Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

This is a Complete Guide for Material Girl game. It contains: Locations, Info’s, CGs, everything about the game broken down into sectios WITH PICS!!!.

General Info

If i forgot something please leave a comment and i will add

If you like the guide and think it was helpfull please rate 😀 please and thank you


Also Take Note Alot of the CGs have 2 versions even though once you unlock 1 of them it seys complete (the number is white) but there are Virgin and non Virgin versions of the pics.

You can access both the virgin and non virgin versions of a sex scene through the memory option on the memu. – Thanks to > Nin

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

To Skip Time

Simply go to your bedroom and sit in the chair in the bottom right cornor and slect a time to skip to
Noon – 12:00
Evening – 17:00
Night – 20:00
If the time is already night you canot skip can only sleep which restarts the next day at 7:00

to kill time, simply drink on vendor machine – Thanks to > CupidTryHard

(Note) Vending only allows 0:30 and 1:00 incraments of time to be skiped and coast money (not much)


Up – Up Arrow
Down – Down Arrow
Left – Left Arrow
Right – Right Arrow
Skip (txt Speed) – CTRL
Interact – Space or Enter
Exit – Back Space
Menu – ESC

Right Mouse – Interact
Left Mouse – Menu
Move – Hold Right Mouse
While in CG – Click Left Mouse To hide Text

Useing Menu with mouse – Double Click right to go into Memory/CG or Single for normal Menu options. Left Click to Exit Menu and CGs

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Random Items and Selling

while walking around you will find glowing sparkels these are items that can be sold in perv shop

EDIT — Jokool_add – Okay, I just unlocked them all. Guess you have to buy the fancy dress and do the host club before you can actually buy the cgs.

EDIT — (See above) There is a secret hidden door that will give all CGs for 1,000,000 and then pay 100 a day back to you afterwords. I wont post a pic of it (sorry) but if you really wish to just skip everything get the CGs and be done with the game the Hidden door is on the tiny building to the left of the park entrance – Simply walk on the tiny bit of grass into the building at 20:00 and talk to the girl inside and pay her the money.


Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Normal – You start with it
School – You Start with it
Gym – You find it in the basket in the bathroom in your home
Bakery Outfit – You get it for working there
Store Outfit – Get it By Working there
Bunny Outfit – Get it by Working at the Boob Bar
Fancy Dress – Buy it from the Fancy Store – Cost 1mil
Undies – Get By – once you have 3 lewdness (may need to do a lewd act first)
Nude – Get By


Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s


Generaly To raise Lewdness you commit acts that are Lewd i will list locations and ppl which this can be done too.

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Make Note not all of these will be available from the start things unlock depending on the Lewdness level your at


Top floor of the school right side. Must be 12:00 and must have a few Lewd Hearts(not sure how meny)

School roof right side (she will grab your breast) 12:00 only

Pantyhose fetish boy – outside of classroom 7:00 or 12:00 only

inside the store by the books (bottom rightish of the store around 12:00) sparkling glow

Inside the store above the last one on the cornor of the shelf the guy standing there will touch you (17:00)

The park bench around 12:00 also the teen infront of the slide

being harrased at the school gate will also incress lewdness (chose give up everytime)

commiting lewd acts while working will also incress this

2nd Floor left side of the school (same floor as stocking fetish and classroom) 2 Options.
#1 The bald guy will touch you(come at 12:00 Noon)
#2 The room itself come to this room after school (evening 17:00) and interact with the door
(you can do both once a day)

Going the Demo and getting caought will also incress the lewdness level (i believe just doing this also incresses it)

Being forceably taken in the bathroom in the park.

The guy in the mens room stall in the park restroom

the 2 guys standing infront of the white building to the right of the bar. (they show up after dark (20:00) will touch you if you talk to them there will also be a girl infront of the pole (beside the boob bar) once lewdness is high enough

Sucking guy sitting on bench next to bakery

sucking guy standing infront of the park (white color guy) – (17:00)

sucking kid in school loby after school (17:00) will be boy next to the dressing room

Vag*nal #1 – Guy sitting on bench infront of park (17:00)

Vag*nal #2 – boy in class room after school (17:00)

Vag*nal #3 – Guy standing infront of Fancy store (17:00)

Money Making

There are a few ways to make money i will show the locations of each and discription if needed

Make Note not all of these will be available from the start things unlock depending on the Lewdness level your at

#1. Bakery

Commiting Led Acts in The bakery will incress the salery Simply Choose Option 1 all 3 times while serving guest

#2. Store

Just Like The bakery Lewd Acts will Incress the Salery – Simply just go to work and it will incress over time

#3. Boob Bar

Go to The Bar at 18:00 and Talk to the Guy standing outside the Bar to get a job here. Note You must have 2 lewd Hearts for this job to open. Simply go here and work just like store to incress pay over time (Note this also Opens Vag*nal)

#4. Demo

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Progress to the New levels in the Demo to incress pay (to Progress to new levels walk into the yellow circals while in the game)

#5. Fetish

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

just have the stocking on and do this every day

#6. Occult Club

Go to the 3rd floor right side and enter the room. Talk to the guy and agree to help. Can be done once a day

#7. Oral

This UNlocks after you have 1 and Half Lewd Hearts (will unlock after sleeping) There are 3 ppl which will pay you for this

1. Is on the bench next to the bakery
2. kid in the school loby after school (17:00)
3. White Color Man standing outside the park at 17:00

#8. Vag*nal

You will unlock this once you have 2 or 2 and half lewdness and sleep there are 3 guys

1. is guy sitting outside the park on a bench 17:00
2. guy standing Outside the fancy store 17:00
3. Kid int he classroom after school (back of room) 17:00

#9. Perv behind hoast Club

This Unlocks after you have 1-2Lewdness

This guy will ask for 1 of 4 options simply give him what he wants and earn cash


Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sStore

Hours – 7:00 till 17:00
Start Wage – 1,000
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sBakery

Hours – 7:00 till 17:00
Start wage – 1,000
Wed – closed
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sHair Dye

Hours 10:00 till 17:00
Coast – 13,000 1 time
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sBoob Bar

Hours 18:00 Till 20:00
Start Wage – 20,000
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sHost Club

[Hours – 18:00 – 21:00

To Enter the Club you must have Fancy Dress

It is Recamendded to have 1.5mil – 2mil cash (1mil is required)
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sBig House

[Hours – Sunday – 17:00
Wages – 500,000 1 Time
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sPerv Shop

Hours – Always open
Wages – Depends on the Item Sold
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sSchool

Hours 7:00 Till 12:00 or 17:00
Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-sFancy Store

Hours – Always Open untill you buy dress
Cost – 1Mil for the dress
Unlock – After paying off your debt (the 15k and 50k)

Row 1

1. Just go to school and dont resist Click Give up – eventualy you will unlock all the CGs

2. put the stockings on and talk to the kid outside the class – again repeat till all CGs are unlocked (can do once a day)

3. WARNNING this will end the game

This is part of #4 (directly below) instead of winning on the 2nd day lose the fight by punching him in the head both times (option 1 both times) and you will unlock this CG

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

4. WARNNING this will end the game

This one requires you to go to school and wait till Noon. At noon go behind the school

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Once Behind The School Triger the fight and Win – Aimed A – #2, Aimed B – #1 Now wait till next day wait till 12:00 again and come back behind the school

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

This time watch the little cs and then do crotch aimed. Watch the little cs and then wait again till next day 12:00 and retern here one more time

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

This time you need to lose the fight so on the first open just keep doing a head shot till he beats you

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

5. just keep going to school and waitting till noon. Eventualy the gate teacher will walk in and say go to the Medical Room with a gynm suite on. Do so and dont run. walk in line to unlock this CG

Row 2

1. Go to school and go to the 3rd floor on the left side. Do what he asks and collect the stuff and then agree to test it to unlock this CG

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Items Locations:

2. Go to School till noon till the track seen unlocks – (this will happen just like the medical Room eventualy the teacher will come in and ask everyone to go to the track feild) – (side note this will happen after the medical room has been done) to unlock the CG just do the 2nd option over and over

3. just as #2 after the track has been done you will be asked to go to the gym (dont think there are any options but if so just agree to him) this will unlock the CGthe 2nd part of this one is unlocked with #4

4. WARNNING This will end the Game

After the medical, track, gym have been done. He will be waitting in the school loby afterschool at 17:00 (he will be there everyday till talked too) talking to him will triger the 2nd CG for #3 and grant this CG – side note if doing this right after the gym he will ask to be in school uniform

5. WARNNING This will end the Game

This one Plays back to #4 in the first row

To recap – For 3 days you go to school till nooon then go behind the school. Fight and win all 3 days. To win – on day one chose option #2. #1. On day 2 chose crotch shot. On day 3 chose option #2, #2, #1

simply wait i think a week after doing the steps above and the friend will be waitting in your classroom after school (or noon) just talk to him and do as asked to get this CG

NOTE – i dont know for sure but apparently this has been altered sincce i played/made the guide someone has said to do what is said here then go back to school around noon after a few days in casueal clothing theres also a comment down below with another suggestion

Try unlocking this as a Virgin (so do this one without triggering any other acts)

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Row 3

1. just work at the bakery and choose option 1 over and over eventuly CGs will unlock

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

2. just work at the store eventualy CGs will unlock

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

3. Work at the boob bar and eventualy CGs will unlock (ths bar is behind the drinking bar just before the zone to the hostest club) – But must be around 18:00 – 20:00 (that is when the bar opens)

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

4. Must be 18:00 and in Normal Clothing walk up the road by the bar to triger talking with 2 guys to chalange to drinking say yes. Lose this to unlock the CG (you can win to get the reward and redo the next night or when ever

(its the 2 guys standing to the left)

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

5. Must be in the daytime (anytime before 20:00) Go to the street the bar is on and head to the bottom left of the map and talk to a guy by vending. (Must be in school outfit) Agree to demo reapt this over and over and eventuly the CGs will unlock (im nto sure if winning or losing effects i only lost once till it forces you to lose)
– NOTE –
To be safe i suggest getting cought once before advancing through the levels

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Row 4

1. This continues from Row 3. #5. winning and loseing in the Demo will unlock these eventuly

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

2. After you unlock the abuilty to suck doing this to the 3 ppl will unlock the CGs (you get the abuilty to do this after gettingg 1 and half lewdness)

Boy in school loby after school 17:00
guy on bench next to bakery
guy infront of park 17:00 – White Color Guy

3. Once you have the abuilty to perform Vag*nal doing this will the 3 ppl listed below to unlock the CGs (you get this abuilty after 3 lewdness)

By the park sitting on a bench just outside
By the fancy store standing outside it
Classmate inside the classroom after class 17:00.

4. (Personal Note) To me this is one of the 2 hardest and eaisest to miss – To unlock this one you must go to the Big house on the far left of all the maps on sunday at 17:00 and agree to the teens request (unlocks after i believe 3 lewdness)

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

5. This one takes a little time – First you must get the fancy dress. Then go to the host club after 18:00 and then choose the first option at the front desk. Once in the room chose the 100,000 option 3 times. Then pick one of the 4 reapeat this

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Row 5

1. WARNNING doing this will also end the game

This is gained by doing Row 4. #5. and Selecting the owner 2times will prompt a 2nd talking afterwords agree to his request to get one fo the CGs

Material Girl Complete Guide for 100% CG-s

Have fun ❤


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