Artemis Optimised path Guide

This will be a mix of a walkthrough with collectibles and achievements listed.

Objective : Unlock as many things as possible during the first playthrough while also gaining the maximum amount of affinity possible with all the girls in the Artemis Game.

You need a minimum of 2 playthroughs to get everything because the Katy path is mutually exclusive with the Zelda/Zoe path, the second playthrough does not need to be fully complete but pretty close.
First playthrough will be the Katy path.
Second playthrough will be Zelda/Zoe path.

I will show only which choices gives the best result in conversations with girls.
Many choices in the game don’t actually matter so I won’t be listing them.
Note on data leaks : There are memory sticks for Zoe and Cassandra in the game but there seems to be no way to see them in the menu, I will still include them in the guide in case these get added later.

It’s recommended to make multiple saves and keep saving at some choices in case you miss or forget something.
I generally try to save the game at the beginning of a new scene and also obviously at the beginning of each chapter.
The tab button puts the game in fast forward mode so if you ever need to go back to an earlier save and want to get back quickly to where you were you can use that.

Everything is listed in the order you can get them. Guide is now complete to obtain everything.

You also may like: Artemis: Book One – SD Cards Location

Chapter 1 Part 1

Talking with Cassandra

MEMORYCassandra1In the prologue when the game asks if you want to recall every detail select : I guess.
ACHIEVEMENTDeal with the DevilUnlocked automatically at the end of the prologue.
ACHIEVEMENTWho am I? WHO ARE YOU?!When starting the game you will have the option to enter your first and last name, initially leave them blank so that it uses the default name, then you will have a second confirmation if you want to correct either the first and last names, change both of them then confirm.

A quick note on Claire Karahadian (referenced as Dr. K or DK) : While all the girls in the game have an affinity score, Claire also has a hidden Professional Relationship score, according to what I’ve been able to find online, this score starts at 50. When you make decisions that flirt with her this score decreases by a number of points. Now this doesn’t actually do anything in the game currently because there are no scenes with her and you cannot actually do anything romantic with her (sorry if you wanted to). The current theory is that in future books you will be able to do these things and it will require you to have downgraded the professional relationship enough to do so. All the choices in the guide when interacting with Claire aim to decrease this number first, then gain affinity second, unless a specific choice is needed for an achievement or a collectible of some kind.

Talking with Dr. K
– Let it out
– Apologise
– Tease
– Hug

Talking with June
– Joke
MAKE A SAVE HERE, we’ll call it #SAVE1 you will need to come back here and make the other choice for a memory later.
– Leave 5$ tip (This is the best 5$ you’ll ever spend in your life, A LOT of stuff is dependant on that 5$)

Talking with Kindra at the pizza restaurant
NOTE : Initially leave a tip to the waitress to unlock the achievement and then use the back function to go back and not leave a tip or you will lose affinity with Kindra.

ACHIEVEMENTMy money don’t jiggle jiggle…Tip both June and the Waitress.

– DO NOT leave a tip.
– Play along

FREE ROAM 1 at Kindra’s
A note on free roams : You move to different areas using the dots on your phone on the bottom left of the screen.

DATALEAKKindra1At the first free roam at Kindra’s loft, click on the corner of the room to go near the bed, click on the makeup station, the memory stick is on top of the right drawers.
DATALEAKKindra2At the first free roam at Kindra’s loft, click on the desk with the laptop, the memory stick is in the laptop.
ACHIEVEMENTFell asleep first at the sleepoverAt the first free roam at Kindra’s loft, try to peek at her in the shower, later the next morning she will do some pretty hilarious stuff to get back at you, the achievement will unlock then.

End the free roam by clicking on the window. Make and save so you can reload and unlock both memories right now.

MEMORYJune2When sleeping on the bed you get to choose to dream about Kindra or June, pick June.
MEMORYJune3When sleeping on the bed you get to choose to dream about Kindra or June, pick Kindra.

Using the laptop :
– Research the company

ACHIEVEMENTI know Kung Fu…*** VERY IMPORTANT : Many other choices depend on this later, DO NOT MISS THIS.In the flashback when you are training with your mom, select Go defence, Go defence, Go offence, anticipate. This will grant you the [Technowarrior] Perk.

Phone call with Reina :
– Be cordial.

Talking with Kindra :
– Sure
– Dream spot?
– Kindra’s choice

ACHIEVEMENTRELEASE THE KINDRA!!When going shopping with Kindra you will run into Cassandra and you have a choice to run away(Kindra doesn’t speak b itch-ass chicken!) or to let Kindra loose, select : “Let Kindra handle it” for a hilarious scene and this achievement.

House of Ink
Make a save here #SAVE2

NOTE : There are 2 paths here, a Zoe path and a Katy path, you need to do both paths to unlock both memories, there are also 2 versions of each scene and you need to see both versions to unlock them in the memories so we will fiddle with saves a bit. You will need to essentially rerun these parts 4 times. For the purposes of the guide and 1st playthrough we will keep going afterwards with : Given June the 5$ tip, and was cordial to Katy, then got the scene with Katy.

1) Flirty with Katy, advance Zoe’s Scene and choose Thrusting.
2) Reload #SAVE2, flirt with Katy again and this time choose Invade her space.
3) Reload #SAVE1, do NOT leave June a tip, fast foward back to this point, be cordial to Katy and accept to get fluffed.
4) Reload #SAVE2, be cordial to Katy and choose to get Fluffed, then proceed with the rest of the game with this version.

When you arrive at the house of Ink and talk to Katy, be cordial with her. NOTE : There are 2 versions of this memory, one version where you don’t tip June at the bar early in the game and the other version is if you do tip June. You need to see both versions for it to unlock in the archives. If you kept at save at the bar choice reload that save and use the TAB button to fast forward to get back to this point.
MEMORYZoe5When you arrive at the house of Ink and talk to Katy, flirt with her so she will get embarrassed and leave and Zoe will come along. NOTE : There are 2 versions of this memory, you need to have tipped June at the bar earlier in the game and when with Zoe make both choices of invading her space or thrusting.

Chapter 1 Part 2

FREE ROAM 2 at House of Ink

Naomi’s room :
– Defence
– Offence
– Special move
– Reassure

Jacuzzi to make Zelda go to her room

Zelda’s room :
– Apologise
– Your hair
– Compliment
– Skin
– Compliment

Paige in basement :
– You’re drunk
– Help her

DATALEAKJune1During the second freeroam of the game at the House of Ink, after the cumpetition(yeah you know from what other game), you start in June’s room, click on the mirror, the memory stick is half hidden behind a plant on the bottom left side of the screen.
DATALEAKKaty1***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : Go to Katy’s room and you will talk to her, the memory stick is on the black furniture on the right of the SCREEN, you have to pick it up during the conversation with her because it doesn’t seem to appear during normal free roam.
ACHIEVEMENTFive Finger Death Clap***IMPORTANT : You need the [Technowarrior] Perk for this achievement that you got while sparring with your mom earlier, if you don’t have it reload an earlier save and get it before coming back here.During the free roam at Ink house when you go to Naomi’s room you will get to spar with her, select Go defence, Go offence, special move.
DATALEAKNaomi1In Naomi’s room after sparring with her, click on her desk with the gun, the memory stick is partly hidden under the safe on the top right.
DATALEAKZelda1Go to the Jacuzzi first to talk to Zoe and Zelda. After that go to Zelda’s room, click on her desk on the left, the memory stick is on the top left near some books.
DATALEAKPaige1Go to the basement to talk to Paige, afterwards help her back to her room, then click on the furniture with the drawers on the top left corner of the screen, there is a coffee on it, click it and select to throw it away, the memory stick was hidden under the coffee.


DATALEAKReina1***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION: After leaving the house of Ink during the job interview at Initium Vitas on the next morning, the memory stick is half hidden under Reina’s papers on the table.

Talking with Claire outside

DATALEAKClaire1***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION: After leaving the interview at the Initium Vitas building you will talk to Claire at a table outside, the memory stick is hidden in her purse.

Kindra’s home
– Scare her (Doesn’t give affinity but its funny nonetheless)

Meeting Paige
– Joke
– Joke
– Yes (lie)

Underground workshop

DATALEAK2B err I mean Artemis1Unlocked automatically after seeing her in the story.

Flashback 10 years ago

DATALEAKKindra3***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : Near the end of CH1 when visiting the underground lab with Kindra, you will see a flashback of her at your house when you were working on Koko with her, when Kindra leaves to go to the garage to get a tool from your mom, Kinda will open up a black toolbox, the memory stick is on the bottom right of the screen next to her hand.

Chapter 2

DATALEAKCassandra1***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : Near the start of chapter 2, you will switch to Cassandra at TWRR dealing with the fallout from her interview, there will be a close up frame on the receptionist, the memory stick is on the bottom left side of the screen on a table.
DATALEAKReina2***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : During the initial scenes in chapter 2 you will see the fallout from Cassandra’s lying to Reina and the disastrous TV interview, when you see Reina talking to Paige then calling Katy on speakerphone, the memory stick is on Reina’s desk on the bottom right of the screen next to her elbow.

Talking with Kindra
– Artemis -> Apologise
– Workshop -> This 10?
– Hold her
– Flirty response

DATALEAKKindra4***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : When talking with Kindra on the couch, you will get the option to glance at her when she turns around, obviously we WILL glance at her, on the next image, the memory stick is on the table on the bottom left side of the screen.

Talking with June
– Sincere apology
– Lean closer

Talking with Claire
– Check her out
– Flirt
– Compliment
– The whole nine inches
– C u m
– Send 100$
– Something funny
– Be flirty

– Browse
– Good times
– Medium

DATALEAKZoe2***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : After Kindra leaves for her show, you will see the girls at the house of Ink talking in the kitchen, the memory stick is on a chair at the bottom right of the screen.

Talking with June
– Flirt
– Funny
– You’re sexy
– Bad memory
If you went the Katy path in Chapter 1
– Bump fists
– Hold her from behind

WALLPAPERJune1Unlocked automatically on the roof with June.

– Make a move on her
– C u m in mouth
– Apologize
– Kiss anyway

MEMORYJune6***You need to have left June a 5$ tip at the beginning of the game to unlock this, when on the roof with June, select to make a move on her.
ACHIEVEMENTFull-Service MaintenanceWhen in the workshop and inspecting Artemis, select every option.
MEMORYKindra7If you listened to me earlier and got the medium option at the store this will unlock automatically.
WALLPAPERKindra as DJ Kink2This unlocks at the same time as memory 7 above.
DATALEAK2B err I mean Artemis2***MISSABLE DURING CONVERSATION : After Kindra plays a prank on you by taking control of Artemis and the lights come back on, the memory stick is on the table behind the main character on the left side of the screen.

Restaurant with Reina
– Say something flirty
– Offer to pay
– Use the restroom

WALLPAPERReina3At the dinner with Reina at the restaurant, offer to pay, then ask where the restroom is.

Naomi calls you
– Goodnight

Next day after programming all day you get a choice to call either Katy or Zelda, make a #SAVE3 from this point, as either choice will put you on a separate path and each path has multiple stuff to collect, we will be doing the Katy path on this playthrough since we focused on Katy in chapter 1, and we will be covering the Zelda path in the second playthrough.


– Call Katy
– Flirty response

House of Ink

SECRETPlucked a rose1When you arrive at the house of Ink outside, you will see a message in the top left Object detected nearby, you can click on a rose flower that is moving on the right side of the screen, this unlocks an extra option in memory 8 later.

-Hug Zoe
– Be flirty

Painting class

****NOTE its important you follow the next steps, if you look at Meghan instead of Katy in the other 4 choices you will not get the Katy scene. Thanks to J!nx 4H for the tip that its possible to get both Katy’s scene and Meghan’s scene in the same playthrough.

– Look at Katy
– Look at Katy
– Look at Katy
– Glance at Meghan
– Look at Katy

WALLPAPERKaty4If you listened to me and only looked at Katy you will get this automatically.
DATALEAKKaty2At the end of the painting class, Katy will offer to go somewhere private, we will obviously accept, right at the next frame in her room the data stick is on the black desk at the bottom of the screen, this can be really hard to see as its actually behind the text box of the game’s interface, kind of a wierd placement to put a collectible if you ask me, you might have to put some transparency on the text box for the UI in the game’s settings to see it.
MEMORYKaty8Unlocks automatically after choosing to go somewhere private with Katy.

– Sweet

Chapter 3 part 1

Open your phone and go into the data leaks. Click on the last icon on the right, enter the password :
This unlocks the last girl in the data leaks and her first data leak which we will start getting memory sticks for in this chapter.

DATALEAKVladimirovna1Unlocked by entering the password in the data leak menu.

Talking with Kindra :
– Tease her
– Sex appeal

Drag race
Make a save before the race, there are 2 different paths after the race depending on who won and there’s a different collectable in each of them. We’ll go with losing the race first.

ACHIEVEMENTToo soon, JuniorWhen racing with Kindra, choose “Shift up” to lose and this achievement.
I don’t have friends. I’ve got family…
Reload the save before the drag race. Choose “Shift down” to win and this achievement.

Initium Vitas

DATALEAKVladimirovna2When Reina calls Vladimirova, the data stick is on the server rack on the left side of her head, its a bit hard to pick out.

Lost race path

– Strike pose

DATALEAKKindra5After losing the race, when Kindra goes to put her phone on the makeup table, the data stick is on the top right next to some bottle.

Save here and reload before the race and do the other path.

Won race path

– Check her out
– Snap Picture
– Ogle Kindra

WALLPAPERKindra6Unlocked when snapping a picture of Kindra after winning the race.

You could follow the rest of the game from either path, note that the lost race path with strike pose gives 1 more affinity with Kindra than the won race path.

DATALEAK2B err I mean Artemis3When working on Artemis in the workshop, when the main character turns around and you see the text : “What is this girl up to now…” the data stick is next to the keyboard on the desk.
SECRETCatch Kindra2After you help Kindra load the bikes, you will see a message in the top left “Object detected nearby”, click on Kindra’s shirt to unlock this.
DATALEAKNaomi2When calling Naomi and she’s in the locker room, when you see her head looking at her phone inside the locker, the data stick is on the bottom left of the screen next to the phone.

Ink House

– High five

This requires having gone on the date with Katy in chapter 2.

– Say hi to Katy
– Quickie with Katy

MEMORYKaty9Needed to have gone on the date with Katy and select to go see her and do a quicky.
WALLPAPERJune7Unlocked automatically if you slept with June in chapter 2.

Shooting range with Naomi

– Crazy about you

ACHIEVEMENTHellllllo, ladies!Compliment or flirt at least 10 times throughout Book One.

– Look at Naomi

Now for the infamous shooting minigame
Heart shots are worth 10 points and head shots 15, you can win by doing all heart shots and still get the achievement, 14 targets so 140 score if you do all hearts and 210 if you do all head shots. You just need 120 score to beat Naomi, getting higher doesn’t seem to do anything.
– You can save between each shot
– You can mouse scroll up to go to the previous frame and retry shots, all in all its really not as hard as some people are saying.

DATALEAKNaomi3Unlocked automatically after the shooting minigame.
ACHIEVEMENTBullet with a nameYou need to score 120 or more at the game.

Food truck with Naomi
– Extra chili
– I’m good

WALLPAPERNaomi8Unlocked by ordering extra chili.

Paige calls you
– Wrong

DATALEAKPaige2During the call with Paige when she sits up on the bed, the data stick is on the bottom right of the screen on the night stand.

– Yes
– Nonfat milk
– No whip
– Vanilla
– Triple shot

ACHIEVEMENTThree oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma’s breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.Recall Paige’s favorite coffee.

Basketball game
NOTE : SAVE before you start, the 2nd shot and 3rd shot have a random chance of success, if you just go back to the previous frame it does not seem to reroll the chance, you have to go back to a frame before you get a choice, so save at the frame when you make a point, then when you make the following choice if you miss the shot, reload the save and retry until you make it. Not sure if this is considered a mini game or not but if it is its a terrible one by putting bad RNG on the choices, I will list both the max affinity choices (with RNG involved) or just the safe choices that don’t necessarily give affinity if you get bad RNG and just wanna move on. You only get affinity if your character makes the point successfully.

These choices give the highest amount of affinity with Paige.

– Nudge her
– Take shot (10% chance)
– Try outmaneuver (25% chance)

To just move on from the basketball.

– Nudge her
– Cross her right.
– Cross her right.

DATALEAKPaige3Unlocked automatically after the game.

– Hug Paige
– Give her your hand
– I still have it

WALLPAPERPaige9Unlocked automatically when leaving the basketball court.

Workshop with Kindra
– Spank her


If you have been following the guide you will get the best wallpaper now, if not you gotta go back to an earlier save to get these conditions :
– Peek at Kindra in the shower in chapter 1
– Got Kindra the medium dildo in chapter 2
– Kindra affinity 15+
– Slept with June in chapter 2

WALLPAPERJune and Kindra10Unlocked automatically if you meet the conditions.

At home talking with Veronica
– InVweThrust
– Thanks for the help
– Sure, why not?
– Share cam

MEMORYVeronica10Unlocked automatically if you’ve been following the guide.

Chapter 3 part 2

Restaurant with Reina
– Felicia?
– Let her handle it
– Is that a two player game?

SECRETReina3You get no warning for this one, when Reina says she’s going to wash her face, click on Reina.
WALLPAPERReina11Unlocked automatically by unlocking the previous secret.
DATALEAKReina3When you see the main character looking out the window and he says “Look at that view”, the memory stick is on the bottom right side of the screen on a brown table.

– Compliment her looks
– Let her take a drink
– Positive outlook (flirty)
– Let her have her moment
– Reply with di ck pic.
– This wasn’t bad at all
– Hug Reina

Camping trip
– Halloween party
– Make a scene
Exhaust all other dialogue options
– Help from behind
– You’re not selfish…
– Be Kindra’s kiss buddy

ACHIEVEMENTKissy kissyBe Kindra’s kiss buddy.

– Throw something at it
– Run to the bear

ACHIEVEMENTLeeroy Jenkins!!Charge the bear in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4

– Answer

Talking with Claire
– Oh DK … (Flirt)

DATALEAKClaire2When Claire turns around to look at the picture on the bookshelf, the data stick is on the bottom left side of the screen on the brown table next to a book.

– Be comforting

June working in the lab

DATALEAKJune2When June is working in the lab and you see the text “Base is clear”, the data stick is on the bottom middle of the screen next to her hands.

– Hug Zoe
– What are the odds for a Happy Ending?
– I hope you do
– Let it all hang out
Meet Ivan Drago Zarah

NOTE : There is a memory with Zoe here but we cannot get it now since we focused on Katy in this playthrough, we’ll get it during the 2nd playthrough.

– Leave a tip?

Workshop talking to Koko
– Take you to the dog park!
– Call Paige

DATALEAKPaige4When calling Paige and you see her answer with the text “Hello?” on the screen, the data stick is on the desk next to her elbow.

Phone call with Paige
– Sure, although… (Flirty)

Beach with Paige
– Hug
– I can tell you’re still bummed…
– Not to come off perverted or anything…
– Enjoy the ambiance (Flirty)
– Carry her back to the sorority

Talking with June
– Kiss her back

MEMORYJune12Unlocked automatically if you’ve been following the guide.

Testing Artemis expressions

DATALEAK2B err I mean Artemis4When back to work on Artemis and you see the render with the keyboard and the main character says “Let’s go!”, the data stick is at the top left of the screen on the desk.
DATALEAKJune3When Kindra talks to June in the lab and June says “Hey Kindra!”, the data stick is at the bottom right side of the screen on the lab table.

*** Note, its possible the game will give you an achievement for all dataleaks here even though we don’t have all of them yet, seems to be bugged or just unlocks when you have most of them but not necessarily all of them.

Calling Cassandra
– Fine. One hour.

*****I suggest making a #SAVE4 here, it is not necessary for the walkthrough as we will be getting the scene but I have a feeling the following decision will come back into play (or to haunt us) in future books, if you just can’t bring yourself to forgive Cassandra, just get the memory, reload this save, then select to leave.

HELP CASSANDRA PATH (Also known as the GIGASIMP path)
– Scorched Earth
– Alright, fine…
– Fine

MEMORYCassandra13Unlocked automatically if you’ve been following the guide.
ACHIEVEMENTFool me once…Sign the NDA contract.

What a twist! Well turns out digi.B pulled out an M. Night Shyamalan on us and the Gigasimp path was actually the Gigachad path all along, I did not see that coming.

Chapter 4 – Halloween party free roam

Halloween party
– Pick her up from behind
– Hey, I’m sorry
– Here, take it.
– A little revealing (Flirty)
– Well, I’m glad that you did!

Free roam 3 at the Ink Halloween party
Strongly suggest to make a #SAVE5 here at the beginning in case you mess something up and need to get back here. Its important to guess all the girl’s costumes correctly which of course will be covered in the guide.
You move around areas by clicking the dots on your phone.

Click on the first dot in the first row at the top to come here.
Click on Zelda.
– Ask for photo.
– Guess Zelda’s costume.
– Yours is from a movie!
NOTE : Wallpaper 16 requires the Zelda path so we’ll get it on the next playthrough, we only get 17 for now.

WALLPAPERZelda17Unlocked by asking for Photo.


Click on the second dot in the first row at the top to come here, go through the initial conversation with Naomi and you will be in front of the booth.
Look to the top of the screen where the INK Zombies sign is, at the bottom right of the S is a cowboy hat (Kindra’s hat you can click on to get it).

Click on Naomi
– Guess costume
– Admire her costume (Flirt)
– Yours is from an anime!
– Ask for Photo
– You look good in it.

WALLPAPERNaomi18Unlocked by asking for Photo.
WALLPAPERNaomi19Unlocked by asking for Photo and having 10+ Affinity with Naomi.


Click on the first dot on the left in the second row in the middle of the screen to come here.
Click on Reina who is the closest person in the screen.
– Hmmm (Flirty)
– Ask for Photo

WALLPAPERReina15Unlocked by asking for Photo.

Click on Zoe who is on the left a little bit farther than Reina.
– Guess costume
– Yours is from a movie!
– Ask for photo

WALLPAPERZoe22Unlocked by asking for Photo.

Click on Katy who is on the right near the fence getting crazy over DJ Kink.
– Guess Katy’s costume
– Ask for photo

WALLPAPERKaty20Unlocked by asking for Photo.

– See ya Katy.
Click on Katy again for an hilarious and touching scene.

WALLPAPERKindra + Katy21Unlocked by asking for Photo.
ACHIEVEMENTStar-struckHelp Katy meet DJ Kink

Time to play errand simp for the girls and fetch them drinks now!

Click on the third dot in the third row at the bottom right of the screen to get here.
– Offer help

Click on the first dot in the third row at the bottom left of the screen to get here.
Click on June.
– Moon
– …
Keep clicking the 3 dots “…” until the scene changes, it takes a while maybe 10 times.

DATALEAKJune4Unlocked automatically by clicking the 3 dots in the conversation enough times.

NOTE : This seems to be the only data leak in the game that is unlocked by making choices in conversation and not actually a clickable item on the screen.
– Guess costume
– Yours is from a video game!
– Ask for photo

WALLPAPERJune14Unlocked by asking for Photo.

– Have a drink
– The pink one

Click on the third dot in the third row at the bottom right of the screen to get here.
Click on Dominique.
Click on the door to the mansion on the right side.

Click on the first dot in the third row at the bottom left of the screen to get here.
Click on June.
– Have a drink

Click on the third dot in the third row at the bottom right of the screen to get here.
Click on the door to the mansion on the right side.
Now’s time for the big payoff for fetching all these drinks!
After the short scene, click on the door to the mansion on the right side.
– Knock
– Get out of costume **(Obviously!)

MEMORYDestiny and Dominique15Unlocked by simping and fetching drinks.

– Meghan Memory Section
Click on the second dot in the third row at the bottom middle of the screen to get here.
Click on Meghan who is on the right side of the screen. (She is the nude model we glanced at during Katy’s painting class)
– It’s…complicated…
– My friend is the bartender…

Click on the first dot in the third row at the bottom left of the screen to get here.
Click on June.
– The pink potion.

Click on the second dot in the third row at the bottom middle of the screen to get here.
Click on Meghan who is on the right side of the screen.
– Lead the way… (Obviously, why would you decline!!!)

MEMORYMeghan14Unlocked by tipping Meghan 5$ at the beginning of the game which pisses Kindra and then simping for her by getting her a drink during the halloween party.


Click on the second dot in the third row at the bottom middle of the screen to get here.
Click on Scarlett with the camera on the left side of the screen.
– What’s your deal??

Click on Paige in the middle of the screen.
– Ask for photo

WALLPAPERPaige13Unlocked by asking for Photo.
WALLPAPERPaige12Unlocked by asking for Photo and having 10+ Affinity with Paige(EZ since if you’ve been following the guide you should have 33 with Paige right now).

– Ask about results
– Yours is from a video game!

ACHIEVEMENTAh, I see you’re a human of culture as well…Correctly guess the INK’s costumes.

NOTE : You win the costume contest, I’m guessing this will be of importance in a future chapter.
NOTE : Can’t do anything with Meghan (girl on the right side) on this playthrough since we focused Katy but we’ll get her on the next one.

Click on the second dot in the second row in the middle of the screen to get here.
– Go see her.
NOTE : You can boost affinity here with either Kindra or with all the INK girls, we’ll be going with Kindra on this playthrough and we’ll do the INK girls in the next one.
– DJKINK shoutout
– Steal kiss (Hilarious Lexi reaction if you’ve played Leap of Faith)

ACHIEVEMENTHello, world.Complete Book One.

Awww man what a cliffhanger… ;(

Second playthrough

So for this playthrough most of the choices will be the exact same as the guide except a few key differences which I will list here.

Reload from #SAVE1 or you can just start a new game completely.

Chapter 1

At the first visit to the house of Ink.
Flirt with Katy so she leaves.
In the room with Zoe choose Invade her space.

Chapter 2

After the dinner with Reina when you get a choice between calling Katy or Zelda, this time call Zelda.


Call Zelda

DATALEAKZelda2When calling Zelda on the phone, she’s lying on her bed, the memory stick is on the bottom right side of the screen on the ground.

– Be funny

ACHIEVEMENTUltra InstinctYou need the technowarrior perk from chapter 1 for this achievement.When the random jerk attacks you at the cafe, don’t click anything and let the timer run out.

– Flirt
– Modest
– Play along
– Grab her waist
– Be flirty

WALLPAPERZelda5Unlocked automatically at the end of the date.

Chapter 3

Visit to House of Ink when going shooting with Naomi
– High-Five
– Say hi to Zelda
NOTE : Saying trick or treat here gives more affinity, but we will be fine on affinity and we need the following choices for a really rare achievement later in chapter 4.
– Say nothing
– Say nothing
– Say nothing
– Join Zelda

Chapter 4

At the spa with Zoe
– Hug Zoe
– What are the odds for a happy ending?
– Is it allowed?
– Happy ending

MEMORYZoe11Unlocked at spa if you got with Zoe in chapter 1 and asked for a happy ending.

After sleeping with June in her room, you will get some scenes at the house of Ink that we did not see in the first playthrough of Zelda asking the other girls if they want to go to the movies with her.

DATALEAKZoe2At the frame where Zoe is working on her computer, there is a memory stick on the desk on the right side of the monitor.
DATALEAKZelda3When Zelda calls you and you see the text “He-*ahem*” on the screen, the memory stick is on the right side of the screen on her night stand.
ACHIEVEMENTThese are my ladies…As I’ve noted before, this achievement popped earlier for me for some reason, but this was actually the real last data leak of the entire game.Collect all SD cards for Book One.

After leaving Cassandra’s appartement you will get the scene of the movie with Zelda
– Thought we were seeing a movie?
– Looks great, I like it!
– I am (Flirty)
– Tease her
– Let her in

ACHIEVEMENTObjection!The music is gonna start but you will be sorely disappointed ;(Get Tricked by Zelda after your date if you failed to say “Trick or Treat” in Ch3.


You can do everything you did in the first playthrough or you can just do the following interactions and don’t have to redo the whole freeroam if you just want the last unlock and the last Zelda wallpaper.

Click on the first dot in the first row at the top to come here.
Click on Zelda.
– Ask for photo.

WALLPAPERZelda16Unlocked by asking for Photo while being on Zelda path.
ACHIEVEMENTCatch’em AllIt’s possible this achievement unlocked for you earlier than this, it did for me, seems both the wallpaper and data leak achievements unlock when you have a large number of them but not necessarily all of them, this was the actual last one though.Collect all Book One wallpapers

– Movie
– I’m gonna miss ya (Flirty)

I’m here all night…

If you followed the entire guide the only thing missing will be this achievement.

ACHIEVEMENTI’m here all night…Joke at least 10 times throughout Book One.

We didn’t generally pick these types of responses in the walktrough because they in many cases give less affinity than other responses which is why we’re missing this achievement.

Any response that is labelled “Joke” or “Funny” seems to count for the achievement, you can get this really quickly doing a dummy run in fast foward with the TAB button and picking these types of responses.

Chapter 1

1) June at bar.
2) Free roam at Ink when talking with Zelda.
3) Free roam at Ink when talking with Naomi.
4) Hanging a frame with Kindra.
5) Talking with Paige.
6) Talking with Paige second time.

Chapter 2

7) Talking with Kindra at the workshop.
8) Send a funny message to Dr. K after paying her. (not 100% sure this one counts).
9) During the date with June you can say a funny response.
10) After the date with June and sleeping with her you can joke.
11) At the restaurant with Reina you can say something funny.
12) Choose date with Zelda, you can reply a funny thing when Paige answers the door.
13) With Zelda, you can joke once at the water.

Should be plenty to unlock this in fast forward without going too far into the game.

Have fun ❤

Artemis Optimised path Guide


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