naho can be killed and/or eaten after defeating her in the wildlands, in your lair, or as punishment for her actions after being made consort while Unbroken.

3.15) Sabetha and Inej, the Rogues

Sabetha and Inej are sisters, catgirls, and thieves. Sabetha is cocky, creative, and clever, though not as much as she thinks. Inej is less bold, but more levelheaded. Together they’re a marvelously effective pair of catgirl-burglers. However, Sabetha’s ambitious ideas tend to blow up in both of their faces. Robbing a dragon’s lair is not the exception…

Sabetha and Inej are a matched pair; where one goes, the other does too. Their plotline is a little odd: it feels like it should be dark, with themes of incest and sex slavery, but it’s actually a very light, breezy affair. They have fine comic chemistry, playing of each other- and the dragon- amusingly. Plus, hey, ongoing sister threesome. 🙂

Required for Storylines: Capture requires traps in your lair and proper handling of Heloise the Inquisitrix’s capture. Doing anything sexy requires the Incest tag. Must complete storyline up to “Kitten Gets The Cream” to make consort.
Notable Interactions: None.

Route Summary:
Capture as “Prisoners”

Prisoners: Impregnate to switch to “Domesticated” route.

Act II

Visit Bastion to meet Sabetha and Inej plotting a heist. Refrain from attacking them and you’ll get a chance to buy into their scheme.


You’ll first meet the rogues in Bastion, either in Act II or III. Get through the dialog without attacking, and agree to their scam. Before returning to Bastion, claim a lair and build traps. Wait until the traps are built, THEN return to Bastion and participate in the heist. See section 3.8 for how that works. At the end, take Heloise in place of your cut of the loot, and give the catgirls the location of your lair to deliver your share later.

Later on in Act III, the catgirls will show up to rob you, because there’s no honor among thieves. (You have to have at least 1 Treasure first, as no competent thief sticks their neck out for an empty vault.) If you don’t have traps, you’ll lose Treasure and their story will end. If you do, the cats will get caught. You have the choice to eat them, gaining +1 STRENGTH (yes, even though there’s two of them), give them to the Kobolds, set them free (gaining +1 MERCY and ending their story), or keep them for yourself.

Advance their storyline by visiting repeatedly. After a few oral sessions, Inej will offer you Sabetha’s ass. Take her up on that offer. (Going for p*ssy instead results in them escaping, ending their story, and going for oral does not advance the storyline.) Next session after that, Sabetha will offer you Inej’s p*ssy. Accept the offer to switch them to the “Domesticated” route.

Act IV

Once you’ve advanced Sabetha and Inej’s storyline to the “Domesticated” route, you can make them consorts. In addition to the usual consort perks, you’ll be able to replay previous sex scenes, plus some new ones.

Act V

If still prisoners, the cats will be hanging around the dungeon, waiting for you to advance their storyline. If they’re on the “Domesticated” route, they will have taken up residence in the palace, and Inej will be pregnant. Visit them to converse or to f*ck. There’s a non-pregnant version of this scene, but it’s available only by disabling the “Pregnancy” tag in the settings.

Gallery Scenes

Remain Indoors: A special scene that played on first boot-up during the quarantine lockdowns of 2020. No longer accessible through gameplay.
Cat Got Her Tongue: Visit Sabetha and Inej in your lair.
Backdoor Break-In: Visit Sabetha and Inej in your lair repeatedly until Inej offers you Sabetha’s ass.
Kitten Gets The Cream: Continue to visit Sabetha and Inej until Sabetha offers you Inej’s p*ssy.
Splitting the Winnings: Consort evening event.
The Sabetha Special: Act V. Visit Sabetha and Inej in the palace.

Non-Gallery Scenes


Premature Ends

Sabetha and Inej’s story ends if you attack them on your first meeting, don’t tell them where to find you after the heist, don’t have traps built by the time they stop by, or if you try and f*ck Sabetha’s p*ssy when it’s not on offer.

Sabetha and Inej’s story ends if they are gifted to any army or lair faction.

Sabetha and Inej can be killed and eaten when you first capture them.

3.16) Valzira, The Witch

Valzira is a river elf with a big ego and a nasty attitude. She initially seems to be an unremarkable hedge wizard, living a hermetic existance in the swamps. She forages for her meals and provides medicine to those daring or desperate enough to seek her out. But there’s more to her than meets the eye; An attentive dragon will note her name coming up quite a bit in the backstories of allies and waifu. An initial encounter winds up with the dragon thrown about and humiliated, an action which Valzira may very well come to regret.

Regardless of the desires of her fandom, a wholesome relationship with Valzira is a fool’s errand. She will NOT come to your harem willingly, and it will take more power than even a dragon has to subdue her. She can’t be brought around after being captured, either. But on the other hand, a nasty dragon has plenty of options to give her some comuppance, of which two stand out in particular: Giving her to Malagar, and forcibly impregnating her.

Required for Storylines: Capturing is difficult. Must be given to Malagar to unlock him as a lair faction. Advancing storyline requires Pregnancy tag and not impregnating Heloise first.
Notable Interactions: Marie-Anne (Happy or Broken), Cooch, Issa.

Act II

Visit the Swamp in and follow the smoke. You’ll find your way to Valzira’s hut. However you play the encounter, the result is the same: you get caught, b*tched out, and ejected from the hut to land in a heap in the mud outside. Rude.


There are currently five methods of capturing Valzira, all of which require some assistance:

  • Send the Wolf Tribe to capture her. You can do this by visiting them once they’ve joined your lair and and asking them to do a job for you. This consumes 1 Wolf Tribe Morale, meaning you’ll have to give them at least one treasure or waifu before doing it. If the Wolf Tribe has 0 Morale, they’ll still make the capture, but they’ll all die in the process.
  • Wait until Act IV and conquer the swamps with an army. Any army will do except the kobolds. 2 Morale is required.
  • With Malagar and Cooch the Drunk in your lair, and after meeting the Wisps in the Swamp: ask Malagar about using Cooch to capture Valzira. You’ll formulate a plan using Cooch and the Wisps to do the dirty work. This method will result in losing Cooch, but you can get her back in Act IV. See section 3.4 for details.
  • With Malagar in your lair, ask him about doing it yourself. He’ll have a method that involves supernatural doping, but there are risks: if your Potency is less than 4, you won’t survive. If you succeed, you’ll capture Valzira, but lose 3 days recovering from the ordeal.
  • Malagar can also capture Valzira by conquering the Swamplands in Act IV. (He’s normally not usable in Conquest until unlocked completely, but this is a special case.) The price of this is steep, though: You’ll need at least 4 STRENGTH to succeed, and win or lose you’ll lose 3 STRENGTH due to injuries incurred during the battle.

Once captured, visiting Valzira in her quarters gives you the option to r*pe her. Anal and oral are highly unpleasant for her, but if you want to be REALLY mean, go for the vagina and c*m inside to impregnate her. (This won’t work if Heloise is already pregnant, or if the game has advanced to Act IV) You can also try to just talk to her, but in flagrant defiance of video game logic, Valzira refuses to divulge any meaningful exposition to the protagonist. Rude!

If you do go the forced-pregnancy route, visit her later to see the big reveal. You can kill her at this point if you wish. If you leave her alive, you’re locked into this route and will no longer be able to gift Valzira to anybody- including Malagar.

If you decide against impregnating Valzira, you can instead gift her to Malagar, empowering him.

Act IV

If you impregnated Valzira in Act III, she will give birth the morning after your first sleep of Act IV. Unlike Heloise, she won’t get involved with Malice’s upbringing.

Act V

Valzira continues to stew in your dungeon and invent new insults to inflict on you. She’s a bit more willing to talk by this point, and can be visited to interrogate or r*pe her for fun.

Gallery Scenes

Payback: Visit Valzira in your lair.
Anomalous Materials: (END) Gift Valzira to Malagar.
Unwanted Delivery: Impregnate Valzira, then wait until the first night of Act IV.
Witch on a Stick: (END) Gift Valzira to the Kobolds, then visit later.
The ♥♥♥♥♥’s Hut: (END) Gift Valzira to the Mercenaries, then visit later.

Non-Gallery Scenes

A Little Hospitality: Visit Valzira in your lair while Marie-Anne is around.

Unforeseen Consequences: Visit Valzira in your lair after giving her a vaginal creampie in “Payback”.

Desperate Measures: On a morning after playing “Unforeseen Consequences”, follow a nervous kobold to Valzira’s cell.


Premature Ends

Valzira cannot be captured after Act IV. She also cannot be captured if you have kobolds as your only army in Act IV. (Unless you have Unempowered Malagar)

Valzira’s story ends if she is gifted to any army or lair faction. Gifting Valzira to Malagar will empower him.

Valzira can be killed and eaten only when she reveals her pregnancy.

3.17) Other Encounters

Rain, the Nun: “Desecration”
You’ll meet Rain on your first visit to the Convent of the Frigid Order. Chanwe the Abbess will interrupt your meeting, but before that you can either talk to her for +1 CHARM, or buttf*ck her for +1 POTENCY. If you refuse Chanwe’s offer to tag in in Rain’s place, you can finish it off by eating Rain for +1 STRENGTH.

Zizeryx: “Infernal Entertainment”
After giving Zizeryx Heloise, thus unlocking the Infernal lair faction, ask Zizeryx to “ENTERTAIN ME.” You’ll go on a field trip to the Infernal Court itself, then see what Ziz can do for you personally. This delightful little jaunt gives you +3 POTENCY (!)

Zizeryx: “Ignition”
Before the Battle of Pale Rock, choose the Infernals for your Vanguard. They will prep a ritual to open the inferno, which requires you f*cking Ziz.

Mother: “Nightmare”
After giving Chanwe the Abbess to Mother, dream of “Your upcoming reunion with Adeline.” You’ll encounter Adeline in a dream, but it’s really Mother in disguise. You can go along with it and kiss “Adeline”, or decline until Mother drops the facade. It you choose the latter, you can then have sex with Mother in her standard form, or, if this is all too weird for you, decline and wake up.

4) Stat Points

Following is a list of stat points obtainable in-game.

4.1) Strength

1) Bite Adeline.
2) Eat the meal provided by Adeline’s Handmaid.
3) Hunt cattle at the Farmlands in Act II.
4) Hunt cattle at the Farmlands AGAIN in Act III. (Locks out capturing Marie-Anne the Farmgirl.)
5) Eat Mina the Merchant’s oxen.
6) Complete Act II
7) Complete Act III
8) Try to r*pe Sabetha vaginally while she’s imprisoned. (You lose Sabetha and Inej as captives.)
9) You get 3 points of Strength from buying the Sacrifice lair upgarde.

You also gain Strength from FAILING at the following tasks:

1) Castrating Balthorne (Requires <1 STRENGTH)
2) Stowing away on a ship at Gutter’s Cove. (Requires <2 STRENGTH)
3) Fighting Naho the Wolfgirl in the Wildlands. (Requires <4 STRENGTH; second failure means Game Over.)
4) Disarming Mina the Merchant while robbing her. (Requires <2 STRENGTH)
5) Killing the mercenaries to rescue Mina the Merchant. (Requires <4 STRENGTH, locks out capturing Mina.)
6) Defeating the Centaurs to rescue Maelys the Huntress. (Requires <3 STRENGTH, or <4 STRENGTH if you attempt to Charm them first.)
7) Defeat ten guys while showing off for the Mercenaries. (Requires <6 STRENGTH)
8) Pounce! Maelys the Huntress during your showdown (Requires <6 STRENGTH)

Additionally, you can eat the following characters to gain 1 STRENGTH apiece. Note that eating a character will lock out any future events or storylines they’re involved in, for reasons that should be obvious. Devouring does not grant Strength in Act IV or later.

Enid the Commoner (First meeting; one chance only)
Cooch the Drunk (First meeting or while captive)
Naho the Wolfgirl (First meeting, or while unhappy captive; devouring at first meeting locks out recruiting Eburon and the Wolf Tribe.)
Mina The Merchant (First meeeting or while unhappy captive.)
Marie-Anne the Farmgirl (First meeting or while unhappy captive.)
Rain the Nun (First meeting; one chance only)
Darja the Fangirl (First meeting; one chance only)
Issa the Kobold (First meeting, or when punishing him.)
Heloise the Inquisitrix (First meeting, or when learning of her pregnancy; two chances only. Devouring her locks out the Infernals Lair Faction.)
Sabetha and Inej, the Rogues (When first captured; one chance only.)
Valzira the Witch (When learning of her pregnancy; one chance only. Devouring her locks out Malagar as a fully-featured Lair Faction.)

4.2) Charm

1) Nestle against Adeline, before biting her.
2) While escaping the capital, hide in Enid the Commoner’s room, but do NOT pounce her (Locks out capturing Enid.)
3) Talk to the Wisp in the Swamp.
4) Talk to Sabetha and Inej the Rogues in Bastion, without attacking them.
5) Impersonate Rhyll while f*cking Cooch the Drunk in Gutter’s Cove.
6) Convince Mina the Merchant to show you the Abandoned Mine. (Only available if meeting Mina in Act II.)
7) Decline to r*pe the nun in the convent.
8) Get Marie-Anne the Farmgirl to consent to sex on your first meeting.
9) Complete Act II
10) Remove either Heloise the Inquisitrix’s gag or blindfold, f*ck her, than remove the other one.
11) Complete Act III
12) You get 3 points of Charm by building the Dragon Idol.

You also gain Charm from FAILING at the following tasks:

1) Use Charm on Balthorne (Requires <1 CHARM)
2) Scare off the mercenaries who capture Mina the Merchant. (Requires <4 CHARM)
3) Intimidating the Centaurs who capture Maelys the Huntress. (Requires <2 CHARM)
4) Convincing Marie-Anne the Farmgirl to come away with you. (Requires <4 CHARM, will only gain CHARM on your first failure.)
5) Trading Naho to the Wolf Tribe for their loyalty. (Requires <4 CHARM)
6) Talking your way out of trouble after being caught robbing the Mercenaries. (Requires <4 CHARM)
7) Apologizing to Maelys the Huntress (Requires <6 CHARM)

4.3) Potency

Potency is gained through sex, 1 for each NEW partner. Not all sex acts grant Potency, and you can’t gain any after the end of Act III.

Chia the Handmaid (One chance only.)
Enid the Commoner (Required to capture Enid.)
Cooch the Drunk
Naho the Wolfgirl
Mina the Merchant
Rain the Nun (Available only once.)
Chanwe the Abbess
Marie-Anne the Farmgirl
Issa the Kobold (First meeting, or when offered the opportunity to punish him. Not available on demand.)
Heloise the Inquisitrix
Valzira the Witch
Darja the Fangirl
Sabeth and Inej, the Rogues

With the Infernals Lair Faction unlocked, you can also gain a one-time bonus of +3 POTENCY by asking Zizeryx to “ENTERTAIN ME”.

4.4) Mercy

1) Eat the meal provided by Adeline’s handmaid without terrorizing her first.
2) While escaping the captial, hide under a cart and then waylay the guards. (Locks out meeting or capturing Enid the Commoner.)
3) Pounce Enid the Commoner, then leave her alive. (Can “take her gently” before leaving.)
4) Walk Cooch home, then be a gentledragon and decline to bang her. (Locks out capturing Cooch the standard way, but alternative method is still available.)
5) Spare Naho’s virtue after defeating her.
6) Let Mina the Merchant go without robbing or molesting her at your first meeting OR save her from the mercenaries on the road, with no strings attached. (The latter method locks out capturing Mina.)
7) Release Mina the Merchant from your service when she objects to working with the Mercenaries.
8) Meet Chanwe the Abbess on your first visit to the convent, then leave without f*cking either her or the nun.
9) Meet Marie-Anne the Farmgirl, than leave without f*cking or killing her. (Locks out capturing Marie-Anne UNLESS she shows you the Abandoned Mine first.)
10) Release Marie-Anne the Farmgirl after r*ping her. (Locks out capturing Marie-Anne.)
11) Humiliate (rather than kill) the Mercenaries during “Mina’s Revenge”.
12) Chase off (rather than kill) the guards at the bar in Gutter’s Cove.
13) Release Enid the Commoner after she tracks you down in your lair.
14) Release Sabetha and Inej the Rogues when you catch them.
15) Scare instead of hurt the mercenaries when you find Malice with them.
16) Spare the Drakesguard if the Mercenaries are not recruited OR if the Mercs ARE recruited, merge the two armies.

You also get 1 Mercy for each territory you spare during Conquest.

4.5) Cruelty

1) Spit fire on Adeline, after biting her
2) Terrorize Adeline’s handmaid
3) While escaping the capital, hide under a cart and pick off a guard. (Locks out meeting or capturing Enid the Commoner.)
4) Kill a sailor after successfully stowing away on a boat at Gutter’s Cove.
5) Turn over Naho to the Wolf Tribe (before recruiting them).
6) Rob Mina the Merchant and send her away naked.
7) R*pe Mina the Merchant after she gets captured by the mercenaries, and leave her behind. (Locks out capturing Mina.)
8) Ditch Darja after getting directions to the Spire.
9) Leave Marie-Anne the Farmgirl hanging after r*ping her.
10) Kill the Mercenaries while showing off during “Mina’s Revenge”.
11) Kill the guards at the bar in Gutter’s Cove.
12) Order off the secret menu in Gutter’s Cove.
13) Break a mercenary’s arm for bad babysitting.
14) Renege on your promise to ennoble Mina.
15) Execute the Drakesguard, without the Mercenaries involved.

You also get 1 Cruelty for each territory you pillage during Conquest.

4.6) Treasure

1) Already in your hoard at the start of Act III.
2) Take Mina the Merchant’s silks (Only possible if you first meet Mina in Act III)
3) Rob the mercenaries who captured Mina the Merchant OR recruit her as a happy captive and then ask for resources.
4) Leave the girl and take the money after the Bastion heist. (Worth 2 Treasure)
5) Keep the dress Petruk finds instead of giving it to Mina the Merchant.
6) Help Mina the Merchant rob the Mercenaries. (Worth up to 3 Treasure)

Additionally, you can send the Kobolds raiding, sacrificing 1 Kobold Morale to gain 1 Treasure. You need 2 Kobold Morale to do this, and can only do it in Act III.

5) Credits

Walkthrough by Asterion Del Toro
Ravager by 4MinuteWarning


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