If you want to avoid spoilers, this is NOT the guide for you. Explanations of how different parts of the game work.
I would have to say that I am an expert for this game, with over 12,000 hours played, currently number 17 (out of 22,553) on the leader board. However, since this is more of an idle game that is more accurately an indicator of how long my computer has been on with the game open.
This is one of the very few free to play games that doesn’t require a massive cash investment to play.
Most of this game depends on math and using it to your advantage. You can either use money or time to advance. I’ve obviously chosen time, with a little money here and there.
I am putting this guide up while it is still in progress and will continue to update.
First thing to do
The very first thing I recommend doing is requiring a confirmation limit of 1. This will prevent you from wasting your diamonds by accident.
In the upper right of the game screen press the Gear icon.
Press the right arrow at the bottom of the page to get to the second settings page.
- Press the – button until the box shows 1
- Press the Set button
Now any time you spend diamonds you will receive a confirmation pop up.
Spending Your Real World Money
While you can play for free, you’re not going to enjoy the game as much as if you invest a little money into it.
Get the introductory pack. After that wait for sales and Events. Most events come with two packages, an $8 package that includes 200 diamonds and some other options and a $65 package than unlocks a girl, with an outfit themed for the event, for the Blowjob Challenge, 1,300 diamonds, and some other items that you can equip for the Blowjob challenge.
The $8 package is a good deal, twice as many diamonds as you would normally get, along with a few extras. I cannot recommend the $65 package as the Event girls have very limited usage in the Blowjob Challenge because they don’t have any cards to use.
Spend your diamonds wisely
Diamonds are the main currency of the game and are used to advance in the game. The easiest way to acquire diamonds is with real world money. However, this can turn very expensive very quickly. The least expensive purchase is $4 for 40 diamonds, or 10 cents each. If you want the largest package of diamonds, it is $199 for 4000 diamonds, or about 5 cents each. As with most play to play games the more money you spend the better the deal.
Things NOT to buy with diamonds:
- Time machine
- Fellatio Deck Pack
- Speed things up
- Buy cash
Time machine
This will advance the game a period of time. The cost for benefit is very limited as the time advance doesn’t cover everything. You can also earn time advances from Daily Quests. Time advances earned from daily quests must be used within a set time frame, normally a week.
Fellatio Deck Pack
These will give you three cards per 30 diamond investment, or about nine cards for $8. You get one free card per week and at the top levels of the blowjob challenge earn an additional card.
Speed things up
This is essentially a reset without losing your current levels and having to start from scratch. You can normally get to exactly where you are in a few hours.
Buy cash
The in game cash per diamond ratio is complete garbage. Early on it might be worth while, but later in the game the amounts are laughable. With all of the studios open you will earn 3.6 qd per hour, so in two hours you will have 3 diamonds worth. Even the 100 diamond 640.85 qd wouldn’t advance you more than a level or two with a girl.
Things to buy with diamonds:
- Buy energy
- Time Warp
- Buy energy
Energy is what will help you get things done. The more energy you have the more things you can do at once.
- Time Warp
This is a bang for the buck type of upgrade, but it doesn’t come cheap. It is a game wide speed increase as opposed to some of the other speed increases with limited impact.
Work Your Girls
Change to the Girls screen by pressing the Girls button at the bottom of the screen.
Each girl has a number of requirements that you will need to meet for her to allow you to Record her. A number of hearts, skill levels, gifts, and Fake it scenes to complete.
You can Sweet talk, a Ninja style game where you have to swipe the bad word balloons before they reach the girl, that increases her hearts.
You can give her a gift. Gifts not on her list will increase hearts, but will not satisfy the gift requirement.
Fake it, this allows you to pay in game money to run a Fake it to earn hearts.
It is possible to one click the girl’s wants if you to complete if you have the requirements, such as the cash required for the gift purchase. Purchasing a gift on her list will increase her hearts.
You can also click on the girl directly to increase her hearts.
Each successful recording increases her thermometer level. You must increase each girl 10 times. The first time you increase her level you will receive a reward.
You can have up to four active girls at a time. A new girl will become available when you unlock a girl by filling her thermometer.
The Spycams is a clicker mini game that becomes available after you have unlocked Candy and Lola. Currently there are four options for the Spy Cam: Cherry, Lola, Sanshi, and the Twins.
Access the Spy Cams switch to the Map using the icon at the bottom of the screen.
Then select the buildings.
- You can select the screen or the Play button to start working on the girl
- If you have additional girls available you can use the Change button to change the active girl
Depending on the girl it will depend on how many of the options are unlocked at start.
- Click on a highlighted icon to “buy” that production
- Change the number of items you “buy” with a click
- A Blueprint of the levels to unlock
- Help
- Unlocks & Upgrades
- Time machine
- Hardcore Fans
- iNipple Servers
- Next level purchase price

- Click on a highlighted icon to “buy” that production
As you buy a unit for production it generates “Fame” that you can use to purchase more production units.
- Change the number of items you “buy” with a click
Initially you will only be able to buy one unit. As your fame increases you can increase to x10, x100, x1,000, and maximum. Essentially saving you a whole lot of clicks.
- A Blueprint of the levels to unlock
This will show you how many levels there are to the current location and any other unlocked locations.
- Help
Brief in game help.
- Unlocks & Upgrades
This will show you how much production will increase when you reach certain production goals and allow you to purchase additional multipliers.
- Time machine
Allows you to “skip” time. DO NOT waste your diamonds on this.
- Hardcore Fans
This will show you the speed increase what you will get if you reset. The reset for the Spycams are independent of each other and game resets.
- iNipple Servers
You can purchase iNipple Servers to increase you speed, outside of resets. These aren’t a bad purchase, but they are specific to the Spycam you are working with, so they aren’t a great diamond purchase.
- Next level purchase price
This is the purchase price for the next level. Once you have purchased all of the levels for the current location you can unlock the next location. The first time you unlock a location it takes two weeks, DO NOT reset the Spycam or you will have to start over. You can shorten this with a diamond purchase, but it is not recommended. After you have unlocked a location once it will only take 30 minutes in the future.
Reset and Reset Often
You are going to want to reset your often as this will increase the speed of the game. Initially you’re going to want to wait until either a 100% increase or when you’re not making much progress. Later in the game you’ll still want to reset to increase the game speed.
Gamers aren’t used to starting over being a good thing. Here it is because it increases the speed of the game. If you can do this when you’re at a 100% increase you’ll get the biggest boost, if you can do it continually.
Here’s the math on it.
1 x
2 x
4 x
8 x
16 x
32 x
64 x
128 x
256 x
512 x
1024 x
2048 x
4096 x
and so on
The more often you double your speed the better it is for you. Because even with constant doubling you’ll still need to play a day or two to get back to 100% increase. Imagine how long it would take if you didn’t double down.
Start the process by clicking on the Alarm Clock at the top of the screen
You will then see how much faster the game will be. Click on the button to continue.
Next you will see the exact stat increases that you will receive. You will have the option of a straight reset or paying diamonds to reset and keep your current levels. DO NOT waste diamonds on a reset.
If you reset you will receive a congratulations screen showing you how much the game was increased by the reset.
After the reset it is like starting the game over, but things will happen faster by the speed of the reset.
Stamina / Films
Films are the main way to increase your Stamina for the Blowjob Challenges. In order to film the girl has to be unlocked. These will reset with every game reset. There are six “studios” to unlock. The top three are unlocked with in game money and must be unlocked after every reset. The bottom three are unlocked with diamonds and will remain unlocked after resets. They increase in production from left to right, top to bottom. The top left studio is the least productive and the bottom right studio is the most productive.
After you select the studio you will you use select the girl. Cherry is the only girl that I’ve maxed out. Here you can select how long you want to film. The longer you go the more stamina you generate. The longer you go the higher the energy cost. Bringing us back to the Batteries are the best diamond purchase.
After you have picked the girl and the amount of time you can select the “position” to work on. From Cherry, each one should go up to 100. The later girls have more positions available. Initially you may level multiple stars per time period, later they come much slower. I found that you don’t have to micromanage these unless you want to, just let the game pick the position.
Using the long 10 hour production runs you can easily do two sets a day. Since you’re working on increasing your stamina you want to focus on the newer girls as you will gain more stamina per session. So, when you unlock a new girl you want her in your highest level studio to get the most benefit.
After the time you selected to film has completed you can collect your reward.
When you click on the film you will be shown the current level of the selected position and if you have gained any experience/stamina from it.
Next you will need to decide where you want to distribute the film. As you distribute films at a location that location becomes more popular, thus earning you more money. The current maximum level is 50. You’ll want to focus on the higher level distribution sites as they will earn you more money. Unlocked distribution sites will need to unlocked again after a reset.
After you select the distribution location you will see the level of that location. The location level stays after a reset. As you can see I have all locations maxed out at 50, so there is no reason for me to select a location other than the default.
You can also earn Stamina Bonuses in the Dating mini games. Additionally you get a 10% bonus when a girl defeats 15 different opponents in the Blowjob Challenge. A win only counts as a defeat if you have the opponent unlocked. If she is behind the blue shield it doesn’t count.
Conversation Mini Game
Sorry not a lot of images for this section as I have all the currently available girls unlocked.
These are available from the glass house with the hand statue in the front of it from the map.
- Girls you haven’t completed
- Total conversation points currently available
- Points earned from your conquered women

- Your objective is to fill her meter
- Use your conversation points to pay for the conversation cards
If you don’t do the daily spins you won’t have enough conversation card to unlock the girl as you will run out of cards and they respawn with random timers. Your priority is Pink cards (triple points), Blue cards (double points), then regular cards. When playing the spawned cards I recommend using the previous order, then low to high to give you the greatest amount of respawning cards. Every 24 hours you can get a new set of cards, this is highly recommended. It is NOT recommended to spend diamonds to get new cards, unless absolutely necessary, i.e. event is almost over and you’re close.
After you fill her meter there are objects you need to collect via spins or purchase with conversation points. Once her bar is filled all of your conversation cards will be greyed out. There is a light bulb down by the items, press the light bulb to convert all of your conversation points toward the item.
This is one of the places I recommend spending diamonds. If you have a wheel full of objects, it would be a decent payout to spend 3 diamonds to get a chance at an item. The item cost varies and you can fill your conversation points for 2 diamonds. So, depending on the cost of the item you might want to spend it on conversation points (the sure thing) verses the spin of the wheel.
After you fill her meter and purchase, or win, the items you will unlock her scene. The scenes get more expensive as your progress. I can unlock any woman in 14 days, doing it in 7 is not possible without a decent diamond expenditure.
Blowjob Challenge – The Interface
You can compete in the Blowjob Challenge approximately every 20 minutes. The Challenge week runs from Saturday to Saturday. You will receive the rewards for the level you managed to reach at the end of the Challenge. In my opinion, this is the main part of the game. Blowjob Challenge timers are affected by Time machine, so make sure you are in a countdown status before using the Time machine.
There are four stats that are used for the Blowjob Challenge
Stamina –
Lips – Sex Appeal
Bunny Ears – Engagement
Devil Heart – Tricks
Blowjob Challenge Screen
- Window / Full screen button
- Mute
- Challenges
- Energy use / availability
- Current (in game) cash on hand
- Reset game
- Available Diamonds
- Settings
- Exit
- Character selection
- Currently active events / mini games
- Switch to Spy cam
- Practice
- Show trophies (defeated opponents)
- Current level of the challenge
- Challenge button with timer if not currently available
- Sex Appeal score
- Tricks score
- Engagement score
- Start Practice button
- Change Wardrobe button
- Window / Full screen button
This button switches the game between windowed and full screen
- Mute
This button will toggle the sound off and on. If you want to turn off the sound completely, you can do so in Settings
- Challenges
This will open up the Challenge Rewards
You can press the Daily Quests button in the lower left to see the Daily quests. Here you can see the currently active Daily Quests and their rewards. You can have up to three quests active at a time. At the bottom you can see how long until the next quest will become available.
Daily quests vary in task and may require you to play a number of challenges, win a number of challenges, play a number of challenges with a specific girl (she will always be available when the challenge starts), require you to win a number of challenges with a specific girl, use a number of items in challenges, Shoot 5 films, and more.
- Energy Use
This will show you your energy usage:
# Slots Free – Available energy to use
Mortarboard – Energy allocated to Skills training (50 maximum)
Dollar Sign – Energy allocated to Cash (109 maximum)
Film Camera – Energy allocated to making Films (36 maximum)
Sucker – Energy Allocated to Practice (10 per 24 hour training and 25 per coaching session)
You can purchase additional energy in the Shop. From the maximums above your are going to need 195 to run everything at maximum, plus additional energy for training. Costing you 1,200 diamonds plus training, so call it 1,440 diamonds. No need to get this all up front, but this is where you are going to want to put most of your diamonds.
- Current (in game) cash on hand
You cash will go up based upon the amount shown under the blimp. Each location can be leveled up to level 50 by releasing your films via that location. You must meet specific requirements to make each location available.
- Reset game
This will show you how must faster things will go if you reset the game. Though it may seem counter intuitive you will want to reset the game frequently, in order to speed things up.
If you press the alarm clock you will see what you gain from the reset, and the diamond cost to keep current progress. The diamond cost is NEVER worth it. You can normally get close to where you are in a few hours or a day.
- Available Diamonds
Self explanatory. You can earn diamonds or purchase them from the store for real world cash.
- Settings
Access the Settings Menu
- Exit
Exit the game
- Character selection
This allows you to select the character you want to compete. The characters include of the girls you have unlocked and any that you have Conquered in the dating mini games. I highly recommend concentrating on one. You can then use that one to “Coach” the remaining girls to boost their stats. Personally I use Ice as she is one of the first girls you will unlock after a reset.
- Currently active events / mini games
There are very frequent mini games released. You can easily access them here. The mini games vary from production type games (clicker) and skill based games where you have to find the item that is missing or the highest number in a group, Qix type games where you draw boxes to show an image, Ninja type games where you have to swipe specific objects, and more.
- Switch to Spy cam
This is limited to four girls: Cherry, Lola, Sanshi, and the Twins.
- Practice
There will be an animated image here if the girl is currently practicing or being coached.
- Show trophies (defeated opponents)
This will show you all of the characters you have defeated in the Blowjob Challenge. A girl only counts as defeated if you have unlocked her. As you defeat opponents you will gain different bonuses with 15 being the “magic” number where you will gain a new outfit and a 10% stamina bonus.
- Currently selected character
This is your currently selected character in the outfit she is wearing.
- Current level of the challenge
This shows you your level in the current challenge. You can click on the belt to see your current rewards and how much time is remaining in the current round.
- Challenge button with timer if not currently available
Press the button to initiate a challenge. If there is a timer you can either wait or spend a diamond to challenge now (Do NOT waste a diamond on this). You can select a Friendly match or League match. Despite what the message says Friendly match wins count as a win for the VS Spin Spiration.
- Sex Appeal score
This is your Sex Appeal score, this score can be increased with Practice or Coaching. Items can be equipped to temporarily increase this score.
- Tricks score
This is your Tricks score, this score can be increased with Practice or Coaching. Items can be equipped to temporarily increase this score.
- Engagement score
This is your Sex Appeal score, this score can be increased with Practice or Coaching. Items can be equipped to temporarily increase this score.
- Start Practice button
This button will allow you to initiate a practice or coaching session. Practicing is how you increase your Sex Appeal, Tricks, and Engagement. The maximum practice session is 24 hours. The length of the coaching session will vary depending on the girl’s current stats and the difference to your top girl. I’ve seen from two days to two weeks.
- Change Wardrobe button
This will allow you to change your character’s outfit and equip up to three items to temporarily increase their stats. You’re going to want to wear one of the 70% VS outfits unless you are doing a d. Outfits are normally gained through mini game rewards. I can normally get outfits for 10 characters during the length of the mini game.
Blowjob Challenge – Set your deck
Before you start your Challenge you are going to want to equip any available cards. Go the the Girls page by pressing the Girls icon at the bottom of the page.
Select the girl you want to use and then press the Cards icon in the right hand section.
Create Your Fellatio Deck. You can select up to five cards. The sixth card is a “special move” card that is different for each girl. At the bottom you can see how long you need to wait until your next free card. If you receive a duplicate of a card you already have, it will increase the power of the existing card. This isn’t an automatic increase, you will need more than one duplicate to make it to the next level.
This is my current card set.
In short cards increase your stats, weaken your opponents stats, speed up, or slow down progress. This is where the math comes in. You don’t need to do any complex math problems, but you have to understand somethings. Such as lowering something that changes by a percentage is better to do when that percentage is high. So, you don’t want to lower your excitement by a percentage early because 10 percent of ten is only 1, but 10 percent of 90 is 9.
I tend to focus on things that benefit me rather than hinder my opponent. I know what my stats are, but I don’t know what their stats will be. I want a deck that works for most opponents.
An equally matched battle will normally allow you to play all six cards.
Blowjob Challenge – The Battle
If you haven’t already make sure you have your cards set to the ones you will be using.
Select the character you want to use and then press the Challenge! button
Next select the type of Challenge you want to do, Friendly match or League match. Both types count towards Challenges attempted or won (as long as you win). The only reason to play the Friendly match is that you have progressed as far as you are able in the current weekly league matches or need to use a specific girl for a Daily quest.
You will now be shown who you are challenging. The basic chance of winning can be determined by adding up all four stats: Sex Appeal, Tricks, Engagement, and Stamina. If your total is less than your opponents you are very likely to lose.
Now you can press the Change button under your opponents stats to change your opponent. However, you can do this only once every six hours. If your scores are close you can press the Challenge button to back out of the Challenge and make adjustments (equipping items or changing characters) or switch to a Friendly match. I’ve found that the Change button doesn’t work on the first Challenge opponent of the week most of the time, so you’re just going to have to lose that battle.
Press the Start button to start the Challenge.
The first thing you want to do is is count the number of cards your opponent has. If they have six cards then they have their girl’s “special move” card for sure. If they have five cards it is possible they have the “special move” card, but unlikely.
As the Challenge progresses you will be shown two cards you can play either of the two cards. The card that you do not play will be one of your options the next time you can play a card. The speed at which this occurs is related to your skills. You have two options, you can blindly play your card right away, or wait to see what your opponent plays. This will depend on the card you are playing. If the card is a stat change then you can just play it. However, if you’re playing Blow away you want to make sure it won’t be cut short by Freeze your lust if possible. So, if your opponent hasn’t already played the Freeze your lust card it is best to wait to see what they play.
Freeze your lust stops your opponent’s progress. However, there are two cards that will allow you to progress even if you are currently under the affects of Freeze your lust, your special move card and Ms Cupid’s Kiss. Playing the special move card will increase your progress and the progress bar will keep the frozen look for the rest of the Challenge. Playing the Ms Cupid’s Kiss will increase your progress without regard to being frozen.
So, if you’re going to play the Freeze your lust, the ideal time is right after your opponent has played their Blow away card as it makes it almost worthless. You can play it after your opponent plays their special move card or Ms Cupid’s Kiss so that it is effect, rather than being over ridden by their card.
My standard play is:
- Freeze your lust – Freeze opponent’s progress
- Total Control – Increase my stamina
- Oh Shoot! – Reduce opponent’s stamina
- Blown away
- Special Move – Frozen Kiss for Ice
- Ms Cupid’s Kiss
Notice how the last two cards can’t be stopped by Freeze your lust?
You can also use Pills for thrills, lowers opponent’s progress, as one of your last two cards to try to eek out a victory.
Blowjob Challenge – Level Rewards
This is what you will receive, based upon the level you have achieved at the end of the weekly Challenge. If you lose a Challenge, it is possible to lose a level as well.
Level 0 – Nothing
Level 1 – 10 Fame, 2 Lipstick (+10% Sex Appeal)
Level 2 – 1 Diamond, 15 Fame, 4 Lipstick (+10% Sex Appeal)
Level 3 – 1 Diamond, 21 Fame, 6 Lipstick (+10% Sex Appeal)
Level 4 – 1 Diamond, 26 Fame, 8 Lipstick (+10% Sex Appeal)
Level 5 – 1 Diamond, 32 Fame, 10 Cold Cream (+12% Tricks)
Level 6 – 1 Diamond, 39 Fame, 12 Cold Cream (+12% Tricks)
Level 7 – 1 Diamond, 47 Fame, 14 Cold Cream (+12% Tricks)
Level 8 – 1 Diamond, 55 Fame, 16 Cold Cream (+12% Tricks)
Level 9 – 1 Diamond, 63 Fame, 18 Cold Cream (+12% Tricks)
Level 10 – 2 Diamonds, 72 Fame, 20 Mouthwash (+14% Engagement)
Level 11 – 2 Diamonds, 81 Fame, 22 Mouthwash (+14% Engagement)
Level 12 – 2 Diamonds, 91 Fame, 24 Mouthwash (+14% Engagement)
Level 13 – 2 Diamonds, 101 Fame, 26 Mouthwash (+14% Engagement)
Level 14 – 2 Diamonds, 113 Fame, 28 Sunscreen (+7% VS)
Level 15 – 2 Diamonds, 143 Fame, 32 Sunscreen (+7% VS)
Level 16 – 2 Diamonds, 143 Fame, 32 Sunscreen (+7% VS)
Level 17 – 2 Diamonds, 161 Fame, 34 Sunscreen (+7% VS)
Level 18 – 3 Diamonds, 182 Fame, 36 Sunscreen (+7% VS)
Level 19 – 3 Diamonds, 207 Fame, 38 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal)
Level 20 – 3 Diamonds, 235 Fame, 40 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal)
Level 21 – 3 Diamonds, 265 Fame, 42 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal)
Level 22 – 3 Diamonds, 300 Fame, 44 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal)
Level 23 – 4 Diamonds, 340 Fame, 46 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal)
Level 24 – 6 Diamonds, 400 Fame, 48 Toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal), 1 Card Pack
Level 25 – 10 Diamonds, 500 Fame, 50 toothpaste (+25% Sex Appeal), 1 Card Pack