All dollar bills in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Missing that last dollar in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes game? Get some help here!

Having trouble finding that last missing bill? Don’t worry, I’ve cataloged them all for convenience here! Just be wary that this guide contains mild spoilers for some sections of the game!

It’s recommended that you have all maps unlocked before you start using this guide, since I’ll reference the names of rooms heavily.

I didn’t take pictures of where the bills were located, which in hindsight was a mistake, but to be fair following the directions then becomes something of a puzzle itself, doesn’t it? That’s the excuse I’m going with anyways. If anyone wants to use this guide to make another guide that has pictures of all the bills, be my guest.

Hotel Letztes Jahr, Floor 1

As you probably know from the computer terminal, the Hotel as a whole contains $45. However, I’ve split it up by floor in this guide. Floor 1 has $13 in total.

  • Reception desk – In a drawer behind the desk. You must be behind the desk to pick it up.
  • Reception desk – In the keys cabinet, blocked by a padlock.
  • Foyer, 1st floor – In the bowl next to the chair on the right.
  • Foyer, 1st floor – On the couch.
  • Library, 1st floor – On a shelf, to the left.
  • Secret chapel – On the second seat, on the right.
  • Secret chapel – Examine the Bible.
  • East back hallway, 1st floor – In the bowl in the center.
  • West wing, 1st floor – Behind the painting of the woman.
  • Hallway, by the dining hall – In a vase.
  • Dining hall – Sitting on a chair at the middle table.
  • Dining hall – After something happens, it will be under a chair at the southeast of the room.
  • Café – Behind the counter.

Hotel Letztes Jahr, Floor 2

Floor 2 also houses exactly $13. This is probably the trickiest floor, so if you’re missing a dollar, it’s probably somewhere here.

  • Library, 2nd floor – On the right bookshelf with the footprints by it, take out the 1807 book.
  • Crafts room study – On the shelf, in the back.
  • East back hallway – On the table to the right.
  • West back hallway – Found when examining the sledgehammer. Room must be entered from the right.
  • West back hallway – Found in a vase. Room must be entered from the left.
  • Front west hallway – On a shelf.
  • West hallway, 2nd floor – Under the table next to the chair.
  • Gaming room II – Under the chair.
  • Investigation office – Behind the filing cabinet.
  • Study – On a shelf.
  • Foyer, 2nd floor – When entering from the southern exit, it’s sitting on the railing.
  • West wing, 2nd floor – Found on the floor after solving the puzzle in this room.
  • East wing – Next to the sofa, on the side.

Hotel Letztes Jahr, Floor 3

There are $8 on floor 3!
Also, for some reason, there are two separate rooms named “Crafts room” on this floor, so I’ve distinguished them in the guide. Keep that in mind.

  • Crafts room, 3rd floor (left) – On the desk, on the other side of the room.
  • Crafts room, 3rd floor (right) – On the shelf, left of the poster.
  • 2014 tv room – In the box for Canzone dell’Oceano.
  • Room 1847 nursery – In the bowl.
  • Elevator hallway, 3rd floor – In the bowl to the far left.
  • Room 1963 Study – Examine the typewriter.
  • Room 1963 – Under the drawer on the left.
  • Room 1963 – Under the couch.

Hotel Letztes Jahr, Cellar

The cellar isn’t scarce for cash either, containing $9!

  • Basement (the farther back room with the poster in it) – In the drawer.
  • Elevator hallway, basement – Sitting left of the elevator.
  • Basement lounge – Stuffed into a pocket in the pool table.
  • Basement well – In the bucket on the left.
  • Basement, below dining hall – Sitting on the shelf on the left.
  • Kitchen – Sitting in the center, with the utensils.
  • Kitchen – Sitting in the pot on the left.
  • Wine cellar – By checking the Dornfelder.
  • Prison – In the jail cell. (Thanks to Blaziken for the correction.)

Hotel Letztes Jahr, Loft

The loft is the smallest part of the hotel and also the poorest. It has a measly $2.

  • 2014 Loft – On the shelf.
  • Loft (hallway) – Hanging from the candelabra.

The Outside

The outside encompasses all areas on the map that aren’t in the hotel, in the mausoleum, and also aren’t supernatural in some way. It contains a total of $10.

  • Forest – On a hidden path, south of the caravan. It’s marked on the forest trail map.
  • Front yard – In a chalice, left of the hotel’s front door entrance.
  • Front yard – Farther left, through the arch in the gate.
  • Front yard – In a bowl, south of the “Creator” sculpture on the right.
  • Front yard – When entering from the 2nd floor middle entrance, it’s sitting on the railing.
  • Front yard – When taking the right ladder down from the 2nd floor, it’s in the bowl.
  • Backyard – In a bowl, to the far left.
  • Backyard – On a table, to the far right, along the path behind the dead woman.
  • Backyard – To the left of the greenhouse, on the ground.
  • Fortune teller’s tent – In the book “Modern Astrology: Unknown Stars, Unknown Future”.

The Mausoleum

The Mausoleum is a gated off area in the outside that contains a total of $3!

  • One beside the entrance to the mausoleum.
  • One, after solving the first row of puzzles, by the skull in the left passage.
  • One, after solving the second row of puzzles, by the right skull in the right passage.

The Red Maze

Though Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’s puzzles contain many randomized elements, the maze’s layout will surprisingly be unchanging between playthroughs. As such, I can give fairly detailed guides on how to get all the money here.
The maze is split into two sections, an upper section (where you start in) and a lower dungeon section. Each section has $4 for a total of $8.

The Upper Maze

  • In the W section of the maze, it’s a chest.
  • In the SE section of the maze, follow the staircase downwards until you find the button and step on it. The chest will then appear in the SW section of the maze.
  • In the Center section of the maze. Reachable from the E section.
  • In the S section of the maze. Reachable from the SW section.

The Lower Dungeon

  • In the NW section of the Upper Maze, head to the top right and you’ll find a hidden staircase. Inside, press the button there. Later, when exploring the NW section of the Lower maze, you will pass by the chest you’ve just made accessible.
  • In the W section of the maze, head to the center and step on the button. It will be in the chest. This also opens a shortcut back to the center section.
  • First, press the button to raise the chest in the E section of the maze. Then, using the shortcut mentioned in the last bullet point, go back around the way you came using the shortcut and you will be able to open that chest.
  • Head to the N section of the Maze from the left entrance and press the button. Go back until you are in the Center section and head north to press the button and grab the chest.

The Quiz Club

Despite appearances, the Quiz Club actually has the exact same layout as the Red Maze, and so the same map will be used as reference. Do your best to keep track of where you are when navigating!

  • In the NE section, not in the spiral.
  • In the Center section, in the passageway that runs through the left.
  • In the S section, in the small sliver of hallway in the top-left corner.
  • In the SW section, in the top-right area.
  • In the W section, in the small 2×2 area at the top-right.
  • In the SE section, in the little bit of hallway that goes nowhere at the top.
  • In the SE section, in the top left corner.
  • In the S section, in the top right corner.
  • In the Center section, in the thin hallway at the right side.
  • In the S section, in the small sliver of hallway that goes nowhere, on the right.

Teatro Rosso

This one’s very easy. There are $2 here, but both dollar bills will be simply fluttering in the wind. Picking them up requires a little timing, but it isn’t too hard.

The Past

The past is unlocked across 5 Computer Discs. Each disc contains $2, for a total of $10.

  • Computer Disc 1 – A dollar in the cushion.
  • Computer Disc 1 – A dollar in the books on the left.
  • Computer Disc 2 – Two dollars hidden randomly across the map, lying on the ground in Bankplatz and Finanzplatz. You can find both by checking the map with your cursor. The maze actually IS randomly generated this time, so you have to find where those are yourself. (Thanks to ih8mondays57 and Mushu_senjak for the correction.)
  • Computer Disc 3 – A dollar in the ashtray.
  • Computer Disc 3 – A dollar in the glove compartment.
  • Computer Disc 4 – A dollar in the bucket.
  • Computer Disc 4 – A dollar lodged in the toilet paper.
  • Computer Disc 5 – A dollar behind the map.
  • Computer Disc 5 – A dollar under a tiny rock in the path.


There are three prototypes in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. Each contains $4 for a total of $12. Unlike most other ways the bills are hidden, you can’t actually see them until Lorelei is relatively close to them, in which the ground under her will light up, so keep that in mind.


  • One behind a tree at the south-east corner of the map.
  • One along the path that’s south of the sign which says “memory of east this way.”
  • One behind the tree at the south-west corner of the map.
  • One at the north-west, at the path between graves.


  • One in the north hallway, near the east-facing exit of door 7.
  • One in the top-left corner of the square hallway, near the south-facing exit of door 9.
  • One just north of the south-west corner of the whole map.
  • One just south of the west-facing exit of door 7.


  • One along the middle hallway, in the south-east section of the map.
  • One in the south-east corner of the room with the woman.
  • One in one of the east-facing hallways that go nowhere, in the top-center section of the map.
  • One in the hallway south of the book, in the center-western section.

And that’s all!

If you’ve followed this guide to the letter, you should now be the proud owner of one hundred American dollars!!! You should consider using this money to buy four copies of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes!

All dollar bills in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Have fun!

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