Delve Into Pawssion – The guild master’s assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

Are you stuck against a difficul opponent?
Maybe you want to know if that shiny new skill is worth your hard earned badges, well, this guide will bring you up to speed with even the most experienced adventurers

The guild

Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

We will start from the explanation from top to bottom

Badge shop
Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

In this menu you can exchange badges for upgrades, these can be skills that have a passive or active effect as well as useful key items for the journey

  • Class boost
    This will upgrade your base stats by values shown in the description, useful to prepare for difficult fights and for exploring areas with lots of enemies
  • Heal
    This skill is essential for the harder battles and very useful for the adventure in general great for survivability
  • Point of pressure
    This skill can break objects in the overworld that impede you from getting loot, it also can basically instakill enemies that have the property “solid”
    Like the rock mimic
  • Crafting
    It unlocks better healing supplies recipes and a great weapon recipe.
    I recommend getting it after you unlock the cave area
  • Tamer license
    This allows you to bring friendly monsters to the town, it is recommended that you visit Celierra before searching the friendly monsters
Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

In this menu you can rewatch every NSFW scene you have unlocked as well as view the affection that a character has to the player

Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

Saves the game :p

Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)

Under this menu you can see the current quests you have accepted as well as the sidequests.


Here you can see your completion rate, keep in mind that the pink numbers are the maximum completion you can get in the version you are playing


<Unavailable at the current version> (09.08.2023)


This menu explains various gameplay basics, I recommend you read this before this you read the rest of this guide

Quests and Side Quests


Here we have the quests, I will only mention how to get them, the necessary battles, puzzle answers, tips and tricks.
all this content is inherently spoilery.

  • Stripe’s quest
    This is the first quest the guild master gives you, you get it by clicking Stripe’s portrait on the map.
    1. First check mark
      Once you click in Stripe’s portrait a dialogue sequence will commence,
Hello, can I help you?I’m here for the jobNone
I’m here for you+Affection
I have two requests. Maybe we can start with the simple one first, as to not cause you too much trouble. What do you say?I’ll do it!+Affection
What about the reward?None

After this exchange you can make question about the mission, and/or compliment her

What does the flower look like?I am glad you asked. Tell the gardener to sell you some Azulinas.
Why not buy more at the store?Well, I tried of course, but it’s out of stock.

What do you perform?Oh right, you are new around here. I’m a known singer around these parts.
You are cute.Thank you, sweetheart! I’ll try to make your efforts worthwhile, though only if you complete my tasks.

Quest guide

  1. Go to gleam forest, go north east.
  2. There’s a tutorial on fighting and a forced enemy encounter.
    Tutorial is a freebie, force encounter shouldn’t give you any problems, I recommend you to practice the timed attacks in these encounters, try to click and hold the around moment the damage numbers pop up.
  3. After this there are more enemies, they aren’t difficult, however, they can be skipped, proceed to the north side of the forest.
  4. in the north side there will be an entrance to a “deep forest” of sorts. I recommend you skip it until you complete the second check mark of Stripe’s quest, here you can encounter Nii a future quest giver.
  5. Go west and then north to the garden, talk to the butterfly gardener, he will eventually ask you what type of flower you want, get the Azulina, this will raise the affection of Stripe when you return.
  6. Just below the garden there will be a sparkle, that’s a teleport to the guild, use it
  7. Go back to stripe, another dialogue will commence


Such a brute will be quite a tough monster. Do you think you can recover the pendant it stole from me?What does the pendant look like?None
I have to backtrack!?None
I’ll bring everything I find.+Affection

Why is the pendant so important?It’s a gift from my mate. His name is Blackjack. He gifted it to me on a very special occasion. It is irreplaceable!None
Any other important items?Just stuff that can easily be replaced later.None

What about the reward?Oh, I’m sorry. I was so focused on finding my pendant I kind of forgot about your reward.None
Don’t mention the reward and leaveBy the way… originally, I was going to just give you some gold, but.. I can add in something else too.+NSFW image, 1 badge, 200 gold

Depends on affection, full affection will get you: First NSFW image, 2 badges, 450 gold

2. Second check mark
Here you will have your first boss battle against the Brute goonie.
Quest guide

  1. Return to Gleam forest, go back to the flower garden.
  2. Go north of the garden, there you will find a big red goonie, that’s the boss, you can drink hp and/or mp potions before the battle and get a regeneration effect, interact with it when you are ready.
    The Goonie brute is quite the easy boss, just try to kill it fast, it’s main gimmick is reinforcements, if you take too much time it will summon more goonies, overrunning you with numbers, focus on beating the brute first, then the rest will run away after the brute is dead.
  4. Go back to the forest entrance, you may notice the sparkle teleport doesn’t work anymore or that something blocks your way when trying to enter other areas, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it 🙂
  5. A mysterious portal will open up, interact with it, you may answer however you like, and investigate it, however it’s an area for later
  6. Go back to stripe, dialogue will commence, however it doesn’t have any effect on affection, respond whatever you please

Depends on affection, full affection will get you: Second NSFW image, 2 badges, 400 gold

3. Third check mark

Big boss incoming, the game recommends getting level 5 but a higher level will make things easier

  1. Click Blackjack’s portrait, a dialogue will commence, it doesn’t have affection attached to it, answer however you like.
  2. Whenever you are ready, click again Blackjack’s portrait, again a dialogue will commence, it doesn’t have affection attached to it, answer however you like.
    I will not beat around the bush, this battle is unwinnable, well, rather it’s a dps check, try to do your most potent attacks, At around 500-600 damage you’ve inflicted it will start “summoning” attack desperately since one he is finished summoning he will unleash an intakill move, after this your performance will be judged.
  4. After he deems you worthy you’ll unlock a side quest, Blackjack’s true duel, go back to Stripe’s house
    Depends on affection, full affection will get you: NSFW animation, 1 badge, 600 gold

Side quests

Here we have the sidequests, I will only mention how to get them, the necessary battles, puzzle answers, tips and tricks.
all this content is inherently spoilery.

  1. Sis’s Dojo Challenges
    You get this side quest by talking to Sis on the east side of the town
    These challenges have set stats and skills, treat them like puzzle battles!
    I will give an “answer” to these battles but I encourage you to try them on your own since they will teach you some useful strategies for the harder fights of the game
    1 healthy fruit, 1 power fruit, 1 magic fruit
    • Training 1
      Although this lesson tries to explain the importance of guarding you must keep up your offense
      3 attacks, 2 guard, 1 special: strong hit
    • Training 2
      Watch out for “focus”, use wisely your skills
      2 attacks, skill: barrier, 2 attacks, skill: illusions, special: strong hit, 1 attack, 1 guard, 2 attacks
    • Training 3
      The skill concentration they give you is essential for victory, keep that in mind
      Skill: act and dodge, 4 attacks,skill: sucker punch,skill: concentration, 1 attack, special: shadow cloak, 2 attacks


Town Center
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Town East

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Town West

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Forest Entrance

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Forest North

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Goodie maps:

These maps indicate the loot available in a certain area, these maps look different than the regular maps, they display all the loot that area has or will have as well as destructible objects Friendly monsters, etc, all the colors represent something as seen below:

Green: Loot
Yellow: Badges
Orange: Destructible objects
Blue: Secrets
White: Friendly monsters
Pink: Heals
Gray: Glittering objects
Cyan: Transition to another zone

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Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)
Forest entrance goodies

1.- 50 gold / Hp potion x1
2.- Red goo x1
3.- Mushroom x1
4.- Magic fruit x1
5.- 20 gold
6.- Mushroom x2
7.- Mushroom x1
8.- 100 gold / Mp potion x1

Friendly monsters:
white goonie
+20 max hp

Transition to other zones:
1.- Forest north
2.- Nii’s house
3.- Cyberspace

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Delve Into Pawssion - The guild master's assistant handy dandy unofficial guide (wip)
Forest north goodies

1.- Mushroom x1
2.- Red goo x1
3.- Mushroom x3
4.- Red goo x1

Friendly monsters:
Leaf goonie
+5 magic

Transition to other zones:
1.- Forest entrance
2.- Deep forest

After word

Since this will take a while I will update periodically, if any info is wrong or you find anithing confusing please tell me in the comments, this is my first guide xd

Will do Nii´s quest eventually but I’ve kinda got an itch for maps and goodie maps.

I now realize that the cave maps will be a daunting task, I don’t know where to start, I’ll do my best,.

God that monday was horrible, I’ll start Nii’s quest

Also, if you have reached this, I want your opinion, what do you think of this lil guy?

Also, also here’s a changelog/ future updates

Future changes:
Nii’s dialogue options / second quest
Maps / goodie maps


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