Haley’s Story Walkthrough Guide

Here is the Walkthrough Guide for Haley’s Story game.

The guide will list almost every set of choices that are presented to you
in-game with its corresponding effect (if it has one). Just keep an eye on
the following tags:
[Name] Points gained/lost for those specified character.
[Trigger] Unlocks exclusive scenes and dialogues

Episode 1

  1. Pull the curtain [Haley +1]
  2. Comfort her [Haley +1]
  3. Stay silent [Haley +1]
  4. I’d rather not say [Haley +2]

Episode 2

  1. Say nothing [Sandra +1]
  2. Yes [Haley +1]
  3. Yes [Sandra +1]
  4. Now that you mention it. [Sandra +1]
  5. Shyster? [Sandra +1]
  6. Kiss her
    o Kiss her [Sandra +3] [Sandra First Kiss]
  7. Put her hand on your cock [Sandra +1]

Episode 3

  1. Make an excuse for you and Haley. [Haley +1]
    o Let her sleep [Haley +1]
  2. Put your hand around her [Haley +1]
  3. There are other reasons [Haley +1]
  4. Yes [Adriana Start]

Episode 4

  1. Comfort her [Haley +1]
  2. I haven’t finished [Sandra Screen]
  3. Press yourself against her [Lisa Start]
  4. Choose one: Go with Haley
    Stay with Sandra [Sandra Sex 1]

Episode 5

  1. You could shower here. [Diane Shower]
  2. Lovely [Sandra +1]
  3. Ok
  4. Yes [Adriana Continue 1]
  5. Choose one: That would be great
    I’d rather stay with you

Episode 6

  1. I’ll go get her [Lisa Catch]
  2. I’m not [Haley +1]
  3. That’s my girl
  4. Take her hand [Haley +1]
  5. Take a deeper breath [Haley +1]

Episode 7

  1. I’ll miss you [Haley +1]
  2. Yes [Diane Run]
    o I’m looking [Diane Flirt 1]
  3. It’s fine. [Sandra +1]
  4. Some women are worth the wait [Sandra +2]
  5. I’ll dance a little longer [Alana Start]
  6. Missed you [Haley +1]
  7. Cup her cheek [Haley +1]
    o Kiss her [Haley +1]
    o -Cup her breast [Haley +1]
    o –Stop here
  8. Investigate
    o Peek [Lisa Peek]

Episode 8

  1. No. [Haley +1]
  2. Let’s do it. [Alana Squash]
  3. Yes [Diane Strip]
  4. Tell her she looks cute. [Haley +1]
  5. No. [Haley +3]
  6. Yes [Lisa Escort]
  7. Absolutely [Sandra Continue]
  8. Fine. I’ll take care of it. [Haley +2]
  9. Pretend you’re sleeping [Haley +1]

Episode 9

  1. Choose one: Help her [Sandra Continue 2]
    This is too much [Sandra Reject Sex]
  2. Fuck-buddy [Diane Fuck Buddy]

Episode 10

  1. Choose one: Yes [Leave with Hadi]
    Take Haley
    Note: #50 is only for those that obtained [Lisa Escort].
  2. Choose one: Sure [Lisa Hooker]
    I’ll go. [Lisa Path End]
  3. Come over here [Haley +1]
  4. Intervene [Haley +1]
    Note: #53 is only for those that obtained [Adriana Continue 1].
  5. Kiss her

Episode 11

Note: #54 is only for those that obtained [Sandra Reject Sex] & [Alana Squash].

  1. Kiss her [Alana Kiss]
    Note: #55 is only for those that obtained [Sandra Continue 2].
  2. Stay a little longer [Sandra Evolve 1]
  3. Check on her [Haley +1]

Episode 12

  1. Ask to see more of her. [Haley +1]
  2. Hold her hand. [Haley +1]
  3. Comfort Haley. [Haley +1]
  4. Haley got it. [Haley +1]

Episode 13

  1. Kiss her. [Haley +1]
  2. Choose one: Yes. [Haley Hair]

Episode 14

  1. Let her continue [Haley +1]
    Note: #64 is only for those that obtained [Diane Fuck Buddy].
  2. Choose one: Stay fuck buddies
    No. [Diane Friends]

Episode 15

Note: #65 is only for those that obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].

  1. Choose one: Ignore it
    Don’t ignore it [Sandra Home Blow]

Episode 16

  1. Kiss her before you go
    Note: #67 is only for those that obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].
  2. Go
    Note: #68 is only for those that DIDN’T obtain [Sandra Evolve 1].
  3. Check on Haley.

Episode 17

  1. Choose one: Insist [Enter The Pupster]
    Let it go
    Note: #70 is only for those that obtained [Alana Kiss].
  2. Offer to cheer her up.
    Note: #71 is only for those that obtained [Adriana Continue 1].
  3. Stay a bit longer. [Adi Stay]

Episode 18

  1. Choose One: No.
    Would that be terrible? [Haley2Ass]
    Note: #73 is only for those that obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].
  2. Stop her. [Sandra+1]
    Note: #74 is only for those that DIDN’T obtain [Sandra Evolve 1].
  3. Choose One: Give her what she wants. [Haley1Sub]
    You’re just not into that. [Haley -2]

Episode 19

Note: #75 Scenes will differ if you obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].

  1. Choose One: Kiss her.
    Do nothing. [Haley -5]
    Note: If you obtained [Lisa Hooker] you will get a scene with [Lisa] on Haley only path.

Episode 20

  1. Note: If you obtained [Adi Stay] & DIDN’T obtain [Sandra Evolve 1] “Adi Sex Scene”.
    Note: If you obtained [Lisa Hooker] & DIDN’T obtain [Sandra Evolve 1].
  2. Choose One: Yes. [Lisa Yes]

Episode 21

Note: If you obtained [Lisa Hooker] & DIDN’T obtain [Sandra Evolve 1] scenes will
differ, but same choice.

Note: If you obtained [Haley Hair] scenes will differ, but same choice.

  1. Choose One: Yeah. [Haley -3]
    We don’t have to.
  2. Note: If you obtained [Lisa Yes] then you will get a “Sex Scene’s’” with [Lisa].

Episode 22

Note: #80 Is only for those who obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].

  1. Choose One: Yes.
    Just one more thing. [Sandra +1]
    Note: #81 Is only for those who obtained [Adi Stay].
  2. Choose One: Yes. [Adi Move In]
    Note: If you did NOT obtain [Enter The Pupster] you miss out on a scene.

Episode 23

  1. Choose One: Yes. [Haley +5]

Episode 24

Note: #83 Is only for those who obtained [Sandra Evolve 1].

  1. Choose One: Take it. [Sandra Ring]
    Don’t take it.

Episode 25-28

No choices

Episode 29

  1. Choose One: Ignore the voice. [Adi Cheat]

Episode 30-32

No choices

That’s all. Have fun 💗

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