In Lust Goddess the developers have introduced quite a lot of heroes, however, not all of them are equally useful.
Today we will look at the commanders offered in the game, as well as the most popular game characters.
For newcomers to the game is periodically offered a temporary event, in which you can choose a particular legendary character, which will fall to him throughout the event. In order not to fall in the mud, and not to choose a completely useless character, you should read this article. To write this article I played Lust Goddess for a year, every day, and believe me, my experience will come in handy.
Here is a link to the browser version of the game – click here . And here is the link to the mobile version – click here . Game is also available in Nutaku.
My promotional code: “GUXFER” – enter it in the game in your profile window. (after basic training).
At the moment there are 7 commanders in Lust Goddess, four of them are available to the player from the beginning of the game, the others can be obtained only in the course of periodic events (there they will have to be bought for 4999 emerix)
- Deals X damage to all enemies. Available from the first turn;
- Summons 2 Guerrillas, Peacekeeper Faction Riflemen. Available from turn 3;
- Deals +X damage to Peacekeeper allies for 1 turn. Available from turn 7.
Ethan is the starter and, by the way, the most useless of the commanders. It should be used only at the initial stage, when the health of enemy units does not exceed the damage value of the first ability. Unfortunately, already in 18-17 league many units have more health, so the first ability turns into a useless nuk. Calling Guerrilla Girls NEVER fixes the situation in mid-game.
Ceres’ abilities:
- +X damage to all allies of the Syndicate faction. Available from the first turn.
- Kills all wounded enemies (does not pierce, but removes shields). Available from turn 3;
- Summons 4 spies for 1 turn. Available from turn 7. Spies are ranged characters, so they spawn on the free cells of the second and third rows.
Ceres as a commander is no longer as useless as Ethan. Despite the obvious bias towards the Syndicate, you don’t have to have a “red pack” to play her successfully. Ceres’ strongest ability is killing all wounded units, which means that with the right deck, she can defeat a pack several levels above her.
As such, her deck should contain several characters that can deal damage to all enemies at once, such characters can be found in both the Syndicate faction and Freemen.
Melissa’s abilities:
- Stuns all enemies for 1 turn. Available on the first turn. Does not stun immune characters.
- Summons her Hologram with high attack, low health, and the ability to stun enemies on hit. Available from turn 3. Hologram is a ranged unit that appears on a random square of the second or third row.
- +X damage to allied ranged units. Available from turn 7.
Melissa is a situational commander. Her stun can turn the tide of battle ~ up to 16 leagues. Unfortunately, from league 15 onwards, the enemy gains legendaries, which largely devalues her stun ability.
Rachie’s abilities:
- Gives herself Electroshock for X damage for 2 turns. Available on the first turn. Electroshock deals damage to characters that deal damage to the commander.
- Applies Suppression to all enemies (except Modules). Available on the third turn. Suppression strips all enemy characters of their “traits”.
- +X damage to all allies of the Freemen faction. Available from turn 7.
In my opinion, Rachie is the most useful, versatile commander who can effectively fight in any league. Easy to play with any deck. Electroshock, used on the first turn, often allows you to ignore the first two pokes of the enemy, as enemy characters are very likely to kill themselves on the commander. At the same time, if by the third turn you haven’t managed to seize the initiative on the field yet, Suppression turns formidable enemy characters into gray kitties. As a rule, the fight does not reach the third ability – the enemy simply surrenders
S0lt abilities:
- Passive ability: Missing Power Shield of any mercenary (including enemies and yourself) – heals for X health ❤
- Active Ability: Attacked – gains a Force Shield for 2 turns. This is essentially invulnerability, at which point it can only be damaged by character abilities. Available from turn 3.
- Active Ability: When attacking an ally: Deals damage to the enemy Commander for each enemy on the field. Available from turn 7.
The first of the “premium” Commanders, she can be purchased for 4999 Emerix during the occasional event. Has an increased health level. S0lt is an extremely useful commander, but to play her successfully, you’ll need to build a deck of characters that actively generate force shields. There are plenty of such characters in the game, all of whom are members of the Peacekeeper faction.
Roxy’s abilities:
- Summons 2 0/5 boxes to random enemy squares. When “dead”, the boxes deal high damage to enemies around them;
- Applies Suppression to all enemies. Suppression strips all enemy characters of their “features”. Available from turn 3;
- Summons 3 Health Stimulators to random allied squares. Available from turn 5.
The second premium commander is Roxy, she can be purchased for 4999 Emerix during the occasional event. Has an increased health level. She is simply an alternate version of the free Rachie, and can be successfully played with any deck. Thanks to her Suppression ability, she is a versatile commander.
The third premium commander is Alexa, she can be purchased for 4999 emerix during the occasional event. She has an increased health level.
Alexa’s abilities:
- Passive Ability: Summons 2 Block Stimulators to random allied squares at the beginning of the turn;
- Active Ability: Summons 2 Cyborgs with good attack and low health. Cybergirls are ranged units that also deal damage to enemies around the target when they attack (Blast property). Available from turn 3;
- Active Ability: Reduces the health of ranged enemies to 1 ❤. Available from turn 5.
In my opinion, Alexa is currently the strongest commander in the game. Her infinite Block Stimulators allows any, even the skinniest characters, to survive basic attacks, so when playing hand-to-hand, you can quickly take the field and gain an advantage. It seems like an imbalance – but no, the AI is often dumb when playing Alexa and doesn’t take advantage of her main feature, making her a kitten to beat, especially since Block is easily countered by commanders with Suppression.
Universal mercenaries
Universal mercenaries will be useful in any deck, and they don’t lose their effectiveness even without proper upgrades. They often don’t even need to get additional stars.
Shooter. Medium attack and health.
Salma’s abilities:
- When Freeman’s ally appears, she deals +X damage to all allies for 1 turn (including herself). Salma’s own appearance also gives a damage bonus to all allies already on the field.
- When attacking an enemy Commander, she gains an attack bonus;
- When an enemy appears: Reduces its attack to 1 for 1 turn.
You’ll see this nastie in every other battle from about league 14 onwards, with the bot always trying to stick it in the first turn. Due to its ability to reduce the attack of all enemies that appear on the field, it is great for both attacking the enemy and protecting your commander. For example, when your commander has 30 health left and one of his lines is unprotected, put Salma in and that’s it, the next enemy that appears won’t deal lethal damage to your commander.
Salma can be successfully countered by only one character – Trixie, in all other cases you will have to use suppression, electroshock, or somehow poison her (for example, through Ivy).
Shooter. High damage, low health
Ivy’s abilities:
- Enemy Poisoning: Deals damage to an enemy Commander;
- Allied Electroshock works: Increases the health of all allies (except herself);
- At the end of the turn: Poisons 2 random enemies for decent damage.
Ivy is another versatile character for any deck, like Salma – she belongs to the Freemen faction. It comes in handy for both offense and defense.
Iva’s ability allows you to deal damage to an enemy commander by bypassing the entire enemy army. This often comes in handy in seemingly lost situations, when the enemy has defended on all fronts, and you need to finish off the commander on the next turn.
When attacking, Aiva will have to hide behind the backs of other, more “Fat” allies, because her low health does not allow her to survive even medium attacks, and the longer she lives, the faster the enemy commander’s health “melts”.
Close Combat. Low attack, high health.
Regina’s abilities:
- Immunity (both positive and negative effects do not work on her);
- Heals an allied commander for a decent amount of health when attacking;
- At the end of the turn: Gains Multi-Attack. Bottom line – the longer Regina is on the battlefield, the more attacks she will get.
There aren’t many characters in the game that can tweak our commander’s health, and Regina does it better than anyone else. She can’t be stunned, slowed, suppressed, or killed in 1 turn, unless Trixie blows up half the field.
As a rule, Regina is laid out at the very beginning of the battle, especially if the field is not full of modules (then Trixie can get enough attack). If she survives, the second turn the player doesn’t give a damn about the enemy characters, since the allied commander’s drain on Regina’s attacks often exceeds the damage dealt by the enemy.
Unfortunately, Regina is successfully countered by many characters, from characters with Dexterity (immune to melee attacks), to Leta (kills her with Counterattack) or Zara (she’s fat and gives out a counterattack for every hit on herself). Nevertheless, when played competently, Regina is a great fit for any pack.
Shooter. Medium attack, medium health
Kitty’s abilities:
- When an enemy appears: Gives a force shield to two random allies (can also give one to herself);
- Missing Force Shield on any mercenary (including enemies), gives an attack bonus to all allies (including herself);
- On death: Severely reduces the attack of all enemies.
Yes, our familiar from the start of the game is a versatile character, extremely useful in any deck. Her power shield and a good amount of health allow you to play her from the first turn – as long as there are no modules on the enemy’s field (otherwise Trixie will take the initiative). In other situations, the enemy prefers to either ignore her (if you kill her, you lose the attack of your troops) or suppress her immediately. If you don’t suppress it, the enemy can just watch your units’ attack grow wildly each turn without dying because they are covered by shields.
Kitty can be countered by suppression, or by characters with multi-attack (the first hit will be on her shield). If the enemy has Kitty on the first turn and you have modules or other low-health characters on your field, you can kill her with Trixie.
Shooter. Medium Attack and Health.
Harper’s abilities:
- When attacking an enemy Commander, gains 1 Multiattack (once per turn);
- If the enemy makes an attack: Deals damage to the enemy commander;
- Accuracy (never misses, even on enemies with Stealth;
- Stealth (Dodges ranged attacks).
Harper is an extremely annoying character that can turn the tide of battle at a moment’s notice, and it’s not because of her multi-attack, or the fact that she can’t be shot through ranged units, but because starting on the second cooldown, your pack starts to stupidly kill its own commander.
Harper is usually placed in the middle of the battle, or near the end, and it is placed in the very last square, so that the enemy has spent as many attacks as possible before killing it.
Harper is countered with suppression. If you don’t have suppression, you’ll have to clench your teeth, or you’ll have to get to her with a melee unit and knock her out quickly, such as Madeleine. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to poison it with Ivy or burn it with electroshock.
Close Combat. Medium Attack, High Health.
Zara’s Abilities:
- If attacked – Gives Multi-Attack to all allies (including herself);
- When an enemy appears – Steals some of his attack (adds to herself);
- When an enemy dies, it greatly increases its health.
Thanks to her passive multi-attack ability, Zara becomes a serious problem for the enemy deck. Enemy bots will always try to overwhelm Zara by any means possible, because of her nasty abilities.
Zara will be useful in any deck, but it should be placed on the field wisely, i.e. not on the first turn. The best tactic is to put her under multiple attacks of the enemy already on the field, for example, if you put Zara under Regina or, God forbid, under Dominique, she will instantly get 2-3 multi-attacks, kill all the enemies in the row on the next turn, and get a lot of extra health.
As a rule, Zara is countered with suppression and/or transformation (character Beck).
Close combat, low attack, high health.
Scarlett’s abilities:
- When an ally appears: Deals medium damage to all enemies;
- Scarlett is attacked – Steals the average amount of attack from all enemies;
- On death, summons 2 battle tags to enemy squares. Her battle tags deal serious damage to enemies standing on those squares. Battle Marks cannot be created under an already occupied cell.
Scarlett is an extremely unpleasant character, yuck to be like that. When she appears on the battlefield, you’ll have to eliminate her as quickly as possible, or suppress her ability to deal damage and steal attack from all of your units. You usually have 1-2 turns to do this, then that’s it.
Like Zara, Scarlett is laid out on the field in front of an opponent who has already appeared – he won’t even have a choice whether to attack her or not, and each attack will cause the enemy pack to lose an attack. Playable in any deck.

They are both arrows and both have the Suppression ability, which means they disable all of their target’s abilities on hit. Any player should have at least one character with Suppression in their deck, and it might not be useful, but just in case, you should have either O’Rinn or Florence.
Situational mercenaries
The usefulness of these characters is only revealed when playing a certain deck. In addition, they usually require some sort of leveling up (at least comparable to the current league)
High attack, medium health
Trixie’s abilities:
- Deals minor damage to ALL mercenaries (including her own) when she appears;
- When any mercenary dies, she receives a high attack bonus;
- When an ally dies, deals a small amount of damage to all enemies.
Trixie is one of the most common and popular legendaries on all, even the lowest leagues. Trixie is one of the most common and popular legendaries in all leagues, even the lowest, because she is the one that newcomers get the earliest, so by mid-game she’s usually the most maxed out legendary (unless you’re lucky enough to have other legendaries.
When Trixie gets into a fight, she usually has such a huge attack that she can instantly kill a fat character or kill the enemy commander, but the stars align – there must be enough low-health characters on the field for Trixie to blast them with her first ability.
Under the above circumstances, Trixie is the control of many other legendaries, but alas and alack – she rarely survives her second turn as she is a priority for instant destruction. As a result, Trixie works well in conjunction with characters that summon a lot of weak minions, otherwise it will be very difficult to take advantage of her benefits.
Close Combat. Medium attack and health.
Mitsuki’s abilities:
- When attacking: Summons a copy of herself in a row (Copies retain Mitsuki’s current amount of health as well as her buffs/debuffs);
- Piercing (deals minor damage to characters behind the target);
- When an ally appears: Gains a small attack bonus.
A nice character to play in a Freemen deck, as many Freemen get bonuses from having new Freemen on the field. Typical combo-vombo – put Salma on the first turn, put Mitsuki on the second turn – each copy gets a crazy boost to attack, which sometimes leads to the vanishing of the enemy commander.
Also useful in defense, with proper luck copies can close all ranks, not allowing the enemy to inflict lethal damage to the commander.
Close Combat. Low attack, high health.
Eve’s abilities:
- Life Stealer (deals extra damage to mercenaries, restores their health by the amount of extra damage);
- Multi-Attack (attacks 2 times);
- At the beginning of her turn, she deals some damage to all enemies and heals for the amount of damage dealt.
Eve’s high health allows her to take a lot of damage, and her life steal ability sometimes allows her to hobble to a nasty enemy (like Salma or Harper).
However, Eve’s abilities are at their full potential when playing as Commander Ceres – her second ability allows her to kill all wounded enemies, and Eve can do just that.
Close Combat. Medium attack. Health – Above Average.
Sonmi’s abilities:
- When appearing on the battlefield, gains an attack bonus for each Syndicate ally (including himself);
- If attacked, deals average damage to enemies around her;
- When Syndicate mercenaries appear, it gains Multi-Attack. When it appears, it already has 1 Multiattack.
Extremely powerful character, but can only be played in a Syndicate deck. With the right luck, he can end the fight in a couple turns, but unfortunately he is countered by Salma, which is popular in current decks.
Typical combo: Put Sonmi out and cross your fingers that she doesn’t get killed/suppressed. Next turn, we put Beck on the freest row (he sparks four Syndicate Allies). As a result, Sonmi gets 5 additional multi-attacks.
Close Combat. Medium attack, high health.
Beck’s abilities:
- Summons Bouncers with low attack and health to all available squares in the row;
- When attacking: If a melee enemy is attacked, turns it into a 2/2 Bouncer;
- At the end of the turn: Gains an attack bonus for each allied Bouncer.
Due to his ability to “turn off” dangerous melee units, Beck is a frequent guest in decks. Unfortunately, the low health of his Bouncers is often taken advantage of by Trixie, but if Trixie is already cast and the enemy has a vicious melee enemy on the field, throwing Beck on the field is a good idea.
Beck is usually cast on the first turn. He is not a game-changer, but as a Syndicate character, he is useful in comboing with Sonmi (see above).
Close Combat. High attack, low health.
Ariane’s abilities:
- At the beginning of her turn, she increases her attack a lot;
- On death, deals HUGE damage to all enemies in the line;
- When attacking an enemy Commander, it deals an additional bit of damage for each enemy.
Ariane is one of the deck options that doesn’t have Suppression, meaning you can use it to eliminate your enemy(s) by killing yourself against them. Ariane quickly builds up her attack, so the enemy is forced to either Suppress or kill her by losing all units in the line, which of course is also unpleasant.
Only playable in non-suppression decks, otherwise not useful (there are better options).
Close Combat. Weak Attack, Medium Health.
Sharon’s abilities:
- Stealth (immune to ranged attacks);
- When attacking a melee enemy, increases the health of all allies (including herself);
- At the end of the turn, significantly increases the attack of all allies (she does not give it to herself).
Sharon herself is not a powerful fighter, but her buffs will boost all of your allies. If she lives for at least two turns, your entire group will turn from skinny weaklings into unkillable terminators, but she needs to have her group laid out on the battlefield.
Thanks to her Stealth, Sharon is extremely difficult to counter – you’ll either have to use suppression via the commander skill, or Sam, who will turn her into a Bouncer, or end the fight as soon as possible.
Close Combat. Medium attack and health.
Hilda’s abilities:
- When she appears, gains an attack bonus for each Peacekeeper on the field.
- When attacked: Gains a Force Shield.
- Piercing – When attacked, deals damage to enemies in line with the attacked.
- When appearing, already has a Force Shield.
For a deck with Force Shields, Hilda is a must-have character, especially if you have premium Commander S0lt. Her passive (2) essentially makes her practically immortal, since she gets a shield for any attack she makes on herself. The only way to counter all this ugliness is with suppression, poisons, or explosions, i.e. first we remove her shield without attacking her, and then we hit her with any character with a high attack.
Fortunately, Hilda’s rather average attack allows you to be patient on the battlefield for a while. The bot plays poorly for her, but she can do wonders with manual control.
Gunslinger. Medium attack, high health.
Lucretia’s abilities:
- Poisons ALL enemies on attack. Poison damage is medium.
- Poisoning an enemy works – Steals some of their attack.
- At the end of the turn, greatly increases the health of all allies (including yourself) for each enemy poisoned.
- Dexterity. Lucretia dodges melee attacks from mercenaries.
Unlike Ivy’s Poison, Lucretia’s poison doesn’t do as much damage, but it does poison all enemies at once. It seems like a synergy, but you don’t have to put them both in the same deck, because Lucretia’s buffs make her useful in any deck, but there’s a BUT.
She will have to spend some time on the battlefield to start dealing damage, the more she stands, the more damage she deals, and the fatter your allied mercenaries become. As such, you should put her on the battlefield on your first turn, but any poke with suppression and stun quickly renders her useless.
The bot plays poorly for her, but in manual control she’s a useful mercenary, especially if you choose Ceres as your commander, who can instantly kill all wounded enemies on the field.
Close Combat. High attack, low health.
Madeleine’s abilities:
- Deals damage to all mercenaries on the battlefield when she appears.
- When attacking, deals a small amount of damage to an enemy commander, even if the attack was on a mercenary.
- On death, deals high damage to a random mercenary.
Madeleine’s job is to appear on the battlefield, deal damage, and immediately die, taking nasty enemies with her along the way. In terms of mechanics, she is very similar to another character that deals damage when she appears – Trixie.
Unfortunately, with equal development in levels, Trixie overtakes her in both damage and survivability. Nevertheless, it’s worth having at least one of these characters in your deck, i.e. either Madeleine or Trixie, as long as the damage on emergence is in line with the current league – they should be able to take out summoned mercenaries and the modules that cover them.
Useless mercenaries
These characters are so rarely useful in battle that even pumping them is necessary only to close the events on the development of legendary characters. In certain situations, they can undoubtedly spoil the nerves, but still rarely play a major role in the outcome of the battle.
Close Combat. Low Attack, High Health.
Nymeria’s abilities:
- Poisons all enemies (weak poisoning) when it appears on the field;
- Poisoning an enemy works – gets a good bonus to its health;
- Poisoning an enemy has worked – Poisons enemies around those already poisoned (weak poisoning).
It would seem that when Nymeria appears, everyone should die from the poison – but no, her “poison” is so weak that by the 14th league the enemies do not feel it. Yes, she fattens up to huge health values, but in the end it’s easier to just ignore her – her hand attack is weak, and the most she can do is protect a weak ranged unit.
Ranged combat, medium attack, medium health.
Kira’s abilities:
- When killed: Summons Guerrillas around her. Guerrillas have low health and attack;
- When an ally dies, Kira gains a small bonus to attack;
- At the end of the turn, increases attack to all allies for each ally with a Force Shield.
If you don’t have a S0lt commander, this character is absolutely useless for you. Even with S0lt, the situation doesn’t really change too much, since you have to put characters with shields on the field before that. Kira can certainly cover the commander with the carcasses of her guerrillas, but it usually doesn’t change the situation on the battlefield.
Ranged Combat. Medium Attack, Medium Health.
Kayya’s abilities:
- Gives regeneration to melee allies at the beginning of the turn;
- Increases the attack of all allies (including herself) at the beginning of the turn;
- When an enemy dies, raises the Commander’s health (heals and increases max).
It looks like a good healer, but in reality it can’t kill anyone, and it can’t heal anyone either. The point is that if you are cutting enemy units in packs, you usually don’t need to heal them. If your melee units need regeneration, it means that the enemy didn’t kill them last turn and you’ve already taken control of the battle.
Close Combat. Low attack, high health.
Luther’s abilities:
- At the end of the turn: Gives a small Block to all allies (not himself);
- Has a good block himself;
- Allies attacked (including himself and commander) – deals medium damage to the attacked enemy.
Looks like a good tank, but given that there are better candidates (Kira, Regina), there’s simply no room for him in the deck. Given his low attack and questionable abilities, it’s easier to forget about him, wait for the really dangerous units to show up, and crush them all at once.
Close Combat. Medium Damage, Medium Health.
Leta’s abilities:
- Gives Counterattack to melee allies when they appear. She also has a counterattack (hits back);
- Gains a Force Shield when an enemy dies;
- If any mercenary on the field is missing a Force Shield, he gets a bonus to his attack.
Leta’s only use is to counter Regina, since Regina has a low attack but a lot of multi-attacks – Leta will counter each of them and won’t die. Otherwise, against normal lungs, she’s just helpless.
Ranged combat, medium attack, medium health.
Rose’s abilities:
- Gains an attack bonus for each mercenary on the field;
- Increases his attack by +50% at the end of the turn;
- When attacking an ally, gives him an attack bonus.
Rose is actually a pretty good buffer, and her attack can be pretty good, but it will take a few turns for her to appear on the battlefield effectively. “The Lust Goddess usually doesn’t have time to get +50% per turn, and she doesn’t have enough health to survive a few turns. And if she has time to do that, you’ve already won, but not thanks to Rose.
Close Combat. Low Attack, High Health.
Lorraine’s Abilities:
- Lorraine Attacked – Stuns all ranged enemies for 1 turn;
- Immunity (Does not receive any bonuses/penalties from positive and negative effects);
- Your unit is Suppressed – deals high damage to an enemy commander, increases its health by the amount of that damage.
Not a bad tank, but she is very easy to simply ignore.
Either put out only melee fighters, or ranged fighters that can do good whether they are stunned or not (kitty, quince, salma). Let her poke your commander with her weak attack, you’ll still kill the enemy commander faster.
Shooter. Medium Attack, Medium Health.
Lola’s abilities:
- When Lola appears, the health of all ranged enemies is set to 5 ❤;
- When an ally appears: Gives a Force Shield to all allies in the row (including herself);
- Missing an ally’s Force Shield: Deals tangible damage to all enemies.
Lola’s abilities are good, however, she is highly dependent on the presence of the Force Shield of allies, respectively, at the time of her appearance you must either already have Kitty on the battlefield, or you need to use premium Commander S0lt, otherwise Lola is extremely difficult to reveal, and therefore on the role of a self-sufficient character, she does not pull.
Shooter. Low attack, high health.
Hannah’s abilities:
- When an ally appears, increases attack to all allies (except herself);
- At the end of the turn, reduces the attack of enemies.
- At the beginning of the turn, summons Self-taught. Self-taught is a weak shooter with a low Attack, and when he hits an enemy, he lowers his attack.
Alas, but because of her low Attack, it is quite difficult to use Hannah, as it is impossible to clear the playing field with her help. Hannah’s buffs themselves are pretty cool, but if you put Hannah out, then, as a rule, you are already in control of the playing field, so you can do it without her.
Close Combat. Low attack, low health.
Natasha’s abilities:
- When she appears, she immediately gains 3 Multi-Attacks (i.e. she attacks 4 times in a row)
- When killed: Gains a small attack bonus.
On paper, she’s not a bad DD, able to rush into the fight and chop up all the obstacles in the line to get to some nasty RDD in one turn.
In reality, her attack is most often not enough to break the line, and her health is not even enough to survive 1 round.
Shooter. Low attack, high health.
B. Abilities:
- When attacking, casts Infection on 3 random enemies. Infected enemies take damage when another enemy takes damage (But not when an enemy commander takes damage).
- When an infected enemy dies, deals significant damage to the enemy commander.
- Dexterity – B dodges melee attacks from mercenaries.
Unfortunately, the effect of Infection in Lust Goddess can’t always be realized in combat. The stars have to align, there have to be a lot of enemies, and they have to die en masse from attacks on other mercenaries. As a result, Bea’s real “power” is only in her agility, thanks to which she can counter melee mercenaries, but there are much more useful characters for that in the game (Lucretia, for example).
Close Combat. Low attack, high health.
Wayne’s abilities:
- Wayne gets a good one like Electroshock at the end of his turn, which means enemy mercenaries attacking Wayne take damage.
- When Freeman’s ally appears, he gets a small boost to max health.
- Deals a small amount of damage to all melee enemies when attacking.
On the one hand, Wayne is not a bad tank, put him in the way of an annoying mercenary – and he successfully kills himself with electroshock. On the other hand – there are tons of other tanks in the game that can not only hold a blow, but also attack back.
Contrits only suppression, however, because of the low damage, does not pose a threat, and therefore its appearance on the field is usually simply ignored.
Close Combat. Low attack, high health.
Wendy’s abilities:
- When an enemy attacks – they receive Substantial Poisoning, dealing massive damage.
- When an enemy’s poison is triggered, it boosts the health of all enemies in the row (including herself).
- On death, significantly increases the health of the allied commander.
Not a bad tank on paper, but the fact that she poisons enemies AFTER they’ve been attacked negates its effectiveness. In general, it can be used as a backup to drain your commander, and that is, if there are no other, more useful mercenaries at hand.