Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide

The locations of the kids, Kiri’s and Aya’s Events in “Country Girl Keiko” game

Routes and basics

– First of all, get the patch from the Kagura games site.
– There’s 2 routes: pure and “normal”. Aya also has a route, but it doesn’t affect which route you took with Keiko.
– You should first do the “normal” one to get acquainted with the characters. Also it’s the only route where you can beat Yukata as the final boss and unlock the gallery.
– Aya’s route is unlocked by finding Yukata (see Yukata section)


Cocco. It’s the name of the town. You start in this area
Cocco Road. It’s the area west of Cocco.
Station. Located west of Cocco Road. There’s a store where you can buy running shoes and make you waslk faster.
School. Located north of Cocco Road
Mt. Road. It’s the area east of Cocco.
Mountain. Located northeast of Mt. Road

Bad ending

– Disagree to get a makeover. The game will end pretty soon after going to school.

“Normal” ending

– Simply agree to everything. Your level will increase pretty quick
– Talk to everyone after receiving a new skill, some characters unlock new scenes as Keiko gets new skills.
– Once you get to level 50, you can go to the mirror in your house, to get some new scenes, but you won’t be able to progress with the story until you come back.
– Get all the kids (read the Kid section)
– Get Yukata to join school(read Yukata section)
– Unlock the Key (read Kiri and Key sections)
– Talk to your teacher to get the ending
– You’ll have an extra scene on a school trip (which is different to Keiko School trip)
– Once in free mode, talk to Yukata in school
– Now find Yukata at the northeast of the mountain and fight her
– To win, you must have bought everything in the doctor’s store (and equip it)
– Use Aya’s scream, it’s super effective.
– Once defeated, you can unlock the caves protected by crystals in the mountain

Pure ending

– Get the makeover, but don’t agree to anything ever again
– Get all the kids (read the Kid section)
– Get Yukata to join school(read Yukata section)
– Unlock the Key (read Kiri and Key sections)
– Your level must be 1 at all times, avoid talking to anyone else.
– Talk to your teacher to get the ending
– You have now unlocked the Black version

Kid Locations

Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– To get the first kid, you need a student ID, which is found in the black bag inside school
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Once you have it, go north through the path between the school and the pool. Once you convice the guard, talk to the naked kid near the cats
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– The next kid is on the station (west of Cocco Road). He’s in front of the store
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– For the next kid you need to talk to this bald guy on Cocco road
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Then get to Cocco and talk to the woman in front of this house. Once you do, go inside the house and talk to the kid
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– The next kid is inside this house on Mt. Road, on the northwest
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– This kid is also on Mt. Road
on the southeast corner
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Next kid is in the Mointains, but first you need to talk to a guy inside this house on the southwest corner
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Last kid is on the northeast of the mountain

Obtaining the Key

Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Get the stick
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the stick for the ticket with this kid on Cocco Road
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the ticket for the GPS with this guy on the Station
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the GPS for the Brass knuckles with the policeman in Cocco
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the Brass Knuckles for the Protein shake with the kid hiding inside this cave
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the Protein shake for the Wanted poster with the guy on the white tank top
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Trade the Poster for the Map with this guy you’ve certainly never met before
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Once you have the map, you’ll obtain the Key in this cabin on Mt. Road
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Once you have the drill you can clear this boulder in the mountain and get rich

Yukata locations

Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– You’ll first find her in this house in Cocco
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Then she’ll be at the ice cream store in Cocco Road
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Next sh’ell be inside this house in Cocco
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Then she’ll be at the restaurant in the Station
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– And then in the garden east of the mayor’s house
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Finally sh’ell be inside the hole in the school

Kiri/shard locations

– First, get the first kid, and watch Kiri leave the school

Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– You’ll first find Kiri on the park in Cocco, talk to the kids on this bench
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Then, find her talking to some guys on the Station
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Then, go to her store
Country Girl Keiko Locations, Routes & Endings Guide– Finally, go to the montain

Keiko Black

– Simply revisit the Kiri locations
– Save the game when you can, there’s two endings

Keiko School trip

There’s two ways to do it:
– Go full on and get Keiko scenes
– Go easy the first day, but full on the second day and get Kiri scenes

Have fun ❤


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